Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 89: Secrets behind the scenes


Of course Lin Yining was going to run away, regardless of whether it was Lu Luoyi's doing or not, staying where he was was completely useless other than being a target.

When the onlookers didn't notice, the thick root system of the mutated morning glory had already dug a tunnel and entered the dense forest. Lin Yining slipped along the tunnel and disappeared without a trace before everyone's eyes.

For a short time, he didn't intend to return to the sight of everyone, so he simply hid in the reflection of the galaxy. Speaking of which, since the beginning of the copy of Lynn City, he had never entered the reflection of the galaxy again. Attributes, have to be careful.

The reflection of the Milky Way remained calm, and in the space, next to the thriving tree of space, the little chubby dragon cub nestled under the tree and yawned, until the creases on his belly rose from sleep.

"You're back?" Inside the tree of space, the mysterious man said, "You haven't been here for a long time, did you encounter any trouble outside?"

"Trouble...not really." Lin Yining said, "After getting used to this kind of life, I just feel that I can handle it with ease."

The mysterious man smiled and said, "You missed the first time the little guy called daddy."

He said that, Lin Yining felt a little regretful, glanced at the chubby little guy, and said, "Did he call you?"

The mysterious man didn't answer. The tree of space stretched out a branch and poked it on its belly. The little guy uttered a syllable, which sounded like he was calling Dad. Lin Yining reacted, ordered a mutated plant to get the little guy to sleep on the other side, then sat down and said, "I'm thinking about something, and I need to ask you for confirmation."

"Ask." The mysterious man said, "As long as I can tell you, I will try my best to satisfy you."

Lin Yining first briefly described his experiences during this time—focusing on the Holy Son brothers and the clowns he had seen—after he finished speaking, he asked: "Is there any existence like you in your West Fantasy Continent?" ?”

"What kind of existence am I?" The mysterious man shook the leaves twice, and said, "It's just a nobody, nothing to worry about."

"When the game company came to West Fantasy Continent, some people died, some were controlled, and some escaped, such as you." Lin Yining said, "Do you know the clown?"

The mysterious man shook the leaf twice and said, "Did you mention this person, saying that he cheated you several times and helped you? If it was the clown you mentioned, I probably don't know him. I said , I am a nobody, even if I escaped by chance, it will be very miserable—I can only survive in your space. I definitely don’t know anyone who can arrange for you.”

"Then who do you think he will be?" Lin Yining asked without any hesitation, "If he really escaped from West Fantasy Continent, who do you think he would be?"

The mysterious man recalled: "That's too much, I died early, I don't know anything, use the method of elimination to rule it out... You said that he is a young man who likes to be a monster, and I told you that the Holy Son of Lynn City can Trust... oh, then it’s definitely not the Demon Race, they can’t enter Lynn City, let me say, a little angel from the Celestial Clan is very likely.”

"Sky Clan..." Lin Yining thought.

"It's useless for you to know who he is. It's like blocking Lynn City from connecting with your game world. It's meaningless." The mysterious man said, "In other words, it's like a mantis' arm is like a cart. You can't get anything except sacrificing yourself. any result."

"Actually, I didn't want to stop it at all." Lin Yining said, "It's just someone being self-indulgent."

"It would be really unlucky if he took the initiative to pick you." Hearing what Lin Yining said without hesitation, the mysterious man smiled.

"Don't you think I'm even more unlucky?" Lin Yining asked back: "It's not a good feeling to be chased around."

"He might have picked someone else." The mysterious man said, "You guessed right. There were indeed many powerful people in the West Fantasy Continent back then. It's not impossible for a few people to slip through the net. They're safe, of course. Revenge is about to come. If it was someone from the West Fantasy Continent who picked you, regardless of your position, I would also say that you will indeed face some risks, and it would be unfair to you."

Lin Yining said: "For me, using me also gave me a chance to survive. It's the most terrifying thing to be dragged somewhere in a daze. It gave me a chance to resist, even if The future is dark, and I am willing to go on.”

The mysterious man was silent for a while, then shook the leaves twice, and said, "I applaud you."

"The premise is that he clearly tells me what he wants me to do." Lin Yining said: "Otherwise, he is no different from the people in the game company."

Mysterious man: "Are you implying something to me? I haven't been touched for three minutes, and you start to doubt me. Is it too much?"

"You who can appear in such a heaven-defying prop like the reflection of the galaxy are nobody, aren't you?" Lin Yining said, "Don't forget, the only reason I've tolerated you staying here is because you said you would Tell me something, and since you don't want to talk, then we have nothing to talk about."

The mysterious man was stopped by him, and said angrily: "Did I say I won't tell you? It's just too late. I said, you went to Libra City after level 20 to practice Bai Yuege with Fair Fire , I will let you know when the time comes. Then again, how is your seed collection going?"

As early as when we first met, the mysterious man told Lin Yining that by collecting the seeds of the four races and the four elements, they could use the reflection of the galaxy to cross this space and escape from the game world. Although Lin Yining was skeptical at the time, he Still took up this task, and successfully collected the seeds of the fire element in the mysterious tower, and bought the seeds of the alien race in the auction house.

Lin Yining was going to say that apart from these two seeds, he hadn't made much progress during this period, but he suddenly remembered one thing.

At the end of the copy of the hospital in Lynn City that communicates with the outside world, Ximan, who is the son of God, gave Lin Yining an identity certificate. Since the clown has personally determined that Heman, the holy son, can be trusted, is there anything special about what he gave

Thinking of this, Lin Yining took it out.

The ID card is a transparent ball, like glass, which looks crystal clear. Lin Yining took it out to look at it, and asked the mysterious person, "Do you know what this is?"

The mysterious man's voice suddenly paused.

"Where did you find such a thing?"

"Given by Ximan." Lin Yining said, "It's the Holy Son I met in Lynn City."

"What a prodigal child." The mysterious man sighed: "Do you know what this is? This is the jewel on the scepter of the Holy Son. It also has an identity. It can grow up in the reflection of the galaxy, and it can grow into a human race." the seed of the tree."

Lin Yining said: "This means that the person behind the scenes has not only looked for me."

"Yes, he implied that you, the Holy Son, can be trusted, and also implied that the Holy Son, you are a good person."

"No, this should be made explicit, or maybe he and Seaman have a friendship, and Seaman trusts him more than anything." Lin Yining said: "Maybe I should go back to Lynn City again."

"How do you plan to go back?" the mysterious man asked.

"If the connection between the cities of West Fantasy Continent and the game world is inevitable, then I don't have to worry about it." Lin Yining said: "There will be a way when the time comes."

He stayed in the reflection of the Milky Way for two days, playing with the soft little dragon cub, and didn't come out until he felt that it was almost done.

After all, it is impossible to stay in the reflection of the galaxy for a lifetime, and he still has many important things to do outside.

With the reflection of the galaxy, Lin Yining's app started beeping. He took it out and saw that there were two extra emails on it. The letter was sent by Duan Muxiao, and the words contained nothing more than knowing that Lin Yining was being chased again, worried about his safety and asked him where he could help, etc. Lin Yining replied casually and told him , I will go to Pisces City to settle down in a while, if he wants to meet, he can be there.

Going to Pisces City is an expedient measure. If you want to be active outside, you will be watched by many people. It is not a good idea to run around alone like this.

In the past, he had no choice, but now that he has, Pisces City can be his backer.

Coldblade is one of the few cities in the entire game world that independently owns the central city—although it only has one-third of the sovereignty—but it is still qualified to be called one of the largest forces in the entire continent.

Although Han Ren may not be willing to do anything for Lin Yining, but seeing that Lin Yining once took the blame for him, no matter what, he has a bit of honor to ask for it. If you pretend to be a tiger, I believe Han Ren will never refuse.

Of course, a fox can deceive the tiger for a while and take the opportunity to gain a little profit, but if it grows by the tiger's side, it will be over sooner or later. His relationship with the cold blade is not the same as that of tigers and foxes, but it is similar.

Will Hanren look at Duanmuxiao's face and not be tempted at all by what Lin Yining might have

He doesn't believe it.

While thinking, Lin Yining finished replying to Duan Muxiao's message, and then clicked on another email. That email was actually sent by Lu Luoyi.

After reading the letter, Lin Yining replied: "It doesn't look like you wrote it."

The opposite side responded quickly:

Lin Yining wanted to laugh a little: "No matter how I can make trouble, I'm just a person with almost no relatives or friends. Why would I do this?"

After these words, Lin Yining did not receive any reply from the other party. He didn't know how Lu Luoyi knew what was going on in the dungeon he entered, and he didn't know what the other party's purpose was for saying this, so he had no choice but to reply and ask him to help take care of the father and daughter. There is no more text.

After he left the forest, the first city he went to was not Pisces, but a nearby Liberty City.

There are also differences between Liberty City and Liberty City. It has been almost a year since the game started. Some Liberty City, which was originally a city, have been used by players, and some gaps have been found between dungeons, where they temporarily stay when doing tasks.

Lin Yining stayed in Liberty City for a long time when he first entered the game. The biggest problem he faced was not having a safe place to live. Now this problem has been solved. The Liberty City he was going to was a small city with a small area, and correspondingly, the copy density was not high.

The settlement of this Liberty City is in a business district. The former sales area has been transformed into a trading point, restaurants and hotels have been reopened, and the player exchanges look a bit like before the end of the world.

Lin Yining's plan to come here is firstly to rest and buy some things, and secondly to find a team—the kind with transportation, and take him to a nearby Liberty City so that he can transfer to Pisces again. As for the third, the most important point is to inquire about the news.

He felt in his heart that if a person like Lu Luoyi wanted to gain his trust, it would not be as simple as just talking. If he wants to say or do something, there are always people around talking about it.

Lin Yining put on the long-lost black cloak and concealed his whereabouts.

The first point is easy, he is a person with strong mobility, and he quickly bought the things he needed. Seeing that it was almost noon, Lin Yining came to a small noodle shop nearby, ordered a bowl of noodles, and Ann Eat quietly.

Unexpectedly, while eating, he got a clue.

The hearing of game players is much stronger than that of ordinary people in the normal world. If they don't deliberately restrain themselves, they can clearly hear a sentence at a normal volume more than ten meters away.

What's more, the person he heard talking had no intention of restraining himself.

"I heard that people from Beidou surrounded the mutated plants outside Jinniu City." Someone said so.

Hearing his words, his companion asked in surprise, "What about the corpse above? Leave it alone?"

In the forum, many people have seen a farce with their own eyes. Someone quietly complained anonymously, saying that he was a member of Beidou, because of this incident, Lu Luoyi lost his temper. Although many people speculated that his post was to clear his suspicion, many people believed it.

If they ignore the corpse above and are not sure about the identity of the corpse, it means that they have no intention of pursuing it. Isn't it true that it is Lin Yining they hunted down

"I still think that the people in Beidou are crazy. There is no need to do this. And now..." He put down his chopsticks and pointed to Jiangshan: "They just won the copy of the mutant valley in the forest park, which proves that With his own strength, turning around and ruining his reputation? Because of some illusory rumors, he surrounded casual players at his door? Thanks to Lin Yining, otherwise his death would not have been in vain."

"Call you stupid, you still have to be stubborn." The person who spoke at the beginning drank some wine, and his voice became louder: "The situation of the day, have you watched the video? How did those three people die? , in the current situation, where can I find a forensic doctor...or restore what he looked like before he was alive?"

"You have to put on a show, don't you?"

"I've checked!" The other party hiccupped and said, "Isn't there another one who didn't die on the mutated plant? It was the girl who died in the first place. I checked the information! Lu Luoyi went crazy, Killed two people, saying he didn't find anyone to surround Lin Yining..."

"Why are you talking about this? It has nothing to do with us." He said: "You just say it, just small players like us have no use value. Even if it passes, no one deliberately designs to block us." ... If there is, then I am also happy! To be famous once, the life of the Sa family is worth it!"

As soon as he uttered those alcohol-smelling words, there were sparse laughter from all around him. The middle-aged man who took on the dual responsibilities of cook and boss came out of the kitchen and knocked on the table with a large spoon:

"A lot of people have talked about this to me in the past few days. You have such a strange brain circuit! What's the matter, drinking can help you open up your mind? Then don't spit it out."

There was a burst of laughter in the small restaurant. Someone asked: "Boss, if you were Lin Yining, what would you do?"

"If I were him?" The boss rolled his eyes and said, "If I were him, with his face, why would I open a restaurant? First go to the harem!"

Almost everyone couldn't help it now, and burst out laughing.

There are no taboos in the world of doomsday games. When talking about Lin Yining, who is such a bloody topic, you talk about it very lively, and you don't know that the person they are talking about is right beside them.

Lin Yining never interrupted, just sat on the side, after eating noodles, quietly peeled an egg next to him, listened to their nonsense, and extracted information from it.

First of all, Lu Luoyi attaches great importance to this matter, very seriously. That woman went to find Lin Yining under the guise of being a member of Lu Luoyi's Beidou Sixth Team that day. To increase credibility, they even hurt the little girl's father and held the little girl hostage.

Therefore, for the entire Beidou, there are internal worries—someone’s application is too long, which has already moved to the official members of Beidou, and there are also foreign troubles—in the eyes of other players, Jinniu City controlled by Beidou is not safe and even more unfair. Here to see who is not pleasing to the eye, if you want to kill him, Beidou can't guarantee the safety of the other party.

In this way, it would be strange if Lu Luoyi didn't get angry. If what he said is true, this matter is really not planned by Lu Luoyi behind the scenes, the real person behind the scenes is simply killing two birds with one stone, or three birds with one stone. If it succeeds, it will kill Lin Yining to get the props; if it fails, it will ruin the relationship between Lin Yining and Beidou. By the way, regardless of success or failure, it can severely discredit Beidou's reputation.

If it is said in this way, Lin Yining is somewhat convinced that this matter was not done by Lu Luoyi.

But it is also impossible for him to fully trust Lu Luoyi. Lu Luoyi said that he wanted to gain his trust because he wanted to enter the copy of Lynn City with him, but why is he so sure that Lin Yining must have a way to enter

In this way, the real person behind it, his approach is much more reasonable. He just wants to kill Lin Yining and get the props that Lin Yining owns.

He was thinking like this, but he didn't notice that another person sat down not far from him at some point. Like Lin Yining, he also wore a black cloak.

In the game world, there are many people who are unwilling to reveal their identities. This is just a routine operation, so when he sat down, he didn't attract the attention of the people around him at all.

Listening to a group of players talking nonsense there, the new player wearing a black cloak suddenly laughed, and said to his companions with a mocking voice, "Listen to them, what they say is true. "

He lowered his voice, but did not restrain his voice on purpose. Lin Yining always felt a little familiar when he heard this voice, but forgot where he heard it before.

The person walking with him did not hide himself, the person said lightly: "Whatever they say, you eat yours. After eating, go to the amusement park dungeon. There are so many people here, we may not be able to occupy a seat .”

"If it's not your own territory, it's trouble." The person who started talking shook his head a few times, and said, "If you don't need such trouble at home, they all listen to my brother, and they all listen to me when they round up."

The person who came with him took a chopstick of pickled vegetables and put them in his bowl, saying, "Eat yours quickly."

He finally stopped humming and buried himself in eating noodles. But Lin Yining finished the last bit of food in his bowl, and heard that the direction of the group's discussion had turned a corner, and the topic of the discussion was far from the original topic, so he no longer planned to stay for a long time.

He was about to stand up when someone lifted the curtain at the door, came in, looked around, and said loudly, "Where's the kid who just came in, who wrapped himself up tightly, hiding his head and showing his tail?"

"My family's business is good. There are a thousand or eight hundred packages a day. Which one do you think?" The boss who had just escaped from the battle came out of the kitchen again, waving a big spoon and said, "Go away, where is the boy? Dare to come here to play wild, do you know who is the master in this free city? Allow you to make trouble here?"

The boss was full of confidence, but the onlookers didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and said, "then there are two of them?"

Of course he was referring to Lin Yining and the people around Lin Yining.

Before Lin Yining could make a sound, the person sitting at the table next to him said loudly, "You have to know, this is Liberty City, not Central City. It is not against the law for me to kill people. Be careful that I will kill you."

The person who just came in laughed back angrily, and said, "It's pretty crazy."

This kind of thing happens every day in Liberty City. Seeing that they are really going to fight, the boss is a little timid, shrinking back, and said: "You fight, you will lose money if you break something during the fight, you have to remember me!" live."

After speaking, his hands kept moving, and he sent a message directly, which should be sent to the person who maintains order here.

"They came here for five minutes, enough time for me to kill you." The man at the door sneered, waved his hand, and said, "Go!"

Lin Yining has a special status now, and he doesn't want to get involved in such trivial matters. Seeing someone angry and showing up, he is happy and relaxed, hiding behind and not speaking.

According to him, someone would come to maintain order in about five minutes, and he didn't need to make a sound at all.

Obviously, the person who dared to speak up against the hooligans was not bad. He looked a little clumsy, but his level was not low, and the person beside him who came with him also kept silent. Either it is cowardice, or it is confidence in the strength of the companion, and it is obviously the latter here.

They fought for a few minutes, and there was a rush of footsteps not far from the door.

"What are you doing? What are you doing? There are so many dungeons in Liberty City, not enough for you to live on?" The man who came in had a righteous face, and he did nothing good. Fight, don't break other people's things."

"Well, yes, let's go out and fight." Immediately afterwards, another group of people came, this time, the leader had a sunny face, and he smiled and said, "Well, there are six of us, you There are also six here, we are six to six, a tie."

He didn't hide his appearance. In the current doomsday game world, it's not an exaggeration to say that everyone knows his face like this.

This young man who looks like a college student is the head of Han Ren, the owner of Pisces City.

Although Han Ren's strength is not ranked among the top three among all forces, but when it comes to reputation, no one can beat it. With its free and open reputation, Pisces has attracted wave after wave of players.

He is Fan Ziyao.

Seeing such a big man suddenly, the players in the shop were hoarse for a while. The legs of the person who started the quarrel were already trembling a little.

Seeing Fan Ziyao coming in, Lin Yining realized, where did he hear the voice of the man wearing the black cloak just now.

Sure enough, the man in the black cloak took off his hat, revealing a face that was somewhat similar to Fan Ziyao.

"You see it, you know it, are you still screaming?" Fan Zike raised his head triumphantly with a little arrogance, and called brother.

Fan Ziyao responded to him, then turned to ask the boss, "During the fight, how many things were damaged? I'll pay for it."

Fan Ziyao suddenly appeared in front of him, and the boss was a little flustered. He glanced at him casually and said, "Not much...not much, two hundred copper coins are enough."

Fan Ziyao used the app to transfer the money, scanned the room, and suddenly stopped at Lin Yining.

Lin Yining didn't move.

He and Fan Ziyao were not familiar, and when they met again after a long separation, they didn't know what to say. Anyway, in his plan, he would always enter Pisces City once, and it would be better to meet again then.

But Fan Ziyao didn't let him go, his eyes turned several times on his face, and he didn't move away. The people around him felt a little strange.

Lin Yining planned to establish a good relationship with him, so it's not easy to argue hard at this time. He stood up and asked, "What's the matter, Mr. Fan?"

"No, it's nothing. Did I offend you? I'm sorry." Fan Zike said in a gentle tone, "I always feel that you are like someone I know. He helped me a lot."

Lin Yining always felt that the acquaintance Fan Zike mentioned was referring to him. Looking at it this way, it would be impolite for him to pretend to be a fool. So he said: "I did have a relationship with Mr. Fan once, but if you say that I am the old man you miss, I think you are mistaken."

"Whether you admit it or not, I'll know just by saying the name. In my impression, I don't know two people with this name." Fan Ziyao continued to speak softly: "His name is Lin Yining."

For a moment, the people standing aside were a little embarrassed.

Lin Yining had no choice but to take off his cloak hat when he heard his name being called out directly. The hat was taken off, the props failed, and his long silver-white hair fell down. The elf looked at him with red eyes and said, "It is indeed me, please remember."

"Where." Fan Ziyao said: "You disappeared and were in distress at the time, indeed a large part of the reason was for our Cold Blade and Pisces City, of course we have to repay such kindness."

Lin Yining turned his attention to Fan Zike who was on the side, and greeted him: "I remember, the last time we met, it was in the real area of Scorpio City."

Fan Zike laughed twice, and said: "Things are different, people are different. When we played the instance of the Cannibal Hotel together, the gap was not too big. Now you have become famous, and I am still the second generation of Brother Chew. The gap is huge." It's really not that big."

"How do you talk." Fan Ziyao lightly patted his younger brother on the head, and said to Lin Yining: "May I ask, where are you going now? If you need anything, just let me know."

There was something in his words, not only for Lin Yining, but also for everyone present.

He was very clear about Lin Yining's situation. He said this to support Lin Yining.

Lin Yining didn't expect that he still had this kind of heart. Zuo Lai actually had such thoughts from the beginning, so he didn't refuse again, saying: "If possible, I would like to live in Pisces City for a while, and wait After meeting Duanmu Xiao, I will go to Libra City."

"That's just a coincidence." Fan Ziyao smiled and said, "Actually, you didn't know that Duanmu happened to be in Libra. He was doing a series of missions in Libra before and couldn't get away. I was there to help him. If you go to Libra now , we can still go on the same road, and then you can meet him and go about your own business."

Lin Yining thought about it, and felt that this was okay, his goal could be achieved, and it happened to be more convenient, so he didn't refuse.

"Then I will trouble you." Lin Yining nodded his thanks.

"Yu Qing, Duan Muxiao's friend is my friend, Yu Li, I still owe you a favor, no matter from which point of view, I have no reason not to help you, this thank you makes me feel embarrassed. After Fan Ziyao finished speaking, he said, "I came here just to say goodbye to Xiao Ke. We planned to leave directly. If you have anything else to do, we can stay here for a while."

Lin Yining shook his head and said, "I was only planning to take a rest here."

"That's right." Fan Ziyao smiled.

When the group left the room, the people around breathed a sigh of relief, and someone whispered: "When gossiping about others, the Lord is standing by and listening to the whole process. This is the first time I have experienced such an exciting thing... "

"I heard that Lin Yining's temper is not very good, shouldn't he be glad that he didn't kill someone..."

After saying this, the air froze again.

"Get out, get out!" The boss suddenly kicked everyone out.

Someone said angrily: "I haven't finished my meal yet!"

"I was so scared that I almost had a heart attack. What business are you still doing? I'll give you the money back and eat elsewhere!" The boss was annoyed and kicked everyone out.

After shutting out all the disturbing sounds, he finally had time to open his app and post a post.

The Doomsday game app has a forum function. In this copy with 50 million players, there are not a few people who spend their time on the Internet all the time. Soon, the news that Lin Yining appeared in a certain Liberty City spread rapidly.

In the city of Taurus in the distance.

In a Liberty City not far from Jinniu City, there is also such a building. Players can stay here to refresh, but it is not open to the public, and only belongs to Beidou players.

And today, it's not open to anyone.

Lu Luoyi is here, and there are two people beside him, one of them is the one that Lin Yining saw outside the city gate a few days ago, the legendary right-hand man of Lu Luoyi.

Kneeling in front of them was a man covered in blood.

"I don't even know, there is such a capable person beside me." Lu Luoyi stepped down from the front and kicked him: "What are you talking about, you only received money, and you don't know anything?"

The person beside him stopped him and said, "I think he might really know nothing."

Lu Luoyi walked back to the high seat, sat down, and said, "Do you believe it? I don't even believe it. There is such a big mistake around me... The mission of Mutation Valley is completed, and someone knows it before me. Take this opportunity They cheated my VIPs at the first time, they fought at the gate of the city for almost 20 minutes, and it’s fine that the guarding players disappeared... Didn’t the players notify me? Why didn’t they respond at all!”

"It's fine if you're done getting angry." The other party sighed helplessly, and said, "This at least proves that your thinking is correct. The dungeon that Lin Yining entered must be very important, and they have spent so much effort on it." Go in too."

"Why doesn't it matter." Lu Luoyi sneered: "Are they fools? They only thought they could go in if they had props. If Lin Yining hadn't brought them with them, the npc wouldn't have torn us apart."

"What?" He said, "Did that person send you a message again?"

"Yes." Lu Luoyi crossed Erlang's legs and said indifferently: "Do you know what the next step of the game is? To purify the bloodline! Do you still remember that when we first awakened the bloodline, the detected bloodline concentration was How much? It’s less than 10%, and it’s even worse for those who were acquired bloodlines, most of them are around 2%.”

To purify the bloodline, this is indeed a very attractive condition.

You know, from the moment you enter the game, force is what judges the ranks of players. People who have evolved bloodlines are veritably the top class, and if they don't have evolved bloodlines, they can only be ants. And there is a world of difference between bloodlines and bloodlines. If the bloodline can be purified in advance, it is self-evident what kind of benefits he will have in the game world.

In the beginning, when she just received the news from Duan Muxiao, Lu Luoyi was overjoyed and didn't intend to have any friendship with Lin Yining. But that night, he received a message telling him that the dungeon that Lin Yining entered had great benefits in it.

The sender is a clown.

No player can ever forget the name, it's their first impression of how brutal the game world is.

The clown told him that someone had to take it with them so they could enter the copy.

Being called out by the clown suddenly, Lu Luoyi was dubious. Although he felt that the clown, who is an official member of the game, would not make fun of him, the risk was too great.

So the clown gave him Zheng Hua's contact information. Here, he finally had a certain understanding of that dungeon, and at the same time, he was shocked by how deep the water was.

"It's too dangerous, I think you'd better not go." Fang Jian, Lu Luoyi's deputy, said, "Why don't you find someone to try first?"

"No." He said, "There is only one Lin Yining. Do you think he has a good chance of coming out after entering? Although it is dangerous, how do you say it? Wealth and wealth are in danger! The information given by the clown, behind the scenes What level of interest do you still not understand? This time I have to go by myself. Besides, the clown is definitely not the only one who told this news to me."

"Yes, I also told the one who cheated us behind our backs this time." Fang Jian's eyes drifted to the bloody man on the ground, and asked, "What are you going to do with him?"

"What can we do, deal with it. There are no idiots left in Beidou, let alone betrayers." After he finished speaking, he walked out.

There was a scream behind him.

In a place further away, Lin Yining was completely unaware of all this. He got off the raptor from Fan Ziyao's team, and a group of people stood in the center of Libra City. Lin Yining didn't see his friend Duan Muxiao, but saw an unexpected person.

This person is Yu Sen.

Speaking of this name, it seems that it was a long time ago, so long that he went from having a peaceful life to being watched by everyone again.

Together with him, Yu Sen first entered the golden eternal night dungeon in Lynn City, and then entered the connection between the Western Fantasy world and the game world from here, and finally survived successfully.

Maybe it was Yu Sen and Lin Yining's eyes that caught Fan Ziyao's attention. He seemed to be surprised and asked, "You know each other?"

"We had a dungeon together." Lin Yining said.

"Then it seems that you have a good relationship." Fan Ziyao smiled: "In the game world, those who have played dungeons together are called friends of life and death, right?"