Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 144: Their own improvement


The black matter all turned into dust and slowly returned to nothingness. Something buried under the black matter appeared.

Pieces of the Doomsday puzzle.

Bai Wu picked up the fragments and looked at them carefully.

Aha! Picking up two puzzle pieces that look like human parts in a row must have made you think that this thing is a broken part of a human being, right? But the content of the scroll is more than that, mountains, rivers, sun, moon and stars are all in it. Their functions are generally similar, invalidating negative attributes, purifying evil, normalizing physical rules and listening to the voice of evil. But there are also some special objects like travel tickets. The "full moon" you picked up is one of them, which can make some obsessions in your heart concrete.

Doomsday fragments with special abilities…

Bai Wu roughly understood that conventional doomsday fragments had regional restrictions. If one collected a complete sequence, such as eyes, ears, mouth, and nose, or palms and fingers, the entire area could be liberated.

There are also some fragments that have very special functions and are not restricted by any region.

"A full moon is in the shape of a crescent, so a travel ticket is likely to be in the shape of a boat..."

Inner obsession becomes concrete

This seems to be a difficult-to-use ability, but Bai Wu did not underestimate it. Perhaps the pixelation of the area was caused by this thing.

Bai Wu believes that this is a double-edged sword. If he encounters an evil being with good intentions in his heart, he may be able to find a glimmer of hope in the realm of its consciousness.

But if the judgment is wrong... maybe a blue area will be distorted to the level of a purple or even red area in an instant.

But what would be the effect if you used it on yourself

Bai Wu put the "full moon" in his backpack. He didn't know what he was obsessed with.

Not long after, Wujiu arrived at the 24th floor.

Seeing the captain rushing over in a hurry and with a confused look on his face, Bai Wu smiled.

"What happened? Is the game over? I just killed my way to the shelter... and it's considered a complete game? Or did you trigger something else?"

There are many question marks about Wujiu.

He was on the 20th floor. With all his equipment and the highest level, as well as his own combat experience, he advanced stealthily, killing many powerful evils along the way without any danger, and finally arrived at the door of the shelter, but before he could open the shelter—

Suddenly the world around me became clear and real.

"It's over. By the way, did the scientists save him?"

"They have been rescued, but I am not sure whether these objects are scientists or not. You can come with me and take a look."


Bai Wu frowned, realizing something was wrong, and he immediately went to the 20th floor with Wujiu.

The evil in this building is all real evil, and the game props are also real spirit-hosting props.

Humans are indeed real humans as verified by our eyes, so why do they become objects

The shelter is actually a physics laboratory on the 20th floor. Because some molecular acceleration collision experiments are often simulated, the safety standards here are relatively high.

The evil can hardly sense the breath inside, and low-level evil can hardly break open the door of the laboratory.

For seven hundred years, scientists have been hiding in here.

Bai Wu was actually also wondering how Jing Si "saved" these scientists, and he soon understood.

In the laboratory, Bai Wu did not see any scientists, but saw many "eggs".

To be precise, it is a huge egg-shaped nutrition cabin.

Different from the nutrition cabin seen in the Ninth Hospital, these eggs in the laboratory of Xuanhui Technology Building... are a more futuristic technology.

"Are those scientists the ones stored in here?" Wujiu asked.

Bai Wu nodded.

He remembered that the bedroom of Jing Si and Jing Liu was also like this. They slept in shell-shaped sleeping bags, which looked like they were living in an egg.

"Jing Si and Jing Liu came from a well. Perhaps in order to resist the power of the well, they had to live in some special eggshells. Jing Si mentioned that he had bathed in well water, but Jing Liu did not say so... Now it seems that Jing Si's madness is related to this."

"Deep down in Jing Si's heart, he believed that only in such an egg would they be safe. So he created something similar to preserve these scientists..."

What Prell's Eye fed back were still individual human comments, but at the beginning of each person's comment, there was a paragraph like this -

They are like babies returning to the womb, their lives are eternally sleeping. You can wake them up, but you'd better make sure the time has come.

This confirms Bai Wu's guess.

Some of these scientists are from Xuanhui City, while some are indeed from Denglin Technology Building.

The white fog had no intention of waking them up. Arranging so many people to go to the tower would inevitably cause some variables. If these scientists wanted to survive, they could only go to the white area to mine.

The Survey Corps may be able to recruit them, but can humans of seven hundred years ago coexist harmoniously with humans of seven hundred years later

If they accidentally say something, will it cause some trouble

When I really go to Denglin City and find out what Jing Si, Jing Liu and Mr. Tao have experienced, maybe I can wake them up.

Bai Wu used the traction wheel to mark the area.

This exploration is over.

"Have you got the pieces of the doomsday puzzle for this area?" Wujiu asked.

"Got it, Captain. Are there still many things you don't understand about the exploration of this area?"

"Well... although there are mission instructions, you are responsible for how to complete these missions and how to choose them. I just know a general idea."

At this time, the two are no longer in the pixel world. The negative attributes of them are slowness and negative thinking.

Wujiu's speed slowed down, and Bai Wu looked very calm. This was the attribute that Lin Wu Rou had been infected with in the Ninth Ward. However, in Bai Wu's view, it was a given attribute.

Although I didn't feel negative at this moment, I couldn't be happy either.

"Before going back, let's take stock of the gains from this exploration, and then I'll tell the captain a story?" Bai Wu said.

Wujiu didn't quite understand, Bai Wu pointed at the knife in Wujiu's hand:

"Captain, your weapon has changed, can you feel it?"

After looking at the weapon in his hand for a moment, Wujiu did not feel any changes in the weapon.

Bai Wu thought about it and it was true. Evil must die. Now that he has the blood-sucking attribute, the captain won't be able to feel it unless he kills Evil.

But Wujiu soon looked at Bai Wu in surprise because of another thing:

"How can this be… "

"What happened?" Bai Wu vaguely guessed that perhaps the captain's power had increased.

After 24 days of survival outside the tower, Wujiu stood at the top of the tower. But he still had difficulty making progress...

Because even he himself was not sure if he could break this record.

Many people think that the eighth stage, fourth section, may not be the end point of level 59, but it is definitely not something that level 59 can surpass in the short term.

Wujiu himself also thought so. He had always wanted to acquire some talent outside the tower and then try to break through himself.

He is not in a hurry, after all, he is still young.

But at this moment, Wujiu found himself... He had actually broken through to the first stage of the ninth stage. The eighth stage was already an existence that stood out from the crowd. In the entire lower four floors of the tower, there was no one with a combat power of even the seventh stage.

Wujiu has entered the ninth level, but he himself doesn’t know what kind of realm this is.

He looked at Bai Wu in disbelief, and Bai Wu said:

"The companion power has increased? Captain Dan Ding, I have also increased it, although only a little bit."

"Yes... but how is this possible?"

"Normally, this is impossible. Because there is no real completer in this game."

Wujiu is puzzled.

Bai Wu said:

"In this game we play, all the props are real spirit-hosting items. Our companion power will be converted into basic attributes. If this is an equation, then the reverse equation is also true. In other words, if we improve the basic attributes, we can improve the companion power. If we take away the props in it, it is equivalent to owning the spirit-hosting item."

"Of course, the premise is that we can clear the level. So far, we are the only ones who have cleared the level. If we make the wrong choice and fail to save people, or if we save people but fail to protect them well, we will be like those bones when we first entered the area."

The white mist pointed to the scientist in the egg:

"If we choose to save the scientists, there is a high probability that... we will encounter an unstoppable force."

"Unstoppable force? What is it?" Wujiu asked.

Bai Wu shook his head.

If you don't solve the problem, you won't be able to pass this game. If you choose to kill the big devil, you will be killed directly by the big devil's 9999 combat power.

If you choose to save people, the mission will eventually fail for some reason and the game will start over.

Those who start over will most likely think that choosing to save people was a mistake.

This will lead them to choose to kill the big devil, so this game... there is no one who can complete it.

And Bai Wu opened it up because he solved the problem.

If you soothe your obsession, you will naturally be rewarded.

Bai Wu and Wu Jiu began to count the spoils.

Bai Wu had an extra useless axe in his hand, which had a 5% chance of stunning. For him, it was almost zero%. Of course, Bai Wu didn't think so.

At the same time, there is also a temporary archiver like a pocket watch - it can allow you to return to the state thirty minutes ago, and can only be used four times.

And a resurrection coin. This coin can actually be regarded as a blood medicine. When the health value reaches the bottom, it will restore life.

There are also shoes that can hide footsteps and footprints, which are the favorite of assassins. Although Bai Wu is holding an axe in his hand, it is well known that the assassin who swings an axe is the authentic assassin.

A ring that can give people some kind of mysterious guidance, that is, enhanced intuition.

A sprinkler that can breathe fire.

There were originally wine, dice, toolbox, and master key, but these things have been consumed in the game.

Now, Bai Wu hides a consumable weapon similar to Original Sin that can cut the opponent according to the percentage of life, a bronze battle axe that he can own for a long time, a pair of Lao Wang's favorite shoes, and a coin that can only be used when the blood line reaches zero. His own companion power has been upgraded to the sixth level and third stage.

Wujiu has a ring that can improve intuition and sixth sense, a resurrection coin that can only be used when the blood line is reduced to zero, the evil that can suck blood after upgrading must die, and the improvement of companion power.

After completing the inventory, Wujiu was very satisfied with the gains from this exploration. He just felt that the owner of this area was actually able to achieve this level. He was even more curious about how Bai Wu defeated the big devil.

Because Wujiu feels like... this is like a gift.

"The big devil cannot be defeated, we can only let him let go of his obsession. Assuming that there is really a possibility of clearing the game, in the end these props and our improved strength will be restored to their original state after leaving the game."

Bai Wu was silent for a few seconds and then said:

"The reason why we can obtain upgrades, equipment, props, and even ourselves, is because of the sacrifice, or gift, of the Great Demon King."

Why did Jing Si's heart disappear after receiving Bai Wu's answer? This heart is naturally not so fragile.

It simply had no regrets and handed over the task of protecting these scientists to Bai Wu.

Bai Wu also knew this, which was why he finally accepted the mission to go to Denglin City for the rescue.

"A gift from the Great Devil? It seems that what you know is completely different from what I saw."

"Well, I was just about to tell the captain, this story is a bit long..."

Bai Wu began to tell the story.

Of the six people from the source of distortion, four stood against humans, while the other two chose to trust humans and let human scientists study them.

This research took more than ten years.

Tao Xingzhi, Xie Yingjie, Jing Si, Jing Liu, Tan Lei, and Mo Cheng who was in charge of the interview, all played their respective roles in this story.

Bai Wu fully narrates Tao Xingzhi's psychological journey, from doubt and collapse to excitement after being encouraged by Xie Yingjie and Jing Si and Jing Liu, as well as long research, various difficulties he experienced and various academic breakthroughs.

When Wujiu learned that humans had almost found a way to control evil on their own, he showed an incredible expression.

If Xie Yingjie hadn't left at that time, if those people hadn't been in a hurry to enter the tower, and if they had given the scientists some more time...

Why did so many human beings die in the long 700 years of exploration

The history of human exploration outside the tower is also written in blood and bones.

After hearing this story, Wujiu said:

"I once heard the leader mention that there is indeed a Xie family among the rulers of the fifth floor... But you may have to ask Yan Jiu for the specific details after you go back."

This story undoubtedly made Wujiu feel a little depressed.

"By the way, where did Jing Liu go?"

“I don’t know…” Bai Wu shook his head.

"According to Mo Cheng, before Jing Si infected Denglin City, he and Jing Liu were still together, but then... he left. The time we spent in the game was the last day that Jing Si and Jing Liu stayed together. I don't know where Jing Liu went..."

Wujiu said again:

"Where's Mr. Tao?"

"This is a more depressing question. Jing Si has always had regrets in his heart. After Xie Yingjie left, Mr. Tao and the scientists did not give up, but Jing Si gave up after a year. As he gave up, he also did some terrible things.

This incident made him so regretful that after the rage, he regained consciousness for a short time. With the last bit of conscience, he brought some of the survivors back to Xuanhui City and sealed them in the form of eggs. He also dug out his own heart, making this place twisted. "

Wujiu was silent.

It was a terrible thing, obviously what Jing Si did to Mr. Tao.

When the two were about to go back, Wujiu asked:

"That prophecy... is it true?"

"It's fake, I made it up. There is no savior, and humanity is still in the tower. We still don't know the secret of the ruler of the fifth floor, and we don't know what is on the sixth floor. Everything is far from the prophecy."

There was no anger, no sadness, because Bai Wu did not have such emotions. At the last moment, shouting at the top of his lungs at Jing Si's face was just his performance.

But acting doesn't mean cheating, it's just to increase persuasiveness, Bai Wu said:

“Although reality deviates greatly from the prophecy, I know that the future beyond the prophecy is not the future I want, so I will do whatever it takes to realize this prophecy.”