Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 124: Conversation Manor


Before the communication with the manor came, Bai Wu briefly reviewed this exploration.

"The news on TV was indeed a major clue. It told us the background of the apocalypse and also mentioned the boat ticket."

"But the story of the boat ticket is more complicated than I thought. Now we know that the Ark Project is fake. The real Ark is a flight to the Tower. But that cruise ship that is said to be super huge... since it has been built, maybe there are secrets related to the Tower hidden inside."

"But even though the boat ticket was fake, the man still killed the woman with a chainsaw... and left with a calm face in the end. This is really a rare kind of evil."

"Now I know the general process of the whole incident. The manor is integrated with the evil, and those who enter will be forced to play house games. But the first doubt is: where does the food come from? Just because you are an evil, you can make such delicious ingredients? Then I also want to be an evil."

"The second question is, why six households? Afternoon tea is almost the only group activity we have. Most of the time, everyone stays in their own rooms. Why must there be six households?"

Bai Wu had some guesses, but no evidence, because some floors and corners of the manor had not been explored yet.

Fortunately, there are less than ten minutes left before he can get the truth from the designer himself.

Finally, Bai Wu looked at Wujiu.

"Captain, remember what Cain said? I mean his dislike for the top floors of the towers."

After saying this, Bai Wu suddenly realized that he had "freedom of speech" again.

Wujiu nodded. Cain said a lot, but he remembered everything about the battle on the third floor of the tower.

"What if, Captain, just what if, the people at the top of the tower are really a group of extremely bad people?"

“Don’t think about these things until you have the power to build a new system.”

The captain's answer was too straightforward.

Bai Wu was so convinced that the captain had actually considered these issues, but ultimately, based on historical experience, he discovered that the lower three floors simply did not have the strength to resist the upper three floors of the tower.

Especially the previous resource allocation, the resources of the fourth and fifth layers are dozens or hundreds of times that of the lower three layers.

Bai Wu nodded. This topic was a bit taboo and far-fetched. There were already quite a few puzzles on the fourth floor, let alone the fifth floor

Bai Wu nodded and waited patiently.

The ten minutes passed quickly.

The light in the room quickly dimmed, leaving only a hazy purple glow. The door, which had been open, was suddenly closed.

"Dad, is this your gift to me?"

At the same time, Wujiu and Baiwu both heard the sound.

Wujiu didn't say anything. He had seen Bai Wu flirt with a girl in a tower over a distance of thousands of miles on a plane. So at this time, he should let Bai Wu do his best.

After thinking for a while, Bai Wu said in a serious tone, telling the truth:

"You should know that I'm not your father. Neither is he. Your father is gone."

The purple light in the house was flickering. Wujiu didn't expect Bai Wu to be so honest.

Bai Wu's tone was very calm.

At the most tragic moment of her life, the little girl was already in the world outside the tower. The moment her father killed her mother, she became evil and degenerate because of negative emotions.

This is the most crucial point. If you want to cater to the little girl at this time, it will be like choosing a cake as a gift, which is endless.

It is also obvious that the love between families for seven hundred years could not satisfy her at all.

The obsession in her heart could never be filled.

So Bai Wu didn't intend to continue this lie, because it would only result in long-term imprisonment.

Realizing this, Bai Wu probably guessed Cain's true intention:

"Your father is gone. He doesn't even remember that you are his daughter. You are just one of the many women he has played with. Your mother was killed by him, and you were completely abandoned by him."

"We humans have a saying that we grow up overnight, either because we are betrayed by our loved ones or because our family suffers a great change. What about you? Your growth is to enslave one person after another to play house with you? But you should know in your heart that no matter how they cooperate with you, they will be punished by fear."

The purple light dimmed again, and then in the corner, Bai Wu saw a girl with a bun and a purple dress.

Purple and red. Bai Wu subconsciously thought of Hong Yin. He probably also realized that there was a huge gap between this ten-year-old girl and Hong Yin.

Level 5 mutation, distortion entry: Mental power*3; Perfect distortion entry: Fear Coin, Regional Fusion.

Disciple Eleven is not strong in itself, but regional fusion is a flexible skill. The more abnormal the regional rules are, the more abnormal she will be after regional fusion. As for her past experience? You already know it very well, don't you? No need for me to repeat it, right

The evil outside the tower, color is justice.

When Bai Wu saw the little girl in the purple skirt, he thought of his own little girl in the red skirt. He still liked Hong Yin better and hoped that Xiao Hong could become Xiao Hei one day.

Of course, the ability of this little girl in front of us should not be underestimated.

Perhaps the captain can destroy the manor from outside, but once inside, he has to act according to the regional rules.

"If we consider the manor as a whole, then the outside of this 'Lushan Mountain' is the puzzle, and the inside is the answer. This room is the 'heart' of the entire manor."

"You became evil in this house because of sadness and resentment. You wanted to have a complete family, but you found that no matter what you did, you couldn't let go of your obsession."

The little girl in a purple dress raised her head. Her eyes had no whites, but were completely black.

Although his body does not seem to have any evil or degenerate traits, his eyes give people the feeling of a ghost.

"Dad! Why did you do this to me? The day before my birthday, you told me I was a good kid!"

"I've already told you that I'm not your father. I don't want to have a daughter like you either. Can you please stop flattering yourself?"

Bai Wu did not hide the disgust on his face at all.

"I don't want to play this disgusting person anymore. Your father is a scumbag. Do you know what a scumbag is? He is the most disgusting and sickening person among all people. He called you a good kid? When a man does something, he can make any promise. Even in a fearful environment, you have seen a lot in the past seven hundred years, right?"

Bai Wu's words seemed cruel to the little girl, but in fact, this was her most real experience.

She is just an evil person, an evil person who lives in her own obsession.

Bai Wu sympathizes with her when she was still a human, but does not sympathize with her who has played tricks on countless "families of three" in the past seven hundred years.

The surrounding space became distorted and the entire building was shaking.

The white mist remained unmoved:

"You are such a disgusting child. The people you should hate the most are still alive out there, but you insist on teasing those innocent people. Yesterday morning, the child of that family finally killed the 'parents' you found for him. Did you feel happy watching that?"

"shut up… "

"I won't. How about you try to control me? Make me say what you like to hear? But before that, I still have to tell you that you are a useless kid. The person who deserves your revenge the most, the person who deserves your chainsaw to dismember, is still outside the manor. And what about you? You have become one with this place. There is nothing you can do to him!"

"I told you to shut up!"

This time it wasn't just the building, it seemed like the entire estate was shaking.

The six villas in the distance tilted due to the uplift of the ground. All the men and women still in the villas felt the roar of a little girl echoing in their minds.

Inside the building, Bai Wu was still as steady as an old dog:

"Angry? You're right to be angry. You've lived for seven hundred years. Even if your brain capacity has always been low, after seven hundred years and having seen so many families, you should understand that what you really want is not a shitty cake, nor these boring people who can't understand your pain to play house with you!"

"What you really want is to wait for someone, someone who can help you bring that scumbag back!"

Wujiu was shocked. Bai Wu's behavior surprised him again. He thought that Bai Wu would use the same tricks he used to coax little girls, but he didn't expect that Bai Wu would show such a sharp side this time.

The reason why Bai Wu did this was actually because it had been verified from many details in his previous experience in the manor.

When you open the window, the TV will automatically light up, trying to stop you from opening the window. When you open the door, you will see a terrifying looping space.

All these terrifying elements made Bai Wu quickly notice the opening and closing.

Although the process of fear was inevitable, fear at that time also served other purposes in this manor.

If the doors and windows were not closed, Bai Wu would definitely see a process that would deepen his fear.

He did not feel any fear, he just put himself in the designer's perspective and then conducted reasoning and analysis.

Especially the note that said, "Close the window and the whole world will seem to quiet down with you," which made Bai Wu feel that this little girl was isolating herself.

She thought this was the only way to be safe, and she was terrified of the man.

Another point that is confirmed is the electronic screen in the elevator. When it reaches an unimportant floor, the electronic screen will stop.

However, when you go to certain floors where information is hidden, the electronic screen will give you hints of information, such as previous sexual culture, or the dangers of entering this floor.

Bai Wu did not ignore these information, so he was sure that the little girl had seen through everything, but she just didn't want to admit it in her heart.

"I can help you. You should also be able to feel that I am different from everyone you have met before. I am not afraid, and your games are meaningless to me. Instead of letting me stay here and listen to you calling me daddy in boredom, why not let me go and bring that person back."

The little girl with a bun has dark eyes, so you can't see the expression in her eyes, or it can be said that her eyes are always in a resentful state.

This is what Bai Wu wants to see.

If this little girl realizes what her scumbag father has done and still wants to keep her father and make the family of three happy, then he would be really helpless.

"Can you find him?"

"Of course, I will use this ticket to find him, and then bring him back, so that he can atone for your sins for eternity."

Eduo looked at Bai Wu. The fact that he had no fear naturally gave Bai Wu a sense of "I am open-minded and fearless".

Through the words just now, Bai Wu also knew one thing.

Edo didn't know about the letter left by Cain. At least she hadn't read it, after all, the letter itself was left recently.

She didn't know her scumbag father had gone to the tower, and Cain didn't tell her.

She always thought that her father had boarded the huge cruise ship.

Cain, the fraud, did not leave here by solving the puzzle. If he did, the ticket would not have been left behind.

Bai Wu speculated... Cain probably failed to solve the mystery of the manor, and finally performed some kind of ritual through the strange patterns on the wall to force communication with the manor.

Then he reached some kind of agreement with the manor. He would soon know the specific content of this agreement.

"What if you lie to me?"

"Don't believe me? Then just keep waiting. Stay here and let me be your father or mother, or let me take your place. I'll leave when the next group of people arrive. If my life span doesn't stop here, I'll leave sooner or later. But if that happens, I might not remember to bring that scumbag back for you. After all, the longer I stay, the more I'll become like that scumbag."

These words undoubtedly inspired the evil to fall.

"Why are you helping me?"

The purple-clothed evil girl no longer had the voice of a child. Her voice now carried a hint of resentment and longing.

To prescribe the right medicine for the right disease, to speak differently to different people, Wujiu felt that Bai Wu was completely an actor who was delayed by the investigation outside the tower.

But Bai Wu is not entirely acting:

"Because I'm a normal person, not a pervert. A normal person would punish a pervert like your father. I mean what I say, but... I don't care whether he lives or dies."

Without waiting for Eduo to speak, Bai Wu continued:

"It's my turn now. I have a few more questions to ask about this manor."

How come it's your turn now? Weren't you the one talking the whole time? What a good move. Wujiu called him an expert.

"I can tell you the whereabouts of the Ark. It's floating on the sea. Only those with a ticket can enter. There are many monsters like you inside. It's quite dangerous for me. If I want to bring people back, I must ask my teammates to leave with me. Do you agree? If you agree, we will continue to the next contract."

So we're going to negotiate directly

Bai Wu really wanted to remind the short guy who was surprised again to control his expression. Wasn't it an investigator's self-cultivation to deal with this situation casually? Wasn't it a basic operation

"I can let you and your friends go." Evil agreed to the contract.

"Where are the others?" Bai Wu frowned.

"Until you bring that person back, the people from the other four families cannot leave. If you want to push your luck, you'd better think clearly about who has more bargaining chips, you or me."

Yes, it is worthy of the evil fall after experiencing the father's kindness and daughter's filial piety. It is indeed not so easy to deal with.

In fact, yesterday, before experiencing the terror of the night, Bai Wu thought he would meet someone like Bai Xiaoyu and Hong Yin.

But now it seems that in addition to deceiving extremely good people, Cain also cultivates those who have a talent for evil.

For example, Dandelel, Elijah, and this little girl.

Bai Wu nodded.

He had not expected to take everyone with him, as long as no team member was left behind. Alternatively, he could destroy the manor from the outside, but in that case, it was hard to say whether the people inside could survive.

Finally, Bai Wu asked:

"In fact, if this is just a game of playing house, just to eliminate obsession, you don't need six families at all. And even if you become evil, you can't make food at will. So did the last person who left here make some kind of agreement with you?"

"You are very smart." said the purple-clothed evil man.

"Now it seems that you actually hate your father. I guess your name is no longer what it used to be? I know Elijah, and I also know Danderel."

"I don't know these people you're talking about, but I did change my name. I'm Violet now."

Dandelair, Elijah, Violet.

Bai Wu nodded, but didn't comment. At least Cain's naming skills were better than the captain's.

He now really wanted to know how Cain left, and what kind of agreement Cain and Violet reached

There are still a few doubts in the manor. Although these doubts will not affect his departure, Bai Wu still wants to clarify them. After all, maybe he can gain some benefits

He didn't want to explore in vain.

(Ahem, I thought I could finish it, but I found that this chapter was not clear, so I can only wait for the next chapter to put aside the mystery of the manor. The next chapter will also return to the tower and proceed to the next plot. Then, November is a fulfilling month. I wrote 200,000 words this month~Next month will definitely be more, thank you~)