Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 136: Living NPCs


Bai Wu quickly made up his mind:

"Go and have a look."

After scanning the area with the Eye of Prell, Bai Wu found that everything he saw on this floor was normal. Even though the style was extremely simple, he could feel that the specifications of this Denglin Technology Branch building were quite high.

Although this floor looks a mess now, as if there had been some turmoil, it all happened not long ago.

The "npc" is in a room, and the interesting thing is... this room is locked from the outside.

The people inside didn't know how long they had been trapped. After shouting and getting no response, they began to bang their bodies against the door.

But as Bai Wu saw, the specifications here are quite high and the door is quite sturdy.

When they arrived at the door, Bai Wu and Wu Jiu saw the note again.

Doors. Breaking them down by force has a chance of alerting the monsters and will consume a little weapon durability.

This is another multiple-choice question in disguise.

The durability of the weapon is only ten points. According to this process, if facing a group of monsters, the weapon is obviously not durable.

Because this is a game scene, and the simulated time should be Denglin City seven hundred years ago. Even if they don't save the people in the sect, Bai Wu and Wu Jiu will not feel any guilt.

"If we attract monsters, the durability of our weapons will be depleted by more than just a little bit." Bai Wu reminded Wujiu.

Wujiu looked at the door and without thinking for too long, he cut the chain with his knife and kicked the door open.

"Thank God! I just heard your voices and was wondering if you were monsters! I didn't expect there were other living people in the company besides me!"

The person who was speaking was wearing a common business suit and glasses. He had the appearance of a high-level intellectual, with thick hair, and did not look like a scientific researcher at all. The smile on his face revealed his sincerity.

He was trapped in a printing room, with many papers scattered around the room that could not be checked or picked up. The difference from the real scene was not only that the painting style here was too simple and pixelated, but the biggest difference was that many things here were used as backgrounds and could not be interacted with.

Bai Wu and Wu Jiu both saw the note about this person:

Health 5/5, Movement Speed 1, Defense 0.

From this, Wujiu could infer that this person should be an ordinary human being. However, another piece of information that Bai Wu saw completely overturned the word "ordinary".

An interviewer at the branch of Denglin Technology Company. He had only worked here for less than three months when the research subject at the headquarters of Denglin Technology Company escaped. He went on a killing spree and made everything worse. He didn't know much, but it was better to take him with you than to wander around in this dangerous city.

Judging from the different notes on the props before, Bai Wu is sure that the notes given by the game itself and the notes given by the Eye of Prell are notes for two completely different scenes.

The notes given by the game only apply to this game, and the notes given by the Eye of Prell are real notes.

If this is true... then the person in front of me is really the interviewer from Denglin Technology Company

A living person? A living person from seven hundred years ago, before the tower

He lived for seven hundred years? The note did not mention that he was dead, which at least showed that he was indeed in a normal state, but it was impossible for him to be trapped there for seven hundred years.

Perhaps the NPCs here have some other way of survival

Originally thought that the NPC was a guest appearance by the regional evil, but Bai Wu didn't expect that it was actually a real person.

This area... what is going on

"By the way, why haven't I seen you guys before? Which floor do you work on?"

Interviewers Wujiu and Bai Wu looked at themselves and felt a little scared.

"My friend and I are both security guards for this company. I am a level one security guard and he is a level five security guard." Bai Wu responded seriously.

"What? Security... Are there still different levels of security in the company?"

Moreover, one of the security guards is tall and thin, while the other is petite. They don’t have the aura of a security guard at all. They definitely didn’t interview the person themselves.

"Yes, if you kill ten robbers, you can successfully upgrade to a second-level protector. If you kill fifty robbers, you can be promoted to a third-level protector. If you save the company six times, you can be upgraded to a fourth-level protector. If you save the city, you can be upgraded to a fifth-level protector."

Bai Wu was serious, and Wujiu was used to it.

The interviewer was stunned for a moment, then smiled awkwardly:

"You are very humorous and can tell jokes at a time like this. Since you are security guards, can you let me follow you... I am very hungry, and it is very dangerous here. I feel that I may not be able to escape alone."

Side quest, Mo Cheng's request for help. The reward for completing the quest is unknown. The quest failure condition: Mo Cheng dies. Note: If you accept the quest and Mo Cheng dies, the main quest will also fail.

This is another hint that both Wujiu and Baiwu can see.

Although Wujiu had never played an RPG game, he felt that this mission was a bit unreasonable. Why would the main mission fail if an NPC in a side quest died

Moreover, this NPC named Mo Cheng has no attack power, no defense power... He looks like he will die very easily.

He looked at Bai Wu, who asked a strange question at this time:

"Mr. Mo Cheng, can you do a Thomas turn?"


"Thomas maneuver, preferably 4320 degrees, I want to see..."

Wujiu was confused, and Mo Cheng was also confused. What kind of weird conversation was this

“Ah, this…” Mo Cheng looked at Wujiu for help.

Of course, in the world of cube people, eye contact is something that can only be understood but not described.

"If you don't do it, I won't take you out."

"No, why is that..."

"No reason, I just want to see you do the Thomas turn."

Mo Cheng stared at Bai Wu, who was immune to such gazes. He said to Wu Jiu:

"Captain, let's go. Don't worry about him. We have to leave quickly, otherwise the monster will come back again."

Although Wujiu didn't understand what Baiwu was doing, he still nodded and cooperated with Baiwu in talking nonsense.

"I'll do it! Is it not okay for me to do it?" Mo Cheng immediately became scared when he heard there was a monster.

"It's just a Thomas spin! It's not a striptease!"

As he spoke, Mo Cheng put his head on the ground and prepared to start spinning. Wujiu suddenly wanted to laugh, and then immediately thought of some unfunny things.

Back in the ward, when Bai Wu watched himself imitating Cain, was he feeling the same as he is feeling now when he watches Mo Cheng do the Thomas Maneuver

However, turning 4,320 degrees is not something that ordinary people can do.

Mo Cheng turned around and felt that some of his hair was worn off, so he gave up.

Bai Wu nodded and said:

"Okay, I'm just kidding. Don't mind it. Come with us. We will take you away from here."

"Eh? Is that enough?" Mo Cheng didn't understand what Bai Wu was thinking.

"Well, but you have to listen to us. You'd better tell us any decision you make. Otherwise, we won't be responsible if something goes wrong. You should know how dangerous this building is."

Mo Cheng stood up awkwardly, and nodded excitedly after hearing Bai Wu's words.

Wujiu still didn't understand what Baiwu was doing.

Bai Wu didn't explain it to the captain in detail.

The penalty for mission failure is very high, and Mo Cheng’s attributes are even weaker than those of a first-level explorer like himself, which means that the reward for the mission is also very high.

Bai Wu thought that if Mo Cheng, an NPC who would die after two touches, could lead him through the game, it meant that there were many possibilities to avoid fighting in the game scenes.

As long as Mo Cheng doesn't seek death.

Regardless of the conversation about security upgrades or Thomas's behavior, Bai Wu was certain of one thing: Mo Cheng had his own will and was not controlled by a "game program."

At least he believed one thing, that asking Mo Cheng to do the strange Thomas turn was not part of the "game"'s expectations.

The fact that Mo Cheng did not make 4,320 degrees, that is, turn twelve times, also shows that he is in control of his body and is not controlled by the game program.

Another point is that in this game, there are no restrictions on actions. Although there are only a few attributes, it is not like a real game where many actions cannot be performed.

At the same time, he saw that Mo Cheng had a strong desire to survive.

To sum up, Bai Wu believes that Mo Cheng will not be like the NPCs in many escort missions in games, who are both incompetent and like to charge towards monsters.

When he played these games in his previous life, he just thought that the planners were stupid. Why would the escorting NPC take the initiative to walk towards the monster

The three of them soon arrived at the stairs.

Wujiu originally wanted to ask about how to turn Liu Mu back into a human, but Bai Wu was asking Mo Cheng, so he was not in a hurry.

"What on earth happened to this building? Why did it suddenly become like this?"

"Aren't you security guards?"

"Can't the security guard take a vacation? Can't the security guard be unaware of certain things? Must the security guard know every aspect? When can the security guard stand up?" Bai Wu was very angry, although from the tone of his voice, he seemed to be reading lines.

Mo Cheng felt that the white fog was strange, but he felt that the two men, one holding an axe and the other holding a dagger, had kind faces, so he should follow his heart:

"Two years ago, there were many monsters outside the city, and people often turned into monsters in the city, but Denglin Technology Company never did. This company claims to be researching monster antibodies, and they have the earliest person to turn into a monster!"

If we regard evil and degeneration as a virus, then the first person to become a monster is Patient Zero.

If this news is true, then this exploration may yield some incredibly important intelligence.

The premise is that all this is true.

"There are more and more strange things in the city, more and more monsters, many companies have gone bankrupt, and many shops have closed down. Only Denglin Technology is still the same as it was a few years ago... I heard about this and came to work here. Wow, it is said that there were tens of thousands of emails delivered to this technology company at that time. I am lucky."

Mo Cheng paused and said:

"But yesterday... everything was different. That monster came out!"

"The one that mutated first?"

"Yes, it's like a powerful source of infection, causing people around it to mutate constantly. It's terrible. We must never take the elevator! I saw it with my own eyes. The people in the elevator were in great pain and had many strange things growing on them."

Mo Cheng was telling the truth. After hearing the alarm on the seventh floor, he immediately prepared to take the elevator to leave.

But as soon as he walked out of the office, he saw a large group of people crowding at the elevator entrance. These people already had some non-human characteristics.

This scene frightened Mo Cheng so much that he quickly returned to the house and curled up trembling.

About an hour later, he found that there was no movement, so he walked out, but he could still hear some painful screams from the sixth floor at the stairs.

He was so scared that he kept running upstairs.

"Awesome. By the way, is it 2123 now?"

"What? What about 2123? Brother, why do you always talk weirdly? Don't scare me! It's already 2128..."

Bai Wu was stunned.

Among the several time points he has obtained so far, 2127 was the year when the mutation was most serious, and many people had already moved into the tower in 2127.

He originally thought that 2127 would be the last year of the pre-tower era...

But this is actually the year 2128

This means that the mutations outside the tower are more exaggerated than in 2127, but there are still a large number of humans who have not become evil. They are still wandering in or outside the city, looking for supplies for survival.

However... if they cannot enter the tower, as the rules outside the tower become more and more distorted, what awaits them is bound to be evil and degeneration.

As the three of them were talking, they kept walking up the stairs. They had already reached the thirteenth floor. So far, they had not encountered any monsters.

But when they were about to enter the twelfth floor, a large group of monsters with black skin and extremely irregular facial features, like half-melted chocolate, rushed up.

Wujiu subconsciously stood in front of everyone, while Bai Wu protected Mo Cheng and said:

"Don't leave us!"

"Don't worry! I won't leave even if you chase me away!" Mo Cheng was so scared that he started to cry.

There were sixteen monsters in total, all wearing white lab coats.

There is a monster with a relatively sturdy physique in the middle, and the notes displayed are—Infected Experimenter lv2, HP 10/10, Attack Power 4, Defense Power 0. Movement Speed 1.

The rest of the monsters are all level 1 infected: Infected Experimenter, lv1, HP 8/8, Attack 3, Defense 0. Movement Speed 1.

At this moment, Bai Wu calculated the outcome of the captain's battle with this group of monsters.

"The captain's basic defense is 1, and the ring +1, which is 2 points. But the monsters' attack power is 3, which means each monster will force the captain to lose one point of health, and one of them can cause the captain to lose two points of health."

"The captain's attack power is 6, plus the Evil Must Die, that's 12 points. Theoretically, the captain can kill a small enemy with one strike, but the durability of the Evil Must Die is only 9, and it has already consumed a little bit of it when unlocking it just now. In other words, it's best to keep the weapon for dealing with monsters that may not be able to break through with your own strength."

Bai Wu already had the answer. When the monster was about to rush over, Bai Wu said:

"Captain, take advantage of the corridor entrance and try not to face multiple monsters at the same time. Also, if you can avoid using weapons, do so!"

Wujiu understood Bai Wu's meaning in an instant. He nodded and said:

"I see."

The three of them fought and retreated at the same time. Because the movement speed was the same, the number of monsters Wujiu faced was also the same. Since the order of each monster was different, basically one monster was dealt with by Wujiu, and another monster rushed up immediately.

In this game, the attack speed of all creatures seems to be constant.

Although Wujiu is not faster than them, Mo Cheng can perform the Thomas turn, and Wujiu can also perform some difficult evasive moves.

When all the monsters were dealt with, they all retreated back to the fourteenth floor.

The stairwells on the twelfth, thirteenth, and fourteenth floors were filled with corpses of various monsters.

Mo Cheng said:

"Is this the strength of a Level 5 Emperor Guardian? It's so terrifying!"

Bai Wu was also very satisfied, but this time he had the advantage of geographical location.

If the monsters on the upper and lower levels attack from both sides... Even if the short guy can make some evasive movements, he will probably lose more than half of his health.

Bai Wu didn't think that the dozen or so monsters just now were too many. In 2128... I'm afraid the city can already be described as a tide of evil.

"Look... those monsters seem to have dropped something." Mo Cheng reminded.