Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 139: Two sources


Wujiu and Baiwu did not act rashly. They hid far away in the corner.

With the help of the firelight, Bai Wu was able to see the situation clearly.

All the evil spirits must be forced to leave, or they must be killed, or they must be dispersed, otherwise it will be impossible to save Tan Lei.

Tan Lei's cries became more and more miserable.

If this were reality, it would only make the evil ones even crazier.

"Kill them?"

"Then we will all die. There are too many evil creatures around. There is no way to take her away from such a large group of evil creatures."

Wujiu also knew the situation, but the fire was already weakening, just like Tan Lei's life.

Bai Wu calmly began to think:

"My short brother and I moved slowly along the way and didn't miss any resources. It's just that you can't touch corpses in this game, otherwise I would definitely not miss any pockets. So it's certain that my short brother and I didn't miss anything."

"And if the items that Shorty and I bought from the merchant on Black Gold Island are all for improving combat power, including the initial items that are also for improving combat power, then there is still not enough for so many evil spirits to tear apart."

"Plus, my short brother and I rushed over as soon as we heard the cry for help, so we didn't waste any time on the way... Were the evil ones hindered by the fire? They seem to be afraid of the light? And the streets during the day are obviously not as restless as those at night."

"In summary, this mission cannot be accomplished by fighting, and it seems that... the monsters have some kind of weakness."

Bai Wu soon got the answer. He took out a day and night clock from his backpack. The moment he twisted the clock, Bai Wu received a prompt: once this item is used, it will disappear.

This means that the clock can only be used once.

Bai Wu did not hesitate and decisively adjusted the clock time to ten o'clock in the morning.

Suddenly the sky brightened. The blackness of the night was like the first snow that melted away in an instant.

Tan Lei closed her eyes subconsciously because she was used to the sudden light at night and it was a bit dazzling.

After a while, when she slowly opened her eyes, all the evil people around her had hidden in the buildings.

There were two men in front of me, one tall and one short.

"How did night suddenly turn into day?"

"It's just time magic. You are saved, mortal." This time, Bai Wu decided not to play the role of a security guard, but to play the role of a charlatan.

"No... this is not scientific! There is no magic in this world at all." Scientist Tan Lei obviously couldn't understand why the sky suddenly changed from night to day.

"What you consider unscientific is only because the science you have mastered is too superficial. I can explain to you everything that happened just now, which involves the quantum fluctuations and changes in the universe, but are you sure you can understand it?"

Tan Lei was unable to refute this statement. If she was a physicist, she might understand that Bai Wu was talking nonsense, but she was a biologist, and she had established a new discipline twelve years ago when the world discovered the first case of evil and mutated humans.

"That's... true. Who are you, I mean?"

"Just a scientist who does it out of interest." Bai Wu's smile was unfathomable.

Tan Lei suddenly had a feeling... like she had met a savior in a movie.

To her, the scene just now was an act of salvation. The sky suddenly brightened, as if hope had instantly dispelled the darkness with overwhelming force.

Especially since her appearance here originally had some dreamy colors and a sense of guidance.

Bai Wu stood with his hands behind his back:

"You are engaged in science, and biology in particular. Considering your age, you are already above the average level in this world. Well, so-so."

" did you know that?" Tan Lei's voice trembled.

"Just a little observation. Tell me, mortal, what happened here."

Wujiu was completely convinced. He had seen this ability of speaking differently to different people many times, and he gained new insights every time.

In fact, for Bai Wu, Shorty is also a very good partner.

Because apart from the fact that Shorty has complete emotions, in Bai Wu's opinion, Shorty is just like the expressionless Yan Jiu. Most of the time, Shorty has no expression on his face, and this kind of expression is especially suitable for him to pretend to be cool.

Seeing the evil all around her, Tan Lei was obviously a little scared.

The white mist is very calm.

When he, Mo Cheng and Wujiu walked out of the Denglin Technology Branch Building, they did attract the pursuit of Evil, but at that time, it was seven o'clock in the evening and the sky was dark.

The firelight can hinder the evil, and the daylight allows all the evil to enter the building. Everything shows that the monsters are afraid of light.

This can also explain why the opening of the game is set at six o'clock when night and day alternate.

"They are a group of creatures that have lost their intelligence. They are not worth being afraid of. You also know that they are afraid of light, so there is no need to worry."

Tan Lei did know that monsters were afraid of light, and she also knew the reason why they were afraid of light, which was due to the scientific research results of Denglin Technology Headquarters. Her fear was only due to the instinctive fear of monsters by humans.

Tan Lei was sure that Bai Wu was not from the head office, so seeing Bai Wu so calm and composed, she instantly felt reassured.

"Tell me what happened here."

"It all stems from our poor supervision, which allowed that person to escape."

For the next route, Bai Wu only needs to choose a route with sufficient light to reach the Denglin Technology Headquarters.

"As we walked and talked, it seemed like the source of everything was right there."

The white mist pointed to the building standing in the distance.

Tan Lei gradually calmed down because of Bai Wu's calmness:

"Which building are you going to?"

"This city is sick, and I have to cure it."

It was too pretentious. For the first time, Wujiu found that it was actually difficult for him to maintain his usual cool demeanor. He was really afraid that he would accidentally lose control and ruin the atmosphere.

If Lin Wu Rou was here, she would probably have started to spray.

The female scientist just fell for it, mainly because Bai Wu's miraculous methods overturned her cognition.

She mustered up her courage, took two deep breaths, and said slowly:

"My name is Tan Lei, and I'm a bioengineer at Denglin Technology Headquarters. My mentor Zhang Wei and I are researching mutation and evil. Do you know what evil is?"

Tan Lei seemed to regard the white fog as a thing in some paradise.

"The word 'evil and fallen' is very appropriate for the mutants caused by the well in this world."

What is a well? Speaking of which... the first monster seemed to have mentioned a well? This man is really not simple!

Tan Lei's eyes changed again when she looked at Bai Wu, and the light of hope became stronger. Bai Wu frowned and said:


"Oh, good! Our goal is to study the origin of evil, but the first six humans who possessed mutant powers were not evil. They have powerful powers, but they are still human bodies. Two of them volunteered for us to study."

Bai Wu almost couldn't maintain his calm and composed demeanor as a master.

Tan Lei's words once again mentioned the earliest mutants, and they contained an explosion of information.

Bai Wu had seen it in Prell's Eye before, and he guessed that there was more than one, but he didn't expect that there were six so-called Patient Zeros

There is another important piece of information in Tan Lei’s words. These six people appeared earlier than Evil Fall, which means that they have some kind of source hidden in them.

Bai Wu always remembered that when Dandelaire mentioned Bai Xiaoyu in his diary, Bai Xiaoyu already possessed the powerful ability of endless nirvana.

But the earliest time shown at that time was 2117.

For a while, Bai Wu even thought that Bai Xiaoyu was one of the first people in the world to obtain the talent sequence.

But now it seems that the Eye of Prell did not use the words "one of the earliest mutations" on Bai Xiaoyu, which means that as early as before 2117, there were people with the talent sequence!

The Tower Era begins in 2127. Although many humans are still struggling to survive in 2128, many people are already living in the Tower!

This shows that as early as more than ten years ago, or even earlier, when people were still not aware of the existence of evil, the seeds of apocalyptic mutation had already been planted!

"They were a man and a woman. One had a power that was almost like prophecy, and the other claimed that she had bathed in the well water and had the ability to save all living beings. At that time, the men's wills were very clear, and they restrained their own power, so that we did not realize how terrible the men were."

"We have been doing research on him. Sometimes men become irritable, and women calm men down, as if showing men the future."

"But as the world became evil and more and more people fell, unrest began to occur in various cities, and the man's mood became more and more violent. He refused to tell us the reason, and we dared not approach him. Because the woman warned us that the man was on the verge of losing control and could not be allowed to leave the experimental area, otherwise the city would be doomed."

"We also reported this to the higher-ups. We hope that they will pay attention to this man's power. Maybe he can change the end of the world. But it's too late."

Bai Wu understood.

The headquarters of Denglin Technology Company where Tan Lei and her colleagues work has received two volunteers, one with the ability to predict the future and the other with a powerful infectious ability. For the time being, this infectious ability can be regarded as the ability to make monsters evil and degenerate.

This powerful ability makes scientists believe that the two have some way to deal with the evil. Perhaps it is because of their selfless dedication that humans have found a way to manually create weaknesses for the evil. For some reason, most of the evil in this city have the characteristic of "fear of light".

Bai Wu's thoughts spread out. He had been wondering before, why did Dandeler have a weak disease entry

Is photophobia a pathological term

Unfortunately, in this scene of the Eye of Prell, all the evil notes are the same.

Human beings once tried very hard to fight against the end of the world, wanting to use their own power to fight against the evil army. Maybe they will really succeed.

But just when scientists hoped that the top leaders would pay attention... the top leaders chose to live in the tower.

One can imagine how desperate the scientists in Denglin City were at that time.

Tan Lei says:

"Somehow this news was not concealed, and the man finally collapsed completely. He thought that the future that the woman saw was fake... We don't know what that future is... But at that time, everyone was very grateful to them, because it was because of the two of them that we found many ways to create weaknesses for the evil ones."

"At that time, we believed that there must be a way to drive the evil out of the city, but... we had no army, no funds, no equipment, and even the two experimental subjects had conflicts. Yesterday... due to some negligence, the power supply was insufficient, so that... that man ran away."

Flowers bloom at every step, saving all living beings.

These two words seem beautiful, but what if the so-called flowers refer to evil and depravity

It is conceivable that the reason why scientists have not given up on Denglin City is that there are still many survivors in this city, and the evil may not be so exaggerated.

But after the male experimental subject, the first mutant, ran out, everything changed.

The whole day was filled with evil...

Tan Lei didn't say anything more, Bai Wu said:

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the Denglin Technology Headquarters, too."

"Then why don't you choose to go during the day?"

"Because it was the woman who told me to set out at night. She told me that I might die, but I might also be able to save my companions, and she asked me to make a choice."

The woman is one of the six source mutants, someone who can predict the future.

Bai Wu's heartbeat suddenly quickened, and he vaguely understood the meaning of this whole game.

"Your companions are trapped in the Denglin Technology Headquarters."


"Then come with me to rescue them."

Tan Lei became excited:

"Who are you?"

Bai Wu could imagine that perhaps in the eyes of this female scientist, she had already become a hero in a prophecy.

He still has many doubts about the game. Although he has a rough guess, everything is likely to be overturned before seeing the actual results.

"No one but a nobody. Let us hurry on."

Of course, one's own mysterious template cannot be changed.

Outside the Denglin Technology headquarters building, Bai Wu chose ten o'clock in the morning instead of three o'clock in the afternoon.

It is to ensure that the outside of the building faces the sun, rather than facing away from the sun, leaving a large shadow.

At this time, the three of them were standing outside the gate and did not see any evil creature.

The structure of the building is very similar to that of the branch building. Standing in the city, it gives Tan Lei the feeling of a huge mouth of an abyss.

This is undoubtedly the final level. Even though the mission of rescuing Tan Lei has not yet been completed, Bai Wu and Wu Jiu heard a familiar voice.

"Yohohoho, you guys are here again. Do you have enough coins this time? Let's have a pleasant trade, shall we?"

The Octopus Merchant appears again.

Tan Lei exclaimed: "Damn it! Damn it!"

Bai Wu still had a calm and composed expression, and said:

"Silence, mortal, it is my friend,"

Before trading with the businessman, Bai Wu glanced deep into the building's entrance.

You have to be thankful that this is a game. After all, the real building is a black area. But you'd better be careful. This game may give you a lot of inspiration. By the way, if you die in it, you will become a pixel man for the rest of your life.