Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 138: The businessman and the fragments of Black Gold Island


Black Gold Island

Bai Wu suddenly remembered that Violet had mentioned this place in the manor.

In Bai Wu's initial opinion, the merchant was similar to the traveler, an evil being with a special code name.

If you think about it carefully, if the year is 2128 and people have started living in the tower, then it is normal that these evil creatures who have lived for seven hundred years have begun to become active around the world.

But the creator of this game would not mention the Black Gold Island for no reason, which means... he knows the businessman

Is this really a blue zone? Is it possible to have friendship with a red zone level evil

"Want to trade? We have all kinds of good stuff."

The octopus man shouted again.

Wujiu and Baiwu both had a note in their eyes:

A black-hearted businessman, but he has a wide range of goods.

Bai Wu can also see the second paragraph - the owner of the Black Gold Island does not accept game coins, and at this time it is immature and immature, and cannot be called a little octopus for the time being, just call it a little octopus. It has not yet obtained the ability to trade, just because this is a game, and there must be a store in the game, otherwise how can the player upgrade? This is just a little octopus figurine that has been possessed by a spirit. Don't ask me why someone would buy the evil figurine, after all, the owner of this area is not normal~

So this merchant is not real, but fake... The goods inside may not be really complete, but they are definitely useful for dealing with games.

The most important thing is that Bai Wu discovered a point in this passage.

In the year 2128, seven hundred years into the apocalyptic era, “merchants” have yet to become true businessmen.

This means... the owner of the area foresaw the future of the "merchant"

Or is it that the reason why this area has become what it is now, with a pixelated style and independent rules, is because of the work of businessmen

The two possibilities represent completely different results. The former means that the owner of the region is extremely powerful, while the latter means that the merchant is extremely powerful. However, judging from the description of the Eye of Prell, the possibility of the former is far greater than the latter.

"What goods do you have?"

There are not enough clues and they are irrelevant to the main plot, so Bai Wu doesn't think about them for the time being.

The octopus-like businessman opened his backpack.

The menu appeared in Baiwu and Wujiu's sight just like the game cargo notes they had seen before.

Random Seven Sins series weapon, priced at 1,000 gold coins.

Cooking skill: 10 gold coins.

Driving skill: 10 gold coins.

Equipment Upgrade Coupon: 25 gold coins.

Backpack Capacity +1 Ticket: 5 Gold Coins.

Experience points for upgrading one level: 20 gold coins.

Master Key: 20 gold coins.

Incomplete notes in the Denglin Technology Headquarters Building: 5 gold coins.

Including the goods that Bai Wu and Wu Jiu saw in the storage room at the beginning, the merchant’s goods menu is extremely rich.

The prices of the goods ranged from five gold coins to one thousand gold coins. Bai Wu really wanted to know what the Seven Sins series weapons worth one thousand gold coins were.

But it was obvious that his eloquence was not enough to make Squidward give him a good price. He didn't have enough affection for the couple, so he could only pay more.

So far, although Bai Wu and Wu Jiu have killed many evil spirits in the car, the number of gold coins they have picked up is very limited.

They only had 31 gold coins in total. Bai Wu thought about it and bought a copy of the incomplete notes of the Denglin Technology Headquarters Building, a backpack capacity +1 coupon, and a master key. He did not buy the driving skill or the cooking skill.

After the backpack is upgraded, there is just enough space to store the items because the wine bottles were consumed previously.

Realizing the many good things that gold coins can be exchanged for—

They decided to walk to the Denglin Technology Headquarters Building in order to accumulate gold coins along the way.

Bai Wu's behavior is somewhat radical. The normal player's solution to the problem should be to use driving skills and then use the vehicle to drive to the headquarters building as safely as possible.

However, Bai Wu’s real goal is to obtain level upgrade coupons and equipment upgrade coupons.

The companion force of the dwarf brother at the eighth level and fourth stage only corresponds to the fifth level. Bai Wu is temporarily unable to calculate how much companion force corresponds to the first level.

But if I can find a way to get Shorty and myself to a few dozen levels, maybe our companion power will increase dramatically after we leave this area

"Oh, you have no money left. See you next time. I will show up again when the time is right. I hope you have your gold coins ready. Hohohoho."

"Wait, do you know the Traveler?"

"The answer to the question is also merchandise. Business is business, but I can make an exception for once. Yes, I know him."

After saying this, a ball of ink-like substance appeared under the octopus' feet. The quality of this ink was very high. In Bai Mist's eyes, it was much finer than other block environments. Soon, its entire body sank into the ink and disappeared.

Wujiu said:

"You seem to know this monster?"

"There are some very strange characters in Evil Fall. They have the same intelligence as us, their own organizations, and their own unique secrets."

Having said this, Bai Wu did not rush to the headquarters building, but said to Wu Jiu:

"The captain was here last time too. Merchants are the ones who provide goods to Violet. Violet absorbs the fear of others and uses it to trade with merchants. These fears can be exchanged for many items, such as our food."

Wujiu nodded. He was confused by the conversation between Baiwu and Ziluolan, but he still remembered it all.

Bai Wu said:

"The Traveler was someone I met when we went to the foggy area to rescue the miners. I think they are related because they all carry some kind of title."

"Does the Traveler have special abilities?"

"simply put… "

Bai Wu paused here, and after a few seconds of silence, he decided to speak directly:

"The monster that trapped you on the day of the military exercise between the two armies was the Traveler."

Wujiu was stunned, and his hands clenched unconsciously. Although he was in pixel style, his so-called palms were just squares, and it seemed that he didn't even have fingers.

"Merchants can sell many strange things, and travelers, as the name suggests, can ignore regional restrictions and move freely outside the entire tower."

"So finding him is... difficult?"

In that strange swamp, at the end of the martial arts performance, everyone evacuated and only Liu Mu and Nie Chongshan were left fighting.

Bai Wu learned about the unexpected events during the military exercise between the two armies from Lin Wurou and Yin Shuang.

But he still didn't know many details, and he still didn't know that the original traveler had been swallowed up by the joint efforts of Hong Yin, Beauty Mole and Nie Chongshan.

The new traveler is the demon, the Fallen, who is an extremely pure physical warrior.

"It depends on luck. The reason why the traveler is called the traveler is because he holds the fragment of doomsday, so I guess the merchant has something similar. There may be more than just these two evil people holding special fragments of doomsday. There may be judges, butchers, doctors, etc. Of course, these are my guesses."

"Doomsday fragment? What is this thing? Is it related to what you said about rescuing Liu Mu?" Wujiu's eyes suddenly lit up.

"The captain is very smart." Bai Wu responded with a smile, and then added:

"This thing is very important. The full name is the Doomsday Jigsaw Piece. I don't know why it exists, but I can be sure that Doomsday Jigsaw Pieces can be found in almost all areas that are blue or above blue."

"What are the abilities of the fragments?"

"Except for the special fragments held by the travelers and merchants, the abilities currently displayed by the Doomsday Puzzle Fragments can be summarized as - restoration."


"Yes, it is to restore the strange rules outside the tower, as well as the evil inside, to the era before the tower."

Bai Wu’s words were not very thorough.

But Wujiu trembled all over and said in shock:

"Do you mean to purify the apocalypse? To restore everything to its original state?"

"Yes, theoretically speaking, if we gather all the doomsday fragments from all regions, we can... allow humans to walk out of the tower and live back to the days before the tower."

Wujiu instinctively didn't believe it, as if something that was originally vague and untraceable, and he was not even sure whether it really existed, was suddenly exposed in front of him.

But Bai Wu's expression was very serious:

"I currently have two pieces of the Doomsday puzzle in my hand. One piece comes from a zoo in Baichuan City. This piece can make the Devil... return to its original form before it became evil."

Seeing the captain's excited and stunned face, Bai Wu quickly poured cold water on him:

"Captain... don't get excited yet. I have to tell you something. Remember what happened to me on the flight? I turned into an evil person."

"Remember, it's because your watch is possessed by a spirit. It's a stroke of genius, otherwise we might not be able to escape."

Bai Wu's expression remained calm, because he believed that what he said to Wu Jiu was actually quite cruel:

"After becoming an evil, I also learned some things about evil. In my memory, there is an extra string of numbers. This number is the area number. So I guess that each evil has a corresponding area number; this number restricts us from leaving the area."

Seeing Wujiu thoughtful, Bai Wu spoke slower:

"So Captain Liu... probably won't be able to leave the martial arts area. He will be trapped there forever. My Doomsday Fragments can only purify the evil in the zoo area."

Giving Wujiu hope and then extinguishing it in an instant is undoubtedly a cruel thing.

But Wujiu was not discouraged:

"Thank you for telling me this. At least it lets me know that some things are not impossible, they are just very far away."

Bai Wu nodded.

The way to save Liu Mu is to purify him. Before that, we must find the area where Liu Mu is and the adjacent areas. But how to get to the area where Liu Mu is? Only one person knows about the martial arts area now, and that is the traveler and Cain.

Bai Wu didn't think Cain would tell him any clues.

That's why he asked the merchant if he knew the traveler.

"We should go now." Wujiu walked forward.

It was already dark.

The whole city was in a frenzy, and it seemed as if all the evil had begun to become restless.

The journey to the Denglin City headquarters building was longer than Bai Wu had imagined.

The western district of Denglin City, where Mo Cheng is located, is considered a semi-safe zone. After leaving the safe zone, the area is almost everywhere filled with evil.

The route chosen by Bai Wu is rather circuitous and he would not take streets with dense buildings because these buildings are now like beehives and Evil is the bee inside.

Therefore, he tried his best to choose roads with fewer buildings. If he found an obstacle that could be blocked by one man, Bai Wu and Wu Jiu would occupy the obstacle and then use the sound to attract the evil spirits around.

But even so, Bai Wu did not yell loudly to commit suicide, but raised his voice little by little.

This style of following the heart made Wujiu a little uncomfortable, but he had to admit that Bai Wu's approach was correct.

The obstacles formed by these buildings are not indestructible. If too many evil ones come down at once, the resurrection coins in their backpacks will most likely be lost.

Two hours later, the two killed nearly a hundred evil spirits. Wujiu is now level seven, with eight attack points, and Baiwu is level three, with five attack points.

If two people work together, they can kill an evil creature instantly.

Their behavior is like a mousetrap, accurately attracting a mouse, then killing the mouse, then attracting another mouse, then killing the mouse, over and over again.

Relying on the narrow space of some buildings, the two people always made sure that there were no evil spirits around them, and they only faced one evil spirit right in front of them.

If you encounter a third-level evil, swing your weapon and rather lose durability than reduce your health.

After a lot of trouble, they accumulated fifty-five gold coins through this boring and monotonous method.

Bai Wu thought about it and thought that if he was playing the Shilipo Sword God style, he should be able to earn several thousand gold coins in this way.

But reality does not allow...

Because of the hunger value and the negative attributes, Bai Wu and Wu Jiu were surprised that this area was different from the manor and it also had negative attributes.

The negative attributes are no longer varied, but unified into attribute reduction. Wujiu's luck is better than Baiwu's, and his health limit is -2.

Bai Wu has bad luck, and his movement speed is -1.

This means that if he does not choose the Warrior Running Shoes at the beginning, he will be stuck in a state where his movement speed is zero and he cannot move.

The existence of negative attributes meant that the two could only move forward steadily, but could not stay in one place for more than ten or twenty hours.

However, the unexpected events that occurred soon made it impossible for them to even move forward steadily.

"Get away, you monsters!"

A woman's desperate scream came from another block. After Bai Wu and Wu Jiu heard it, a note popped up quickly: Side quest, rescue scientist Tan Lei, quest reward unknown. Mission failure condition: Tan Lei's death. Note: If the quest target Tan Lei dies, the main quest will also fail. Be careful when accepting it.

"Save people?"

Although Wujiu was asking, Bai Wu could tell that Shorty wanted to save people.


Bai Wu did not hesitate. The reward was not important. The key was that the people in this area... might be alive. Especially Tan Lei, whose name was "scientist". This woman might know some key information about the fall of Denglin City.

But rescuing people in a neighborhood is much more dangerous than rescuing people in a building.

When Bai Wu and Wu Jiu arrived, there was a circle of fire around Tan Lei.

The fires were so severe that the evil ones were unable to get close.

And Tan Lei had no way out.

The fire will not last long before it goes out. Once it does, what awaits this female scientist will be the bites of the evil ones.