Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 121: Couples night


Bai Wu had a rough idea in his mind. This idea was absurd, but also had a certain logic, but he needed to verify it.

"Cain will definitely leave me some clues, otherwise does he really intend to let the captain be his father for life?"

"It's only the twenty-second floor. I have to figure out which floor the clue is on."

In the floor information index, some levels actually don’t have their uses marked, and for those that have their uses marked, Bai Wu thinks it’s unlikely to be the one.

He returned to the elevator and pressed number 21. The 21st floor was where the board members had their offices.

When the elevator reached the 22nd floor, the electronic screen inside the elevator became stuck again. The four words "wolf culture" began to repeat continuously, and the first word was hidden.

This floor, like the sixteenth floor, was full of dust and was the most likely place to obtain intelligence. If it were usual, Bai Wu would search the place with the most information last, but now he was in a hurry.

The computer room on the 22nd floor remains the same, but the front desk has changed slightly:

Although there is a reception desk on each floor of the building, the one on the 22nd floor is definitely the most beautiful. Do you think a receptionist who only serves a dozen people will have a lot of work? She is free every day, but sometimes she feels tired, not mentally.

The reception desk on the twenty-second floor is beautiful

Bai Wu believes that the aesthetic taste of eyes should be the same as his own, which is quite picky.

"From the number of seats in the conference room just now, there are only eleven board members. Most of them have their own personal secretaries, so there is no need to ask the front desk. The front desk is actually just a decoration, and is occasionally responsible for running errands. But the workload at this level is very low, because the status of the front desk is too low, and the work involved at this level is often more important."

"So... this receptionist is very tired. She must be kept by someone. Her job mainly involves sleeping with a certain board member."

Bai Wu thought of a possibility. Maybe the chairman's secretary was also very beautiful, but his relationship with the secretary was normal. Because anyone who could be the secretary of such a large conglomerate had strong business capabilities, it would be bad if she had any handle on him.

So the secretary was just a cover, and the receptionist who was in the most conspicuous position in his office area was the object of the affair.

"I won't make assumptions about other board members for now. If it was me who cheated, it was me who played the role..."

It is very normal for rich people to go out and have fun and keep something outside. It can hardly prove anything. When they return home, they can still appear to be in love with their families. Although it is superficial, in the eyes of rich people, appearance is more important than the inner qualities.

"This at least shows that... love is not what this man values most. In other words, the loving family in the manor is just a facade."

Bai Wu began to observe the offices of the board members one by one:

You come to the first room of sin. Seven hundred years later, is it still filled with the smell of marijuana

Drug addict... Not this one. Bai Wu could feel the role he was playing. Maybe there was some kind of violence in his bones, but he was not a drug addict.

The second room of sin, every Wednesday night at 6:50, there will be a card game, playing blackjack. They bet a lot, and many people often leave this building, and accidents will happen.

Good at gambling... Then this room should not belong to one person alone, but should be used in a collaborative way.

Bai Wu looked towards the third room.

The third room of sin, in the desk cabinet of the room, is a picture album with many clever compositions. The owner of this room likes escape room games very much. He will spend a huge amount of money to make many cleverly designed escape rooms. If you can't leave the escape room, the intruder will die. Of course, there is no escape room here. When the doomsday comes, everyone is escaping, some by boat, some by plane, but he chose to hide in the escape room he designed. Guess what? He lived for 700 years! Maybe you will meet him in the future.

"A locked room puzzle?... It doesn't look like this one. Among the board members back then, there was a wealthy man who was keen on locked room puzzles. Did this person become evil in the locked room?"

Bai Wu was not interested in the preview of the next episode now, but he still walked into the house and took out the picture album - something that you might need in the future.

In the following time, Bai Wu looked at the houses row by row. Whenever there was any information hidden in the house, Bai Wu would go in and take a look at the information.

After just one round, he didn't find any valuable information except for the last room.

The last room, which is also the largest office, has the following notes.

There is a safe hidden in this room, which contains many gifts received by the owner of the house. You must be curious why someone would put these things in the office - because these gifts are all liquids, and they are in small bottles with various numbers written on them, the smallest number is nine and the largest is forty.

After analyzing the notes, Bai Wu suddenly had some clues.


In various bottles, the smallest is the number nine and the largest is forty. What if the corresponding number is the age of a person

A perverted image suddenly formed in Bai Wu's mind. He also had the answer to what the liquid was.

After this level, there are still no clues.

But if the description of one of the rows of so-called sinful rooms corresponds to the role of the father, at least we can know some characteristics of this father.

And Bai Wu's intuition told him... the last room was his father's office.

Just as the white fog was about to go deeper, a voice came from his mind.

"Dad is coming home. I miss him."

Time is running out.

Bai Wu shook his head secretly.

"Looks like I have to spend another night. I stayed here as a guest last night, and I wonder what will happen if I stay here as a host tonight."

The lunch was very sumptuous.

Yin Shuang is extremely beautiful. When this icy beauty smiles, she is more lethal than other women of the same appearance.

White fog cannot feel beauty.

Because Yin Shuang is not happy.

When returning from the hotel-style building, Bai Wu tried to go over to see Short Brother, but the voice in his head reminded him, "Dad is never late" and "It's not tea time now."

In addition, there were people visiting in the morning, so Bai Wu guessed that afternoon tea time and morning tea time were times when one could visit others.

But the clues that can be obtained must be very few.

At the dining table, Bai Wu looked at the food, feeling somewhat confused.

"Try it. It took me a long time to prepare them." Yin Shuang said these words with a smile.

Bai Wu could hear the helplessness in it.

"Is it memory tampering? Before this morning, Yin Shuang couldn't even name the ingredients, but now she can make advanced dishes using them? Because she couldn't make the right dish, she changed her memory directly?"

"Could it be that the child played by Lin Wurou is a genius little chef?"

"Something's wrong."

Bai Wu chatted and laughed, occasionally picking up food for Lin Wurou and Yin Shuang, while thinking about the problem that was bothering him.

Yin Shuang also said very subtly:

"I miss my family. You should finish your work quickly. Then come with me to visit them."

Lin Wurou hadn't figured out the secret code behind this sentence yet. His memory had been tampered with a lot. At this moment, he was vomiting in his heart while shaking Bai Wu's arm and saying:

"Dad, Dad, I want to eat this."

Bai Wu understood that Yin Shuang was very smart.

At present, she doesn't know what to say and what not to say, but it's always better to be cautious. After all, the pain of acupuncture is very torturous.

My mother's family is the tower, and my job is to investigate the current area.

Yin Shuang must be very scared inside to make such a request.

Bai Wu nodded and said:

"It's almost time. I won't keep you waiting too long."

After saying this, Yin Shuang looked at Bai Wu with gratitude.

Perhaps only this one glance coincided with her true feelings.

After lunch, Bai Wu was forced to have some parent-child interaction with Lin Wu Rou, which was probably a game of kissing, hugging, and lifting up high, with the little baby riding on the old father's shoulders.

But Lin Wu Rou was only slightly shorter than Bai Wu, and the scene was very awkward.

Afterwards, Lin Wurou, Bai Wu and Yin Shuang all rested and took a nap for about an hour. Then the three of them went to the yard and prepared afternoon tea.

Which family invites whom is based on the voice in the mind. Today Bai Wu will invite the family where Shorty lives and the family where the third building lives.

Around four o'clock, in the yard of the villa, a group of people sat together happily, enjoying afternoon tea.

When Wujiu saw the white fog, he also implicitly expressed the message that he "wanted to go back to the tower and solve the case as soon as possible."

Bai Wu could see that Bai Xiaoyu and Qin Lin made Shorty very upset.

Especially the scene where Bai Xiaoyu is 1.7 meters tall and the short brother is 1.59 meters tall, and the two of them are holding each other up high...

Bai Wu thought about it and decided that tomorrow, he must solve the case, otherwise everyone would be doomed when they returned to the tower.

"How's your work lately?" Bai Wu asked Shorty, trying to ask if he had any clues.

Wujiu shook his head and said:

"same as usual."

Bai Wu was slightly disappointed. The captain was not stupid, but it was very difficult to find clues in this manor.

The neighbors of the third building are also a family of three. The actor who plays the father is 29 years old, the mother is 30 years old, which is a blessing in disguise, and the actor who plays the child is 42 years old.

At first they were a little uncomfortable, but now this family even really feels that this is their child.

The family was very surprised because Bai Wu and the others adapted very quickly. They came to have afternoon tea and also wanted to tell Bai Wu and Wu Jiu that they had to leave here in order.

It was their turn to be the next household, and they hoped that Wujiu and Baiwu would behave themselves when there were new guests outside the manor.

The words were not cryptic, but they still finished speaking despite the pain.

Bai Wu said:

"Why can't we all go on an outing together? Why do we have to keep everyone in the company? Have you ever considered giving everyone a long vacation?"

Bai Wu's words were relatively vague. He wanted to take everyone away from here.

But the other party just thought Bai Wu was talking nonsense:

“Company regulations… must come first.”

"The company is mine, and I have the final say."

After saying this, Bai Wu said nothing more, and the third family seemed a little unhappy as well.

Although everyone was still friendly and said goodbye with a smile.

Bai Wu could also understand. This group of people had lived here for many years. Faced with a rule-level existence like the "Manor", they had all the fighting skills, but until now, they didn't even know what the enemy looked like.

The idea of taking everyone away and cracking the secret of the manor had long been abandoned. Now all they could do was to follow the rules.

But God knows when there will be new visitors outside the manor gate.


After dinner, Bai Wu returned to his study. Everything was just as he thought. As a wealthy man, his working time was limited to one hour in the morning.

Although the reality is that we often work during life and live at work, and it may seem very idle in the eyes of outsiders, but we never stop thinking about how to make money.

But the white fog is performed for the "child" in the mind.

Children don't understand work.

He only knew what time his father would work and when he would be back.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Bai Wu and others began to follow the instructions and prepare to wash up and go to bed.

But this night was different from the previous ones.

When Lin Wu Rou found Bai Wu, Bai Wu could clearly see the pain and distortion on Lin Wu Rou's face.

But it soon returned to normal, and Lin Baobao said with anticipation:

"Daddy, I want to sleep with you and mommy!"

Lin Wurou's true personality is that he hates being touched by others. In his eyes, most women are ugly. Although Yin Shuang is good-looking, he doesn't want to have too much contact with her.

He thought eating together was the limit, but they also had to sleep together...

Yin Shuang was also desperate.

She actually guessed that if they were playing house, would mom and dad sleep together

Being with just one man was torture enough for her, so what was it like being with two men at the same time

This time…

On the contrary, it is relatively easier to think about Wujiu, Qin Linbai and Xiaoyu.

When Wujiu had just escaped from Guituimo, he joined the Investigation Corps. Because there were not enough rooms, he lived with Liu Mu. The two of them were roommates. They did not share a bed, but their beds were in the same room.

Because of this, the two of them communicated more when they were still rookies and became close friends.

Even though Liu Mu later became the captain of Team 13 and Wujiu became the captain of Team 7, the two remained best friends.

Men don’t have so many pretentious things to say. Bai Xiaoyu slept between Wujiu and Qin Lin.

At around ten o'clock, Yin Shuang recalled the fear she experienced last night, and the humiliation of sleeping in the same bed with two men was slightly diluted.

Her voice was trembling. She was clearly trying her best to suppress her emotions, but when she thought about the future, she still cried:

"If...if something happens here, can you forget it after you go home?"

Bai Wu knew what was going on. It was probably something between a man and a woman, something a couple would do at night.

Yin Shuang might have anticipated that this was only the first night. If she could not leave here for a long time, maybe tomorrow, or someday in the future, she and Bai Wu would become husband and wife.

If this is true, Bai Wu feels that the captain and Qin Lin are probably in a more miserable situation.

He didn't make fun of it because he also realized the seriousness of the problem:

"Give me some time. This night and tomorrow's day, maybe it will be enough."

(There will be more later)