Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 55: the truth


All Lin Yining's current actions are based on a guess, that is, the girl is the master of the illusion. Taking advantage of the girl's emphasis on her parents, Lin Yining was testing her.

The girl's emphasis on her parents conflicts with her attitude, and there must be a reason for this chaotic logic in her - the reason behind this is probably the key to forming the illusion.

Before starting again, although she acted ignorant, she was sincere about her mother's worries. So, does she really know nothing

What if she knew everything and she just forced herself to forget

After seeing the girl's mother's body for the second time, Lin Yining discovered something.

The posture of the girl's mother is obviously protecting someone. If a mother can endure severe pain and not let go in the face of danger, there is a high probability that it is her child.

If the young girl's statement is true, after her father arrived, she followed him away, but why didn't the mother who was with her leave

Judging from the evidence given on the body, the reason is roughly that the girl's mother was too seriously injured and there was no possibility of her surviving.

She knew, she just 'forgot'. That's why she sincerely begged Lin Yining to save her mother for the first time.

However, in her subconscious mind, she knew what had happened, so when she saw her mother's body, she jumped on it without hesitation, feeling genuine grief.

Using this kind of logic to analyze the behavior of the girl in the second half of the first time, it is completely understandable.

She knew that her father was dead—he died with the monster, and the corpse was right in front of her—as a illusion maker, she forced herself to forget that when Lin Yining found out where her father really was, the girl chose...

Summon the monster and kill Lin Yining.

She didn't want anyone to tell her that her father was dead.

In this way, Lin Yining found the reason for her logical confusion.

Knowing that her parents are dead, she just dares not face them. As long as she kills the adventurer who enters the illusion and tries to help find her parents, she will always be a poor girl who has just been in danger and is separated from her parents. Her parents are not dead yet, but It was struggling to survive somewhere, waiting for her daughter to find them with rescuers.

Then why, she could face her mother's death but not her father's

No matter why, what Lin Yining had to do was to show her the evidence.

Lin Yining took her on the way back.

The girl just doesn't remember what happened, she's not stupid. After she saw the direction Lin Yining was leading her in, she showed obvious resistance.

"Let's... Did you go the wrong way? This is obviously the way to go back." She grabbed Lin Yining's hand and said, "This is obviously the way to go back..."

"Really?" Lin Yining pretended to be puzzled when he heard the sound of flapping wings, "I obviously took another path."

"It's true! I remember it very clearly!" The girl suddenly said loudly uncontrollably: "That day... my father took me to escape to the wooden house that day, and I took this road!"

Her emotions are no longer under control. Anyone who comes here now, even if they don't know the cause and effect, can tell that something is wrong with the girl.

The girl looked crazy, and looked at Lin Yining's expression with resentment and paranoia: "What do you want to do? I don't believe it!"

Lin Yining took out two rings from his pocket, and in front of him, a pair of wedding rings with similar designs shone brightly.

"It's very dangerous now." Lin Yining's tone became tough: "You have to be clear, I just accepted a mission for money, and there is no need to risk my life for you. The possibility of your father surviving is already very small Now, if you keep messing around, you know what will happen."

The sound of the monster in the distance gradually faded away, and Lin Yining's words had an effect.

Lin Yining's hands were covered with cold sweat, the girl didn't know that she was the key to controlling the monster. The girl's affection for her father is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, Lin Yining can use this to let her drive away the monster, but on the other hand, as long as she is close to the truth, her resistance will summon the monster.

However, in Lin Yining's plan, he must reach the truth, and the danger is inevitable.

What he has to do now is to hide the girl as much as possible and bring her closer to the truth.

The girl's expression was dubious. Reason told her that Lin Yining's words were logical and the information he revealed was convincing enough, while emotion told her that she wanted to see her father as soon as possible.

I believe that Lin Yining can see her father as soon as possible, why doesn't she do it

She no longer hesitated, and followed Lin Yining forward.

Before the restart, it was Lin Yining who found out that the girl's subconscious led them on the way to the hut. After the restart, the designer became Lin Yining, and he took the girl to the place she didn't want to see. the truth.

The tree that made Lin Yining discover the truth last time appeared in front of them again. Lin Yining swept across the tree, trying to behave as normal as possible.

But inevitably, the girl became suspicious again.

It's okay for her to say it, Lin Yining can try to persuade her, but she doesn't say it, she just thinks in her heart, it's bad.

When seeing monsters flying in one after another, Lin Yining knew that the girl no longer believed in him.

Think of a way.

Lin Yining calmed himself down as much as possible, and the bow in his hand lit up, which looked more like a moon than the blood moon in the sky. He shot an arrow at the monsters, turned around, and said coldly to the girl, "Go!" .”

"You...don't you go to my father?" The girl panicked and couldn't help sobbing: "I beg you... please, how are you?"

"It's no use begging me." Lin Yining wanted to catch him, and his attitude was more determined than the girl: "It's dangerous there, and the possibility of surviving is not very high with me alone, let alone still have to... Do you want to talk nonsense here?"

He looked at the increasing number of monsters around him, and softened his tone: "You should know what to do now."

The instigator's expression was so desperate that the victim couldn't help but feel distressed, but Lin Yining knew that his trick of retreating into advance had worked.

"I'll go by myself." After all hope was blocked, the girl's face finally showed determination: "I can't give up my father."

"Just tell me where you found the ring." She shed tears, and although she still couldn't help being cowardly in the face of monsters, she would find a way to be strong.

"Okay." Lin Yining said, "It's not far from that cabin..."

The elf stopped where she was and watched her go away.

Lin Yining just figured out one thing. If this place is really a girl's fantasy, then there is only one prerequisite for reaching the cabin, and that is her thinking.

If she doesn't want to, no one can force her in her world.

Lin Yining quietly followed the girl, and saw that she was holding a knife - picked up at the place where her mother died just now - slashing at a group of monsters without any rules.

The monster that was very difficult to deal with just now, in her hands, is as easy to deal with as cutting fruit.

Lin Yining quietly followed behind, watching the monster's blood splattered on the girl's body, with a serious expression on his face.

He missed a crucial clue.

As the girl advances gradually, the entanglement in her heart is fighting with the desire induced by Lin Yining. From outsiders' perspective, this is the battle between the girl and the monster.

If this continues, it may enter the third reincarnation. Lin Yining was sure.

He jumped down from the treetop, killed a monster with one arrow, and asked the girl, "It's still too late to go, are you sure you don't want to go?"

These words were like a shot in the arm, and she finally made up her mind: "I won't go!"

"Okay, then you come with me." Lin Yining took a deep look at her, and dealt with the monster in front.

After the master of the illusion made up his mind, it became extremely easy to deal with the monsters.

They soon arrived at the wooden house, and under the moonlight, Lin Yining glanced around.

"Where's my father?" the girl asked anxiously.

Lin Yining said, "It's right here." He looked at the bones on the ground.

"That's what you want to say, you lied to me!" the girl yelled.

Her eyes gradually changed color and shape, becoming more and more similar to the bat monster outside, and her body shape also changed.

A shadow appeared by the window, a bat monster bigger than all the monsters.

The girl accidentally caught a glimpse and couldn't help shivering.

Lin Yining ignored it.

"That's where the ring was found." He tried to make his tone as objective and fair as possible: "If you don't want to believe it, I can't do anything about it. After all, I can't wake up a person who pretends to be asleep."

"Why do you repel me to move that corpse so much, and why are you always unwilling to come back? You have the answer in your heart, don't you?"

"No... no... I... I don't know anything, you lied to me..." She met the hollow eye sockets of the skeleton, and suddenly her eyes were slightly hot, and big tears fell down.

Lin Yining approached the skeleton, and found another thing inside: "Do you know this one?"

It was a gold pocket watch with the owner's name written on it.

Lin Yining took the watch and walked towards the girl, she backed away in fright: "No... no..."

There are more and more bat monsters outside, almost wrapping the house.

The malice in their eyes is just like the girl's inner thoughts:

Kill him, kill him, and no one will repeat it to her again.

Lin Yining thought in his heart that it was not good, the immediate crisis was due to his negligence.

As he said, he can't wake up a person who pretends to be asleep. To come here, the girl must be willing to let her admit the fact her father has confirmed

The existence of the dungeon itself tells Lin Yining that the girl is willing to kill adventurers who are close to the truth one after another, and live alone in the illusion.

"Dangerous, hide in!" The first monster flew in, and Lin Yining shot and killed it. Then, Lin Yining pushed the girl into the hole where she hid in the first place, and jumped into it himself.

The rotten wooden cover stopped all the bat monsters, and when Lin Yining jumped in, he finally saw the truth it guessed.

Inside the wooden house, there was enough evidence to prove that the bone was the girl's father. Outside the wooden house, Lin Yining found the body of the girl's mother.

The mother's bones are not cold, and the father has become bones. This is the illusion constructed by the girl. Where do the materials used in her illusion come from? Why did she design it this way

Of course I saw it with my own eyes.

In other words, the last time she saw her father was this bone.

This is also the reason why she does not face her father's death—even if there is evidence on the bones to prove his identity, but for the girl, as long as she has not seen it with her own eyes, she has reason not to believe that the bones are her father.

The self-deception is so easy to debunk, every adventurer who has seen her mother's body can guess one or two. The girl didn't want to hear them telling the truth that she didn't like to hear again and again, so she repelled the adventurer from coming to the cabin for the second time.

Of course, the above are all Lin Yining's inferences, but even if some of the inferences are not true, it cannot hinder the fact.

From a weak girl to a maniac who controls a fantasy - something must have happened to the girl.

She was so afraid of this hut, what happened outside, would she come back

Then, what she encountered should be in the place where she hid in the first place.

Lin Yining jumped down and saw the answer revealed.

What the girl met was death.

Below, a white bone wearing the same clothes as her was lying on the ground. Beside the skull of the corpse, the blue gemstone earrings emitted a faint light.

"Which is more difficult to admit that you are dead or admit that your parents are dead?" Lin Yining looked at the girl with a disbelieving face, and answered for her.