Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 122: Choose one of three


"By the way, what happened to you last night... Did you sleep well last night?"

Bai Wu originally wanted to ask what happened last night and give it a try, but soon he felt the pain.

He had no choice but to change the way he asked the question.

At present, Yin Shuang and Bai Wu both know one thing: as actors, they can play word games with the manor.

Yin Shuang thought for a moment and said:

"I slept very well last night, but I've been missing you and worrying about you so much that my hair is falling out. My bed also misses you, as if it still has your body temperature."

Bai Wu was stunned.

Yin Shuang didn't lose her hair. What's going on with the quilt missing me too? I didn't lose my hair, but I encountered hair loss.

The bed still has my body temperature...

He suddenly understood.

Yin Shuang did not warm up the cold bed herself, and there was hair in the room she was in last night.

Is there someone under the quilt

It reminded me of the chainsaw man I saw, but he didn't dismember himself. Plus the circular space I saw after pushing open the door, and the TV that would light up when the window was closed...

Bai Wu suddenly thought, could these things be horror elements

"Is this room deliberately creating terror?"

Just at this moment, I saw Lin Wu Rou's slightly painful expression.

In his sleep, he would also experience some kind of torture.

The dog outside started barking again.

Yin Shuang was about to close the window when Bai Wu said:

"Let me do it."

He got out of bed carefully, walked to the window, and listened to the barking of dogs outside.

"I really can't see the dog during the day, and there are no paranormal phenomena during the day, which means that 'it' is active at night."

"Horror elements may not appear randomly. The chainsaw man, the TV, the hair, and the warm bed may all be clues."

The barking of the dogs became louder and louder, and Yin Shuang became a little scared.

Everything became quiet after the white fog closed the window.

A window with excellent sound insulation, so good that when you close it, the whole world will quiet down with you.

At this time, Bai Wu thought about this sentence again and suddenly felt something different.

"Maybe it really is... 'it' wants me to close the window, reminds us to close the window? That's why the dog keeps barking?"

The TV was turned on again, and it was still the same programs that Bai Wu had watched last night.

Because it happened in Bai Wu's house, what happened was similar to what Bai Wu saw yesterday.

He waited patiently for the grimace to appear when he changed the channel.

Yin Shuang was trembling. She really wanted to help Bai Wu analyze the content of the program, but fear clouded her consciousness.

She didn't breathe a sigh of relief until Bai Wu turned off the TV.

The time was almost up, and Bai Wu opened the door again. This time the door opened easily, but he did not see the chainsaw man who made him sleep physically.

This made Bai Wu slightly disappointed.

"Go to sleep."

"I will... I will have nightmares." Yin Shuang knew from Lin Wurou's expression that she could not get rid of the fear even if she fell asleep.

"Don't be afraid. One night is very short. And I'm with you."

Bai Wu smiled gently, without any ambiguity. Since the time at the Ninth Hospital, Bai Wu knew that Yin Shuang was the most timid person in the team. She was the closest person to a normal person in the entire team.

He knew Yin Shuang needed some comfort.

The TV was turned off, the windows were closed, the chainsaw man hadn't appeared, and nothing would happen tonight.

Bai Wu did not sleep and began to review the clues from the day.

"Assuming that the father I play is the one who collects liquids and records ages with numbers, then the liquid can be inferred to be the body fluids of human females, and the front desk is contacted... This is a person who is essentially quite perverted and obsessed with playing with women."

"The chainsaw man who attacked me, judging from his watch, is not a simple person. He might be the person I play. Then we can profile him as someone who despises women, plays with them, and has a strong tendency towards violence. Birds of a feather flock together, so there are so many sinister rooms on the 21st floor."

"This kind of person cares most about himself. The love between husband and wife and the happiness of the family of three are all for others to see. When the end of the world comes, what he cares most about should be his business."

"His business is related to trade and export, and with the scale of the hotel-style building, he is definitely a super-rich man who ranks among the best in the world. With the advent of the apocalypse, his business has suffered huge losses. This is Food City, where plague has broken out, and a large number of mutated rats are pouring out... and some people are resisting and not getting cruise ship tickets."

"This is all a chaotic scene of the end of the world. At this time, order is vulnerable, and these rich people are the most dangerous. I guess the servants in the manor have started to flee."

The puzzle pieces in memory gradually pieced together the truth. A voice in his mind urged Bai Wu to go to bed, and Bai Wu pretended to sleep.

Even with his eyes closed, he was still thinking seriously about all the scenes he had seen, all the details.

"Oh, I forgot one thing... The time shown on the Chainsaw Man's watch is 10:22 in the morning. Something must have happened at this time."

"This is the information we got from the father. What about the mother? The mother does housework and is considered a full-time housewife. She has a good relationship with the children. This kind of good relationship should be genuine. Assuming that the father's perverted personality is true, then the mother should be a victim."

"Yin Shuang saw her hair falling out. Even though it was the terrifying elemental fog, the hair loss should correspond to some clue. It is very likely that her mother started to lose her hair because of some trouble. For a woman who married a rich man, the biggest trouble should be love itself..."

"I see... She discovered the man's true face?"

There are many evil secrets hidden in the hotel-style building. Once these secrets are discovered, the belief that supports the woman to continue to stay in this house may collapse.

"A man who is addicted to women and has the capital to indulge in them may find excuses not to go home many nights, so the bed will not be warm, unless..."

Yin Shuang plays the role of the mother. How could her bed be warm when she herself hasn’t even lain down yet

"So it's not just men who have problems, women have problems too... although the order of precedence has a big advantage in this kind of ethics."

The man's affair outside is the cause, and the woman's cheating at home is the result. However, things in this world cannot be explained by cause and effect. The stronger party or the weaker party will give themselves the right to double standards.

This is not a loving family at all.

After the end of the world, all the appearances in the family can no longer be maintained, and those disgusting and cruel truths begin to emerge!

"It's just missing a fuse... The family is broken, and all the facades in the manor have completely collapsed. The ugliest side is exposed. It's still missing a breaking point, a breaking point that will make them tear each other apart!"

"I know the time now. It should be 10:22 in the morning... I still need a date and the location of the incident."

"The location should be in a hotel-style office building, but the specific floor is not clear. Date... The news mentioned the masked man, and the year the masked man was most active, according to Danderel's diary, was 2023. It can be inferred that several news items occurred in the same year, the mass protest to obtain boat tickets, and the outbreak of plague..."

"But the exact month and date is still unclear. There is still a key clue."

Bai Wu frowned, as if he was also having a nightmare, but he was searching for clues in his past memories.

But he never found the clue. It was not until he woke up again in the morning that Bai Wu got the clue from a sentence.

"Dad should talk about work."

"Mom, why didn't you tell Dad that I was going to have a birthday?"

"I want to act cute with my dad."

At breakfast, these instructions resurfaced in the minds of the family of three.

Based on their topics and behaviors, Bai Wu knew that Lin Wu Rou had received the cue to act coquettishly.

Yin Shuang talked about her child's birthday, a topic she had discussed yesterday, but she repeated it again today. The instruction should be to remind herself not to forget her child's birthday.

The specific date that was not found last night, Bai Wu finally found it!

"It's her birthday! Birthdays are her obsession. Birthdays are this child's obsession. She didn't celebrate her birthday. It's very likely that something happened at 10:22 in the morning on her birthday!"

As the actor who plays the role of a father, when Bai Wu thought of the four words "his child's birthday", he thought of the specific date: September 4th.

"But what is it?"

There is a reason why Bai Wu is obsessed with the specific date. Because in his backpack, there is an ultimate prop that can solve the mystery - a camera.

He originally wanted to give the camera to Liu Chengzi, but when he saw Liu Chengzi improving his Yanjiu tea art, he only gave the wallet to Liu Chengzi and kept the camera.

Five days, three photos. Photos can clearly show what happened in the past, so Bai Wu must get the dates.

The date number has come out, 20230904102200.

"Location... Now all I need is a location. As long as I find the location, I can find out the truth that this naughty kid is trying so hard to avoid! I only have two chances to try and fail, so I can't just guess. I must have accurate information."

"This child wants a group of people to accompany her. Her birthday is a long-cherished wish that she cannot fulfill... Let's verify it."

As breakfast was about to end, Bai Wu said:

"Baby, what do you want for your birthday?"

Lin Wu Rou was going to say something to get by, "I, want, to... I want to eat a big cake with my parents."

He made the mistake three times in a row, and finally his memory was tampered with again.

Yin Shuang knew that Lin Wu Rou had paused in her speech before, which must have been due to continuous mistakes, which caused her to suffer great pain.

She felt a little sorry for Lin Wurou. Although this person had a sharp tongue, he was a very friendly person.

Everyone had to provide clues. The biggest clue actually came from this child. Bai Wu had no intention of letting Lin Wu Rou go:

"So where do you most want to... no, where do you hate to celebrate your birthday the most?"

Bai Wu was originally worried whether he could ask this question.

Lin Wu Rou's body, for some unknown reason, looked at the hotel-style office building.

It's on the upper floors! The white fog can now rule out the sixteenth and twenty-first floors.

"'Baby' hates a certain floor of this building. It looks like Lin Wurou went to see that building unconsciously."

The final clue is about to be put together.

After Bai Wu had breakfast, he pretended to be affectionate with his wife and then prepared to explore the building.

What’s different from yesterday is that this time, Wujiu also came to “work”.

The two people are like colleagues in the workplace.

Before entering the building, Bai Wu asked:

"Didn't you sleep well last night? You have dark circles under your eyes."

"You too, aren't you? Yin... How is your wife?"

"It's okay, they rested well."

Wujiu nodded, although he trusted Bai Wu's character and was not worried about what Bai Wu would do to Yin Shuang.

"How about you? Are your children and wife all right?"

Wujiu shook his head with an indescribable expression and said:

“Hope today’s work goes well!”

"Well, I hope today's work goes well!"

The captain was naturally here to help him, and Bai Wu understood what he meant. However, without the Eye of Prell, his companion power was also suppressed. In Bai Wu's view, the current captain... was really just an anxious little father.

"Which floor are we going to? The 20th floor. It's where the board members rest and have fun."

“Why not go to their office?”

“Because those places are too serious.”

Wujiu didn’t quite understand, and Baiwu didn’t explain much.

On the electronic screen, the wolf culture was only half discussed this time, and it was mentioned that people should have a sense of crisis.

When we reached the 20th floor of the building, the electronic screen had problems again.

The rest of the characters were fine, except for the character 'wei', which was shaking more and more violently.

Seeing this scene and thinking about the information on the electronic screen before, Bai Wu had a hunch that this was the level.

Entertainment area.

The employee entertainment area actually has a lot of entertainment facilities, but compared with the entertainment area for board members, they are nothing.

There are many facilities on this floor.

An indoor golf course, a swimming pool, a KTV, and a series of uniquely decorated rooms - places to sleep.

Bai Wu could imagine how many women or men had visited this place in those days.

But he doesn't care about all this.

What really attracted Bai Wu's attention were the three boxes displayed in the reception hall.

Wujiu also noticed at a glance the long box, the gift box with a flat area of six inches, and another gift box the size of a palm.

Looking at the strange symbols on the surrounding walls, Bai Wu knew that Cain had really been here.

He left himself a puzzle.

As the white fog approached the room, all the strange symbols that had been seen outside the file room of the Ninth Ward and in the Twisted Jungle of Danderel began to distort.

"Dad, will you pick out another gift for me?"

The little girl's voice, which shouldn't have appeared, suddenly appeared at this time.

Wujiu and Baiwu looked at each other, and then their eyes fell on three things.

All kinds of weird things have appeared in the manor, and you have finally found the most crucial clue. Now let's choose a gift for the little troublemaker! Friendly reminder, she only likes one of the three gifts. If you choose the wrong gift, your memory will be tampered with immediately and go back to before you found out about all this. You only have one chance, because she is watching you!

All three items were packaged in beautiful gift boxes.

One of them is long and narrow.

The other one is the size of a palm.

There is another one that is six inches in size.

The notes did not give Bai Wu any other information. All he knew was that this was another three-choice game that was very unfriendly to those who wanted to collect all the endings.

"Can I only choose based on size?" Bai Wu hadn't made up his mind yet.

When Wujiu was about to touch the palm-sized box, Bai Wu suddenly stopped him:

"Don't touch these things!"

"what are these?"

"A weapon to clear a level, or a mine."