Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 142: The impassable tower


(Thanks to my book friend: Big Big Bear for supporting the leader~ This is the fifth leader!

The first time he performed a mission with Bai Wu, when he saw that Bai Wu's watch was always in a state of absolute zero, Wu Jiu knew that Bai Wu was not like a normal person.

If Bai Wu hadn't deliberately acted, he shouldn't have been able to sense any sadness from Bai Wu's eyes, expression, or tone.

But at this moment, Wujiu felt that the white fog was a little different from usual, but he couldn't tell exactly what was different.

"Let's go to the sixteenth floor now, where Jing Si and Jing Liu stayed. Is that place dangerous?"

Bai Wu looked at Tan Lei, and Tan Lei said thoughtfully:

"Since the new isolation laboratory on the 24th floor was completed, Jing Si has not been to the laboratory on the 16th floor. First, he has no chance to go there, and second, we have observed that he has some resistance to the 16th floor. Most of the time, he stays on the 24th floor because the defense specifications of the 24th floor are relatively high, which allows him to vent some of his violent desires."

"Resistant? Didn't you say that the sixteenth floor was where he and Jing Liu lived together? Why would he resist?"

It is impossible for the scientists of Denglin Technology Company to abuse Jing Si. What is Jing Si resisting

"I don't know... my mentor might know, but he's trapped on the twentieth floor."

"Well, we will go rescue them, but I need to check the sixteenth floor first."

The sixteenth floor is where Jing Si and Jing Liu left many memories during their years at Denglin Technology Company.

The twenty-fourth floor is the place used to suppress Jing Si after he becomes violent.

Both places are laboratories, but for Jing Si, they have completely different meanings. Why did this world become pixelated and game-like? Bai Wu guessed that the sixteenth floor might give the answer.

He now urgently wants to know, who is the owner of the area, the holder of the fragment, Jing Liu, Mr. Tao, or... Jing Si

The journey from the seventh floor to the sixteenth floor was not smooth for Bai Wu and the other two.

They encountered more than a dozen powerful monsters along the way, with high speed, attack power, defense and vitality.

When leaving the thirteenth floor, he was even attacked by four high-level evil spirits.

Bai Wu and Wu Jiu stood in front and behind, protecting Tan Lei like a double-sided shield. Even though they worked together, they were caught in a dilemma in the stairwell. Especially with Bai Wu's strength, he could not stop Edo at all.

In the end, Bai Wu used the flamethrower and successfully waited for Wujiu to deal with the monsters on one side and then come to support him, but in this battle, both of them lost five health points.

The evil creatures at the Denglin Technology Headquarters are all at level five. If you encounter a group of evil creatures attacking, you will have no way to deal with them.

Fortunately, in this game, the difficulty is proportional to the benefits. These powerful evils allowed the two to accumulate 70 gold coins.

The durability of the first round of weapons was also used up, and Bai Wu had to use repair tools.

They have already felt that the difficulty inside the building is much greater than outside the building.

And the equipment they had on them had been damaged a lot.

The rescue target is on the 20th floor, and the ultimate boss may be on the 24th floor. Whether it can be killed is still unknown.

After arriving at the sixteenth floor, the corridor that originally led directly to the depths was blocked by a door. Wujiu felt some malice in this game.

Because the door is locked, and there is also a hint - there are a lot of gold coins inside.

Having such a note but not being able to enter is undoubtedly frustrating.

"Do you know the password?" Bai Wu looked at Tan Lei.

Tan Lei nodded and said: "I'll try..."

The lock of this door is an electronic lock, and the password is six digits in total. If it were a real scene, Bai Wu could infer the six digits of the password lock through observation, although he would have to find the specific order through other clues.

But this is a world of pixel art, and the details of the password keys cannot be viewed at all.

Tan Lei tried three times in a row but failed each time. The electronic lock even prompted that if she entered the wrong information twice more, the building would trigger an alarm.

This made Tan Lei dare not try again:

"I'm sure I remember correctly... but maybe the man changed the password."

The man was Jing Si.

Wujiu looked at Bai Wu and said:

"Continue going up?"

Bai Wu did not continue to go up. He took out the master key. Although it was a combination lock, the moment the master key was pointed at the door, the words "Correct password" appeared on the display on the combination lock.

Tan Lei was shocked:

"How did you do that?"

"It's just a trivial skill."

Wujiu was convinced. Even though he was already used to Bai Wu's behavior of following the script, he was still subconsciously surprised when he saw it again.

In fact, this is indeed a trivial gaming skill, because whenever the game designer designs a key, he must also design a corresponding lock.

This is a fully enclosed laboratory. Although the specifications of the laboratory on the twenty-fourth floor are unknown, the entrance to the entire sixteenth floor looks to Bai Wu like a cabin in a science fiction novel that stores some alien monsters.

What comes into view is a long corridor.

There was no bright yellow light from the gold coins that blinded the three people's eyes, and they couldn't even see a single gold coin.

Bai Wu was not in a hurry. He walked along the corridor and soon found the bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room, study and game room.

He stayed in the study for a while and found that although there were many books in the study, they were all unavailable for reading, so he went to the bedroom.

Jing Liu is the woman mentioned by Tan Lei, and Jing Si is the man, but the bedrooms of men and women are not separated.

"Is this a bed?"

Bai Wu looked at Tan Lei, and Tan Lei said:

"That was the case when I came. They asked to sleep in an egg, so we had to make custom shell beds for them."

The bed of Well 4 and Well 6 is like an egg.

Sleeping on this special bed is like a chick waiting to hatch. This strange request made Bai Wu guess that the environment where Jing Si and Jing Liu originally lived must be a very dangerous place.

There must be at least an "eggshell" around them to protect them, otherwise they will be harmed in some way.

There is nothing much to say about the living room and the dining room. According to Tan Lei's memory, the woman loves sweets very much.

Men don't care, and some even think that if scientists want to live longer, they can adapt to eating unpalatable but nutritious soup-like foods in advance.

Tan Lei and the others naturally did not realize the foresight of this statement, but Bai Wu felt it... Could it be that Jing Si also possessed some kind of predictive ability

After searching several rooms without finding any clues to the gold coins, Bai Wu finally came to the game room.

In the boxes stacked with pixel mosaics, he saw many cassettes and CDs.

The game room, as the name suggests, is where the brother and sister play games.

Bai Wu looked around and found that there were quite a few games, most of which were very old games...

The style of these games is probably similar to the environment that he and his captain are in now.

The side quest - The Crux has been accepted. Failure of the quest will not affect the main quest. The reward for completing the quest is unknown.

Suddenly, a task appeared. Wujiu looked at Baiwu, but Baiwu continued to choose the cassette as if he didn't see the prompt.

"Since this is the 'problem', it means that one of these games is very special. As for the mission reward, you don't need to think about it. It's already indicated at the door that it is gold coins."

"But with so many games, which one is the right answer? What is certain is that the answer to why the world is gamified must be in these games."

The pixelated style makes it impossible to observe details, so Bai Wu can only find the answer from the game name and intuition.

This process did not take him too long. Within two minutes, he found a game labeled "Tower of God".

For some reason, this game reminded Bai Wu of the game "Magic Tower" that he played when he was a child.

He inserted the cartridge into the console.

Do you want to start the game - Tower of God

This is a very common design when playing games within the game, just like some people are demon hunters on the surface but are actually Gwent masters behind the scenes.

The huge TV screen soon showed colors, and Bai Wu was speechless. Why was the graphics of this game higher definition than mine

It feels like watching TV in a game, but the TV picture is more detailed than the game itself.

As Bai Wu expected, the game introduction is that the Tower of God has fifty floors, and the brave hero played by the player needs to climb up one floor at a time, use various props to improve himself, and then defeat the big devil on the fiftieth floor.

Bai Wu was very familiar with this game. His father had played the same 50-story magic tower with him when he was a child.

The game requires players to calculate various data, and he still remembers the strategy for the game.

The most basic version is which level you get the sword from, which level you get the shield from, which door you should open first, which door you should open later. Although it looks like a monster-killing game, in fact, the best way to solve this game is fixed.

After playing it once, Bai Wu will be able to remember how much blood the warrior will have left based on the best route to pass the level.

Because it was too simple, Bai Wu soon started playing the enhanced version improved by his father, and the monsters would actively attack the players.

Players must analyze the behavior logic of monsters, try to avoid monsters that they cannot defeat at the moment, and grasp the timing of going to the next level. And always make sure they have a way out.

The God's Tower is not that abnormal. After Bai Wu went forward a few floors, he found that the God's Tower was just a fifty-story version of the Demon's Tower, with almost no changes.

He instinctively knew this was the game.

This building is like a tower. He and Shorty are brave men who come to challenge the big devil. They must constantly collect various props to become stronger. Then, when facing monsters, they need to think carefully about how to move forward and how to fight.

The doors of some places cannot be passed if you don't find the key. Some NPCs must be rescued as they can help the heroes.

All kinds of memories began to emerge. Bai Wu was very familiar with this game, so it seemed that his hands never stopped and he didn't need to think at all.

Soon, Bai Wu obtained the holy sword, holy shield, defeated the false demon king, and got the key to the 50th floor.

The whole game entered the final fierce battle, and the brave man played by Bai Wu challenged the devil.

Not surprisingly, the Demon King was defeated by the hero.

However, the game was not completed, and the side quest "The Crux" was not completed.

Because after the devil was defeated, the door to the 51st floor appeared again.

Bai Wu reviewed the details carefully and made sure that all the props that could enhance himself were taken before entering the door leading to the fifty-first floor.

The layout of the 51st floor is very simple, just a blank space, like a snowy scene.

There were four people wearing black wizard-like robes in the blank space, blocking the brave man's way to the next level.

Bai Wu checked the data and frowned.

Judging from the data, these four roadblockers wearing black wizard robes are far stronger than the brave ones.

Bai Wu began to doubt his memory, so he went back along the way and checked all the floors again - no props were missed.

Now, he has collected all the props in the first fifty floors of the Magic Tower, and is the strongest person in the entire first fifty floors of the Magic Tower.

But what puzzled him was that there was still a considerable gap between him and the four blockers.

"Maybe that's not an enemy? Will a conversation be triggered if you get closer?" Tan Lei suddenly spoke.

The white fog returned to the fifty-first floor. At present, it seems that only Tan Lei's statement remains.

So he tried to let the hero under his control approach the person who blocked his way.

- Fail the side quest "The Crux" and receive 100 gold coins.

There was only one line of words on the TV screen, which was clearer than the white fog style - Game Over.

game over.

The brave man who challenged the tower of gods failed. The side quest also failed.

Although this side quest is different from the previous rescue mission and failure will not affect the main storyline, Bai Wu always feels... uncomfortable.

Along the way, he made sure that the choices he made were the best solutions.

When you see a bottle of wine, you can imagine that the path will be blocked by monsters. When you see a key, you can imagine that there will be a door that cannot be opened. When you see an NPC, it will definitely give you clues to the mission...

Up to now, Bai Wu feels that although there are some strange aspects in the game, everything is going as planned.

But why is there such an illogical game as Tower of God? Players do everything they can, but in the end they can't pass the level and are killed instantly by a boss that is so powerful that it seems like it is from another game.

"That shouldn't be the case... I definitely didn't miss anything, and why would I be given gold coins even if I failed the game?"

Bai Wu was about to use the game console again, but neither he nor Wu Jiu expected the changes that followed.

The task of "The Crux" seems to be the starting switch for the final task.

From the moment we entered the pitch-black entrance and appeared on the 19th floor of the branch building, there seemed to be no end to this game.

Bai Wu also planned to slowly explore the 20th, 24th, and 27th floors of the headquarters building.

But now he was faced with a difficult problem—

The final main mission - go to the 20th floor to rescue the scientist. The time limit is 25 minutes.

The final main mission - go to the 24th floor laboratory and defeat Jing Si. The time limit is 25 minutes.

Note: You only need to complete one of the two tasks to leave the area.

There are 25 minutes left. Either kill the evil boss or rescue the scientist...

Wujiu suddenly became nervous and looked at Baiwu with a questioning look.

Bai Wu was lost in thought about the Tower of God, wondering what this game was trying to express. He was still confused, but when the final main quest suddenly popped up...

Bai Wu suddenly understood:

"I see, it turns out that Jing Si is the owner of this area."

(The next chapter should be able to finish this copy, and it is expected to be updated before 10 pm.)