Doomsday Carnival

Chapter 96: Start a new copy


At the end of the path is the exit of the dungeon, as if crossing the connection of the Mobius ring, Lin Yining left this space. Outside, it was still that dangerous world.

The place where Lin Yining left was an open flat land. Now that he is back, it is still the same, it seems that there is no change at all.

If Lin Yining had contacted Duanmu Xiao in advance, he would have known how the game had changed during the time he was gone—unfortunately he didn't know. The clown has always been focused on teasing him. On the surface, it looks like he is helping him, but in fact there will be even bigger tricks behind him.

Fortunately, Lin Yining was used to being tricked by him, and he was so careful that everything would turn into a weapon. It was night outside when he came out, and there was no such thing as a street light in the world in the game, and the surroundings were completely dark, which happened to give him a chance. He wore an invisibility cloak, tried his best to appear normal, and walked towards the forest.

In the forest, a group of people set up a tent and rested there. Hearing footsteps in the distance, the night watchman quickly asked alertly, "Who?"

"Passing by." Lin Yining said in a hoarse voice, unhurriedly, "I just came out of the dungeon."

The night watchman was quite kind, and reminded him: "There are a lot of random dungeons here. If there is nothing wrong, go back to the city early, so as not to run into each other."

"Thank you, I got it." Lin Yining turned a corner and walked in another direction.

When he was far away, the night watchman checked the time, yawned, and decided to ask his companions to come out and continue to watch. After hearing what he said, the companion felt a little wrong.

"You're stupid, aren't you?" The man jumped three feet high: "What are we here for? Aren't we here to guard a secretive player who just came out of the dungeon? Did you see such a person , you just let him go?"

"No? Damn it!" The night watch player was a little confused, and after realizing it, he looked in the direction of Lin Yining's departure, but didn't know what to say.

The news of Lin Yining's appearance here quickly spread, and in an instant, there were more players here. Everyone knows that he can't run too far. If he wants to leave, there are only two ways, public transportation or a private car, private speeding car, etc. The game system is sold, but the price is expensive, and he doesn't have it.

The place where Chenxi is located is vast and sparsely populated. Before the game started, it was a well-known place in China with few people. doomsday game. A group of players has a lot of kung fu.

After he killed two or three players, there were more and more people here.

Lin Yining hid in the cave and talked to Duan Muxiao.

"I want to ask you something." He calmed down and said, "I think, these days, it's not just people from Chenxi who are chasing me." After he finished speaking, he quietly waited for the other party's reply.

Lin Yining has been chased quite a lot during this time, but he has been unable to contact Duanmuxiao. It stands to reason that Pisces' people tricked him, and Duanmuxiao has direct interests with Pisces, so Lin Yining should be careful when he contacts him again.

But Lin Yining believed him. Maybe it's because the pendant Duanmuxiao gave him helped him through the crisis, or maybe in Xiaolou's copy, he saw something that he had overlooked.

He wanted to give Duanmu Xiao a chance.

Said to the other side: "Indeed. Chen Xi, the people from Pisces City, and... the majority of ordinary players."

"Why?" Lin Yining asked.

During this period of time, he looked through the forum, and there was everything on it, but the news was too mixed, and Lin Yining couldn't find any definite news after reading it for a long time.

There was a long silence on the other side of the phone, and after a while, he said: "Someone has released the news that the next step of the game is to purify the blood—the way to purify is to open four special copies."

Lin Yining went to one of them.

He groaned and said, "The one who released the news was Fan Ziyao, right?"

Lin Yining, who knew a little bit of inside information, thought that this news might be true. Fan Ziyao had just been to the special dungeon near Libra—the Lin En City that Lin Yining entered when he disappeared. In addition, Fan Ziyao made a move on him before dawn, Lin Yining had reason to believe that he was the one who did it.

Duanmuxiao said yes with difficulty.

"Why, do you think you hurt me?" Lin Yining laughed, "Relax, there is nothing to feel guilty about."

He met Fan Ziyao, first introduced by Duanmuxiao. Duan Muxiao acted as an intermediary, and Lin Yining gave Fan Ziyao his ticket to the Pisces City Ownership Challenge, and took the blame for him by the way. In fact, without that step, Lin Yining would not be where he is now.

Duanmu Xiao said sorry.

"It's me who made the decision, and I don't regret it. What's wrong with you." He said: "The words Fan Ziyao touched me at the time was that he said he wanted players to live a dignified life..."

"No, he didn't say that, what he said was that he wanted to restore order." Duanmu Xiao said.

Lin Yining said with an oh: "It doesn't matter. If he did it, it means that my choice is correct."

"I didn't see that you are still a character with the world in mind." Listening to the breathing of the friend on the other end of the phone, he smiled: "The one who wants to kill you now is the person you want to protect."

"I'm not." Lin Yining said, "Don't talk nonsense."

"Okay, anyway, you know, I cheated you unintentionally, and now I'm being watched very strictly, it should be difficult to do what I promised you..."

"If you are not under house arrest, you can." Lin Yining said, "You come to Jinniu City."

"Taurus City is Lu Luoyi's site..."

"That's right, someone told me that he can be trusted." Lin Yining said lightly, "This is a person you can't imagine."


"Clown." Lin Yining said: "What exactly is he going to do, it's time to decipher it."

Duanmu Xiao on the other side of the phone stopped breathing for a moment, and finally had to admire and said: "You are awesome."

After Lin Yining hung up the phone, he turned around and entered the reflection of the galaxy. Inside, Lin Yining saw the mysterious man.

"The bow is repaired, can you tell me what you have been hiding from me?"

As early as before Lin Yining went to Libra, the mysterious man vaguely showed his connection with the clown. Under Lin Yining's repeated questioning, the mysterious man told him that after he repaired the bow, he would tell him what happened. what happens.

This mysterious person comes from the reward Lin Yining got when he passed the novice dungeon, that is, a bow. The thing he got together at the time was the reflection of the galaxy, which was a prop given to Lin Yining by the clown through an easter egg when he first entered the game. Although it is almost used as a warehouse by him now, it is actually very capable.

Lin Yining clearly remembered that the mysterious man had told him that he could go out after collecting the four series of elements and the seeds of the four races, but now he was not so sure.

The mysterious man said: "Really, everything I told you is true. The reflection of the galaxy is a god-level prop. After you collect all the seeds, you will indeed have the ability to travel between two worlds."

"And then?" Lin Yining asked: "You tell me this, are you playing a collection game? After I collect all the pieces, can I really just go out like this?"

"Of course not." The mysterious man said, "The place you are going to is the headquarters of the game company."

Lin Yining: "..."

"The reflection of the Milky Way used to be the pearl on the ring that God loved most. As for the tree inside, it was the mother tree of the elves. The reason why he chose you was that you are a pure-blooded elf with thin blood. Humans in your world Blood is equivalent to water, and almost anything can melt into it, so even if you only have 1% elven blood, you are still a pure blood elf." The mysterious man's tone was a little helpless:

"The elf mother tree is the medium between the reflection of the galaxy and its temporary owner. This is doomed, he can only choose the elves. Time is limited. I didn't expect him to meet you. I think he is also very miserable."

Lin Yining: "..."

"Well, it's a bit wrong to say that. I should consider your mood." The mysterious man said: "Since it has developed to the present, I don't need to hide it from you. What the game company headquarters wants is actually blood that has been suppressed." The purified players—the human race, that is, you. What level, the game is actually just an indicator to measure whether you can kill. Then you should know that after the representative cities of the four races on the mainland are integrated with the game world, you What are you facing?"

"Batch after batch of players feel that they have gained the hope of life, but they have actually gone from the breeding farm to the slaughterhouse." Lin Yining said softly: "The expected result."

"You are everyone's hope." The mysterious man said, "If you get eight seeds, you will have the ability to compete with game companies."

"I don't think so, a game company that even your gods can't handle, me alone?"

"That's something for later, of course we have a solution." The mysterious man couldn't help laughing, and took out two seeds: "The fourth and fifth seeds—the ones I put in Bai Yuege before, I took them out."

From the shade floated two seeds of different colors, one pure green and one gray.

"You have obtained the seeds of alien race, human race and fire, and these two are seeds of wood and wind. Congratulations, you have taken another step towards freedom."

The two seeds fell to the ground, and a tree grew out of the reflection of the galaxy. One is about the same as the elf mother tree, full of vitality and very comfortable to look at, while the other is a bit translucent.

"I don't quite believe you." Lin Yining said.

"If you don't believe it, don't believe it. I believe you will find the seeds." The mysterious man said casually, "When you go back to Lynn City, someone will tell you where to find the remaining three seeds. In the end, he will appear, I believe He'll convince you, and that's none of my business."

Staring at the two trees, Lin Yining asked, "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Because before collecting all five seeds, the reflection of the galaxy is just an ordinary prop. It is monitored by the game. If you say illegal words, you will be found out. It's hard for me to hide myself."

"That's why the clown can't say it." Lin Yining said to himself.

"That's right."

"I'm leaving." Lin Yining said, "You are right, I will collect the remaining three seeds as you said."


Talking big can't solve Lin Yining's current crisis.

Many players were waiting for him outside, many words were not for jokes, Lin Yining was almost unable to move an inch. Of course hiding is still possible, he can hide in the reflection of the Milky Way, or find a dungeon to hide in, no one will be able to find him.

With Yilin Yining's character, he would not do such a thing.

Stars are faintly twinkling in the night sky, underground, two players are wandering here slowly.

"I said, do you really want to find Lin Yining together? You don't even know what level you are, what level is he?" His companion complained about him.

"You stupid, if we used to come in the dungeon here? Why don't we just come in and grab a dungeon," he said while swaying, "I'm stupid? I haven't reached level 20 yet, go kill one that is almost level 30 players?"

Yes, during this period of time, players kept coming to give experience, and Lin Yining's level soared again, and he was about to reach level 30—but it was meaningless to Lin Yining now, he already knew that the level This thing is just an indicator for the game company to measure whether the player is good or not. It is not a pure number. According to the mysterious person, there is a very complicated algorithm in it.

The two talked like this, walking back and forth on the plain: "Is this the... copy of the suicide forest? Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

One of them muttered softly, and heard his companion say, "Look... what's on that tree?" His companion tremblingly glanced up at the top of his head, and shouted, "Fuck, what is that?"

There seemed to be a person on the tree, sitting there quietly.

What they were looking for was a dungeon featuring ghosts.

One of them was about to run, but was entangled in a vine spreading from the tree.

"Aren't you here to find me? What are you running for?"

Now the other person is also lying, the one who came down from the tree was Lin Yining.

Under the moonlight, Lin Yining's appearance was extremely beautiful. Under the hazy light, his silver-white hair and red eyes gleamed, and when he thought of his deeds, he looked even more bewitching.

"We...we didn't plan to do anything!" He said, " heard that...we didn't plan to do anything to you at all."

After saying these unconvincing words, they heard the monster-like beauty chuckle slightly.

"Okay, don't scare people." A person came out from behind, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Looking at it again, they were even more dumbfounded. The person who spoke was familiar to them. He belonged to Jinniu City. His name was Lu Luoyi. He was a famous... lunatic.

"It's too troublesome here, I try not to be seen by others." Lu Luoyi muttered in a low voice: "I have a question, why do you have to act like this?"

"This is not pretending." Lin Yining said something, and then said: "You all came to me because of the special copy over the National Forest Park?"

"No, we didn't come to look for you, they did." The man tied up by Lin Yining whispered.

Lin Yining: "Don't be afraid, I didn't think much about you. I'll just tell you, tell others for me, about three months later, the special copy will be opened, and everything you want will be available at that time, so don't chase after it." me."

The man nodded foolishly, watching Lin Yining get into the car and leave with Lu Luoyi who was urging him endlessly. The silver-white monster flew up under the moonlight, beautiful like an illusion.

In the car, Lu Luoyi said: "What's the use of you talking to them, do people really believe what the two young men say?"

Lin Yining shook his head: "I didn't intend to make them believe anything, I just wanted to say everything clearly. Do your best and obey the destiny, that's all."

Lu Luoyi whispered, "I don't understand either."

"You don't have to understand." He said, "It's enough that I'm willing to help you do what you want... You really won't regret it?"

Lu Luoyi: "What do I regret?"

After Lin Yining finished talking with the mysterious person in the reflection of the galaxy that day, the game team seemed to know something, and immediately issued an announcement to start the next mission.

Exactly like the rumors, the special dungeons corresponding to the four races are opened, and the dungeons communicate with each other. In these special dungeons, bloodlines can be refined.

To a certain extent, this made Lin Yining even more miserable, but it also lifted his spirits.

This person is Lu Luoyi chosen by the clown.

What the clown said revived him, and he immediately contacted Lin Yining. The two hit it off immediately and immediately made a plan to help Lin Yining escape from the predicament.

Of course, as compensation, Lin Yining will also open the copy of Lynn City with him.

In the past, those complicated things started because some people didn't want to open the dungeon. Today, for the same reason, Lin Yining will open the dungeon himself.