Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 132: Sword and Shield


In the entire martial arts training area, the largest tree became the battlefield between Wujiu and Eduo.

In the battle between man and devil, due to the collision of terrifying forces, sound waves like drums burst out in the air.

It took seven hundred years for this tree to finally grow into a huge tree under the rules outside the tower. The bark began to crack and peel off due to the overbearing force of the two.

The level of this battle is far beyond the capabilities of the current Zhenyu Army and Investigation Army members.

Some of them have some powerful talents hidden, but everyone looks at the battlefield that cannot be captured by the naked eye and can only be heard like the sound of drums... They all feel that even if they use their own hidden sequences, they are still far from being able to compete with the humans and evil spirits they are facing.

They originally thought that Wujiu was just the leader among the powerful people of this era, but now they realize that perhaps the height Wujiu is at has already exceeded the finish line they can reach in their entire lives.

This is not only an era higher in terms of companion power, but also even more exaggerated in terms of actual combat power!

" did you become so powerful?" Lin Wurou's eyes were filled with disbelief.

Wang Shi and Shang Xiaoyi's blood was boiling.

Despite the battle at this level, they even had a hard time watching...

Everyone was attracted by the battle between Wujiu and Edo, and even forgot that the biggest danger might not be the devil-like Edo.

No one noticed... The color of the entire scene turned dim.

All the colorful things in my eyes are gradually becoming darker in color.

Wujiu also didn't notice that to face the ninth level of evil, even he had to concentrate and give it his all.

Although the Ninth Level Evil still had some strength left to deal with the Fifth Nine, he was too excited and didn't care about the bunch of trash below.

"Can it be faster?"

Haste is a perfect passive attribute.

The fact that humans could face off against the ninth-level evil head-on made this devil-like evil extremely excited.

Especially with the rapid increase in power, his skills are even more terrifying than those of an ordinary ninth-level evil being.

In this situation, the devil was really surprised that there was still a human being who could fight with him on equal terms and not lose.

But he was still not satisfied!

"Back then, you were as weak as those pieces of trash, but now, your body no longer has any obvious shortcomings. But you have to understand one thing!"

The two men who were fighting in the sky finally stopped.

Wujiu's knife was caught by Eduo with his bare hands and could not move forward even a little bit.

"Under the absolute power gap, all your advantages become disadvantages!"

The devil suddenly roared.

Wujiu's body was knocked away in an instant, and the demon's power suddenly increased dramatically.

"Come on, let me have more fun!"

While falling, Wujiu inserted the dagger directly into the tree trunk. Sparks flew from the friction between the weapons, and the remaining power of the terrifying fist was offset little by little.

"as you wish!"

Wujiu was fearless and swung his sword.

The demon's power is completely different from before. Although the speed has not changed at all, every time the short blade touches the evil, Wujiu feels a terrifying energy fluctuation!

When he single-handedly crushed the entire elite coalition of the High Tower, the strength displayed by the Evil was far from his full strength.

Wujiu felt that the other party's momentum had completely changed.

Becoming violent and having unparalleled strength.

Two powerful forms were suddenly activated, making the demon even more terrifying than before.

Originally, under the effect of extreme balance, Wujiu's speed suppressed his opponent, and in terms of strength and physical fitness, he was on par with his opponent.

But after the opponent activated his berserk and unparalleled strength, every collision between the two during offense and defense made Wujiu feel his blood boiling!

Even with a strong body that is in extreme balance, it seems very strained when facing a demon that has turned on its berserk and has unparalleled supernatural powers.

But Wujiu was very smart. His speed still suppressed his opponent. He tried his best to use the slight speed difference to avoid the demon's attack.

"Your fighting ability is not bad, and your fighting talent is also first-rate. Boy, tell me your name!"

"Gu Qingyu."

The strength displayed by Evilfall, who has a body of a demon, has made it difficult for Wujiu to cope with it.

The overall improvement brought by the ultimate balance allowed Wujiu to far surpass the second place in the tower. But facing the man who had defeated him in the past, he was still no match for him.

The devil hasn't heard the name of a human for a long time.

He had met some people over the years, but in his opinion, they were all a bunch of trash who were not worth dying for. Not a single one was worth asking about.

Today is the first time.

This human was stronger than he had ever been before. This made him feel as if he was in another world.

He was once the strongest in the tower, much stronger than the second place, the former ace of the Survey Corps, Nie Chongshan.

But Nie Chongshan did not have the same luck as Wujiu.

The survey corps back then did not have Qin Zong or Wujiu. The entire survey corps was filled with a strong sense of underworld habits.

They were despised by the Zhenyu Army, but they colluded with the Zhenyu Army for supplies. Almost all crimes in the lower three levels involved the participation of the two armies.

He was too upright and seemed out of place.

Even though he had top-notch abilities, he was often excluded by others. Later, he met a few like-minded people who wanted to change the status quo of the grassroots.

Wujiu's strength does not allow Nie Chongshan to reminisce about the past.

He has become evil, and although he still has some memories of life in the tower, those memories have been distorted.

Wujiu's existence and the hopeful eyes of the two armies made Nie Chongshan somewhat jealous of this younger generation.

His punches are getting more and more powerful!

The force that originally made Wujiu unable to resist could actually be increased several times again.

The sky and the earth became dim, and everyone who saw the place where Wujiu and Nie Chongshan were fighting seemed to be separated by a layer of mist.

Hazy and distorted.

No one knew what kind of terrifying power Wujiu was bearing in the center of the battlefield.

Everyone's attention was focused on the battle between humans and evil, and no one noticed... the environment they were in had completely turned black and white.

It seems that everyone and everything around is just someone's memory.

Everyone's head was looking up at the sky, and whispers were ringing in their ears.

It wasn't until Liu Mu heard some whispers that he suddenly woke up.

This scene is so similar to the previous scene in the tower.

When everyone was attracted by the battle between Wujiu and Nie Chongshan, the masked weirdo quietly used some strange power... to cover the area where the elite soldiers of the two armies were being treated.

Liu Mu suddenly discovered that everyone's eyes had become somewhat dull...

Unlike the last battle in the gymnasium of the Noble Academy on the third floor, this time the masked monster was facing some top fifth and sixth level combat forces.

His erosion will take more time and need to be more "silent".

But Liu Mu still discovered that all this was done intentionally by the masked monster.

This masked man is Cain.

When Liu Mu looked around, Cain said:

"Their five senses have become very dull, but don't worry, even I can't make so many masters fall into painful memories. I just want to hold them back."

Although Cain was still wearing a mask, the feeling he gave to Liu Mu was completely different from his crazy image last time.

"Wujiu, this is really an interesting nickname. I heard that you were the first to call me that. Later, everyone thought it was funny and followed suit, to the point that even Wujiu's real name was forgotten."

Liu Mu really wanted to shout and draw everyone's attention to something.

Cain came to Liu Mu and patted him on the shoulder:

"Although I can't seduce so many people... But at least I can make them lose their senses for a while, so give up. Now it's just the two of us, one on one."

Liu Mu's body was unable to move. Even after Wujiu arrived and he was given priority treatment by various teams, his broken bones could not recover in a short time.

Cain also had no intention of ravaging Liu Mu:

"Honestly, are you jealous of Wujiu? He shines like a superstar, and everyone looks up to him. What about you? You're about to die in my hands, and no one noticed. How pitiful."

Liu Mu remained unmoved and just looked at Cain warily.

Cain was slightly surprised, then suddenly realized:

"Just ignore me. What I said just now was just out of habit. I want to persuade you to deal with Wujiu. This is something I can't do. Ah, I really envy good friends like you. I once had a friend who was a master I always respected... It's a pity that he died of illness at an early age."

"You have to know that in the past seven hundred years, there have been very few people who have caught my eye, and he is the only one I can learn from and respect. It's a pity that humans cannot avoid birth, aging, sickness and death."

Cain was actually a little sad, but he quickly continued:

"After the last duel, I did my homework. You and Wujiu are very good friends. You joined the Survey Corps together, but later one of you became the captain of Squad 13 and the other became the captain of Squad 7. But even so, your friendship has not diminished. Time and time again, you have been through life and death, and rescued people from danger, and you have earned the reputation of being the sword and shield of the Survey Corps."

Liu Mu opened his eyes wide, not knowing what Cain meant by saying this.

"Captain Liu, I firmly believe that you have the same qualifications as Wujiu, but you just lack some luck. After all, I believe that Wujiu himself may not be able to guarantee another 24-day survival journey. What do you think?"

"what do you want to say?"

"Ah, I really should get to the point. After all, my strength is running out. I originally prepared many plans. I wanted to inject you with something interesting before the Traveler killed you, but the Traveler... seems to be different from what I thought. You can feel it, right? He doesn't seem to want to kill you."

Cain's tone was quite helpless:

"He enjoys fighting. I can't interfere in this battle. If I kill all of you, my relationship with the Traveler will probably become awkward. This force is not simple. These evil people with code names are much stronger than my disciples. I can't offend them for the time being."

"But you see, I've prepared so many 'good stuff', there must be a place for them to be put to good use, right? Although I didn't prepare them deliberately, I have wasted more than ten years of resources. It won't be so easy to go to the fifth floor again. I can't kill everyone, but maybe I can pick an interesting one to try? As I said, Captain Liu, you have the same potential as Wujiu. I really want to know... What would it be like if a being of your level became evil?"

As Cain spoke, he pulled out a handful of injections from somewhere in his pocket.

Liu Mu's eyes widened, and the value on the watch instantly exceeded seventy-five, but soon... the value dropped to single digits.

Because Cain injected a sedative into Liu Mu's neck.

"I believe that people who can go through life and death with Wujiu have different personalities from ordinary people, so one may not be enough."

Liu Mu was very calm at the moment. Under the injection of sedative, he had a premonition of his fate.

Cain did not stop moving.

Another sedative was injected, followed by the second, third, and fourth...

These emotion-suppressing agents have powerful effects, and one dose can instantly calm a person down when they are extremely frightened.

No one has ever experienced how terrible the emotional rebound would be once the effect ends after continuous infusion.

Cain didn't know either, he was just curious.

While his mental power was still intact, he continued to inject sedatives into Liu Mu.

The fifteenth, sixteenth, seventeenth... until the twenty-ninth, Cain stopped because he felt that the people around him began to move slowly.

This means that his domain has lost its effectiveness.

Liu Mu's eyes seemed extremely empty, and the surroundings seemed to be plunged into absolute silence.

Sedatives do not have a hypnotic effect, they just make people calm. Injecting too much sedative at one time made Liu Mu feel as if he was in the deep sea.

Cain's voice echoed in his sea of consciousness again:

"I really want to know what he will do after losing his best friend outside the tower and his beloved inside the tower. Thank you for your cooperation, Captain Liu. I will remember your contribution."

After saying this... the masked man disappeared like dust, just like he did on the third floor of the tower that day.

For Cain, using the domain to restrain so many elite troops in a short period of time has reached its limit.

This body had already been overdrawn, and he felt a little regretful that he couldn't see what was happening five minutes later.

Everything around him slowly began to become noisy. The colors of the space were no longer just black and white.

No one noticed what had just happened. They were still watching the people and the evildoers fighting in the sky with the giant tree as their battlefield.

Nie Chongshan's terrifying power put Wujiu at an absolute disadvantage. He was seriously injured and it seemed that he might be defeated by the devil at any time.

But facing Nie Chongshan's powerful punch that was enough to distort space, Wujiu still did not give in!

Liu Mu raised his head and smiled as he saw his old friend risking his life for everyone.

"I am really like you... or maybe it's because of your influence... that's why every time I raise my shield, even if it shatters, I won't retreat."

"It's just that you are not a match for these top monsters right now, but one day in the future, you will definitely be able to defeat them."

Liu Mu stood up slowly. With his broken bones, it would be extremely painful for him to make such a move, but he did not feel any pain.

He stepped back silently, keeping some distance from the others.

Deep down, he could already feel himself being overwhelmed by some emotion.

Soon, the peaceful smile became somewhat fragmented due to the backlash of emotions, and the consciousness was about to be shattered under the impact of the huge negative emotions.

Liu Mu still looked at Wujiu's figure:

"My greatest achievement in this life is knowing you. I really want to continue fighting alongside you..."

This burly man shed hot tears as the wave of negative emotions shattered his consciousness.

The hands of the watch had already hit the 300 position, and the body had begun to change strangely.

At the end of his life as a human being, he looked at the fighting figure in the sky and said softly:

"Wujiu, you must become... sharper in the future... because Shield can no longer accompany you..."

Amid the roar, a terrifying monster was born.

(First of all, this book is not a tragedy, and Liu Mu still has a very important role.)