Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 129: Unprecedented Catastrophe Between the Two Armies in Ninety Years


A few days later, the military exercise between the Survey Corps and the Suppression Corps finally began.

In the eastern square of the ground floor, at the six huge stone tablets, in front of the entrance of the blue stone tablet, the vanguards and captains of the two armies were queuing up to enter.

The blue light appeared, which seemed to indicate that this was just a normal blue area. Under Wujiu's teachings, most people in the Survey Corps would not underestimate the blue area.

Don't take any adventure lightly and don't rely too much on experience.

Wujiu's words were first heard by several captains in the captain group, and then everyone understood the meaning of this sentence in future expeditions. Soon this sentence spread throughout the entire legion.

But the painting style of Zhenyu Army is different.

The captains among them were extremely strong, and even the vanguard group had many experts mixed in. Just picking out a few teams would be able to deal with the blue zone.

Now, including the Survey Corps, there are a total of 28 teams. The Zhenyu Army is only worried that there are not enough evil spirits to hunt them.

The military exercises between the two armies will last for three days. If the number of evil spirits hunted by both sides is the same, it will depend on which side can last longer in two days.

As for the venue for the military exercises between the two armies, a special envoy from the fourth floor was responsible for searching it two days ago.

After a massive search that took a total of two days and three hours, we finally found the venue.

However, the day when the two armies began the military exercise was also the last day to enter the area, with only twenty-one hours left before the area was closed.

Twenty-one hours later, the members of the Investigation Army and the Defense Army can return through the return wheel, but other people in the tower can no longer enter the area.

To ensure safety, each team brought two roulette wheels back with them this time.

According to the perception feedback from the special envoy, there are a number of evil creatures in the area, totaling about seventy. There are no rules of time and space, and they will not interfere with the team members' return.

Everything has also been verified by the two legion commanders.

From the perspective of the Suppression Army and the Survey Corps, if the number of evil ones are all level two or three, then it is not a competition of strength, but a competition of luck.

If the number of evil spirits hunted by both sides is almost the same, the final competition will be based on luck. The environment is the biggest enemy of the investigation outside the tower. A warrior who can persist for three full days will have a total of eighteen negative attributes.

As soon as some negative attributes are acquired, one will be forced to return to the tower, so in this battle, from the perspective of the captain group and some elite members of the vanguard group, the strength factor only accounts for four layers.

During the three days of the military exercise between the two armies, the lower and third floors of the tower also started to revel. For the lower floors, where there were not many entertainment activities, this was a grand celebration.

Many of the miners who returned from the white stone tablet were prepared to use their meager savings to exchange for three days of nutritious meals to spend the night in the tower and see who would be eliminated first.

When the Survey Corps and the Suppression Corps entered the martial arts training area, a group of miners happened to be returning from the white area.

"It's raining hard outside. I've been working outside the tower for so long, and this is the first time I've encountered such heavy rain. It's like someone has pierced the damn sky."

"Yes, the day has changed so fast."

Lin Wurou, Wang Shi, Shang Xiaoyi, Yin Shuang and others happened to hear it. Lin Wurou looked back and was sure that Bai Wu was not there.

"What are you looking at?" Wang Shi asked.

"I always feel that the change in the weather those people just mentioned is a bit unlucky. I took a look and the unlucky star is not there, so it's not a big problem."

"Why are you so suspicious? The weather outside the tower is different."

"Yes, but I always feel it's weird. The martial arts performance this year has changed a lot. Do you think the Zhenyu Army, who are all so arrogant, will make things difficult for us?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of. They can't beat us inside the tower, let alone outside the tower. They are so arrogant because the captain is not here." Wang Shi was not at all inferior.

Shang Xiaoyi said:

"The Zhenyu Army is not on good terms with us, but they don't dare to do anything too outrageous."

Lin Wu Rou also nodded, it was indeed the case.

The line soon reached the seventh team's vanguard group. Before entering the stone tablet, Wang Shi encouraged them:

"We must make them accept defeat sincerely this time. Compared to hunting down evil, we are better at it. The captain is suspended, so let them know that without the captain, they are no match for us!"

Although there were some live broadcast equipment in the tower, they were not used during the military exercises between the two armies. This meant that everyone could only wait for the members of the two armies to leave before asking about the battle situation and details.

The first hour passed.

No one from the Guardian Army or the Survey Corps returned.

All the lower-class citizens are the best at imagining things. They think all this shows one thing—both sides are testing each other, and the climax is about to come!

The content of the bets in various gambling houses has also changed to who will withdraw from the next hour, the Zhenyu Army or the Investigation Army, or both sides will withdraw, and whoever withdraws more.

The third hour passed.

Even the non-participating members of the Survey Corps and the Suppression Corps became nervous, because so far no one has returned to the tower!

This might mean that both sides were doing well? But an hour later, negative attributes would come into play.

There are twelve groups each in the Survey Corps and the Defense Corps vanguard groups, with a total of one hundred and forty-four people and one hundred and forty-four kinds of negative attributes. There are bound to be a few who are unlucky and encounter very rare negative attributes that require them to withdraw.

At this time, Bai Wu and Wu Jiu were both in the office branch of the Investigation Corps.

Wujiu gave Baiwu a mobile phone for communication, as a reward for Baiwu's outstanding performance recently.

This thing is not very high-tech, but few people on the first and second floors can afford it. Among the people Bai Wu knows, even Lin Wurou and Yin Shuang don't have this thing, but Liu Chengzi does.

Bai Wu wondered what new functions this thing would have if it could transmit spirits

The fourth hour of the military exercise between the two armies has arrived.

After that, an investigator would come to report to Wujiu every three minutes about the situation in the East Square.

"As of now, no one has returned to the tower!"

"Captain! No one is returning to the tower!"

"Captain, no one is returning to the tower!"

"They... still haven't come back."

"He still hasn't come back. Everyone is very puzzled..."

An hour passed, and Bai Wu and Wu Jiu both felt something was wrong.

"Even if the captains of the captain group are very powerful, but from the perspective of mathematical probability, it is impossible that all 144 people in the vanguard group are lucky ones, right?"

Bai Wu looked at Wu Jiu, who was completely confused.

Although this was a madman who once had more than a hundred negative attributes, he did not think that everyone could survive the first four hours.

"I think we should get someone to go in and take a look..." Bai Wu had a feeling that there was something wrong here.

Wujiu asked:

"How to say?"

"There are still seventeen hours until the area is closed, Captain. None of the more than one hundred people have returned, especially since they went to the blue area. There are still more than seventy evil spirits, at least that's the number on the surface. So they will all be in battle anyway."

"Even if the evil is not strong, the conflict between the two armies is not a day or two. When the number of evil killed is equal, the rule of victory or defeat is to see who leaves more people. Both sides will do their best to eliminate the other side. In fact, when no one came out in the first hour, I felt something was wrong."

"And now it's been four hours, and the negative attributes are preventing them from coming out... We have to assume that they may have encountered a problem and are unable to come out?"

Can the blue zone trap the top combat forces of the entire Survey Corps and the Defense Corps

Even Wujiu and Baiwu were surprised.

But Wujiu thought Bai Wu's words made sense.

"Let's confirm the situation inside first. We will send a scout in to take a look. He has only one mission objective. After entering, if he sees any members of the Guardian Army or the Investigation Army, he should return. If he returns safely, it means that our worry is unnecessary. If he does not return... I'm afraid that means that something went wrong with this military exercise."

"You mean, the return roulette is broken? They may not be able to come back? This situation should be extremely rare. And just yesterday, we tested the area and found that the return roulette could be used normally. In order to prevent the return roulette from being damaged, we even prepared a spare roulette." Wujiu was puzzled.

Bai Wu didn't understand the process, he just had a bad feeling.

"Captain, you said not to rely too much on experience."

Wujiu didn't say anything else, but immediately made a phone call and arranged for a spy with the third stage of companion force, who was proficient in perception and speed.

Just do as Bai Wu said, go in and look for someone, and return immediately when you see anyone.

After arranging all this, he and Bai Wu began to wait.

One minute passed.

Two minutes passed.

The gambling house on the ground floor was in an uproar, and people in the East Square were also talking about it. Some people, like Bai Wu, began to worry about the situation.

But more people still think that nothing will happen.

Could the two strongest forces in the entire tower, with the most powerful combined forces, be able to stumble in the blue area

An hour later...

One hour and fifteen minutes passed...

On the second floor of the tower, at the Survey Corps branch, Wujiu finally couldn't wait any longer.

Just at this time, Mingche came to the Investigation Corps with a group of people.

Mingche’s strength is above level five, but he was not selected into the captain group this time, which indirectly shows how powerful the captain group of the Zhenyu Army is this time.

However, his position as the captain of the third team is still very stable. People who are good at doing business and sharing women will not have bad luck.

But this time Mingche was not here to do business.

In Wujiu's office, Mingche said bluntly:

"Prepare for rescue operations."

"What happened?" Wujiu asked.

"I don't know what happened yet, but no one came out for four hours. I thought there was something wrong. I sent two people in. The first one was to find other people and then return to report. But he didn't show up after half an hour, so I immediately sent another person..."

Wujiu and Baiwu both looked serious, and Mingche said in a deep voice:

"The mission I arranged this time is very simple. After entering the tower, return immediately. You don't need to meet anyone. But I guess you already know the result."

Wujiu was shocked.

"In other words, the current situation is that once you enter the martial arts performance area, you cannot return?"

"It seems so at the moment. There is a big problem with this martial arts performance. There must be something in the martial arts performance area that has caused the return wheel to fail."

Bai Wu admired Ming Che's logical rigor, but he added:

"Have you contacted the legion commander? They are the main responsible persons. I am not going to hold them responsible at this time, but I cannot return to this matter. Did the legion commander and his men know about it in advance?"

As soon as Bai Wu finished speaking, Wujiu called Qin Zong directly, and Mingche immediately contacted the commander of the Zhenyu Army.

On the phone, Wujiu told Mingche truthfully about the tests he and he had made. They now hoped that the two legion commanders were aware of the situation.

But Qin Zong's response made Wujiu's heart sink:

"Are you sure? Damn, just now we received a call in the manager's residential area on the third floor."

"Call the police?"

When Qin Zong said this at this time, it was obvious that the call to the police was related to the military exercise between the two armies.

Wujiu turned on the hands-free function directly.

"Yes, someone committed suicide. The deceased was 39 years old. I am not in a position to reveal some of the information, but I can tell you that he worked on the fifth floor, directly serving a certain ruler, and not long ago... it was him who proposed the trial outside the tower. But this person seemed to know that he would die. We just went to the crime scene and found a line of blood written on the wall - I don't want to die."

Qin Zong's words were heard by Wujiu and Bai Wu.

Many thoughts flashed through Bai Wu's mind:

"A person who can make suggestions to the ruler has a very high voice. He pushed for this exercise to be held outside the tower, on the grounds that the two armies were competing in their ability to hunt down evil spirits. This reason is absolutely correct. As long as the two armies take all necessary measures during the exercise... considering the strength of the Guardian Army and the Survey Army, there really shouldn't be any problems in the blue zone."

"But now both armies are trapped inside and can't get out, and the person who proposed this proposal 'committed suicide'. I don't think the Tower God Society can infiltrate to this extent, and I don't think someone who has reached this level will commit suicide.

Even if the Guardian Army and the Survey Army may suffer heavy losses due to the military exercise outside the tower, if the cause is not his, he should at least fight for himself. "

"Unless he knew from the beginning that this martial arts performance would go wrong!"

"But the words 'I don't want to die' appeared in the other person's home, which means that he was killed by some big shot, and then disguised as suicide, giving people the illusion that he committed suicide out of fear of crime... But it's too deliberate, too deliberate. If I were the murderer, how could I give him the opportunity to write down the words 'I don't want to die'?"

A conspiracy instantly appeared in Bai Wu's mind.

Mingche said:

"This was not suicide, he was killed by someone else."

Apparently, the two legion commanders on the other end of the phone thought the same.

But Bai Wu didn't think so. He didn't say what he thought because there was no evidence. It was just his intuition that told him that this person -

It's suicide.

The words "I don't want to die" were also left by this person on purpose. His purpose was to make everyone think that his suicide was a fake.

In this way, if both armies suffered heavy losses, people would investigate him, but he would be dead and silenced, so people's suspicion would turn to his superiors.


The idea was absurd. Who would kill themselves to frame their boss? But what if he couldn't die

What if death is just a change of body for him

Wujiu said:

"But right now, we should save people first."

"Do you know what's going on inside? What if you go in and can't come back?"

Qin Zong disagreed with Wujiu entering.

Wujiu glanced at the white fog.

Bai Wu instinctively thought that if Shorty went in, he would most likely be in danger.

All of this is a setup, a setup specifically targeting Shorty!

But if even Shorty can’t save these people, who else can

Wujiu seems to have this realization:

"Captain, I have to go. Liu Mu is still in there, as are Wu Rou Wang Shi Yin Shuang Xiao Yi. They are all my friends. The elites of the Zhen Yu Army and the Investigation Army are all in there. No matter what, we have to find a way to rescue them."

The sword and shield of the Survey Corps not only illustrate the strength and compatibility of the two, but also their relationship.

In the eyes of everyone, Liu Mu and Wujiu are half-brothers.

As for Lin Wurou, Yin Shuang, Wang Shi, and Shang Xiaoyi, each of them was brought up from rookies by Wujiu himself.

As the manager committed suicide or was killed, almost everyone was certain of one thing: a crisis had occurred in the martial arts training area.

If this crisis is not dealt with quickly, every four hours, members of the Vanguard and Captain groups will be one step closer to death.

In particular, it is still unclear whether there is some powerful evil in the martial arts training area.

"No, you are not allowed to go!" Qin Zong's ruthlessness surprised Ming Che and the commander of the Zhenyu Army on the other end of the phone.

In Qin Zong's opinion, this military exercise might be a cleansing plan. As for the reason, he will investigate it with the commander of the Zhenyu Army.

He guessed in his heart that perhaps the changes in this martial arts performance involved more complicated content than he had imagined.

But Wujiu turned a disaster into a blessing and managed to avoid this crisis.

If Wujiu is asked to rescue people, there may not even be a 30% chance of success, and if Wujiu enters the martial arts performance area, there is a 70% chance of losing a beloved general.

Qin Zong didn't think it was a suitable decision for Wujiu to go in and rescue people.

Wujiu always listened to the captain, but this time, he gave the choice to Baiwu.

"You decide."

Mingche was surprised. Wujiu actually thought so highly of Baiwu. He vaguely understood why he treated Baiwu so well and offered attractive conditions, but Baiwu remained unmoved.

Now is actually a time of racing against time. Perhaps the Zhenyu Army and the Survey Corps are constantly losing talent.

At this time, Bai Wu must make a choice:

"Shorty is the strongest man in the tower. If there is still one person who can save them, it must be Shorty."

"If the person who died was Cain, then Cain's goal was to make Shorty hate the decision maker of this martial arts reform."

"The only way to break the impasse now is for the captain to enter the martial arts performance area and bring them out."

"Cain's goal is to make the captain resent the administrator and the ruler. So after entering this area, if Cain chooses to kill the people of the Guardian Army or the Survey Corps in front of Shorty, it will backfire."

"But I still don't know Cain's true purpose. He must have a back-up plan."

Bai Wu was also a little panicked.

The entire elite of the Survey Corps, the elite of the Defense Corps, plus twenty-four captain-level masters, all fell in the blue zone.

The severity of the situation is such that there has not been such a major incident since the failed exploration of the Red Zone by the Survey Corps and the Suppression Corps ninety years ago.

What surprised Mingche even more was that even Qin Zong seemed to have agreed to let Bai Wu make the decision.

After nearly half a minute of silence, Bai Wu discovered that no matter what, the probability that the captain could save people was lower than the probability that the captain would die together with the elite soldiers of the two armies.

But this time, Bai Wu made a decision that was not very rational.

"Save people. I support the captain in saving people."

Wujiu didn't say anything and just hung up the phone.

After Wujiu left, Mingche said:

"Aren't you afraid of the consequences?"

Bai Wu shook his head. Qin Zong's previous choice seemed to have abandoned everyone for Wu Jiu, but in fact, Qin Zong was just minimizing the losses.

If Wujiu was gone, Qin Zong would still do the same. At that time, he might be entrusted with an important task.

Of course, the reason why Bai Wu chose to save people was because of Lin Wurou, Shang Xiaoyi, Wang Shi, Yin Shuang, and even Liu Mu who had always wanted to poach him.

"I believe in the captain. He will definitely bring everyone back."

As Wujiu entered the martial arts performance area, the managers on the third and fourth floors who knew about this matter were all nervous.

Ming Che originally hoped that Wu Jiu would take action, and now that Wu Jiu went outside the tower to rescue, his goal was achieved. Without further communication with Bai Wu, Ming Che seemed to have received instructions from the commander of the Zhen Yu Army and quickly left the Survey Corps branch.

As time passed, Bai Wu's inner uneasiness became more and more obvious.

He was the only one in the Survey Corps' office.

The Survey Corps branch used to be quite lively. But now, with most of the troops gone, it was deserted.

Bai Wu really doesn't like the feeling of waiting.

In fact, the person who sets the questions and the person who solves the questions are naturally unequal. Maybe the person who sets the questions is not smarter than the person who solves the questions, but if he is always on the side of setting the questions, no matter how many times the person who solves the questions gets the answer right, they are just tied.

On the contrary, if the solver gets the answer wrong once... he loses.

So far, because Cain’s true identity cannot be found, Bai Wu and Wu Jiu are both the solvers.

The question they faced this time was the one posed by Cain, which was the one he had been planning for the longest time and had the greatest lethality.

While Bai Wu was thinking and waiting, the electronic screen monitoring Yan Jiu suddenly lit up.

Out of respect for women, Wujiu turns off the screen most of the time, but if there is any news from Yanjiu, Yanjiu can use the alarm device to turn on the monitoring screen again.

The moment he saw Yan Jiu waving his hand with a panicked look on his face.

Bai Wu finally understood that this was Cain's real purpose.

Jigsaw puzzle one.

Fourteen years ago, a young noble from the third level had a successful career and, through various means, finally obtained the qualification of a lower-level manager among a group of candidate nobles.

Relying on sweet words and various scams, he quickly gained the trust of a ruler.

The ruler's surname was Pang, and together with another ruler named Qin, they controlled all the combat resources of the tower.

One is in charge of manpower and the other is in charge of equipment.

The young man who had just been promoted to lower-level management was full of energy and tried to please the ruler every day. At the same time, he also demonstrated business capabilities that far exceeded those of other lower-level managers.

For fourteen years, I have been working without slacking off.

In order to accumulate one's own influence, make a decision that can change the structure of the tower.

He didn't know what this opportunity was, but not long ago, he had received an unexpected surprise outside the tower, so a bold plan came into being.

A few days ago, during the preparations for the military exercise between the two armies, he put forward a revolutionary suggestion - the military exercise between the two armies would no longer be a duel between the two sides, but would be changed to a hunting outside the tower.

Despite many variables, for fourteen years, although he could not influence the rulers, he was able to influence some weak managers whose words could change the rulers' thinking to a certain extent.

He knew that with his death, these people would be liquidated without exception.

But what does that have to do with a dead man like him

However, now that fourteen years of resources have been exposed, these rulers will be more vigilant in the future. This kind of thing is hard to come by.

But the experience outside the tower was even more unpredictable. After a series of coincidences, he could foresee that the High Tower Defense Corps and the Outer Tower Investigation Corps would encounter a huge crisis that occurred once in ninety years.

When he wrote the four words "I don't want to die", he smiled extremely happily.

"Death is but a change of skin."

These were the last words he uttered before committing suicide.

Puzzle two.

As the returning roulette wheel brought the white mist back, the good thoughts in Hong Yin's mind were gradually suppressed.

In the huge mine, demons were dancing wildly, and countless corpses of level six and level seven evil creatures were displayed in the middle.

She felt more and more excited.

Now that her brother is gone, she no longer has to suppress her inner desire to kill and can finally destroy at will.

Just at this moment, the evil demon spread his wings and came in front of Hong Yin:

"Why should we ask him to arrange it for us? Do you know the legend of the traveler?"

Hong Yin shook her head, her fierce eyes warning the devil to retreat.

The Devil Devil said:

"Don't be afraid. I'm not your enemy. You like that human, right? A human who can survive here must be an extraordinary being. But one day in the future, he will be expelled from the tower by those damn administrators."

"what are you saying!"

"The resentment in your body is beyond my imagination. The pain you have endured may be far greater than that of the other nine-level evil ones. Then you should understand better than me that humans are evil. Your friend will be envied for his excellence. Maybe one day, he will be exiled and leave the tower."

The evil demon did not move away from Hong Yin, but got closer:

"Maybe he will become one of us in the future. Who knows."

Hong Yin said coldly:

"Then I will protect my brother."

"Of course, but you also want him to be like you, curled up somewhere forever? Did you see that annoying traveler? I hate the crow the most. He has what we need. With that thing, the world is so big that we can explore it at will. As long as we kill him, we will be the new travelers, and you can take your brother to any place in the world!"

"Come on, let's join forces! Kill that traveler together!"

The traveler who organized this evil party could never have imagined that on the way to the well, the four powerful guardians he selected would actually plot against him!

Beauty Mole also heard the devil's evil plan:

"Count me in. How about we have a fair competition and see who kills him first? Whoever succeeds first will take over as the Traveler. How about that? Of course, as a reward for joining forces, the new Traveler must satisfy us wherever we want to go."

"I have no objection." said the evil devil.

Hong Yin thought about it, she remembered her brother once said, the world is so vast... there are still many places to explore.

So my brother definitely doesn't want to be stuck in one place, right? If I could kill the traveler, I could explore the world with my brother.

She didn't know about travel tickets yet. She just thought that if Bai Wu turned into an evil being one day in the future, she could help Bai Wu realize his wish as a human being.

"I'm in."

So this gathering of travelers turned into the doomsday of the travelers.

The three level nine evils joined forces, and with the terrifying speed of the evil demons, the traveler didn't even have a chance to perform space transfer.

Hong Yin's resentment directly backfired on the traveler.

The beauty mole even gathered a legion and rushed towards the travelers in a grand manner!

The huge mine, even under the protection of the Traveler's Barrier, could not withstand the wrath of three Level Nine Evils.

At the end of this war, the traveler who had lived for seven hundred years and worked hard for the well died at the hands of three super evil beings.

The one who finally devoured the traveler's heart and brain was the demon Evildo. Although he did not have Taotie, killing the powerful Evildo itself might also drop powerful abilities.

For humans, it is about obtaining talents; for the evil, it is about obtaining entries.

A new traveler was born, and the devil Evil did not forget the agreement. Even if he became stronger again, he did not dare to deceive Hong Yin and Beauty Mole.

With the travel ticket in hand, he fulfilled his promise.

Jigsaw puzzle three.

The mine in the white mining area suddenly broke apart, huge rocks kept falling down, and the miners fled howling.

The masked man who was wandering around the area and preparing to talk to the leader of a church saw an incredible scene.

In the smoke and dust, they saw a monster that looked like a devil with wings spread out.

"Why would a monster like you appear in this area?"

"Human? You actually have an aura of my kind." The evil devil frowned as he looked at the strange man wearing a smiley mask.

The terrifying murderous intent swept across the entire area, and some weak miners were even imprisoned by this murderous intent that seemed to have materialized.

The devil said disdainfully:

"What a bunch of rubbish. After so much time, there isn't even a decent warrior in the tower?"

For the masked man, this sentence was like something he had been waiting for in fate.

"Great, great, it's rare to find an evildoer who can release this kind of aura. You are stronger than I thought!"

The nature of the blackmailer made him realize that the most powerful chess piece in his grand plan that he had been planning for more than ten years had been born.

Why did the super evil appear in the white area? Could this evil be the traveler that he had been looking for for seven hundred years

"You have a ticket for the trip."

The devil Evil was greatly surprised that there were people among humans who knew about travel tickets.

"who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, but what matters is that I heard your contempt for humans. Don't look down on humans."

This body is no match for the evil in front of him, and the devil evil obviously does not take the masked monster seriously.

"In a few days, all the strong men in the towers will gather in one place. They will start hunting the evil ones. Maybe there are humans hiding there that you can't defeat?"

It seemed that he had grasped the character of the devil in an instant, and this sentence successfully aroused the devil's interest.

"How is it? I heard that the traveler has the siren song that can make people forget certain things, a barrier that prevents people from escaping the scene, and the ability to travel to any area... Do you want to witness the power of humans?"

Even though the devil felt that there was a strong hint of temptation in these words, he still chose to know the details.

Jigsaw puzzle four.

A few days ago, before a certain manager chose to commit suicide, after a regular meeting, this junior manager who had served the Pang family for more than ten years did the only weird thing in all these years—

He handed a photo of a woman to a retainer of the Yan family.

This retainer was not interested in women, but this retainer of the Yan family was on good terms with another ruler named Zhong. And this ruler named Zhong, like the Yan family, was the first person to move into the top floor of the tower.

They are the first group of people to awaken, and have a lifespan and power that ordinary people cannot achieve.

This old man named Zhong likes young and beautiful women the most, and this has not changed in the past seven hundred years.

The photo showed a woman of extraordinary beauty. Although she was no longer young, in terms of charm and beauty, she was definitely one of the best women he had ever seen.

Only the woman with a mole at the corner of her eye and fatal attraction can be compared to her.

However, after finding out that this woman was most likely related to the Investigation Corps, the ruler surnamed Zhong did not take action out of fear of the ruler surnamed Pang.

Beauties are rare, but as someone who has truly tasted countless women, he knows one thing very well: the so-called beauties that appear once in hundreds or decades are all gimmicks.

The longer you live, the wiser you become. No matter how beautiful a woman is, she will be replaced by a new face. Instead of escalating the conflict, it is better to wait.

But this Mr. Zhong didn't know one thing...

From the very beginning, the low-key and humble junior manager who had served the Pang family for fourteen years had no intention of offering this woman.

He just wanted to hand over the photo.

When he committed suicide, in addition to the words "I don't want to die" on the wall, he also left a diary recording every transaction he had with the Zhong family.

The woman does not have to be sent to the Zhong family, she just needs to disappear.

This is of course a lie, but why would a dead person lie

All the puzzle pieces make the whole thing complete.

Bai Wu didn't know the specific content of each piece of the puzzle, and he didn't know that Cain had been lurking for fourteen years.

I don’t know if Cain exposed all the resources and arrangements on the fifth floor for this plan.

He didn't know that after he left the mine, Hong Yin and other level nine evil spirits killed the traveler in the mine.

Little did he know, Cain actually encountered this new traveler.

Bai Wu had no idea about the process. He just deduced part of the truth from the two results.

The first result was that most of the elite troops of the Survey Corps and the Suppression Corps were trapped.

The second result was that after all the experts in the entire tower went outside the tower, although Shorty was near the Survey Corps branch, except for four bodyguards, there were few experts left in the entire tower.

Cain's real intention was to leave Shorty with a choice.

“Bai Wu… quickly let Wu Jiu save her, save Sister Ruan!”

On the surveillance screen, Yan Jiu didn't know why Bai Wu was sitting in the office.

Just as he was thinking about what Cain had done, news came from Yan Jiu—Ruan Qingyun was kidnapped.

The other party was a woman wearing a bronze mask. Relying on her terrifying fighting power, she suppressed four elite guards and forcibly took the short sister-in-law away.

Currently, both the Zhenyu Army and the Investigation Army are concentrating on the military exercises between the two armies, and no one knows what the current situation in the military exercise area is.

In addition, all the experts were outside the tower, so it was naturally difficult to carry out the rescue mission.

Bai Wu guessed that maybe if Shorty entered the martial arts performance area, Cain would ask the classic question - should he save the woman or his friend

This strong malice made Bai Wu's hands tremble unconsciously. He was terrifyingly calm. Although he could not feel anger in his heart, he felt a strong disgust.

"Calm down. We can't expect the captain to come back now. Most of those still stationed in the Survey Corps are recruits weaker than me... or civilians like the interrogation team."

"Since it is a choice, at least if Brother Short chooses one side, there will be some response. So the worst result is that Brother Short can only choose one side, either to save Liu Mu and Lin Wurou, or to save Sister Short."

"But as long as I can save Short Sister-in-law, I will help Short Brother solve the difficulties in the tower. As for the situation outside the tower, I can only trust Short Brother and believe in his luck as the number one in the tower."

In an instant, Bai Wu felt determined.

"Yan Jiu, tell me, where is Sister Ruan?"

"You're going to save her? Can you... can you beat her... That woman is very powerful, she calls herself Lilith."


Could it be another disciple? Could it be that among the disciples, there are not only evil ones, but also humans

"How many people kidnapped Sister Ruan?"

"She's the only one."

"Tell me the location!"

Originally, he wanted to persuade Bai Wu, because in Yan Jiu's eyes, that woman showed inhuman strength.

She hoped Bai Wu could bring reinforcements.

But Bai Wu was sure that if Shorty or the elites outside the high tower did not come back, the people left behind in the investigation corps would surely die facing the existence of possible disciples or high-level members of the Tower God Society.

It’s just that Bai Wu’s tone was too firm.

"Okay... I've never been outside, I'll draw it for you!"

Yan Jiu paints very quickly, as if his body automatically drives his arms to paint the pictures he imagines in his mind.

In just two or three minutes, a painting is completed!

Bai Wu wrote down the contents of the painting, rushed out and started the rescue mission.

At the same time, outside the tower, Wujiu will also face a fateful showdown.

(There should be more in the evening. Thanks to my book friend Ah Gat for giving me the leader reward. I am the fourth leader now. I won’t say much else. I will give you 10,000 words first. I will continue writing in the evening... but it will probably be very late.)