Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 62: Golden Eternal Night



After entering the door of the house, Lin Yining found that he came to a place that looked familiar.

"Lynn City."

This is the center of the city, a group of people gathered in the square, singing and dancing, very lively.

"What's going on, do you know?" Yu Sen asked Lina.

"It should be... Charity's Day, I don't know much about the others." She looked around and muttered, "It's strange, but I clearly remember that the houses beside the square are obviously not like this."

Suddenly there was a commotion among the crowd, and someone said: "The sacrificial ceremony is about to begin!" People hurriedly gathered around one place. Lina glanced at Lin Yining and said, "Hurry up and find a place to hide."

"What?" Lin Yining asked.

"Are you stupid?" She said angrily, "Now they are offering sacrifices, okay? There will be gods coming to the sacrifices. Since you don't believe in our gods, why come here? Gods will be unhappy."

"Please make it clear that the place we are in is an illusion in the temple, not a real scene." Lin Yining said: "We still have a task to put ourselves in for the so-called god. Trap, do you think this is a good idea?"

Seeing that they were about to quarrel again, Yu Sen rubbed his head, feeling a little headache. On the one hand, what Lin Yining said is indeed reasonable. As an atheist, he also thinks it is unreasonable to separate his teammates for a so-called sacrifice, but on the other hand, he has lived in the temple for so long, and he also Do understand Lena's devotion to God.

After being helpless for a while, Yu Sen opened his mouth and said, "Let's make a compromise, let's stand behind the crowd, and Mr. Lin find a place nearby to hide for a while..." He pulled Lin Yining aside, and whispered: "Just don't let her see..."

Lin Yining glanced at him, but said nothing.

With just a few words, most people have already found a good position to stand still, and they are very conspicuous when they calm down.

"For the mission, for the mission..." Yu Sen begged in a low voice, and Lin Yining also saw that it seemed impossible to persuade her to change her mind, so she agreed, turned around and disappeared into an alley. Lina snorted coldly and said, "The front row seats are almost gone, we can only stay here."

Yu Sen hesitated for a moment, but still said: "We are indeed here to do the task, I still think we should focus on the task..."

Lina said, "Do you think I'm stupid?"

The remaining four humans stood still, and Yu Sen and the others imitated Lina's posture and closed their eyes.

Lin Yining stood still on the edge of the alley, and he could clearly see the crowd from his angle.

He saw, in the center of the crowd, on a circular platform, an old man walked up, knelt down, and recited something. As he knelt longer and longer, the center of the platform centered on him, A circle of golden ripples spread out.

The golden ripples spread upwards, using this as the base, forming a cylinder, the higher the middle cylinder, the lighter and lower the color on the side, it looks quite nice.

But now Lin Yining was not in the mood to appreciate the beautiful scenery at all. He found that there was a faint thunder sound in the sky above the most central column.

The bow and arrow in his hand buzzed.

Is something wrong? It doesn't seem to be obvious now. But Lin Yining was ready. He looked forward, and met Yu Sen's bewildered eyes. Yu Sen seemed to have discovered something, and finally made up his mind, pulling Huang Mao and running towards Lin Yining quietly.

"What are you doing?" Huang Mao frowned.

"I'm saving you, brother." Yu Sen stopped and said, "You have read a lot in the Holy See, right? Did you see thunder when you summoned the gods?"

Huang Mao looked at him suspiciously. Yu Sen finally said helplessly: "Okay, I see, you must not have read the book."

"What about them? Why don't you bring them here?" Huang Mao continued to ask, and then he saw Yu Sen shrugged.

"I'm afraid that she and I will be in a hurry, so I'll leave my elder brother there to protect him."

"Now, let's go there." Lin Yining said suddenly.

"Not too good, I will be caught by the guards." Yu Sen said.

Lin Yining said: "They can't take care of it now."

As if in response to his words, there was a muffled loud noise from the center of the column, directly above the old man's head. Many people were taken aback, opened their eyes, and looked blankly at everything in front of them.

There is a golden crack in the sky, unlike ordinary thunder and lightning, it trembles slightly. Trembling wider and wider.

The old man on the stage remained motionless. It was normal for him to do so just now. Now, everyone can see that something really happened.

A group of guards appeared behind the crowd, and Lin Yining saw a much younger knight commander inside.

"We're here!" Yu Sen waved at him.

Quite predictably, the Knight Commander ignored him.

"I'm just experimenting." He sneered. Lin Yining ignored his sudden convulsions, turned his gaze back to the golden crack in the sky, and said, "Let's go."

The three ran towards Lina together.

Lina seemed rather anxious. When she saw Yu Sen approaching, she scolded her head and face, "Where did you go just now?"

"Bring Mr. Lin back, aren't we a group?" He said innocently. Lina suddenly became dumb.

"Has there been any similar records in the Holy See?" Lin Yining asked.

"Ah? What?" She didn't respond.

"It's just this time, I doubt it's really happened." Lin Yining said.

"If that's the case... there might be." Lina frowned and thought for a long time before saying, "A hundred years ago, there was an incident that was very similar to the current scene. The golden thunder and lightning... It's just that it can be seen that this period of history is very popular. Taboo... "

"Golden eternal night?" Yu Sen asked suddenly.

As soon as they heard the word Yong Ye, Lin Yining and the others had a bad feeling in their hearts.

They came here, and the mission goal is to survive until the day.

"Yes, it's exactly what you think." Yu Sen said, "After the golden thunder and lightning accompanied the night for seven days, the Holy Son brought light... With such a simple sentence, there is nothing left."

He is a little chagrined: "I should have noticed that this history is not right."

Lin Yining didn't answer.

This key word reminded him a hundred years ago, but now that the old beggar is not here, he knows where the clues are and he can't get them anywhere.

In the sky, the thunder and lightning became thicker and thicker in the trembling, and finally, there was a trace of silent black in the middle. Different from the dark blue night sky next to it, this kind of black reminds people of boundless nothingness.

"Soldier, hurry up! Guide the people to the building under the Holy See!"

The voice of the young knight commander rang in their ears. Lena understood the weight of this sentence better than they did. She said with a bitter face, "The building under the Holy See... God... may really be over."

"I suggest you, don't face everything in front of you with a playful mentality. Do you think your teacher is teaching you now?" Lin Yining suddenly said something cold, facing Lina's surprised expression, he continued: "It's really possible to die."

"Really, it's too cheating." Yu Sen said with a bitter face.


There was another thunderclap in the sky.

The black wound of the golden thunder continued to increase in size, and finally, a claw protruded from it.


Surrounded by people screaming in terror.

In Lin Yining's ears, there was an indifferent electronic voice:

"Let's go, follow the soldiers." Lin Yining said to them: "Go to the shelter first, I'll be back later."

"What are you doing?" Lina asked quickly.

"Go and see the people on the altar." Lin Yining strode away without looking back: "They may not let me in now, I have to figure out a way... remember!" He took a few steps, and suddenly Pause: "Go to the Son, get close to him, you know?"

Even with guards maintaining the plants, the crowd inevitably began to panic. Yu Sen was tongue-tied for a while, looked around, and said dryly, "Shall we do what he said now?"

Lina had already run away. She grabbed a soldier and said, "I grew up in an orphanage in the Holy See! I have learned some skills, please let me help!"

Yu Sen saw that she was doing well, so he quickly followed Huangmao.

As for Lin Yining, he passed through the chaotic crowd and came to the center of the altar. It was only later that he realized that although the identity of the old man seemed quite important, no one cared about him.

The old man in the thickest golden column in the middle has obviously passed away.

Destroy this altar, will the golden thunder disappear? Lin Yining thought for a moment, took out his Bai Yuege, aimed at the altar, and released an arrow.

The long arrow containing the explosive energy of the fire system touched the stone ground of the altar, releasing a burst of sparks, and then a circle of words appeared on the altar, swallowing the sparks.

Lin Yining looked again at the golden light surrounding the old man.

He didn't reach out to touch it hastily, but picked up a stone from the side, and it was still on it. Sure enough, the stone disappeared the moment it touched the golden wall.

The stone melted into the golden light wall, as if it had fallen into another space.


Behind him, there was a roar.

Lin Yining suddenly turned around and saw the bone dragon hovering in midair.

Molly? No, not Jasmine, Jasmine is not that big, and although Lin Yining has never seen Jasmine fight, he always feels that Jasmine is more flexible than this guy.

The one in the air is like a puppet manipulated by someone.

No one paid attention to this place. Under the altar, Lin Yining saw a person walking up. A very familiar person. Behind him followed a giant beast made of bones.

"Do you know how to open this thing?" The man looked at Lin Yining with chilling eyes.

Lin Yining said, "I don't know."

His tone was very flat, and he was not at all surprised by the other party's appearance.

This person is the leader of the gang in Kunshan Prison who disappeared from the fighting field before.

If Lin Yining remembers correctly, his name is Zheng Hua.