Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 66: into the ground


The sewer is still clean, at least there is no unbearable stench. Of course, if one or two mice pass by occasionally, it cannot be avoided.

A girl was walking with them dully, but when she turned a corner, she saw a mouse in front of her and screamed uncontrollably. Lina hurried forward and covered her mouth.

But it was too late. On the ground, something followed the sound, and there were regular knocking sounds right above their heads.

I don't know if it's the monster's claws or mouth, clicking, clicking, knocking on people's hearts.

The hearts of the entire group were suspended, and no one made a sound. Lina felt something dripping from her hand, and when she looked again, it was a girl's tears.

The monster probed for a while, but found no movement, and wandered away on its own. Fortunately, it didn't go out of its way to smash the ground. They stayed in place for a while before walking in the originally planned direction.

When we arrived at the place, Seaman said, "I'll go up and check the situation first."

Lin Yining and the others agreed, picked up their weapons, and stood guard from behind. Watching him step forward and push the manhole cover above his head, a slight movement inevitably occurred. From this gap, Seaman poked his head out and looked at the scene outside.

"How is it?" Yu Sen asked softly.

Lin Yining pulled him back and made a soft gesture.

He saw that Seaman had froze in place.

Lin Yining moved his position, changed the angle, and saw a claw through the gap. The blood-stained rough skin ended with sharp claws.

The paw moved a bit, moved away.

At the end of the long silence, Seaman finally made a move, he pushed the manhole cover away.

"Go, hurry up." The expression on his face was still calm, and he couldn't tell at all what he had just experienced. This made Lin Yining's evaluation of him a little higher. He is a sober person, and everyone should know that if ordinary people who are extremely nervous know what is going on outside, it may be more dangerous.

He took the lead out of the well and stood guard there.

After Lin Yining and other players helped ordinary people get out, they also jumped out. Under the reflection of the golden thunder and lightning, they entered a nearby shop.

The end of this sewer is at the side of an alley, and the shop is further inside, very hidden, which coincides with the underground style in Lin Yining's impression.

It was still Ximan who took the lead, and then sent a few ordinary people in, and Lin Yining and a few players came behind.

A ray of light appeared at Ximan's fingertips, melting the glass on the door silently, and after careful inspection, he jumped in, followed by an older man, a young girl, and finally a young man.

Yu Sen supported the young man, and when the young man's foot stepped on the one-meter-high glass inlaid position, he heard Lin Yining warn: "Don't move."

Yu Sen moved his head reflexively, and his pupils constricted immediately.

He saw a monster.

The original shape of the monster should be some kind of large bird with wings, but obviously it can't fly, and its sharp claws like daggers reflect the light in the moonlight.

Its eyes are a bit like snakes, and when looking at them, it always gives people a cold and inorganic feeling.

It just stops there.

"I've seen this kind of monster, as long as you don't move, it can't see you." There was Seaman's voice from inside the door: "It's very impatient. If you persist for a while, it will go away!"

The monster's sense of hearing was not as insensitive as they imagined, even though Seaman tried his best to lower his voice, he was still heard by him. It took two steps forward and let out a chirp.

The young man standing on the door frame was frightened and fell into the house because he lost his footing.

Such a loud noise came, even if it is deaf, it is impossible not to hear it. Lin Yining reacted immediately, and kicked open the door, at the same time, Bai Yuege shot an arrow and went away through the air.

The fire-type arrows carried a blazing light and flew towards him!

"Chirp!" The monster yelled again, unable to dodge in time, the long arrow hit its chest. It fell to the ground and made long and short calls, as if saying something.

"It's calling its companions! Hurry up!" Everyone knew, Yu Sen turned his head and shouted at Ximan in the room.

"It's almost there." Seaman muttered to himself, looking around the store. This is a bookstore. He has been to this entrance, but not many times. He barely remembers where the passage to the underground is—

The innermost wall, counting from the right, the third bookshelf? Or the fourth

Not too far away, I could already hear the sound of something flapping its wings. The young man who had been in trouble just now poked his head out, wanting to take a look, but almost screamed again in fright.

the fourth!

Seaman finally confirmed that he emptied the books on the first floor, and indeed saw a magic circle inside. A head poked out from inside and smiled strangely at him: "Password?"

"I'll fuck you." He tapped his head twice, trying to remember, and finally said: "1462."

"The answer is correct." The magical creature smiled, "Open Sesame—"

In the center of the bookstore, an orange disc rose slowly. Ximan rushed over, threw ordinary people in one by one, and said to Lin Yining, "It's open, let's go!"

Several other players came over, but Lin Yining did not move.

Ximan walked over violently, but saw, at the end of the alley, a bird monster as tall as two people slammed its mouth at them.

He just moved.

The harpy looked down and looked at him.

"Run!" Lin Yining said suddenly, his voice was still calm. Several players inside the bookstore have already jumped in, leaving only the two of them. After Lin Yining gave the order, Ximan flashed and ran towards the house.

Behind the two of them, large tracts of plants appeared.

The bird monster was finally about to end the game of 'whoever blinks first wins'. After an angry cry, he rushed towards the two of them, but was stuck by the wall of the alley. He stepped back a little, bumped forward, and repeated several times, and a corner of the bookstore had been knocked down by him.

It can see the scene in the room, including the orange disc in the middle.

It angrily tore the wall with its sharp claws again.

The last scene Lin Yining saw was the scene of the bird monster jumping over.

"Goodbye!" Seaman laughed at him, and the two disappeared without a trace.

Inside the orange disc was a vortex. After a long rotation, Lin Yining felt that he had finally landed on the ground.

He looked around, and seemed to feel that there was a big difference between this place and the underground he was familiar with.

Also, after all, it has been a hundred years, and it is normal to have some changes.

Where they landed, there was another door ahead. Seaman walked over, knocked on the door twice, and said, "I'm looking for Lorraine."

His expression at this time seemed to be different from before, a little uneasy, a little tangled, but after a while, the door opened. An eighteen-year-old boy who looked very similar to Seaman came out. He glanced at Seaman impatiently, and suddenly smiled: "Why doesn't your father, who is the captain of the knight, ignore you?"

Seaman said: "He has other things." He whispered this sentence, as if mustering courage, asked: "How are you? Are you okay? Are you injured?"

"It's not good." Lorraine had thorns in every sentence: "Unlike the candidate for the Son, I'm going out to fight monsters. Being alive now doesn't mean I'll be alive tomorrow."

"We look so similar, I can go for you." Seaman said anxiously.

"No need." Lorraine glanced at them: "Father said that now the underground needs to fulfill its due obligations and is willing to take in innocent people. Now you are an innocent person who was abandoned by the father of the knight commander. You You can come in."

After saying this, he walked in.

Ximan, who was originally flamboyant like a little sun, was beaten by the rain and became wilted. Yu Sen stepped forward to pat him, and asked curiously, "Are you brothers? Why do you look so similar?"

"It's twins." Ximan mumbled, and entered the door listlessly.

So Seaman grabbed Lena again and asked, "Do you know? What is this Lorraine coming from?"

"I only know that he is one of the adopted sons of the previous person in charge of the underground." Lina said to him, "It's all gossip, just listen to it. It is said that people in the underground raise children like wolves, so that Luo Lin will be so perverted after he took over the position... "

"Don't talk nonsense." Seaman turned his head and said, "Lorraine is a good boy...everything he forced..."

"Is it forced to do this to you?" Lin Yining asked.

"I can understand him." Seaman said, "If something like this happened to me, I would be unbalanced. Well, they are twins, but one was adopted by a knight, and the other was sent to this kind of place... But I am an older brother. , I will let him."

"It seems that he has no feelings for you." Lin Yining said.

"That's right." Ximan was flattered by this sentence, and the sun rose again.

They walked into a hall through the door, and the number of people here was similar to the number of people in the shelter at the beginning. A person slipped in from outside and whispered to Seaman, "I'm the person next to Master Lorraine, do you still remember me?"

"Remember." Ximan glanced at Lin Yining happily, and said, "What did he tell me?"

"Master Lorraine said, you'd better cover your face, and don't be discovered by others. What relationship do you have with him?" the man asked.

Yu Sen burst out laughing.

"Okay." Seaman's complexion changed instantly, but he still agreed.

Lin Yining narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at the man, but seemed to notice something.

Although Lorraine has always had a bad look towards Seaman, Lin Yining always feels that his actions are not malicious.

Everyone knows what level the underground is in the city, so, would he not know what happened outside? The Knight Commander has already compromised on the method of creating the Holy Son, what about the person in charge of the underground? Don't you know