Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 133: Gift of White Mist


The heart-wrenching roar attracted the attention of the people around. The powerful force that suddenly emerged from the periphery of the crowd made those who were looking up at Wujiu look to the edge.

They could no longer recognize the monster's face. They just watched it grow taller and taller, and burst the blue uniforms of the Survey Corps.

The mutated monster's skin turned as black as black crystal, sparkling with a certain luster.

Wujiu and Nie Chongshan, who were fighting in the sky, also noticed something was wrong.

The breath coming from his own kind made Nie Chongshan frown.

This martial arts training area is the most interesting playground for Nie Chongshan, and he does not need the intervention of another evil being.

Wujiu originally wanted to kill the rock giant whose body was pitch black and as huge as black crystal.

But Nie Chongshan did not let Wujiu go:

"Just let those rubbish play with it! Gu Qingyu, our game is not over yet!"

Nie Chongshan's violent fists fell again.

Wujiu's retreat was blocked by a series of punches.

His speed was barely faster than Nie Chongshan's. Faced with the sudden series of attacks, he had to defend himself!

Punch after punch, Nie Chongshan's deadly attack was getting closer and closer to Wujiu.

With the appearance of a new evil creature, Wujiu was already a little confused. He had an indelible feeling of annoyance, but he didn't know why it came.

Just when Wujiu was about to be swallowed by the fist wind, the group of injured people below were preparing to resist the newly appeared monster.

There are changes in the field again.

The black rock giant, which was more burly than Nie Chongshan, suddenly jumped up. It didn't care about the defense army and the investigation army below at all. Like a cannonball, it rushed into the duel between Wujiu and Nie Chongshan.

The twisted air became even more twisted.

Fear and despair appeared on everyone's face, and everyone could see that Wujiu was reaching his limit.

Facing the devil-like Evil Fall, he was already struggling. If another Evil Fall came at this time, the situation would be a dead end with no solution!

But what happened next surprised everyone, including Wujiu and Nie Chongshan.

When Wujiu had no way to escape and was about to be swept away by Nie Chongshan's terrifying fist, the dark figure finally rushed into the battlefield.

It did not choose to attack Wujiu, but stood in front of Wujiu, like a... shield!

The giant tree made a cracking sound under the punches that were powerful enough to distort space.

The black monster on the huge branch remained motionless. He blocked the devil's powerful punch head-on.

Although Wujiu behind him felt the strong wind, he was not hurt at all.

Nie Chongshan spread his wings and floated in the air, looking at the rock giant that suddenly appeared, and vaguely understood something.

“It’s getting interesting.”

Flying high in the sky, Nie Chongshan began to accumulate strength. Facing Wujiu, he couldn't charge up to hit him hard, so he could only keep using brisk combos to try to hit Wujiu.

Even so, the powerful force of the punch caused Wujiu a lot of pain.

But now, Nie Chongshan began to accumulate strength in his fist.

Visible power gathered in Nie Chongshan's right fist like a vortex. It was hard to imagine how destructive this punch would be!

The black rock giant opened his arms and completely protected Wujiu.

This scene of action has given the captains a sense of déjà vu. Gradually, people came back to their senses from the monster's torn blue suit.

Cao An was the healer of the vanguard group of the 13th detachment. He looked around in panic and found that Captain Liu was nowhere to be seen.

Although Wang Shi was a member of the vanguard group of Team Seven, he had always wanted to be a shield like Liu Mu, charging forward and bearing all the blows for his teammates. At this moment, there was disbelief in his eyes, and he was anxious to find a certain figure.

Long Xiao and Meng Yuan also discovered that the guy who had resisted the devil the longest before Wujiu... had disappeared.

"who are you?"

Looking at this extremely familiar action, Wujiu's voice trembled a little, and the expression on his face suddenly became panicked.

Even when he faced Nie Chongshan for the first time, was tortured for six days, lost consciousness, and thought he was going to die... he had never had such a panicked expression.

Not long ago, countless negative emotions rolled in Liu Mu's consciousness, and they gradually subsided until they became evil.

As Cain said, he has the qualifications comparable to Wujiu, and even if he becomes evil, he is still a wise being.

Although he suddenly felt that the entire training area was filled with delicious fear, he had a strong urge to tear these former comrades to pieces.

Even though I have no place to vent my inner sadness and anger, I just want to keep fighting and killing.

But when he saw that Wujiu was about to lose, he suppressed all his emotions and rushed forward!

Hearing Wujiu's words, Liu Mu was calmer than ever before...

"Take good care of my men, Wujiu. It's a shame that I won't be able to see the day when you take over as the legion commander."

Nie Chongshan's punching power was finally accumulated, and it seemed that the punch that could destroy the world was coming!

Liu Mu was like an indestructible shield, blocking all the explosive punches. Cracks appeared on his dark skin, but they quickly repaired themselves.

Rare distortion entries: block, shield counter; perfect distortion entries, infinite block, thorn shield.

After Liu Mu's transformation into evil, he became a monster with the strongest defense.

Wujiu was right behind Liu Mu and was clearly not hurt at all.

But he just felt... something in his mind was collapsing and shattering.

After his evil transformation, Liu Mu's voice was very different from before, but as soon as he opened his mouth, his words echoed in Wujiu's mind, creating countless overlapping words.

"Huh? Were you also robbed of your nutritious meals when you were a kid? Hahaha, I was robbed too, but that's not why I joined the Survey Corps. I hope that in the future, at least there won't be people who can't afford to eat in the places I'm in charge of."

"Have you heard that the old captain has retired, and Deputy Captain Qin has been promoted to captain! I like him, this guy is different from those bastard nobles."

"Hahaha, do you know how everyone evaluates us now? They call you the Blade of the Survey Corps, and I'm the Shield of the Survey Corps!"

"Damn it, you should be happy about being promoted to captain. Don't put on such a sour face. This is one step closer to our goal, isn't it?"

"Bai Wu is a good kid, why don't you give him to me? You have so many talented people in Team 7, you should give one to Team 13!"

"How can it be so fast? Do you think it's just scrap metal? Even without a shield, I can still protect you."

All the scenes from the past emerged in his mind, and Wujiu felt unprecedented sadness and fatigue, as if at this moment, he could not even hold the knife in his hand steadily.

The value on the watch had already entered the red zone, and the strongest warrior in the tower shed tears for the first time.

The force of the fist dissipated.

In the area, except for Liu Mu's two wings, all visible objects were turned into dust by this punch.

Smoke and dust covered the sky. Liu Mu said:

"Don't you like fighting? Let them go back! I'm here to fight you to your heart's content!"

These words echoed between heaven and earth, allowing everyone to understand that this being who had suddenly turned into evil was none other than the shield of the Survey Corps, Liu Mu.

Ashes and dust blocked everyone's vision. After hearing these words, Nie Chongshan's expression was completely different from when he was fighting Wujiu before.

He looked very serious.

"You should have a string of numbers in your mind, which means you can no longer leave this area. There is nothing in this place except these plants of various sizes. Are you sure you want to save them? Maybe you will have to endure hundreds of years or even longer of loneliness."

Nie Chongshan had never thought of killing these younger generations, and Gu Qingyu's performance surprised him.

He was excited and relieved that there were already people among humans who were so powerful.

Nie Chongshan was also deeply impressed by Liu Mu, who held up a shield to withstand his attacks.

Even though he kept calling them trash, Nie Chongshan understood that this generation of the Survey Corps was stronger than his generation.

Perhaps what this generation of the Survey Corps experienced was not as dark as the generation he belonged to.

The fact that Liu Mu was able to still protect his teammates after turning into an evil being reminded Nie Chongshan of one of his subordinates. His life in the tower was not entirely corrupt and dark.

Smoke and dust were flying, and Liu Mu did not respond to Nie Chongshan with words, but his sudden surge in power had already shown his determination.

"It's been a long time since I met an opponent who could make me use my full strength. Today I really got a lot of surprises!"

The siren's song sounded again, and in the endless dust, these people who were grieving and desperate on the battlefield finally remembered something important.

But the singing did not end at this time, instead it became louder and louder.

Everyone's memory began to change, and only Wujiu and Liu Mu realized Nie Chongshan's true intention.

Nie Chongshan hated the tower, but he did not hate real warriors.

"Don't think this is a gift, little one. This may be my greatest malice towards you. At least in my opinion, the tower is a more disgusting place than the outside of the tower."

The Siren's Song restored people's memories of returning to the Roulette Wheel, but made slight changes to Wujiu's battle with the demon.

The soldiers who are about to return to the tower will remember Wujiu's heroic fight, but they will not be surprised by Wujiu's overwhelming strength. In their memory, the one who really held back the evil was Liu Mu, who had also become evil.

In this way, Cain's plan was a complete failure. However, Nie Chongshan had no intention of cooperating with Cain.

The wind from his fist blew away all the dust, and Nie Chongshan launched another attack. Liu Mu stepped forward resolutely, using his body as a shield to block the attack head-on!

Amid the rolling smoke and dust, the elite coalition forces on the ground could only see two figures of Mo Hu attacking and colliding with each other.

In the gray sky, the terrifying collision sound stimulated the eardrums, and everything in front of me seemed like the end of the world.

This was an opportunity to escape from here. The two powerful evildoers were fighting fiercely and seemed to have no time to care about their surroundings. They all activated the return roulette.

The Siren's Song consumed a lot of Nie Chongshan's energy, but his fists were still deadly. The terrifying airflow pushed towards Wujiu like a wave.

Wujiu stood there, letting the wind waves hit him. More and more people left, but he remained the only one who did not move.

It was not until a while later that he heard Liu Mu's roar that echoed throughout the jungle, and then he started the return wheel in a daze.

"Go back, Wujiu! I won't die easily. I will wait for you here. I believe that one day, we will meet again. By that time, you will be stronger than all the evil ones, and you will find a way... for me to go back!"

In the past seven hundred years, no one in known history has been able to transform from evil into a human being.

This agreement is like a declaration of death.

But Wujiu didn't say anything, he just nodded and made the most important promise of his life.

High Tower, two days later.

The news that the captain of the Thirteenth Squad of the Outer Tower Survey Corps had died in a military exercise between the two armies spread throughout the tower.

The details of the military exercise between the two armies were not spread out. People only knew that a powerful evil creature appeared in the area.

This evil creature defeated the elite forces of both armies by itself.

Even the illegal intervention of the Survey Corps' strongest fighter, Fifty-Nine, did not change the situation.

Finally, it was Liu Mu who used a forbidden power that he shouldn't have used in order to protect everyone.

The shield of the Survey Corps can never return to the tower.

After the administrators and rulers who commanded the two armies learned what happened in the martial arts training area, they quickly felt that all these events were too coincidental.

They conducted a detailed investigation into the crisis incident during the military exercise between the two armies, trying to find out whether there was any conspiracy behind these coincidences.

Although the management level did not make a clear statement on the outcome of the military exercise between the two armies, both the grassroots and the Zhenyu Army believed that the Survey Corps performed better in this exercise.

Bai Wu remembered that in his previous life, people all gave gifts as part of social etiquette, and most of the time they gave fruits.

There is no fruit in the tower.

Bai Wu could only go to the port to pick up other things. He rarely gave gifts to others, mainly because there was no one worthy of giving gifts to.

But this time he wanted to give gifts to two people, one for Yan Jiu and the other for the captain.

He had already thought of a gift for the captain, but he was still slowly choosing a gift for Yan Jiu.

Yan Jiu also made some contribution in rescuing the short sister-in-law. Bai Wu thought about it and decided to reward him.

Finally, Bai Wu bought a picture book. The pictures were all of some scenes outside the tower, and the authenticity remains to be verified. Anyway, Yan Jiu loves to look at these things.

After choosing the gifts, Bai Wu first went to the Survey Corps branch.

After learning about Liu Mu's situation, he also felt a sense of emptiness in his heart.

Compared to the others, he was quite calm.

There was no sadness that could not be expressed in words, just a calm and solemn feeling, as if one was attending the funeral of some important person.

Bai Wu had considered giving Wujiu a gift after returning from the zoo. He made up his mind only after his sister-in-law saw his other secret.

Wujiu has been busy investigating the affairs of the Corps these past two days, and the various files piled on his desk are much higher than usual.

Bai Wu went straight to the point:

"Captain, why don't we leave the tower? Only by leaving the tower can we become stronger and find more clues."

Wujiu's face no longer had the dejected look he had when he first returned to the tower. Now, he looked just like usual, except that he was working even harder than before.

Without waiting for Wujiu's response, Bai Wu said:

"I know how to turn the evil back into a human."

"What did you say?" Wujiu was stunned.

Bai Wu repeated it seriously:

"I know a way to turn the evil back into a human, so, get out of the tower, Captain!"

(The next chapter will enter a new copy)