Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 72: let her go


Startled, Yu Sen took a step back.

"Let's hurry... quickly..." He wanted to say escape, but he remembered the piles of ghosts outside, and the words got stuck in his mouth.

Lin Yining said: "The most important question to consider now is, why is there an urn here?"

He went into the box, picked it up from the floor, and blew the dust off of it.

This is an office, and even if its original owner dropped something here, what was pulled down was nothing more than an obviously owned urn.

What's even more frightening is that the owner of the urn has become a resident of an abandoned hospital.

The photo above is inserted in a transparent plastic sheet that can be pulled out. Lin Yining took out this photo to have a look, and a piece of yellow talisman paper fell out of it.

"Isn't this a world with a Western fantasy background? Why are there strings?" Yu Sen whispered, looking at the photo and the urn in Lin Yining's hands, he bent down, picked up the talisman paper on the ground, and carefully I looked at it a few times, but couldn't see anything.

Lin Yining looked over and over at the photo in his hand, but found no information on it. At this moment, a notification sound came from his pocket.

He put the urn on the table, stacked the photos randomly on the urn, took out the phone from his pocket, and found a bunch of messages. The source of the information is still an unsaved number, and the content of the text seems to be very familiar with the owner of the phone.

The tone of the person who sent the message was very hasty, and there were three or four exclamation marks in the long string of text:

"Where did you go? Did you really go to the hospital? Come back quickly, the master said, you will only get worse if you go again! I won't lie to you, people will really die! If you don't want to die, come back quickly!"

Just after Lin Yining finished reading this sentence, another message came later:

"Reply to me! Quick! Remember that even if you go, don't go to the room where the practice is done! Someone is already dead!"

"It seems that we have been tricked." Stopping on this interface, Lin Yining read the two paragraphs of text over and over again, and said: "If this message is sent correctly, the owner of the phone is likely to have sex with the leading woman. What is the relationship between ghosts?"

"How do you know it's him?" Yu Sen moved over with a talisman, read the message, and asked Lin Yining suspiciously.

"How to do it, have you seen these two words?" Lin Yining said: "The urn plus the talisman paper, for such a vicious person, one is enough for a period of time, guess what is the possibility of the second one?" ..." He replied to Yu Sen's words, and then tried to call back the call. After a few seconds, the call was connected.

"Hi, may I ask you are..." There was an impatient voice on the opposite side.

Lin Yining used his mobile phone to call back the call just now, he didn't have time to make up any more nonsense, and cut to the chase: "Did your friend come to the People's Hospital today?"

"What? You know?" The person on the other end of the phone asked in a panic, breathing suddenly.

Lin Yining said: "I came to the People's Hospital with him. He disappeared. I found his mobile phone and a... urn."

After he finished speaking the last three words, he heard the person on the other end of the phone yelling almost hysterically: "Did you move that urn?"

Although it was not opened, all the talisman papers were pulled out, so of course it was considered to be moving. Seeing Lin Yining's silence for a while, the person on the other side immediately understood what happened on the other end of the phone, and shouted: "Recover! Quickly recover! Find a car and hide! She died in a car accident, she is afraid of cars!"

"Otherwise we'll all die!"

When he yelled the last sentence, Lin Yining had already moved the phone away from his ear and looked at the window. There he was, vaguely seeing four pale fingers with traces of blood on their knuckles.

This is the second floor, there is no support below, what is there, couldn't be clearer.

The phone was thrown into Yu Sen's arms by Lin Yining, who quickly picked up the talisman paper and photos, and inserted them back into the card slot in the urn.

However, it was too late.

Following his movements, a person climbed up on the windowsill, or in other words, the other person used to be a person.

The sun shines into the room through the window, but it can't drive away the bone-chilling cold. The other party was smiling, and the muscles on the stiff cheeks were pulling with all their strength, still looking unnatural. She slowly climbed up to the windowsill, stretched out her hand, and knocked on the window.

After the talisman paper was taken out, it seemed that it could no longer restrain her.

Lin Yining raised the urn in his hand and made a throwing motion. The female ghost's eyes became fierce, blood dripped from her forehead, and before it hit the ground, it turned into smoke in the sun.

"Smash the wall." Lin Yining's voice was cold, and he whispered to Sen: "Let's go to the next room."

Yu Sen raised his staff behind his back.

The confrontation between Lin Yining and the female ghost is still going on, maybe there are really her ashes inside, or the spell hasn't fully taken effect on her, the female ghost has a little hesitation, and stares at Lin Yining viciously.

There was a loud noise, and a big hole was smashed in the wall of the room. The other room was a ward with curtains drawn, and the light was a bit dim.

Lin Yining and Yu Sen moved first, they dodged into the next room. Seeing this scene, the female ghost screamed suddenly, and the last trace of hesitation disappeared. She smashed the glass and flew in, but saw Lin Yining's attack quickly, smashing the window of another room, pulling Yu Sen and jumping go down!

The moment the urn left the building, the female ghost seemed to be restrained by something, and she froze in place for a few seconds, unable to move. By the time she could move, Lin Yining and Yu Sen had already jumped out the window and came outside.

This was a surprise, Lin Yining only wanted to come outside at first. Since the person on the other end of the phone said he was looking for a car, he definitely couldn't stay in the hospital. Hitting the wall and jumping from the window of another room was the fastest way he could think of.

There is an old car parked downstairs, I don't know if it is the arrangement of the game. When the two smashed the car window and hid in the car, the female ghost also swooped down from upstairs.

Lin Yining's actions had obviously touched her bottom line. She was standing not far from the car, with more and more wounds on her body, and she looked obviously closer to her last appearance before she was alive. Blood continued to drip down from her body, streaked across the red high heels, and dripped into small puddles on the ground.

She let out a scream, and the atmosphere in the entire hospital building was turned off. The man was right, the female ghost was afraid of cars, and she didn't dare to approach them, but she had other ways.

There are many transparent shadows outside the wall.

Lin Yining looked at her through the dirty car window.

"Are you revenge?" he said, "I am not your enemy, why are you targeting me?"

He took out the urn: "Will destroying it also kill you?"

This is not a question worth considering, and everyone knows that it is not so simple.

Lin Yining found that after the urn and the charm left the office, the female ghost became much more sober. A trace of doubt and struggle flashed in her eyes, as if she was waking up.

Obviously choosing that office as the location for the urn was not a random decision, Lin Yining was wondering if he should pull out the charm inside again.

In the stagnant air, he felt something trembling in his pocket, Lin Yining took it out, it was the pocket watch. The pure white light gathered into a small ball from above, and it fluttered and fell on the female ghost.

Her eyes became clearer, and the ghosts who were about to move on the wall were driven back by the female ghost.

Lin Yining heard the system beep.

Yu Sen whispered, "But she's already killing innocent people indiscriminately."

The system goes on to say:

"What do you choose?" Yu Sen asked, "Will you fight?"

"Do you think, what does this question imply?" Lin Yining did not answer this question, but asked instead: "It doesn't feel wrong to replace the female ghost with the people in Lynn City. They are poor people and victims. Well, the knight commander wanted to enter the game world because he was forced by the game officials. They are pure and innocent, but after they go out, what kind of impact will they have on the game world... "

"I don't quite understand." Yu Sen asked, "What does this have to do with the knight commander?"

"The relationship is, if you want to give them the key, you choose to let her go." Lin Yining said, "I choose a."

"Then...then I'll choose a too." Yu Sen said.

After his voice fell, the system prompts:

Lin Yining opened the urn according to his words, there was a smaller box inside, engraved with a circle of charms, and there was a jade pendant beside it, Lin Yining took out the jade pendant.

After he took out the jade pendant, the surroundings became dark, and the two of them lost consciousness.