Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 60: before the task


The so-called performance means fighting, and Lin Yining knows this very well.

When he walked out of Lorraine's office, he was still a little unresponsive.

He always felt that something was wrong, indescribably wrong. But it is impossible for him to give up this opportunity now.

Lorraine provided him with a house, which was much cleaner than the dilapidated house on the side of No. 95 alley. It is said that Lorraine will also help him with the identity certificate. After all, seeing this person is not harmful. .

He hid his whole body under the black robe, and followed the underground people to the residence that Lorraine had prepared for him. This is a small building with a large area. The upstairs and downstairs are about 500 square meters in total. It is a luxury to only live in him. For some unknown reason, Lorraine also brought over the two children that Lin Yining had bought. As soon as Lin Yining entered, he saw them standing stiffly in place.

"If you have any needs, you can inform us directly. The cleaner will come after you go out and will not disturb your normal life." The man was very polite, and after talking with Lin Yining, he was ready to respect out.

"Wait a minute." Lin Yining said, "These two children..."

The two children were so frightened that their whole body tensed up. Lin Yining couldn't bear it for a while, and waved the other to go out.

He didn't know how to deal with these two children, so he just ignored them now and let them go to rest by themselves, and Lin Yining also found a room by himself, ready to sleep. Counting it, he has not had a good rest for a long time.

When he woke up, it was already noon the next day. He came down from the upstairs room and found that the two children had somehow been inspired to assume the responsibility of servants, not only cleaning the clean The house was cleaned neatly and neatly, and he ordered lunch for him. The meal was still hot, and it seemed that a lot of effort was wasted.

When they saw Lin Yining coming down the stairs, they immediately became cautious. Lin Yining frowned, waved them away, and went to the restaurant to eat. Before he had a few bites, he heard one of the children say, "Sir, someone is looking for you."

"Who is it?" Lin Yining asked.

"It's an old beggar," said the boy.

The identity of an old beggar reminded him of that strange man outside the city. Although he had already obtained his identity certificate, he still had many questions to ask. Without much hesitation, Lin Yining said, "Let him in."

So what the old beggar saw was Lin Yining dressed casually, sitting at the dining table and feasting, and he couldn't bear to look directly at him.

"Are you... are you so unmannered?" said the old beggar.

Lin Yining put down the tableware, as if he didn't understand his question.

"Well, you seem to be more particular than I am. If you have any other requirements, just say it now, and I will try my best to do it next time." He picked up the napkin by the table and wiped his mouth gracefully.

Now that someone is backing him up, Lin Yining is too lazy to hide his identity anymore.

"No, you are sitting right." The old beggar sat down directly opposite Lin Yining and said, "It seems that you have already settled the issue of identification."

"Yes." One of the children who had been standing by gave the old beggar a glass of drink. He took it, didn't drink it, and put it aside: "If I were you, I wouldn't touch anything about this dog Lorraine .”

"Does it include the tickets to go out?" Lin Yining said, "He promised that I would have the opportunity to visit the crack in space."

"Of course, do you still need to ask?" The old beggar hurriedly said, "You can conclude that this is an extremely dangerous trap—if you can't hold back the temptation and jump in, you will..."

He raised the cup high, let go, and threw it down: "You will be smashed to pieces."

Lin Yining was unmoved, he stood up by himself and poured himself a glass of boiled water. He thought for a while, picked up a new cup, poured water on the old beggar, and said, "But you have to know, I can't live here forever, my home is outside."

"There are still many people who will do it. Do you have to approach the danger yourself?" The old beggar pushed the cup away, leaned over, and stared at Lin Yining.

Lin Yining lowered his eyes and said, "Indeed."

Because the other party didn't know, what he was in now was in a copy. Since it is a task, the benefits of being the first to find and approach the clues are self-evident. But he would never follow the npc's fiddling and turn himself into a puppet, so he let the old beggar in.

"I'll tell you a piece of common sense. If you want to convince others, the two most common methods are presenting the facts and reasoning. You have to tell me your reasons." Lin Yining tapped the table with his fingertips, Said: "Lorraine is not going to be a good guy, I knew it from the first second I stepped underground, but he convinced me that if you want me to move towards your ideas too, you have to tell me something."

The old beggar rubbed his messy hair and was silent for a while, not knowing where to start. Lin Yining didn't hurry to urge him, and continued to eat his meal. In the game, being able to sit down like this and have a meal with peace of mind is a luxury.

"What's your impression of Lynn City?" He thought for a long time before choking out such a question.

"Luxury, rich, luxurious." These three adjectives come from Mr. Xiao Ming in Lin Yining's space. After he finished speaking, he added: "Exclusive, neurotic xenophobic, and... a dark side that surprised me very much. "The latter, he didn't know whether he was talking about the underground or the two children beside him.

The old beggar couldn't help but justified his hometown: "The human cities on the whole continent have this style. You can't put this big hat on Lynn City."

"I apologize." Lin Yining said simply.

"That's not what I meant." The old beggar said, "Then you guess, why is Lynn City so exclusive?"

Lin Yining shook his head without guessing.

"Because this is one of the few remaining cities on the mainland." The old beggar sighed: "The people in the remaining cities are independent and struggling to survive, and the rest of the cities are enemies, that's why xenophobic."

"This has no causal relationship with Lorraine being a bad person." Lin Yining ate without raising his head.

"We'll be there soon." The old beggar said, "Aren't you wondering why there are only a few cities left on the mainland? Why is Lynn City lucky to be one of the few remaining cities?"

This is not a difficult question to answer.

He thought for a while and said two words: "M22 Galaxy, Smile Company."

The classmate Xiao Ming in his space belongs to the same setting as Lynn City - the Western Fantasy World, so since he knows something inside, maybe the old beggar will know too.

The old beggar stared at him for a long time, and finally lowered his head dejectedly: "I remember this syllable. At the same time, I also remember who betrayed Lynn City."

"If you call letting the rest of the people live a betrayal, I'm sorry." A soft voice sounded from the side, it was the younger of the two children sent by Lorraine, she Said: "My grandmother lived to be 109 years old. She lived through it. She told me about it."

"Oh, so a hundred years ago, your grandmother was only nine years old at most, wasn't she?" The old beggar said to the child with a strange look: "A nine-year-old child, is it as old as you? May I ask what do you know now?"

"I understand, I want to live with dignity, sir." The little girl looked at him: "If you really can't have dignity, it's okay to live simply."

Lin Yining understood what he wanted to express.

"I agree with her opinion." Lin Yining said.

"So, in order for the people in Lynn City to survive, do you want to sacrifice your hometown?" The old beggar said, "The opening of the space rift is a conspiracy—the conspiracy of those traitors—what are they doing to open the space rift? Can't you really guess?"

"If this is what Smile Company means, then it should be a good thing for us. It should be." Lin Yining said: "Most of us are not living very well now. The sooner we get closer to the truth, the sooner we will Let this end."

"Even if it ends with the death of all people." The old beggar mocked him.

"It's a bit ridiculous to put such a point of view on you, a fake certificate dealer." After Lin Yining finished speaking, he added: "I'm sorry."

"Forget it." Failure to move Lin Yining made the old beggar a little depressed. He waved his hand and said, "Let me tell you something useful. Lorraine has other intentions to curry favor with you."

Lin Yining: "I guessed it."

"Shut up, let me finish." The old beggar continued: "He has accepted a team of outsiders. Their hearts are very consistent, and they are not so easy to control, so..."

"Need a me?" Lin Yining said.

"It's not just you." The old beggar said: "Lorraine and the people of the Holy See should have already discussed it. The Holy See will find enough stupid idiots to complete the task and bring back things. As for Lorraine, what he is looking for is cannon fodder. But If the people in that team are selected as two, it will not be so easy to become ashes."

"Thank you." Lin Yining said sincerely this time.

"You're welcome, I'm a conspiracy." The old beggar said, "Although your brain is not so clear about right and wrong, you should still be able to turn around when facing your own interests. I just want to use you to stop their conspiracy."

"For the sake of the clues you gave me, I don't care about your personal attacks on me." Lin Yining crossed his fingers and looked at the old beggar: "One last question for you, I want to settle these two children. ,What should I do?"

The two children standing aside tensed up.

The old beggar said that he finally set his sights on the two children. He looked at them and said, "It seems that they are all qualified children. Send them to the orphanage of the Holy See, and they may be accepted." .”

"I see." Lin Yining said.

After the old beggar left, Lin Yining thought silently for a while. If the old beggar's words are true, then it can be deduced that what happened in Lynn City a hundred years ago has changed qualitatively in this city.

After completing the task of this dungeon, Lynn City may be officially merged into the game world. Such a big change, for the players, it is not clear whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, but it can be directly inferred that the game world will definitely enter a new era.

For Lin Yining personally, this is probably a good thing.

"Sir..." He thought for a while, then heard a voice next to his ear, Lin Yining recognized that it was the little girl.

He raised his head and saw the little girl and her brother looking at him anxiously, with red eyes: "Are you going to abandon us?"

Lin Yining sighed, called her over, and said, "I don't have the time and experience to take care of you now..."

"No need!" she cried, "Just let us stay, we don't need anyone to take care of us..."

Lin Yining was not moved by the tears, and his tone was still calm: "I may die at any time, and even if I don't die, I won't stay here for too long."

"Why do you want to die?" The older boy asked doubtfully after listening to the conversation between Lin Yining and the old beggar, "Can't you stay? That way you won't die."

Lin Yining couldn't explain anything to him, so he could only sigh and stroke the little girl's hair.

"Let's go." He stood up and said, "The old beggar only said that if you have the qualifications, they may accept you, but he didn't say for sure. Now go and test your qualifications. If you don't have that talent, I still want to other ways."


He took the two children out of the residence Lorraine had prepared for him, and headed for the Holy See.

Now Lorraine is taking the blame for him. He is no longer a criminal. Before going to the Holy See, Lin Yining took his two children to buy some things.

By the way, it's time for him to buy some rations for his little dragon cub.

He took two children to sweep a lot of things in the store, and when he came out, the little girl suddenly grabbed Lin Yining's hand.

Lin Yining lowered his head, but saw her cautiously glance to the side.

He looked over and was sure at a glance that it was a player.

And this person should have been following them secretly for some time.

Lin Yining didn't believe that they had the guts to do something on the street, so he took the two children directly to the orphanage of the Holy See. After explaining the situation to the nuns there, he walked out with great strides.

In an alley next to him, he saw someone who had been following him.

He was about forty, lean, dark-skinned, and unremarkable in appearance. Now Lin Yining's memory is much better. Even if he doesn't remember who this person is, he vaguely remembers that he seems to have seen reports of this person on the news.

Since I have seen it on the news, the identity of this person is ready to be revealed.

A member of the prison.

"What are you doing with me?" The plant on Lin Yining's wrist seemed to come to life, and stretched out from his wrist, as if stretching.

"Look who you are." The other said.

In his eyes, the shape changed in an instant, the pupils became double pupils, and the color became a deep blue, like a whirlpool, trying to suck people in.

Lin Yining's guess was half right, he really didn't intend to do it, if he didn't attract the guards, then of course it wouldn't be called doing it.

In his opinion, his level is not much lower than Lin Yining's, and with the props on his body, he may not be able to win with one move, but he did not expect that Lin Yining was only in a trance for a moment, and then immediately woke up , the plants on his wrists grew rapidly, wrapping around his neck, a fatal move.

Since the other party made a move first, Lin Yining felt that he didn't need to have any psychological burden at all.

He wasn't sure if the other party was still here, so he didn't rush to deal with the corpse with the reflection of the galaxy, he climbed over the wall, and quietly left the scene before anyone found out.

As for handling the evidence, leave it to Lorraine. he thought so.

After Lin Yining left the scene, he changed his way and walked to the gate of the orphanage. Maybe he's been away long enough that both kids have been tested. The little girl had a very dazed expression on her face, with tears still on her face. When she saw Lin Yining coming back, she ran up and hugged him.

"Where have you been, sir?" she said.

Lin Yining stroked her hair and said softly, "It's nothing."

He stayed with the two children for a while, and finally ushered in the moment of parting. Behind him, when Lin Yining was about to leave, the little girl looked at his back and suddenly said: "Don't die, or come back to see me ,OK?"

Lin Yining smiled slightly at her.

There were two people missing in the room, and it inevitably became empty all of a sudden. The servants assigned by Lorraine to Lin Yining were very professional and highly professional. He could not feel the existence of these people at all, and the house immediately became clean and tidy. In fact, there was nothing wrong with that.

Another day passed, and it was the day when Lin Yining played the game as an elf for the first time.

This time, his preparation room was no longer the humble small room next to the cage. There was a stylishly furnished small room next to the obviously upscale stand.

Lin Yining had no habit of being late, so he came to this room early, but what he didn't expect was that Lorraine came earlier.

On the small western-style table, there are several plates of desserts and two glasses of drinks.

Lin Yining greeted him and sat down beside him.

"Have you been to the opposite side?" Lin Yining turned to look at him.

"No, I dare not go, for fear of being beaten." Lorraine laughed and said, "You don't know how cruel those people are."

"It looks like I'm miserable." Lin Yining made a pun: "Who is my opponent?"

"It's their boss." Lorraine said: "Actually, you don't need to worry too much, you are all compatriots, aren't you? I think he will let you go."

"You're thinking too much." Lin Yining paused, and then said: "Or, I should say, don't be so hypocritical? You should already know what they did to me before."

"Yes, I know, so I assigned their boss to you in the first match." Lorraine said: "Kill their leader, and the rest will be much easier to deal with, won't they?"

"No. It's their own fault to kill a provocative trash. If I kill their boss, maybe they will never die with me." Lin Yining stared at him with unclear meaning: "I guess you I also know that an old beggar has gone to look for me."

"Well, yes, you guessed right." Lorraine's tone was very relaxed, "I knew from the first moment I saw you that no matter what I said, you were unlikely to fully believe me, so what do you think, In fact, it doesn't matter to me, after all, I still know..." He chuckled slightly: "Your desire to successfully complete the task is a hundred times stronger than others, so I don't care what that lunatic says at all."

"I don't quite understand what the old lunatic said. There are loopholes in his words." Lin Yining looked over and said, "You must have more than a few outsiders in your hands. You can choose other people. Is it necessary to dismantle this team?"

"Because for you, this is a task, and a task means a reward." Lorraine said: "They are greedy and want to take this task by themselves. For me, this is too dangerous." He took a sip from his teacup: "Since you have met him, you should know what he looks like in a crazy city. Many things are conjectured by him. It is best not to believe them all."

Lin Yining said, "I know."

"Also... I have a little selfishness in arranging them for you." Lorraine said: "Your current level is still a little lower. After killing them, your level should be promoted."

At this moment, the opening bell rang just as well.

Lin Yining left his seat and walked towards the door.

"The real reason for doing this is because I like you very much." Lin Yining heard a vaguely familiar voice coming from behind, he turned around suddenly, but found nothing. Lorraine still sat where he was and applauded for him.

At this moment, Lin Yining could only be skeptical, because he heard it wrong.

He strode into the center of the arena and found that the auditorium around him was already full of people. His opponent was an ordinary-looking man with only one pair of eyes, which made it hard to tell the depth.

"Please shake hands." The host said loudly from above.

Lin Yining and him shook each other briefly.

"Then, the game begins!"

Lin Yining didn't hold back, and directly distanced himself from the other party.

His current level is sixteen, and the other party is fifteen. He is one level higher than the other party. Compared with the previous tiger, killing this person, although the experience gained will be less, it will be easier.

It's a relatively good idea to attack him.

After the match started, the man smiled secretly at Lin Yining, and the flesh and blood on his body shattered into pieces like snowflakes in the sun, disappearing without a trace.

This man is of skeleton descent.

Lin Yining came to a conclusion.

The ghost race is a difficult race for him to deal with. Plants are alive, but they are dead. And the death energy from them would spread to Lin Yining's plants like a plague. Even if Lin Yining had a small part of ghost blood, it didn't prevent him from disliking this race.

Lin Yining preemptively shot an arrow, expecting to crush the opponent's skull, but logically, he failed. Although a small crack appeared at the place hit by the arrow, soon, a hazy gray The fog enveloped it, and the cracks were repaired in the gray fog.

Through the skull's eye sockets, one can see the fire of his soul.

Lin Yining set his sights on his neck, where there was a bead, and the gray mist spread from there.

The opponent was against the ghost clan, and Lin Yining's best skill was useless. After all, there was no flesh and blood on the skeleton, and there was no way for plants to grow on it. Before he had time to react, he saw the skeleton open his hands, his jaw opened and closed, as if he was reciting some spell, and as he moved, the gray beads on his neck released waves of dense mist.

A faint dead air quickly covered the entire platform.

The fire plant on Lin Yining's wrist suddenly brightened up as if fighting back, causing his wrist to ache.

"Be quiet," Lin Yining whispered to him. He changed his position and released an arrow, this time not at the skeleton, but at the ground next to the skeleton. Soon on the ground, a plant grew up, and it pulled the pillar of the platform at one end and tied the skeleton at the other end.

The time that ordinary plants can survive in the dead air is limited. The moment it bound the skeleton, Lin Yining fired three arrows in a row, aiming at only one position of the skull's head.

The gray mist became thicker and thicker. Inside, the first arrow was broken, and the power of the second arrow was also greatly reduced. Only the third arrow was hit, but it had little effect.

The skeleton seemed to be summoning something just now, and three little devils sprang out from the gray mist, and rushed towards Lin Yining. After the summoning, the skeleton on the other side broke free from the shackles of the dead plants and concentrated on commanding the demon.

After Lin Yining killed the first demon, he stopped wasting time dealing with these little guys. He fired several arrows at the skeleton again, and this time the arrows all fell around him. Driven by Lin Yining, the plants desperately wanted to pluck the gray beads around his neck.

The skeleton was entangled by several plants connected to it. Although it broke free a lot, there were still many tightly entangled on him. Surprisingly, one of the plants mutated, and after grabbing the bead, it was trying to absorb it.

The gray fog was about to clear, and the skeleton struggled. Finding that it was almost done, Lin Yining seized the opportunity and released the fire plant on his wrist. It passed through the skull's eye sockets like a bolt of lightning in the gray mist, devouring the fire of his soul.

"Elves win!" The host cheered, and there was thunderous applause outside.

The gray fog cleared, the little devil disappeared, Lin Yining stood up, and walked directly off the stage.