Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 140: The archives room of the headquarters building


The sky was getting brighter, and after the time was adjusted, the temperature was slowly rising.

"Will you show up again?" Bai Wu looked at the businessman.

"Of course, I should appear again if you choose to go deeper. By the way, you'd better buy this. It's on sale for a limited time. Next time you want to buy it, it will be several times more expensive. Hahahaha..."

The merchant showed Bai Wu a strange product that looked like a pocket watch.

Temporary archiver. It takes precedence over the resurrection coin after death, and can forcibly transfer the time node to the time when you have it. And retain the memory.

Wake up, this kind of good stuff only appears in the game, don't think you can take it out... But if you can really complete the game with one life, you can indeed take it out. Although after leaving the game area, its function will be greatly reduced, it can only be fixed, allowing you to return to the state half an hour ago, including your physical state and physical location, and it can only be used four times, but even if I say this, you still want it, right

Isn’t this a magical artifact

Although the abilities shown in the game are far stronger than its actual abilities, if this item can be taken out... it will at least provide an extra layer of protection when encountering danger in the future.

But even if this thing was on sale, Bai Wu was still worried because the price was 50 gold coins.

Buying it basically means saying goodbye to other props.

"Buy it." Wujiu also noticed that this item was unusual, although he couldn't see the second paragraph of the notes.

"What about the other items?"

"You can see that even if we improve our attributes, we may not be able to deal with the monsters we face after entering. At least it can increase our tolerance rate."

Bai Wu nodded. The captain became cautious.

"Ah, it's a pity that you have accumulated so many gold coins. I hope you can accumulate more gold coins in the future."

Bai Wu said:

"Why don't you collect something else later?"

"What could be more interesting than gold coins?"

"Like... fear?"

Bai Wu was just saying it casually, but what’s interesting is that although the merchant is not a merchant from Black Gold Island, in this game, his behavior and thinking are very similar to the owner of Black Gold Island.

So the businessman thought about it for a while, and then he suddenly realized it:

"Ah! Hohohoho... That's a really good suggestion. I'll give you another item. It's free. Take it and go into battle!"

The merchant directly gave Bai Wu a knife.

Is this even possible

Wujiu was stunned. Bai Wu didn't expect this to happen. He suddenly had a very strange guess...

Could it be that the little octopus originally liked to collect gold coins, and then met myself here, was enlightened by myself, and started to use fear as currency

Of course, this is just a wild idea.

"Bye! I look forward to seeing you next time." The businessman merged into the ink again.

This scene plus the previous conversation made Tan Lei feel that her worldview had collapsed. Is this octopus a Cthulhu monster

Are these two, one tall and one short, gods

Bai Wu looked at the knife in his hand and didn't know the price. He just thought the shape of the knife was very exaggerated, with a kind of exaggerated feeling like those web game weapons in his previous life. Of course, the pixel style limited its exaggerated shape to some extent.

Judging from the appearance, this sword seems to be stronger than the new one in the Captain Must Die series.

Wujiu also looked at the knife, and the comment that popped up in his eyes made him a little puzzled:

Replica of Original Sin: 25 attacks remaining. Not upgradeable.

At first glance, Wujiu thought there was something wrong with the knife, but when Bai Wu saw the knife, it was like Shang Xiaoyi saw Edo.

After all, the false remarks are different from my real remarks. Since you asked sincerely, let me be merciful and tell you that its real power is not simple. As a replica of the Seven Sins Weapon, its number of uses is limited, only twenty-five times, but each time, it can take away 7.5% of the opponent's maximum health.

Therefore, the rules outside the tower are distorted, and there are not only powerful humans and monsters, but also many terrifying and exaggerated objects.

The Original Sin series of weapons are probably the things that we saw before that were priced at one thousand gold coins. How could a mere imitation be so powerful

Who imitated this weapon

After the clock disappears, the backpack is just large enough to store the knife.

Bai Wu didn't know whether his behavior just now was designed in the game, or whether he had accidentally triggered an unexpected gain that was not originally in the game

"From the performance of these NPCs... they may be real people, or they may be something else, but it seems that they all have their own independent thinking under some kind of power. So if their thinking is free, they are likely to do anything. Maybe I will anger the merchant with a word and be killed by him?"

Thinking about it this way, Bai Wu felt that his ability to get this knife might not be within the original conception of the game designer

When I looked at the rusty axe in my hand again, it suddenly didn't smell good anymore.

"Let's go, no matter what's inside, we should go in and take a look." Wujiu said.

The three finally entered the Denglin Technology Headquarters Building. The strong sunlight outside became much dimmer after they entered the building.

This is the first floor. Unlike the first floor of the branch building, the evil ones do not gather here.

"It's very quiet, but it shouldn't be so quiet." Wujiu raised his head and looked at the ceiling.

Bai Wu looked at Tan Lei:

"You said before that your colleagues were trapped in this building. But in addition to a bunch of evil people, there is also a source of infection in the headquarters building. So if your colleagues can hold on until you bring people to rescue them, it means that they are in a safe base?"

"Yes... yes! Because we are studying evil, and there have been cases of people being accidentally infected by evil before. In order to deal with sudden crises, we set up a temporary shelter." Tan Lei nodded.

"Your colleague is in the shelter. So it seems that the evil ones should be gathering outside the shelter?"


"Can the shelter withstand the destruction of the evil ones?"

"It probably won't last long. We built it according to the first-class bulletproof standard. But from the pictures sent back by my colleagues... the situation outside is very bad. The evil in the headquarters building is much stronger than the evil outside. They are gradually disintegrating the defense measures of the shelter."

"Which floor?"

"Twenty floors."

"Then we have to go. By the way, where is the information about the experiment hidden?"

"The seventh floor. That's where all kinds of experimental data are stored. But there isn't much experimental data on men and women... because all of it is stored in the mind of our scientific team leader, Mr. Tao Xingzhi."

"in mind?"

"Well... Mr. Tao is the person we have met. How should I put it? He is the closest to a machine. His thinking is extremely rational. He cannot understand many human behaviors, but when it comes to calculation and memory, he is better than anyone else. He will never forget what he has memorized. He believes that this information is too precious and it is not absolutely safe to store it in a machine."

"So, it's still in the machine?"

"Yes, which floor is the machine on?"

"27th floor."

"Are there any other levels that I should pay special attention to?"

"The laboratory on the sixteenth floor... Although there is a new laboratory on the twenty-fourth floor later, there may still be some... useful things found on the sixteenth floor."

Bai Wu noticed something was wrong with the words:

"What is the useful thing?"

"Just some of their previous records, records?"

"Yes, some recreational stuff. They volunteered to let us do research. To be honest... We were actually very grateful to them, but later, maybe we let him down. Eh... The man's condition became worse and worse, so we had to move him to a new laboratory, which is on the 24th floor. Anyway, something on the 16th floor might make him better."

Tan Lei's words were also very unconfident. In her opinion, if they really met that person, no one would survive.

Bai Wu understood. Since it was a voluntary experiment, although being a test subject was dangerous, he got along well with the scientists in the early stages.

Therefore, these two are different from Hong Yin and Bai Xiaoyu, they were not abused.

The scientists were very friendly to them. Apart from necessary experimental activities, they had their own residence in this building and also had various entertainment activities.

The sixteenth floor may hold many memories of their lives.

"Go to the seventh floor first, then go to the sixteenth floor, then go to the twenty-fourth floor, the twenty-seventh floor, and finally to the twentieth floor. Take the stairs." Bai Wu said.

Tan Lei was a little scared. Bai Wu patted Tan Lei on the shoulder and said:

"Ping Jing, you should know that people will attract evil under certain circumstances. Although my friend can purify them with the truth, it is best for us not to waste our energy."

Truth purifies them

"What is truth?" Tan Lei did calm down a little when she asked this.

Bai Wu's answer made her calmer.

“The truth is in our hands.”

Bai Wu was holding an axe in his hand and looked very friendly.

Wujiu held a short knife in his hand and looked very approachable.

When heading to the sixth floor, Bai Wu and Wu Jiu both encountered Evil Fall, a mutant with a movement speed of 2, attack power of 12, health of 25, and defense power of 4.

This data allowed Bai Wu to directly conclude that Shorty would definitely be injured, and once he was hit twice, he would be killed instantly by the Evil.

The evil in the headquarters building, perhaps because it is close to the source, its combat power is completely not on the same level as those outside.

Without hesitation, Bai Wu threw the dice.

He was lucky and threw out 5 points directly, with the attribute of movement speed. In the next thirty minutes, the speed of the short guy was as fast as the vehicle.

Having haste again made Wujiu feel at ease. There is no such thing as attack range in the game. The attack range of the humanoid evil is the same as that of humans.

Wujiu killed the evil one with the help of the saying "Evil Must Die".

From the name tag on the evil creature's chest, Tan Lei recognized that the evil creature was a member of the serum group next door.

So she began to doubt the world:

"Why... does Tian Yu have so many gold coins on him?"

Bai Wu picked up five gold coins and said happily:

"For mortals, everything is permitted, and everything is false."

"… "

A monster dropped five gold coins. Although a dice was lost, a dice that could not throw a six would be disliked even if used to play flying chess. Bai Wu didn't care.

We have reached the seventh floor.

Bai Wu and the other two moved very quietly. After making sure that there were no monsters in the archive room, Wujiu stood guard at the door.

Tan Lei and Bai Wu went in to look through the files.

Although Tan Lei didn't know why she had to look through these files, she always felt that someone as unfathomable as Bai Wu should know everything.

Bai Wu didn't say much.

After a quick glance around, he felt the constraints of the game.

This is how the game is, the places that should be real are not real, and the places that should not be real are very real.

This is the real place. Bai Wu discovered that many props were broken, such as the damaged experimental notebook four.

It often only records some general information, but the observations of the Eye of Prell are -

Ordinary paper. If your backpack has enough, you can take some with you. After returning to the tower, you will need them in one place, I mean in the toilet.

Obviously, the entire city is simulated in a certain scene, and the purpose of pixelation is to prevent people from seeing that it is a simulation.

This place is not a real archive room, the files here are just some useless waste paper.

The Eye of Prell fails here, and the only information available is the notes in the game itself.

Target No. 07 is the Evil One. We are very sorry that the former security guard has become the Evil One. But we have made some progress on him. A new method of restraint has been found. We have successfully made them afraid of salt.

Fear of light, afraid of salt, oak resin can cause corrosion to it, this is indeed a coincidence, we did not do it deliberately, but everything makes the evil fall look more like a vampire. Maybe the holy light will come one day

If this thing is really made, will we be able to successfully attract evil to another place? But obviously, without the help of those physicists, we can't do it alone.

There are many similar game notes. Because most of the files are incomplete, Bai Wu can only see one sentence and cannot know the specific research details.

However, Bai Wu discovered that scientists had almost solved a major problem of survival in the apocalypse - evil.

Not only can it find some weaknesses of the evil, it can also implant various pathological attributes into the evil, making it weak or afraid of certain things.

The final experiment conducted by these scientists was to try to find out the reason why the evil ones were hungry for negative emotions. They tried to create some kind of brain wave band that was consistent with the negative emotions produced by humans, so as to attract the evil ones.

The final witness is to make the evil ones become friendly.

They provide emotions to the evil ones, and once their needs are met, they will no longer kill humans.

But... this idea is not supported by technology.

Because many scientists have already entered the tower.

The scientists at the Denglin Technology Headquarters could have also done so, but they refused. In a certain incomplete file, Bai Wu saw a very touching passage -

Entering the tower is of course a good choice. But who knows what will happen after entering? Why does no one believe that we can find a way to solve the evil? Why do they prefer to choose the tower that appeared out of nowhere, rather than choose to support us and stay in the land that nurtured human civilization? I am unwilling... and some like-minded friends are also unwilling. We all choose to stay, even if what awaits us is to become a disgusting and fearful monster, but as long as there is still a possibility of saving the world... we will not give up.

This possibility now seems to exist, but it is a pity that scientists have only completed the theoretical conception but cannot wait for the day to put it into practice.

At least from the perspective of seven hundred years later... the end of these scientists was very tragic.

The last file, “Incomplete Notes on Denglin Technology Headquarters Building (Part 1)”, was damaged and could not be accessed.

Bai Wu happened to buy "Incomplete Notes of Denglin Technology Headquarters Building (Part 2)" from a businessman.

When he took the file out of his backpack, a note popped up:

Do you want to merge

The stitching has been completed, and the notes of Denglin Technology Headquarters have been unlocked and are now available for viewing.

(In order to burn down the city that never sleeps with Keanu Reeves tomorrow, I decided to stay up late tonight to update, but the next chapter will probably be released during the day. Ahem, I've waited for more than a year for this game, and it would be a shame if I don't try it~)