Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 137: Lantern Forest City in the doomsday era


There's a sense of incongruity. It's hard to imagine that a group of monsters in white lab coats would drop gold coins instead of some strange props.

Among the sixteen monsters, only four dropped items, and a total of four gold coins were dropped.

Bai Wu was very curious, what was the use of game coins

The item prompts that it can be upgraded. Does the upgrade cost gold coins

Wujiu signaled Baiwu to pick up the gold coins. Wujiu didn't care about the function of the gold coins. Anyway, resources should be distributed by Baiwu.

When seeing these monsters, Bai Wu actually saw two parts of the content. The notes of the Eye of Prell were very strange:

As one of the earliest mutants, he has always wanted to find the secret of saving the world from himself. However, as a being with too much power, he is unfamiliar with his own power. If the evil is compared to a flower, then wherever he goes, flowers will bloom. And what you see are the flowers that bloom because of him.


Bai Wu could conclude that these people encountered a super powerful evil being, were infected by something in the evil being, and then became evil as well.

This super evil is the secret that Denglin Technology Company has always kept hidden.

But there are too few clues at the moment, Bai Wu asked:

"Captain, have your experience points increased?"

Mo Cheng was stunned. What the hell was experience value? Could it be that there really was such a thing as a protector protecting the master and the emperor

Wujiu shook his head without any similar hint.

Bai Wu nodded, roughly understanding what the situation was.

"It seems that killing monsters doesn't give experience points... but there is a chance that gold coins will drop. So it seems that the level is increased in another way. Maybe it's necessary to settle the tasks?"

Bai Wu hasn't figured out what's going on yet, all they can do is keep going.

"Is there any place to eat nearby?"

Although it was a game, the feeling of hunger was extremely real, especially after encountering the monster just now, which made Bai Wu and Wu Jiu feel weak.

The health points of the two people became seven points for one and fifteen points for the other. It was indicated that they could only be restored with food and could not be restored with blood bottles.

This means that the loss of life caused by hunger can only be replenished by eating.

"I think most places are closed. Many people looted some supplies and stayed at home... And this is a science and technology park. There are basically no convenience stores, supermarkets, and even fewer restaurants. But I hid some canned food at home."

"Where is your home?"

"West City District, 25 minutes by car."

It’s not too far. Bai Wu nodded and asked as he went downstairs:

"Then let's go to your house. Your house is safe, right?"

"The house I rented should be safe. Monsters are rampant in Denglin City. I haven't been able to contact the landlord for several months, and all the neighbors have left."

"Then why don't you stay at home and come to the company?" Bai Wu looked at Mo Cheng.

Mo Cheng said:

"The company is the hope of all of us. It is said that there is a prophet in the company, right at the headquarters. We firmly believe that the prophet can guide us and help us find a way to survive."

The prophet was right. Perhaps it is because the prophet told you how to survive that you have survived in this form... for seven hundred years

Bai Wu didn't say this, as he felt more and more that this pixel-style area contained surprising information.

They went down all the way, and when they reached the sixth floor, they encountered a group of evil creatures, but they were all first-level mutants.

Using the previous tactics, the problem was solved, not easily but not dangerously.

Wujiu and Baiwu's physical strength decreased due to Evil's pursuit and killing, which was reflected in the data as a health value of -2.

Before they even got out of the building, the two of them had already lost a lot of health, even though they were not touched by any monsters.

However, the NPC's health value did not change at all. This made Bai Wu feel that it was unfair and the players were treated too badly.

They were now on the second floor, only one floor away from leaving here, but the door downstairs was locked.

This is not a problem. The three of them originally planned to go to the underground first floor, through the garage, find a vehicle and leave.

The problem is that there are too many evildoers on the first floor, and they are so densely packed that if you alarm one of them, you will alarm all the rest.

There are even three level 4 mutants, with health 14/14, attack 6, defense 0, and movement speed 1.

If the three of them add up this data, even the captain can't handle it if he doesn't take advantage of the field. Mo Cheng will die if he is touched.

Bai Wu and others were at the stairs on the second floor, looking at the monsters below. It seemed that these monsters were attracted by the scenery outside the glass door and wanted to leave.

But the low-level evil ones were just like zombies, without much brains. For some reason, they didn't open the door.

"In this situation, if a level 1 player wants to survive, there is no way he would choose to fight."

Bai Wu asked Wu Jiu to take out the bottle of wine—

Wine that attracts monsters. Takes up one slot of inventory. Cannot be sold.

It's a nice thing to be able to make people forget the memory of a day, but it's meaningless if you can't leave here.

Bai Wu didn't feel sorry at all. He picked up the wine bottle and threw it towards the other side of the stairs.

The sound of the wine bottle breaking and the sudden aroma of wine instantly attracted the monster downstairs.

The effect of the game props was exaggerated. The aroma of the wine spread directly in a circular shape. The evil people smelled the scent and immediately became excited.

The evil creatures on the first floor rushed towards a certain direction frantically, and Bai Wu and others even felt a slight shaking.

"What the hell, what kind of alcohol is this? Are all the people in our company alcoholics before they turned into monsters?"

The sight of the monsters rushing towards a bottle of wine like a tide made Mo Cheng feel incredible. Especially when he saw these monsters piled up like a pyramid, he almost had intensive phobia.

"Let's go quickly." Wujiu urged.

The white mist is reluctant to leave. This wine must be very fragrant. What a pity.

The process from the first floor to the garage was very safe. The monsters on the second floor and the underground first floor were originally gathered on the first floor. The effect of the wine bottle was unexpectedly good, allowing Bai Wu and the other two to arrive at the garage like invisible people.

After searching around, they found that the salaries of scientists were actually not as low as the public intellectuals said. At least in terms of vehicles, there were many cars that a person could not afford when he was born and would never be able to afford in his lifetime.

Of course, in the game, all vehicles have the same attributes.

Vehicle, health 60/60, movement speed 6.

Through the spread of spirits, every car here has the same ability. They watched humans ignore traffic rules again and again, and they were angry! So they decided that running a red light would cause a tire to burst, and driving under the influence would cause an explosion. In addition, whether in the game or outside the game, they don't need to refuel.

The soul is spreading. Bai Wu remembered that there is a certain probability that similar things will collectively possess the soul of a certain same attribute.

Yes, if I had these cars in my previous life, the traffic police would probably be unemployed.

Not having to think about refueling was a pleasant surprise. However, Bai Wu and Wu Jiu discovered one thing...

When Bai Wu got on the vehicle, the following prompt popped up:

Without driving skills, the car cannot be started.

Obviously, the designer of the scene doesn't know how to make games. The realism is not real where it should be, and the realism is too harsh where it shouldn't be pursued.

“I can’t drive.”

"The security guard can't drive?" Mo Cheng was surprised.

"Do security guards have to be able to drive? Can't security guards walk diligently with their legs? Can't security guards choose a skill tree that focuses on strength instead of technology? When will security guards be able to stand up?"

Mo Cheng felt some pain on his forehead:

"Brother, stop studying, stop studying. I can drive, but I failed the second test three times before I passed..."

"Subject two? Subject two is quite difficult." Bai Wu told the truth.

Without the need for car keys, the three of them quickly found a car that looked like a Hummer, and under the leadership of Mo Cheng, they quickly drove out of the parking lot.

There are not many secrets hidden in the branch building of Denglin Technology Company. Most of the secrets are in the headquarters building of Denglin Technology Company.

Only by going to the headquarters can Bai Wu find out the real secrets that this area wants to hide or protect.

But now, they were speeding on the road, with a tide of monsters behind them, a lot of level two and three.

In other words, the street is ten times more dangerous than the branch building.

Even though the vehicle is much faster than these monsters, the number of monsters is too large, and the sound of the engine can excite many monsters.

They come out of a sewer, out of a shop, or jump out of the window of a building.

This Hummer is basically a walking meat bun, and they are a bunch of starving mad dogs.

The three people in the car were not absolutely safe either. Wujiu and Baiwu needed to lean out of the window from time to time to kick away the evildoers who accidentally approached, and try their best to prevent these evildoers from touching the vehicle.

Despite this, the vehicle's health was reduced by half and smoke had begun to come out of the hood. According to the setting of a game in Bai Wu's previous life, this meant that if the car was hit by monsters a few more times, the hood would catch fire and then explode.

Fortunately, Wujiu and Bai Wu did not let things develop to that point.

And the NPC's driving is very stable.

Although Mo Cheng was extremely panicked, he still demonstrated solid driving skills. He did not look like a rookie driver who had failed the second driving test three times.

On the way to the western city area, Bai Wu observed all the way and was convinced that 2128 was the real end of the world.

The whole city was shrouded in some kind of gray smoke, as if it were during the Industrial Revolution.

Along the way, I saw corpses, bloodstains, broken doors and glass, vehicles lying in all directions, fallen billboards, and bumpy roads...

I'm afraid the number of humans has been exceeded by the number of evil ones. Perhaps compared to today, many rules that make it difficult to survive have not evolved outside the tower. But no one can say for sure whether they will suddenly become evil because of an emotional breakdown.

The evil forces came like a tide, but were eventually left behind by Mo Cheng due to the huge difference in their moving speeds.

The West City District is not far from the headquarters building of Denglin Technology. Along the way, Bai Wu also hopes to find supermarkets and supply stations.

But just as Mo Cheng said, all the supermarkets and convenience stores that could be seen no longer had any edible food, and all kinds of supplies had long been swept away.

There are still many humans in the city, but Bai Wu doesn't think their fate will be good. When the food runs out, they will have to face the danger and difficulties of searching for food.

For many people, food has never been a concept from the very beginning.

Surviving in the apocalypse, all resources become scarce.

Bai Wu suddenly thought, who is the last human in this world? How long did he persist before he turned evil

Is there a possibility that seven hundred years after the Tower Era, there are still survivors outside the Tower

The three of them finally arrived at the transfer station - Mo Cheng's residence. This is an apartment building.

Mo Cheng's family has a total of 121 cans of luncheon meat. Under the current circumstances, it is no exaggeration to say that he is the richest man in Denglin.

Just as Mo Cheng said, there was no evil in the building, so this was considered a small safe zone. At 7:40 in the evening, the three of them huddled in Mo Cheng's talent apartment, eating canned food and drinking bottled water.

There are three pixelated people eating. Visually, there is no chewing at all. They just open and close their mouths, and the meat is gone.

"There is enough food to keep you here for a long time, as long as you don't do anything stupid, don't make any loud noise at night, don't turn on the lights, and stay calm. But you'd better control your appetite." Bai Wu gave friendly advice.

Mo Cheng said:

"What about you? You don't want to stay here? I can't come back without you. If you are willing to stay, it will be a good thing for me."

"So you could live for 30 days, but now you can only live for 10 days."

Bai Wu shook his head and continued:

"You stay here, don't go out and walk around. Stay still. We are going to the headquarters building of Denglin Technology. By the way, how long does it take to walk there from here?"

"It's not far, but it takes an hour to walk... But do you really want to go there? Why? It's extremely dangerous there."

Although he is not familiar with Bai Wu and Wu Jiu, Mo Cheng still hopes that Bai Wu and Wu Jiu can stay. "

"Just now when we were in the car, there were monsters all around us. I want to know one thing. Are the number of these monsters so large because there were so many monsters in this city before, or is it because of the monster from the headquarters building you mentioned? Can he cause so many infected people to appear in the city in one day?"

Before Bai Wu finished speaking, Mo Cheng waved his hand and said:

"Don't mess with him... He is not on the same level as other monsters... Don't go, or you will become monsters too!"

"Is there information about this monster hidden in the headquarters building?" Bai Wu asked again.

"I think so. I'm not sure. Anyway, don't go. There are a lot of monsters in Denglin now. Many of them are indeed caused by the experimental subject that escaped from the headquarters building, but in the past few years, many monsters have also been born in the city of Denglin itself."

The world is changing. In a few years, some humans will become evil, while some will master the rules and adapt to them. They suppress their emotions and lurk cautiously in this city.

Perhaps humans and evil can still maintain a certain balance. Many people are unwilling to leave Denglin City because they cannot leave, or do not want to leave.

The latter is because many people firmly believe that scientists can find a way to stop the evil.

But all this was shattered yesterday.

This was the information Bai Wu had learned so far. After eating their fill and receiving the news that they would not lose health points due to hunger in the next eight hours, the two of them set off and prepared to head to the headquarters building.

When they closed the door of Mo Cheng's room, both of them received a prompt.

Mo Cheng's request for help has been completed, and his level has been increased by two levels. He has gained the favor of a merchant.

The white fog rose to the third level, and the five-nine rose to the seventh level.

Just when the two were curious about what the businessman favored, they suddenly saw a pot-bellied guy with six eyes, eight ears, and an octopus-like body, standing outside Mo Cheng's apartment, waving at them with his tentacles.

"I'm a merchant from Black Gold Island. If you have gold coins, you can come to me and exchange them for all kinds of goodies. Skills, luck, lifespan, equipment, anything is fine. Hahahaha."