Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 63: Where is the Son


Standing on a higher step, with the chaotic crowd in the background, Lin Yining is quite insignificant compared to the beasts behind Zheng Hua.

Lin Yining's voice overwhelmed the exclamation and screams of the crowd, and was heard clearly in Zheng Hua's ears.

"Do you want to do it?"

"What are you and I doing?" Zheng Hua said: "Make a deal, you attract a person who is with you, I will kill him, and I will enter the space crack instead of him."

"What about those people who followed you? You don't care?" Lin Yining's eyes drifted to one side, where he saw another player.

"They'll wait for me here." Zheng Hua said in a tired voice, "Just that woman is fine—do you really believe the nonsense that those aborigines say?"

"I don't believe it." Lin Yining made no secret of his hostility, and the Bai Yuege in his hand was about to move: "But... this is the best way for me to go out, why should I give up for you?"

Behind Zheng Hua, the gigantic beast made of white bones roared uneasily.

In the golden light reflected from the sky, Zheng Hua's face became paler. He said, "No need to discuss?"


Thunder broke out. In this voice that resounded throughout the world, Lin Yining opened his mouth, as if to say something.

Temporary calm does not mean that this is a good place for conversation. But for a moment, the monster drilled from the thunder and lightning in the sky was already raging. Between the two of them, a bird of prey flew by at low altitude, but did not attack them.

Immediately afterwards, there was a tingling tremor that made the scalp numb. The two of them felt the existence of this force, and they raised their heads at the same time, and what caught their eyes was the bone dragon struggling.

Just now Lin Yining thought that the bone dragon was like a puppet being manipulated, but now it was confirmed that this extremely dangerous puppet was out of control.

The bone dragon flipped and tossed in mid-air for a while, then trembled, stiffened, and spewed a mouthful of flames at the people on the ground.

The fire burned between Lin Yining and Zheng Hua.

The giant beast behind Zheng Hua rushed towards Lin Yining who was behind the flames.

But to his surprise, behind the flame, the distorted phantom had disappeared.

"Run away?" He sneered in a low voice, but he didn't intend to catch up any more. He glanced at the giant beast beside him and said, "Let's go."

He not only said it to the giant beast who was following him, but also said it to the players who came with him. The giant beast obediently followed behind him, but the player never responded to him.

Zheng Hua walked in that direction, and saw a dead body, dead with regret. There was an arrow stuck in the back of the corpse. There was no doubt that Lin Yining was the one who did it.

"Okay, very good." He sneered, looking back, there was no trace of Lin Yining in this place.

The underground is a holy place for leveling for them. After Lorraine used many players to raise Gu for a period of time, there is not much difference in level among them now—or it should be said that there is basically no difference. After all, they couldn't pass the level 20 upgrade task, and they were all stuck here.

"I look forward to meeting you next time." He bowed his head and said.

Lin Yining chose to leave not only because he didn't want to conflict with him, but also because he had more important things to do.

There are more and more monsters on the street, what Lin Yining has to do now is to catch the last bus to enter the shelter.

Judging from Yu Sen's words just now, the so-called holy son must be the key to pass this dungeon. If the time to enter the sanctuary is delayed because of a momentary fight with Zheng Hua, it will not be worth the loss.

Of course, he wasn't stupid enough to say these words to the enemy, so he had to sneak away.

But before leaving, he still gave Zheng Hua a gift.

The sanctuary under the Holy See has no specific rooms, it is more like a large square, where many people gather, probably several thousand.

When Lin Yining sneaked in, the situation was considered critical. He helped the guards repel a monster, and the guards didn't pay attention to his identity as a foreigner, and let him into the refuge.

He shuttled through the noisy crowd for a while, and found the remaining four companions.

"What are you doing?" Lina asked him with a bad face as soon as he came over.

"Going to prove something." Lin Yining responded lightly, and then said to Yu Sen: "Now maybe, this place is not just a place for practice. After this task is completed, we will officially enter the space crack."

Huang Mao asked anxiously: "How do you know?"

"I met someone." Lin Yining said with a sullen face, "If this was just a place for training, they wouldn't have taken such a big risk to come here. So..." He looked at Yu Sen: "You'd better talk to him Let me make it clear, what exactly did that so-called knight commander say to you."

There must be a reason for what happened. Lin Yining did not believe that the knight commander would plant such a mine when the trust between them was at stake.

You can directly say let them enter the mission, there is no need to lie.

Yu Sen groaned for a long time with a bitter face, but didn't say anything. Lina pushed him away and said:

"Because of me. If I tell you to go directly to the mission, the knight commander is afraid that you will disagree."

Lin Yining said, "Okay."

"I... it wasn't intentional." Yu Sen explained coyly: "The knight commander rescued us... he took care of food and shelter and taught us skills. It's really hard for us to refuse... and... I don't believe he is a bad person... "

"I don't care whether he is a good person or a bad person, I only care about the relationship between him and my interests." Lin Yining looked at him directly: "With all due respect, it may be the same for you. Then next time you When hiding from me, you'd better think about who has common interests with you."

"If you don't want to die."

Yu Sen was stunned for a moment after hearing the last few words. However, Lin Yining didn't continue this topic after the sudden attack.

"Where is the Holy Son?"

The four looked at each other, and finally Lena came out and spoke.

"There is no Holy Son." She was still a little angry, and her tone was stiff: "We didn't settle down a few minutes earlier than you, and we were busy saving people before. I asked just now, and the current time is probably a hundred years ago. "

Lena recounts the history.

"Before the Golden Eternal Night, the supposed Holy Son suddenly disappeared. Then came the Golden Eternal Night. This history has been hidden too deeply. No one knows how this Holy Son appeared..."

"As long as we know who he is," Lin Yining said.

"No, there is no way to know." Lina said: "After the Golden Eternal Night, he also disappeared, and has not appeared for a hundred years. During this time, the knight commander was in charge of the work."

"Very good, now the difficulty of the task has increased again." Lin Yining said: "From looking for someone, to looking for someone who doesn't know who it is, and to act under the watchful eyes of the opponent..."

"So we should be more harmonious." Yu Sen answered, and after seeing Lin Yining's eyes, he immediately closed his mouth.

"Will the Knight Commander know who the Holy Son is? Or, will they have any way to identify it?" he asked.

"There is a way, but he will never say it." Lena said: "If a person is recognized as a candidate for the Holy Son, but he is not recognized by God, then he is the favorite of dark creatures. In the current situation Come on, he won't live an hour."

"But we all know that in the end they managed to find a holy son to solve the crisis," Yu Sen said.

The key lies in how to persuade the knight commander to tell them how to find the Holy Son, and how to make this person the real Holy Son.

"I think the opportunity will come soon." Lin Yining said.

The few of them turned around here, and when they saw the knight commander, they leaned over. The knight commander had an impression of Lina, even though he was very tired, he still smiled at her: "Lovely and respectable girl, you are safe now, you can go to rest."

Lina is usually very dependent on the knight commander. When facing him, there is no defense and alienation from the players. Even though the young version of the knight commander no longer remembers her, Lina still can't help but propose to him. ask.

"May I venture to ask? What are you going to do next? We can't hide here forever."

The knight commander withdrew his smile and said, "This is our business, you just need to stay here—if you have spare energy, please help us appease people and don't make them too nervous."

"Monsters are falling from the sky, are you thinking, will the sky fill up the hole tomorrow?" Lin Yining stepped forward and said, "It seems that your profession is a knight, so can you do this?" Woolen cloth?"

"Young elves, what are you thinking about?" the knight leader said, "The human race welcomes every guest, but please do what you should do."

"I think this sentence is more appropriate for you." Lin Yining said unceremoniously: "When the situation was still under control at the beginning, you did not take any effective measures to prevent the crisis from spreading, which makes me very incomprehensible .I want to know the truth."

"You are a little too much." The knight commander took a deep breath and said, "Please..."

There was a loud bang on the ground.

Before he finished speaking, the entire underground building was hit and let out a whine, and a few grains of dirt fell from their heads. The knight commander didn't have time to take care of them, so he summoned the guards around him and asked, "What's going on!"

"Bone Dragon! It's the Bone Dragon!" The guard's voice could not conceal the trembling.

Only by seeing it with my own eyes can I know what it will be like when a creature whose size is a thousand times larger than theirs roars in front of him.

I can't hold on here anymore.

The knight commander closed his eyes, opened them again, and finally made up his mind.

"Open the main hall of the temple and take the people there."

It's the safest place in the whole city.

He and Lin Yining's thoughts coincided with each other. I am afraid that the only one who can solve the crisis now is the Holy Son who doesn't know where he is.