Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 135: Scientists studying the tower


Wujiu is not a person who doesn't like to think.

However, when he saw so many props for the first time, although he understood that he could only choose props that occupied a total of three in the backpack, he still didn't know how to choose.

Seeing Bai Wu's excited face... well, there is no such thing as excitement on a square polygonal face. Seeing Bai Wu's square face, Wu Jiu asked:

"How to do?"

"First, let's exchange information."

Backpack capacity, respective data, and each other's guesses about regional rules are all information that can be exchanged.

Bai Wu and Wu Jiu spent a few minutes to figure out which props they had. Then Wu Jiu refreshed the question again:

"How to do?"

In order to prove that he was indeed confused, Wujiu said:

"We don't know what's out there. If we don't know what's out there, how can we select useful props? In addition, our current space is very small. If the evil ones attack, it will be disadvantageous for the battle."

Bai Wu smiled and said:

"From the information we just exchanged, we already know the basic settings of this world. Captain, don't worry. Since there is no countdown or life value decreasing over time, this means that as long as you stay here and don't open this door, you will have unlimited time to analyze. No evil will attack you, and even if there is a big explosion outside, it will not be able to blow open this door."

Wujiu didn't quite understand. Bai Wu didn't elaborate, just let Wujiu accept this setting.

This was just like many of the games he had played in his previous life. Once you reached the safe zone, as long as you didn't talk to the NPC who triggered the quest, you could stay there for a century even if monsters outside were destroying the world.

Bai Wu speculated that this place was heavily gamified.

But the purpose of gamification may be different from playing house in a manor. The "evil" may not want someone to play with it.

He always felt that the gamification of this place was intended to cover up something or protect something.

"My backpack has a capacity of six, and the captain's is three. It may be related to the soul-sustaining bag I have on me. Otherwise, you are level five, and I am level one, but I can carry more things than you."

"The captain is level 5, and I am level 1, which means that the captain's previous combat power has been uniformly converted into experience points, and then the captain's level has been increased..."

"Well, conservatively speaking, the captain's combat power is five times that of mine. The talent sequence should not be taken into account here, otherwise the captain would have no problem beating a hundred of me."

Bai Wu was proud of his captain's strength and didn't care at all that the rookie used to set off the captain was actually himself.

"At the same time, we know that defense and movement speed will not change with upgrades. In other words, when choosing items, if there are items that increase movement speed and defense, we should give priority to them because they are scarce attributes."

"Then there are the attack power and health points, which will change as the level increases, but the basic attack power is only two, and it increases by one point at the first level. The basic health points are ten, and they increase by two points at the first level."

"That is to say, in the early stages when everyone's level is not high and there is no increase in defense and movement speed, the benefit of a little attack power will be much greater than the health value."

"Also, the capacity of a backpack may not be fixed. This is just the first safe zone. There may be more supply areas with more powerful items later."

"What we need to do is to increase the level, improve the attributes, and increase the item capacity. In short, become stronger. The current attribute priority is that defense and movement speed are the top priorities, attack power is second, and health is the last."

Wujiu nodded frequently. After Bai Wu said this, he suddenly had an idea of how to choose these props.

He admired Bai Wu's brain and his ability to adapt to the environment so quickly.

But Bai Wu obviously learned more than that:

"I just tested it. The other props we have are no longer usable. In other words, apart from this suit and your weapon, many of the props we originally carried, such as my soul-sending watch, my pot, your searchlight, etc., are all props that cannot be used in the scene. They do not occupy the capacity of the backpack, but they cannot function either."

"But the talent sequence... should be usable."

Since the Eye of Prell can be used, Bai Wu speculates that Taotie, Extreme Shadow, and Ultimate Balance should all be able to be used.

But Bai Wu did not let Wu Jiu try. He said:

"Normally, the challengers in this area should start out as a level 1 loser like me, with only three slots of item capacity like the captain. In other words, this is the minimum configuration to clear the level."

"And I have six prop capacities. The captain starts at level five. Our configuration is higher than the minimum configuration. We can pass the level even without using the sequence, so we should try not to use it if possible."

Extreme Shadow, Ultimate Balance, and Taotie are all abilities that can be used actively. Bai Wu must consider whether the difficulty of this area will be increased due to the use of additional abilities.

Since this situation cannot be ruled out 100%, Bai Wu decides to let Shorty and himself explore normally first. If they encounter a danger that cannot be resolved, he will choose to use his trump card.

Generally speaking, Bai Wu already knew the current situation, and the next step was to arm himself and the captain.

Bai Wu picked up the axe on the table.

Rusty bronze axe, attack power +2. Upgradable, durability 10/10. Price: 3 gold coins.

A pretty good weapon. If you use it in battle, there is a 5% chance that your opponent will doubt their life, I mean dizzy. But obviously, the scene you are in limits some of its abilities, just like the weapon in the hands of the dwarf, its ability to paralyze spirits is suppressed. But after clearing the level, you can take it out.

There is no doubt that the next note is from the Eye of Prell. Bai Wu is now sure of one thing: there are probably many treasures with strange properties in this game.

A basic item actually has a 5% chance of causing dizziness? If I take this out, wouldn't every strike from me, as a European emperor, cause dizziness

"If the props can be taken out, then will the attributes improved in this scene be converted into corresponding companion powers when leaving the scene? If so... This area can be said to be a treasure snow area. But the higher the return, the greater the risk."

Bai Wu didn't think for too long, and finally his attention fell back on the props.

He finally asked the captain to choose four props.

An old ring, defense +1, luck +1, upgradeable, occupies one backpack slot. Price: 2 gold coins.

Anyone who wears this ring can feel some kind of mysterious guidance, but you know, the function of the thing has been sealed, and you can only use its true effect after leaving here.

Bai Wu didn't know where the role of luck was reflected, the key point was that the ring increased defense, and there was no such thing as durability. If you choose to wear it on your finger, it will not take up backpack capacity.

The second item is a resurrection coin.

It takes up one space in the backpack. Needless to say, although there are also things that increase life, it is not as good as reviving with full health.

The third prop is a bottle of wine with a strange note.

Wine that attracts monsters. Takes up one slot of inventory. Cannot be sold.

Produced in 1982, the Denglin Winery has a good taste and the effect is probably the same as Mengpo Soup, which can make people forget the content of the previous 24 hours. You can give it to the little paralyzed, the poor, the dwarf to make them forget some of the bad things you have done. I am talking about borrowing money, don't think about it in the wrong way.

No matter which note this bottle of wine has, it gives Bai Wu a sense of being an "important shortcut prop".

So he didn't think much about it and decisively let the captain let him in.

Wujiu’s fourth prop is a lighter, but this lighter is shaped like a shower head.

An object that can ignite certain devices. Takes up one inventory slot. Cannot be sold.

Don't be curious about why the lighter looks like a shower head, because it's strange that humans can only spray water but not fire. So out of curiosity, it can now spray fire.

It is essential for lighting and igniting objects, and Bai Wu is sure it will be used later.

After getting Wujiu's equipment and props, he began to choose his own.

He took the axe with him. If he had no weapon in his hand, the axe would not take up any space in the backpack. Otherwise, it would take up two space.

Then Bai Wu put on a pair of Huili running shoes. Similarly, wearing them does not take up any grid in the backpack, otherwise it takes up one grid.

Warrior running shoes, speed +1, can be upgraded, takes up one backpack slot, cannot be sold.

Shoes that can completely erase the sound and footprints of your footsteps, the favorite of Lao Wang next door. Of course... you know, first you have to be able to pass the level.

The captain is already very strong. Bai Wu has calculated that even if he equips himself with all the equipment on the table, his combat attributes will not be as good as the captain's.

Therefore, when it comes to coping with levels, as long as your operations are reasonable, the captain is the most powerful weapon.

He just needed to choose a piece of equipment that would save his life. He chose this pair of shoes that had an increased acceleration and infinite durability.

It is worth mentioning that Bai Wu discovered through experiments that a person can only carry three types of equipment.

It can be one pair of shoes and two weapons, but then you can't wear clothes. It can be one weapon, shoes, and clothes, but then you can't wear jewelry. Or wear three rings, but then you can't use weapons, clothes, and shoes.

In other words, there are only three equipment slots.

Bai Wu believes that neither he nor the captain should give up their clothes, even though there is no need to be ashamed of their mosaic pixelated bodies.

In short, both of them were fully equipped.

For the remaining six backpack spaces, Bai Wu chose a resurrection coin as his first item.

The second item is a "Five-minute combat dice."

Attribute dice, can increase a random combat attribute according to the points. Lasts for five minutes and takes up one space of backpack capacity. Price: 5 gold coins.

This thing looks like it has very strong scene attributes, but the notes given by the Eye of Prell are very weak, and its spirit-hosting ability is very strange - a dice that will never throw a six.

The third item takes up two slots in Bai Wu’s backpack, an alarm clock.

Day and night clock. Can adjust the time of day once. Does not cause time to flow backwards, but will only change the sky color according to the time shown. Takes up two backpack slots and costs 5 gold coins.

From these props, Bai Wu concluded that only equipment, that is, combat props, have the ability to be upgraded and have durability.

However, some functional props do not have durability and cannot be upgraded.

Bai Wu chose this alarm clock based on intuition.

The ability of the alarm clock is obvious, which is to force the current time to become day, night, or dusk.

It occupies two slots in the backpack, and the weapon is a melee weapon such as an axe, and there are resurrection coins. These clues allow Bai Wu to conclude that there is some kind of monster outside that preys on humans.

Night and day might affect the habits of monsters, so he chose this.

It is a pity that this alarm clock scene is very powerful, but its real spirit-hosting ability is also useless. The note given by the Eye of Prell is that it is an alarm clock that will sing a lullaby when you are about to wake up. If you refuse to be a worker, you can consider bringing it with you.

The last prop also has two grids - the repair box.

The old blacksmith's toolbox can restore 70% of the durability of your equipment. Price: 5 gold coins.

The props placed in this box will never rust.

Another item with rubbish real spirit-hosting abilities.

However, Bai Wu believes that in this game, he will definitely be able to find equipment and props with interesting actual properties.

After some trouble, the two finally filled up their equipment slots and backpacks, completing the preparations before opening the door.

Bai Wu looked at the alarm clock. Since the alarm clock could force the sky to change to the corresponding time, it meant that the scene outside the iron gate corresponded to the time displayed on the alarm clock.

"It's 6:20 pm, and night is about to fall. The night may protect us, or it may make the monsters outside more ferocious. Captain, what do you think?"

"Rush out. At worst you can be resurrected." Wujiu was still very brave.

"Yes, even during the day, you will face the same choice."

Bai Wu was about to open the door, and the moment he touched the door, a hint popped up in the eyes of both of them.

The end of the world has come, and the outskirts of the city are full of monsters. The world seems to have begun to change in some way. There is no safe place under the sun anymore. Even the scientists who once participated in the analysis of the tower at the Denglin Technology Branch have begun to change one by one. You are on the 19th floor of the Denglin Technology Branch. Hunger makes you desperate to find food, and the desire to survive makes you want to leave here and go to the Denglin Technology Headquarters at the other end of the city.

"It seems that this is the mission. Find a way to get from the 19th floor to the ground floor, and then leave, find food on the way. And finally go to the headquarters of Denglin Technology." Bai Wu said.

Lantern Forest, Food City, Baichuan. So far, Bai Wu has known the names of three cities.

He had a feeling that everything outside the tower was random, but the random range might not be as large as the entire world, at least... He had never been to any other city in any other country.

Bai Wu also noticed key information, Denglin Technology, and scientists who studied the tower.

This was the first time he encountered an area that traced back to the origins of the apocalypse.

In addition, before entering this area, the Eye of Prell mentioned a piece of information that fragments and historical materials were hidden here.

This pixelated world—perhaps they can find some of the truth about the apocalypse that both he and Wujiu desire!

"Open the door." Wujiu said.


The iron door that seemed to be filled with mosaics was slowly pushed open by Bai Wu, and what appeared in front of Bai Wu and Wu Jiu was the stairwell leading to the upper and lower floors.

They had been hiding in the storage room at the staircase. The storage room was dark, and it was even darker outside.

Bai Wu found that he could no longer open the iron door of the storage room. If he had not chosen the flamethrower just now, he would probably not be able to leave this building.

But for now, the two can still explore in the dim environment with their naked eyes.

Just as they were about to go to the next floor, they both heard a sound in the air.

"Is there anyone here? Help me!"

Bai Wu became alert instinctively. Are there NPCs in this game

He suddenly thought of something bad.

If the props in the game are all props that actually possess spirits in reality, then what will the NPCs in the game be

(I have to go out to dinner with someone tonight, so I'm not sure if there will be any updates. Don't wait, it will be very late even if there is.)