Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 41: new task


I don't know how long Duanmu Xiao has been in this task, but he is more used to it than they are. With a bowl of noodles in his hand, he carefully finds a place in the crowd. When he sees someone waving at him, Duanmu Xiao is stunned for a while. , Only then can I see the familiar shadow from the appearance of the two people now.

The wizard Ge Sinian lost his gloomy wizard black robe and looked a little brighter. Lin Yining still kept his long silver hair, but against the backdrop of his delicate facial features, the sense of disobedience was not strong.

The two sitting together are very eye-catching.

Duanmu Xiao sat down, and before saying anything, she picked up the noodle bowl, took a sip of the soup, and sighed comfortably: "It's comfortable to eat something warm in this weather."

Lin Yining also picked up the chopsticks, took a bite of food, and said, "Aren't you scared yet?"

"Counsel? Counseling what? Oh, you said Chen Xi and the others, how could I be cowardly." Duan Muxiao rolled his eyes: "Isn't it just Jiang Mengchen, he can be scarier than a monster?"

Ge Sinian stopped his chopsticks, glanced at him, shook his head, and said, "It's rare."

"So? You don't want to be cowardly, do you have any plans for customs clearance?" Lin Yining asked, "You have been here for a while, right?"

"I haven't planned yet. The quest will only start when there are ten players in this dungeon. Including you, there are a total of eight people, and there are still two left." Duan Muxiao said, "Besides the three of us, the remaining five are all from Chen Xi. people."

"People from Chenxi?" Ge Sinian repeated this sentence meaningfully: "How many people are from Jiang Mengchen?"

"One, and the other two are Shu Boyang's cronies." Duanmuxiao is different from Lin Yining. He has a friend who is the head of the regiment, and he knows a little bit about the twists and turns in other forces. He heard that Confused Ge Sinian's plan, and said: "I don't think this trick will work. If nothing else, how do you contact Shu Boyang? There are nearly 20,000 students in this university. If you are looking for him, why don't you just find the mission target to clear the level?" quick."

Lin Yining said, "You don't have his contact information?"

Duan Muxiao shook his head: "After entering the game, you can only use the email function of the app to contact. For a famous person like Shu Boyang, the option to receive emails from strangers must be turned off."

"Maybe there are other ways..." Lin Yining thought for a while, and said: "We are on the same mission, and we will definitely meet at that time, and find an opportunity to persuade him."

"I'm afraid he won't talk to you calmly." Duanmuxiao said, "I know there is some conflict between them, but what's going on now, it's about Chen Xi's fate, Chen Xi also belongs to Shu Boyang, he will never Give up Chen Xi's interests because of a small conflict."

"Then what if I know something about poking his lung tube, forcing him to kill Jiang Mengchen?" Ge Sinian didn't speak just now, but he suddenly spoke, but the words were surprising.

"That's impossible." Lin Yining said: "Don't forget, dying in the mysterious tower is not a real death. Killing Jiang Mengchen is not revenge for him. The foundation of the dawn."

"So we should make him hate Chenxi instead of Jiang Mengchen." Duanmuxiao added.

The best idea was rejected, and several people were inevitably a little frustrated.

At this time, their apps beeped at the same time, Lin Yining took it out to take a look, and said, "Two more people came in."

Now everyone is here.

But what was surprising was that when they saw Jiang Mengchen was there, they all withdrew by themselves.

"It's too hasty to just give up because of death." Duanmu Xiao muttered, and then, the prompt sounded again, making him dumbfounded.

The supplementary rules froze several people. Just now they were laughing at the stupidity of the two people who had just quit, but now they got a blessing in disguise and seized the last second chance to escape.

"I want to complain to him." Duanmuxiao poked at the noodles and muttered in a low voice.

Lin Yining and Ge Sinian didn't speak anymore.

Duanmuxiao took a bite of the noodles, and suddenly said: "Old Ge, then remember the plan and you will have a chance to use it. If he wants to kill Jiang Mengchen, now is the best chance."

Ge Sinian didn't answer.

"What do you say?" Duanmu Xiao asked him.

"The problem is that there is no evidence." Ge Sinian said vaguely, without going into details.

The two did not continue to ask.

As the meal was coming to an end, Duanmu Xiao heard a text message notification sound from his pocket.

This is the long-lost, real phone sound. He took out his phone and looked at it, and said, "The game is really about to start."

Lin Yining and Ge Sinian also found the mobile phone in their pockets, which is probably a prop provided to him by the game.

They all received the same message:

'I know what good things you have done. Come to the laboratory 409 on the fourth floor of the chemical experiment building tonight. If you don't come, just wait. '

"It seems that our mission goal should be to learn chemistry." Duanmuxiao smiled.

Lin Yining rummaged through the mobile phone provided by the game for a while, but found nothing.

What does this clue represent? What is the game suggesting his character does

"Are you going back to your dormitory?" Duanmu Xiao asked.

"Let's live together." Ge Sinian said: "It's more convenient to move together, besides, most of the dormitories in the university have things like access control, it's troublesome."

Lin Yining didn't have any objections either. After the three of them left the cafeteria and got a room at a nearby hotel, the three of them went to Ge Sinian's room together.

At that time, he was fiddling with the mobile phone app, his face was a little serious, and he didn't know what he found.

"You can't watch the live broadcast page in the app." Ge Sinian shrugged: "I don't know if it's been live broadcast all the time, only we can't watch it, or it's stopped."

"Live broadcast?" Lin Yining asked curiously.

"You don't know?" Ge Sinian was surprised.

"After all, this is a task with a lot of free time. If we watched the live broadcast, wouldn't we see what the opponent did?" Duanmu Xiao said, and explained to Lin Yining what the live broadcast was. what.

Lin Yining suddenly felt a little uncomfortable after listening to their explanation of the live broadcast.


After Lin Yining and the others discussed it, they still didn't plan to meet Jiang Mengchen and his group directly. It was best to contact them privately after knowing their whereabouts, so the three of them finally decided to avoid their group as much as possible.

Because the text message only mentioned the word evening, and did not mention the specific time requirement, in the understanding of many people, the time of darkness is considered to be at night.

This is a tricky way, if one person comes in the first half of the night, and one person comes after the middle of the night, they believe that their mission goal is not intended to make them wait all night-so, the time for everyone to talk to him will not too long.

Maybe the person with the mission target couldn't have imagined it, but the system definitely did. Lin Yining felt that this was not a mistake, but a deliberate one.

The laboratory building of the chemistry building is a rather grand building with gorgeous interior decoration. The three of them sneaked into the laboratory building in the afternoon pretending to be students who came to class, intending to hide and come out at night.

This is the toilet on the far side of the fourth floor, not far from the laboratory required by the mission objective. In the dead of night, you can clearly hear footsteps outside.

They did this originally to guard against Jiang Mengchen's group, but after waiting for a while, it was almost nine o'clock, and there were not only four or five people's footsteps outside - which should belong to Jiang Mengchen and the others, but there was no sound of the mission target coming.

Feeling a little strange, they quietly left the bathroom and came to Room 408.

But when they walked to the door, they unexpectedly found that the lights inside were bright.

A man in a white lab coat stood in the middle of the room. When he saw them coming, he had a fierce look on his face: "Are you students from the Department of Chemistry?"

Lin Yining calmly said: "Yes."

Very good, very similar to their guess, the mission target will not show up so easily. Moreover, this is a dreamland, and the mission target is the master of the dreamland, so it is too easy to figure out what identity it is.

Lin Yijing quietly waited for this person's next prompt.

"Listen to them, you overturned the precious medicine purchased by the school?"

Ge Sinian: "Yes, teacher, I'm really sorry."

"Very good." Hearing what they said, the man calmed down: "I like honest people, and I would like to give you a chance to correct your mistakes—you knocked over a 50g bottle of scum, now, go find the same When the things come back, I don't care about it."

"Where are we going to find it?" Ge Sinian hurriedly asked.

"It's everywhere on campus. If I were you, I'd go to the library first," he said.