Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 101: Wolf and sequence


Everyone continued on their way, this time even slower than before. Although no one knew what was happening fifteen meters away and knew that perception was useless, they still remained on high alert.

Bai Wu was very satisfied with everyone's attitude. The effect of opening the mouth at least made people put away their contempt.

He walked in the middle of the team, observing and thinking, and he felt more and more confused about the regional alliance.

"I saw mechanical creatures in the zoo before, and that area was almost entirely filled with mechanical creatures. The characteristic of mechanical creatures is stability. The range of their movements has a mechanized sense of order and beauty."

"But the depth of the footprints just now was different, which shows that the strength of each step was slightly different. I tentatively guess that it was not a mechanized creature."

The outlines of the mountains in the distance became clearer, but the fog was still thick.

These fogs gave people the feeling that there was a group of cute Smurfs living on the other side of the mountain and the sea. At least the white fog did not feel any sense of crisis at all.

Even though the group had already approached the evil's lair at their own risk.

This feeling made Bai Wu feel as if both humans and evil were groping in the dark.

The evil in the white area, the evil in the blue area, the evil in the purple area, the evil in biological organisms, the evil in mechanical organisms, all of them walk with their eyes blindfolded.

It depends on who hits who first.

If all the evil spirits are heading towards the distant mountains, then Bai Wu can infer that the closer to the mountain, the higher the possibility of hitting an evil spirit.

About three minutes later, the first evil creature appeared.

Level 5 mutation, rare aberration entries: fang spurs, triple wisdom. Given that it has two seconds left to live, there is no need to introduce it any further. It is worth mentioning that this is a wolf, not a dog.

Two seconds later, this level five evil creature that looked like a three-headed hellhound with three heads was cut in half by Wujiu in a wave trajectory, and all three heads were separated from their bodies.

Bai Wu couldn't help but sigh that the short guy was really a master at dividing heads.

But suddenly, Bai Wu remembered the last sentence in the note, and he immediately said:

"Be careful, there is more than one evil creature."

Wolves often move in groups.

Bai Wu had no doubt that there might be quite a few three-headed wolves howling fifteen meters away.

Sure enough, before he finished his thought, three wolves with even bigger bodies rushed in, all nine of their heads roaring!

At the first moment, Bai Wu felt the tacit understanding between this team.

Shang Xiaoyi rushed forward like a mad dog, as if it was not the hungry wolf that pounced on him, but he who pounced on the hungry wolf.

But despite Shang Xiaoyi's madness, he stood in the same position as Wang Shi, one on the left and one on the right. One stood in front of Bai Wu, and the other stood in front of Yin Shuang.

Wujiu was in the middle, still using his sword to draw a neat arc. The three heads didn't even have time to howl.

However, in comparison, Shang Xiaoyi and Wang Shi were in a stalemate.

In terms of strength, they are actually on par with Evil Fall. The other two three-headed wolves went crazy when they saw their companions die, but were quickly killed by Wujiu.

Bai Wu felt much more balanced.

It is possible that these people are actually rookies, and they were all spotted by the short guy because of their potential and then brought up little by little.

So it’s not that one person is holding five big thighs, but that five people are holding one big thigh.

The battle was not over yet, wolves began to pour in.

They came from the blue area in the north, which was a dense forest. A few days ago, an evil creature came to their territory.

In the past seven hundred years, they have only seen humans coming to die, but have never seen evil fall.

Under the persuasion of the evil man, the wolves learned a shocking secret, so they accepted the invitation and started heading for the mountain.

No one knows how many evil people will be invited. The evil person who holds a travel ticket and is not restricted by any region is like a lobbyist who uses all his eloquence.

Under its lobbying, more and more evil beings began to gather and head towards that area.

Although these evil people accepted the lobbying, they were unable to get along with each other.

This thick fog also has the effect of preventing the evil creatures from plundering each other.

As a wolf pack, they are powerful, bloodthirsty, and have terrifying perception abilities. They also encounter other evil creatures along the way. Under the leadership of the alpha wolf, the wolf pack defeats many other evil creatures.

After all, the evil creatures in most areas don't like to travel in groups, but wolves are different.

But this time... they definitely didn't expect to encounter a group of humans.

It was also unimaginable that this team of humans would directly become the wolf terminators.

The role of the three fifth-level warriors, Wang Shi, Lin Wurou, and Shang Xiaoyi, is to protect Yin Shuang, the healer, and Bai Wu, the scout, while Wujiu is responsible for the kill.

Their cooperation is in order. Although these wolves generally have "three times the intelligence", three wolf heads are ultimately no match for a human head, and their IQ base is too low.

Soon, the ground was covered with wolf corpses... and three times as many heads.

Bai Wu really hoped that the pot could bring back his soul so that he could eat a bowl of dog meat hotpot. He missed the taste.

When almost half of the wolves were dead, the leader wolf on the other side of the thick fog noticed that his people had gone and never returned, and finally realized that something was wrong.

The most powerful wolf joins the battlefield.

At this moment, the situation changed!

Wang Shi and Shang Xiaoyi joined forces, but were slapped away by a single claw from the leader wolf, which was three times the size of an ordinary three-headed wolf!


The leader wolf sounded the charge horn, but except for the wolves within a radius of fifteen meters who responded, the rest of the pack could not hear it.

Bai Wu stared at the huge alpha wolf and saw the treasure on the wolf:

Although there is an insurmountable gap between the fifth and sixth level mutations, and this sixth level mutation monster also has rich combat experience, but looking at you, you are calm and not panicking at all. You clearly realize that in front of the dwarf, the difference between the fifth and sixth level is just the difference between one blow to death and one blow after another... to death. However, if you kill it, maybe you can pick up a decent ability, Sequence 479: Double Strength.

The alpha wolf is actually a sequence carrier

Bai Wu didn't let Wujiu stop, as he just wanted to do an experiment.

In fact, when Bai Wu faced the snake and Elijah, he really wanted to know if it was other humans, such as Shorty, who took action, whether Shorty would get the sequence.

The battle between Wujiu and the wolf leader lasted for thirty seconds, and the wolf leader's three heads were still relatively stable.

In this battle, Wujiu had been suppressing the huge three-headed wolf, but the wolf had thick skin and flesh, so it was not easily beheaded by Wujiu, although it could not hold on for a few minutes.

Each of Wujiu's sword strikes could not kill it directly, but it brought great pain.

Lin Wurou and the others originally thought that in a few minutes, the captain would kill the wolf with one blow after another.

But Wujiu obviously didn't want to waste time.

He suddenly led the wolf into the thick fog. Both the man and the wolf disappeared.

Lin Wurou, Wang Shi, Shang Xiaoyi were about to rush into the fog to help the captain, but were stopped by the white fog:

"Don't make trouble. The captain will be back soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, a huge round object suddenly rolled into everyone's sight at the edge of the thick fog.

That was the head of the wolf, and Wujiu's figure appeared afterwards:

"We have killed all the wolves. Let's continue on our journey."

The others were surprised how the captain could kill the wolf all of a sudden, while Bai Wu was surprised—

"Strange... Why didn't Shorty get the sequence?"