Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 123: Letters left by Cain


Wujiu stopped. He could only leave this crucial choice to Baiwu.

Bai Wu seemed to be in a daze, his eyes fixed on the three boxes, motionless.

"The Manor is watching me. Once it's touched, it means it has made a choice. Even if Shorty and I were here, I don't think we would be given two chances."

"The note given by the eyes is the question itself. These things of Cain that look like ghostly drawings can be seen in the Ninth Hospital and the Twisted Jungle before. It is an ability that the eyes cannot give specific information about. Perhaps it is related to the talent of the Deceiver?"

"I have to infer what is in these three gift boxes based on their size and the things I have come into contact with these days, and then I can make a choice."

Fifteen seconds later, Bai Wu walked to the first box, a six-inch box.

"It's a cake. The closest thing I can think of to a present that's the right size is a cake."

Bai Wu's right index finger was pressed on his chin, almost leaving a nail mark.

Wujiu was confused the whole time.

He did hear the little girl's words about picking gifts, but he had no idea what was in these three things.

"If it was a cake, I just happened to hear that Sister Lin wanted to eat cake today. Something must have happened to this family of three on the little girl's birthday, causing her not to eat the birthday cake, which became her eternal regret."

"Based on the existing data, cake is most likely the correct option, but it is also likely to be a wrong guide."

Is it possible that she cannot realize the regret from seven hundred years ago, in a manor where she doesn't have to worry about food reserves and with parents who obey her every word

Bai Wu quickly determined that the cake was a false bait.

His eyes fell on the second long gift box.

"Among the things I've seen in the manor, there is one thing that matches it exactly. I'm not 100% sure that this thing is that thing. If I choose the cake, I'll probably be trapped here forever. If I choose this, I'm afraid I'll see it tonight."

Wujiu noticed that Baiwu's eyes fell on the last small square box the size of a palm.

"What are the first two things?"

"One is a cake, and the other is a chainsaw."

Bai Wu was surprised that he would say it so directly. Wu Jiu had never thought that these two things would be considered gifts.

Bai Wu didn't explain anything to Wu Jiu and continued to think about the last thing.

"The cake and the chainsaw may represent selfishness and revenge. If the owner of the manor really wanted us to stay permanently, it should not have left the correct answer."

"If this palm-sized thing in the end is really what I imagined, then this naughty kid has regrets, right?"

Bai Wu's hand finally chose the box that the captain originally intended to touch, the smallest gift.

The moment he touched the box, both he and Wujiu heard crying sounds.

Bai Wu opened the box bit by bit without tearing open the packaging violently.

Wujiu asked:

"What is it? Did you choose the right gift?"

“I guess it’s the right choice.”

It was not until two origami-like objects appeared that Bai Wu was sure that he had passed this level.

A piece of paper is made of very thick material, but it is torn into many pieces and then pieced together again.

The other piece of paper was normal letter paper, which contained the message left by Cain.

Wujiu and Baiwu had different experiences. Wujiu had a deeper contact with the Chainsaw Man, while Baiwu received the information from the TV.

But even so, Bai Wu has more information about the Chainsaw Man than Wu Jiu, and of course, the most important piece of news -

Citizens protested against being able to board the ship.

Of course, you need a ticket to board the ship. And the final gift is the ticket.

This ticket is not big, only the size of a palm, just like a card, but it is something that countless people fought for and bleed for before the end of the world.

Bai Wu originally guessed that this thing might be a boat ticket, and now it has been confirmed.

He basically pieced together the past of the family of three.

In 2023, on the day of their daughter's birthday, this seemingly glamorous family finally began to fall apart because of something.

The woman or the daughter, or both, tore up the ticket, an action that angered the man, and he then caused an irreparable tragedy.

Without the boat tickets, the family of three might have to stay here forever, but the outside of the manor might have been occupied by evil...

They are about to face the dilemma of food shortage...

There were actually many questions that Bai Wu subconsciously inferred in his mind, but he didn't think about them in detail.

There are still many details that don't match up.

But if these details really match, perhaps the truth will make everyone feel cruel and outrageous.

Bai Wu didn't think so. He gave up thinking about it because Cain left a letter.

"It's amazing that you found this place. You solved a puzzle that I didn't, so as a reward for you, I'll tell you something - I have been alive since the time before the tower."

"After reading Danderel's notes, I think you will be disdainful. Is this what you call a secret?"

"Then I'll share another secret. On the fifth floor, there live many people who are as healthy and long-lived as me. People like us are probably the strong proof of 'a thousand-year-old disaster'? Compared to me, they are much more evil."

"Are you thinking I'm off topic? I'm not. I won't tell you all the answers to what happened back then. You can only figure it out on your own. But since you found the boat ticket, you can at least leave here. How you leave depends on your performance. Anyway, don't keep me waiting in the tower for too long."

"Although I would like to know whether you did something with a man or a woman. It's a pity that the physical rules in the manor are not the same as those outside the tower. Some of my props cannot be used to monitor you. But it's really fun to torture you, or you don't feel tortured, you enjoy it? After all, in terms of appearance, the woman in your team is very beautiful, isn't she?"

"The man who loves women the most is the role you are playing. His contempt for women is far beyond our imagination. Ah, after talking so much, I should tell you one thing. In the chairman's office on the 20th floor, in the largest room in the corner, there is a safe. Don't worry, it's not very safe. But the things inside are still there."

"It's a bottle of strange solution, labeled with numbers from nine to forty, and the number nine - it was made the day before a child's tenth birthday."

Seeing this, Bai Wu’s eyes widened immediately.

"Guess which child it is?"

There was no anger, just pure surprise, but Bai Wu also felt disgusted.

Cain was a deceiver, and he was skeptical of Cain's words, neither completely disbelieving nor accepting them completely.

But Bai Wu has always wondered what the breaking point of the family is, and now it seems... the breaking point has been found.

"My husband is having affairs with other women outside, and as his wife, I am having an affair in an empty villa. Isn't that reasonable?"

"Ah, this damn bitch actually dared to have an affair. I found a woman because I have money and I support her. How dare she bring shame to my name? But it doesn't matter. I'm about to board the ship anyway, so I might as well give her a little gift at the end."

"Maybe she has been cheating on me for a long time? Maybe this little girl who is bothering me all the time is not my child at all?"

Cain's words almost confirmed Bai Wu's guess.

Only people with the worst temperaments could do such a thing. Even in the many cases Bai Wu experienced in his previous life, most of the villains had the idea that even a tiger would not eat its own cubs.

But the "father" he was playing at the moment was a character that was even more broken and twisted than the doomsday itself.

Bai Wu hoped that Cain's words were false, but the truth was often cruel.

Combined with my own experiences in recent days, this "child" in the manor has obviously seen some distorted things.

The man of the manor, the company's biggest chairman, did something extremely cruel.

"I have another piece of news. After all, I want to recruit you to be my future partner. This news is even more explosive. Do you think that when the end of the world comes, it will destroy the class system that humans have broken and consolidated over and over again for thousands of years with a devastating attitude?"

“Think about those young people who marched on the food city commercial street. They protested, they were angry, they reveled, they died. In the end, they did not get a ticket to board the ark.”

"But some people are different. For example, the character you play already had a ticket three years ago when the Ark Project was first proposed. Until one morning at ten o'clock, the woman came to this floor with her child, and all the conflicts suddenly broke out at this moment."

"The so-called "torn face" does not mean that the relationship between the two people breaks down, it also has a literal meaning, the face is torn. After the man learned that the woman actually tore up the boat ticket, the chainsaw came in handy. Just like the deformed people who appear in many movies, they will use various methods to destroy the person who betrayed them."

"The mother in this family unfortunately became a supporting role in the movie."

Bai Wu did not continue reading Cain's letter. He took out his camera and checked the exact time to the minute, but it was not 10:22, but 10:23.

Only in the last minute can you see the blood.

The photo came out quickly. In the purple-style room at the end of the corner, blood was seeping out from the door... although the door itself was also ajar.

There were many people around, naked, looking at the room in horror.

Bai Wu walked into the room and set the time on the camera to 10:22 on September 4, 2023.

The moment the shutter button is pressed, another photo pops up.

Looking at this photo, Bai Wu felt as if his story had been spoiled, and at the same time, he felt disgusted.

Everything is just as Cain said.

She opened her eyes wide, unable to understand why her father would kill her mother when it was just a small piece of paper the size of a palm

Fear, anger, sadness, and other negative emotions flooded into the child's mind at this moment.

She just stood there motionless, and didn't come to her senses until the man left with the chainsaw.

Dad loves mom and dad also loves me, I have a happy and beautiful family.

Those superficial appearances shown to the world became her obsession.

Wujiu looked at the photo, was silent for a few seconds, and then whispered:

"The era before the tower was chaotic. But this man's behavior cannot be excused by chaos."

Bai Wu didn't know how much the captain knew about the incident, he just nodded in cooperation.

Being unable to feel sadness, anger, and fear, Bai Wu's reaction after learning the truth was ultimately indifferent.

But every time that empty feeling emerged in his heart, he knew that if he were his "complete" self, he would feel very uncomfortable at this time.

He felt no pain and soon resumed his thinking.

"I'm afraid the outcome of this matter is worse than I expected." Bai Wu said.

"How to say?"

Wujiu could actually guess a little bit that the evil had merged with the manor, and because of its obsession, it began to force people who entered the area to play house games with a family of three. After seeing the photo, Wujiu's guess about the whole incident became more complete.

The final result should be that the daughter becomes evil and the father is killed by her.

Bai Wu originally thought so too.

But when he saw the boat ticket, he changed his mind, and when he saw the letter Cain left behind, he became more certain.

The original owner of the manor is still alive.

In particular, as Cain mentioned above, there are many immortals living on the fifth floor.

Cain's real purpose should be to make the captain hate the ruler of the tower, so it is meaningless to just hate a dead person from the pre-tower era.

Bai Wu read the last few paragraphs of the letter and found confirmation.

"From this moment on, she has become evil. This magnificent manor is about to become her personal playground. But during this process, she has been in a daze. Forgive me for not being able to master all the knowledge about evil mutations in the past seven hundred years. For example, I have only seen two cases of the fusion of scenes and evil."

"After the 'falling out' with each other, the owner of the manor left with a calm face. Boat ticket? Hahahahaha, you don't really think there are boat tickets in this world? They are used to deceive those scum who can't get on the ship."

"As early as the year before the manor mutated, the Ark plan had been changed. Only flights can reach the tower, and the super-giant Ark cruise ship on the sea is an illusion. Many people have also used up their life resources to exchange for tickets and boarded the cruise ship, but I guess that cruise ship has now become a paradise for the evil. Think about it, when everyone in the Ark thought they got the tickets and were complacent, they were suddenly told that they were just abandoned pawns, and the entire cruise ship was a lie to appease the world..."

The Ark Project is actually fake

Or does it mean that the plan on the surface is actually fake? Just a show for the world to see

Bai Wu was surprised again.

"The boat fare paid by these ordinary citizens will be split 50-50, and the boat fare paid by the rich will be refunded in full. After the tower appeared, they already had a new way to get to the tower. Now, the father you play is on the fifth floor of the tower. His luck is really not simple. He is still alive today. Who can live longer than me?"

The letter ended here. Cain did not tell Bai Wu how to leave the manor, but after tearing open the gift box, Bai Wu had already known the clue through his eyes.

Although it is pieced together, you are eligible to enter the cruise ship with this ticket, otherwise you will be kicked off and lose your memory of boarding the ship. Of course, this ticket has another function. Please enter with this ticket before 10:22, and you will have the opportunity to talk to the "Manor".

My father's work must start in the morning. After breakfast, he has to start working. Bai Wu and Wu Jiu have been investigating since 9 o'clock, and a total of more than 30 minutes have passed.

There were still ten minutes left until 10:22, and Bai Wu was very glad that he found the right floor this time.

Otherwise...something might happen between me and Yin Shuang tonight.