Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 64: new leads


This is almost an impossible task.

In the underground building, there are now thousands of people. The huge bone dragon is just outside the door, and there are many little monsters around him. Even though the main hall of the temple is only three or four minutes away, I want to transfer everyone safely. In the past, it was still difficult.

The knight commander looked at them: "You are all warm and kind children, thank you very much for your help, but now, the most appropriate thing you can do is to be quiet."

"I can help protect it," Lina said.

"That's fine." The knight commander hesitated for a while, and said, "If you want."

A guard nearby came to report: "My lord, the bone dragon is hitting the wall on the west side, we can go out through the door on the east side."

The knight commander ignored them and went out directly.

The guards organized the people into several groups, and they left the shelter in an orderly manner. Lin Yining saw that almost everyone had anxiety in their eyes, and many people showed resistance.

After finally settling down, why did you let them go

Lin Yining and the others were in the back of the middle, silently guarding these people.

When they walked out of the shelter and saw the bone dragon with their own eyes, it was inevitable that many people became timid and didn't even dare to take another step. Lin Yining stood beside one of them and said coldly, "Go quickly."

"There are monsters there!" the man said nervously.

"No, do you want to stay there?" Lin Yining turned his head and looked at the already precarious shelter. The bone dragon was unaware of their departure for the time being, and continued to hit the wall. Anyone with a discerning eye knew that it was only a matter of time before the shelter disappeared.

Among this group of people, he is not the only one who thinks this way.

The place where they are now is behind the shadow of a building, which seems to give people a sense of security. There are a few monsters not too far away, so they dare not approach them.

A guard came and said, "Please hurry up."

People clearly trusted the guards more than they trusted Lin Yining. They gritted their teeth and finally walked out of the shadow of the building.

Lina guarded carefully behind them. When this group of people was about to enter the main hall, Lin Yining saw an acquaintance from another small door.

"So you are here." Zheng Hua followed a player, narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled at Lin Yining: "Look, I just said, we meet again."

The guards following them clearly saw that something was wrong with Zheng Hua, stepped forward and said, "Who are you?"

Zheng Hua didn't answer, and looked at Lin Yining again: "I believe that you won't do meaningless things, so why are you following these npcs?"

"Let's go." Lin Yining didn't even bother to give him a look, and said to the guard: "I will stop him here."

The person in charge among the guards looked at the anxious ordinary people, finally let go of their hesitation, and urged them to move on.

Zheng Hua blew his whistle, and behind him, a giant beast made of white bones kicked over a wall, strode forward, stretched out human-like claws, and grabbed ordinary people.

Beside his hand, a large net woven by plants appeared, stopping him.

The guards left with ordinary people.

The number of people in this group is not small, and correspondingly, the target is also large. The area of the plant network at the hand of the giant white bone beast has increased, forming a wall, blocking the direction of ordinary people's departure.

Zheng Hua's eyes were cold, and he ordered his subordinates to find another way to chase the ordinary people who left, but he himself attracted the giant beast again.

"Being a hero?" He sneered, "I hate heroes like you the most."

The giant beast tore apart the plant wall woven by Lin Yining. Under Lin Yining's control, the plants grew wildly, and soon entangled him. The battle between plants and giant beasts is in a state of anxiety.

Zheng Hua pulled out a dagger out of nowhere and walked towards Lin Yining.

His skill is probably summoning. After the giant beast appeared, he didn't need to worry about the rest at all. He was going to deal with Lin Yining.

Zheng Hua held the dagger and gestured in the air.

Lin Yining also summoned his own longbow, jumped onto the tree, aimed at him, and let out an arrow.

The arrow disappeared invisibly in front of him.

Lin Yining was distracted here and couldn't concentrate on controlling the growth of the plants for a few seconds, but the plant wall was torn open by the giant bone beast. He patched the loophole, but found that Zheng Hua had already approached him, smiling at him standing under the tree.

In the dark night, this smile makes people shudder.

Lin Yining noticed it, lowered her head, and looked at him. The root of the big tree he was staying at now pierced through the ground and pierced where Zheng Hua was.

But Zheng Hua was not hurt at all, he disappeared in place like a puff of smoke, and appeared on the other side of the big tree.

He was about to laugh when there was a gust of wind behind him, and he dodged suddenly.

Here comes Lena.

"You want to be a hero by yourself? I don't agree." The girl smiled heartily at him with her sword on her back.

The other four players followed different teams to escort ordinary people, none of them were by Lin Yining's side, and Lina was in a team in front of Lin Yining. She appeared here, besides noticing something was wrong, there should be a reason.

That is ordinary people have made it to the temple safely.

Lin Yining no longer cared about the plant wall over there. Soon, the plant wall was torn apart by the giant bone beast. They could all see that the last ordinary person on the other side of the wall had entered the scope of the temple.

"Thank you for your help, but I can really handle it." Standing on the branch, the elf narrowed his eyes slightly and said casually.

"Oh?" On Zheng Hua's side, the giant white bone beast was summoned back by him, and the younger brother is now two to three.

Lin Yining said, "Look, what is that?"

Hearing this, Zheng Hua glanced over there, but saw the bone dragon walking towards them step by step. Even though he was dead, the paws hitting the ground still caused the ground to tremble, and the blue soul fire in the skull was extremely cold.

Lin Yining showed him a provocative smile: "Do you think I have time to fight with you now?"

The bone dragon opened its mouth wide and let out a roar at them. Zheng Hua's subordinates were the first to be unable to hold on, and wanted to escape, but were thrown against the wall by the bone dragon's tail.

The big guy killed a little ant that made him unhappy, but he didn't care about the other's life and death at all. He still stared at Lin Yining and the other three with dark eyes.

Lin Yining jumped down from the tree, Bone Dragon slightly tilted his head, and his 'eyes' focused on him.

Lin Yining threw out a small piece of bone-like thing and put it on Zheng Hua's body. Even though Zheng Hua dodged, the bone dragon still rushed towards him.

He grabbed Lina who was frightened but still grabbed the sword, and disappeared among the plants like lightning.

Zheng Hua turned into a puff of smoke and fled. After Bone Dragon realized that he had been tricked, he roared again and chased after them. The bone dragon's claws crushed large areas of plants, threatening to crush them at any moment.

Passing through the flower bed with lush plants, there is a piece of brick and stone ground in front of it. This time, they are finally exposed to the eyes of the bone dragon.

The golden light shines on the ground from the crack in the sky, and there is a shadow in front of Lin Yining.

The bone dragon flew up, covering the sky and the sun.

Before catching Lin Yining and the other two, they managed to escape into the protection of the temple.

The bone dragon slapped the mask, and it flickered on and off for a while, and finally stabilized.

Under Lina's terrified eyes, Lin Yining stood up and walked towards the interior of the temple.

The knight commander was waiting for them at the door.

"I appreciate your will, children." The Knight Commander said, "You are welcome back."

Lin Yining said, "Do you understand what I just told you?"

"What's the matter?" The knight commander smiled: "Perhaps I should say, don't interrupt children with adults' affairs?"

"We need a Holy Son." Lin Yining ignored his joking words and said, "Each profession has something to do. In the current situation, a Holy Son is needed to solve the crisis. You can't see it Come out."

The knight commander finally restrained his smile: "It's not as simple as you imagined."

"Then let's do a simple judgment question." Lin Yining said: "How many people were there in the square at that time? How many people fled into the shelter? How many people successfully hid in the temple? Stay outside What are the chances of them surviving?"

"Loyal knights can slay every monster that comes their way, but they cannot conjure a grain of grain and water from the masonry ground. How long can you hide with them in the temple? God can Give you a chance to live?"

Lin Yining looked at him deeply: "From the altar, it should end on the altar. Mindless killing can't solve any problems."

The knight commander turned his head, glanced at Lena, and said gently: "My child, you go first."

Lina was at a loss, and it took a while to realize that the knight commander wanted to dismiss her. She hummed indiscriminately and left quickly.

"You are smart and sharp, and you are as arrogant and unreserved as every elf I have met. I am used to it." The knight commander turned around, looked at the temple, and said, "According to our current situation, since you must If you want to ask, then it’s okay for me to tell you. Since three years ago, there will be no more Sons.”

"Because the god who recognized the Son has disappeared." The voice was extremely soft, as if afraid of interrupting someone's dream: "The previous candidate for the Son of God could not contact God when he succeeded, and went out to find the truth about God's disappearance. He never came back. Later we found out that God has almost completely disappeared in the human world—even the best priests can only hear God’s dreamlike words.”

Lin Yining said, "No wonder."

Bone dragons and dark creatures can still run rampant inside the Holy See, which shows how far God has declined.

"That's right, if it was three years ago, you would have been punished when you approached the temple." As he spoke, he glanced at Lin Yining's pocket. It contained half of a dragon's bone, which belonged to Jasmine. Lin Yining just took out this thing to attract the bone dragon.

"so… "

"You're right." The chief knight said, "Finding the Holy Son is the only way we can try now. In addition to God's approval, the believer's faith can also make him a Holy Son. This guy is unlikely to get it Loved by people." Said the last sentence, the knight commander laughed.

"He is my child, and he lost in the selection of the previous son." The knight commander took out a pocket watch, opened it, and there was a photo inside, which he showed to Lin Yining.

"His name is Seaman, and he failed to follow us into the shelter." The knight leader said, "If you insist, you can find him."

Lin Yining was surprised.

In the photo, it was clearly Lorraine's face.