Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 148: The Secret of the Fifth Floor


Lilith looked at Bai Wu in confusion. She didn't know how Bai Wu knew the secret between her and Cain.

Bai Wu said:

"Don't be curious about how I know this. Cain talks a lot. Although I guess that as an 'actor', he has different personalities in different bodies, but he doesn't have to say anything nonsense like he lived for seven hundred years. So I guess this is true. But I really want to know, what is the reason why you and Cain have been able to live so long?"

Lilith dared not hide anything:

"The first group of humans who entered the fifth layer all drank the water from the Fountain of Eternal Life."

"The Fountain of Eternal Life?" This statement surprised Bai Wu.

What is this

The fifth floor of the tower looks completely different from the fourth floor.

"So drinking the spring water can give you a lifespan far exceeding that of ordinary people? Does the Fountain of Eternal Life still exist?"

"It has dried up a long time ago. Many people drank from the Fountain of Eternal Life after the tower was truly closed. Because the efficacy of the spring water was written on it, it was quickly taken by the people on the fifth floor."

Thinking of the forbidden area mentioned by the little guy with facial paralysis, Bai Wu guessed that maybe it was not dried up, but the fountain of eternal life had been divided up.

But what exactly is this spring water? Lilith seemed to see Bai Wu's doubts:

"An old saying goes that the top of the tower hopes that the rulers of mankind can rule in peace and stability. They don't like changes, so they grant humans immortality. Generation after generation, only secondary power is passed on. The real power is always in the hands of the powerful immortals."

Bai Wu thinks this statement can be reflected everywhere...

People in the lower two levels may be able to gain access to the third level, but compared to the real people in the third level, they will always be inferior.

Managers can enter the fifth level with excellent management experience, but they will always be just tools of the rulers of the fifth level.

The rulers are in charge of the order of the tower, but their ruling power is only granted by the immortals.

The immortals seemed powerful, and among them there were some terrifying beings like Cain. But they could only succumb to the sixth level.

"Interesting saying. Who first said this ancient saying?"


Bai Wu's eyes became playful. Obviously, Cain was also a person who had undergone many changes in the past seven hundred years, but no matter how he changed, this person was evil at heart.

"What does Cain think of the sixth level?"

"I don't know... The sixth floor is inaccessible. Although there is an elevator that can reach the sixth floor, the elevator cannot be opened. Over the years, only the rulers of the fifth floor have conveyed the message in some way, and only those who are in the top 100 of the Contribution Sequence can open the elevator. And Cain, in a sense, is a madman..."

Bai Wu corrected:

"Not in a certain sense, but in every sense, he is a lunatic. Only normal people like me should use such words. Of course, I am not crazy."

Lilith didn't know how to refute Bai Wu's self-perception, so she had to get on with the topic:

"Cain was crazy. Before he entered the tower, he had come into contact with some beings who had already predicted the arrival of the tower. They told Cain that the tower was not a place for humans. So he was always very persistent, wondering what was on the sixth floor. So he followed the elevator pipe track and climbed to the top of the 900-meter tower..."

"I guess he didn't use the real body."

"Yes, he didn't use his original body, but because of that action, his other two bodies became weak. It was as if they were branded with some kind of mark. Not only those two bodies, but he left the fifth floor for a long time. When I saw him again, it was many years later. Maybe even his original body was severely damaged."

Bai Wu began to think.

The existence of the sixth level obviously dealt a heavy blow to Cain at the level of consciousness or soul.

At that time, Cain was probably like a brave man challenging the 51st floor. Perhaps everything on the 5th floor was not attractive to Cain at all

He had always been curious about what was on the sixth floor, but the elevator could not reach the sixth floor. From the first four floors, he could easily conclude that the higher the level, the greater the authority and the more resources one would obtain.

Therefore, he didn't care about the power game on the fifth floor and wanted to participate in the bigger game. So he climbed to the sixth floor.

But he was like a brave warrior who had challenged the fifty-first floor. He was complacent and lucky enough to think that as long as he didn't use his main body, nothing would happen.

But obviously, there are enemies on the sixth floor that are more powerful than Cain could have imagined.

Perhaps during the long seven hundred years, Cain had been trying to restore his true self? Or to erase some kind of mark.

The best way is to find a new body that surpasses the original body. So he set his sights on the short man who has only risen in the past two years.

Everything made sense, but there were some details Bai Wu didn't understand, so he changed the question:

"Were you once a ruler?"

"There were seventy-two people who first entered the fifth floor of the tower, but only eight of them were able to compete to become the ruler."

So there are eight ruling families? The ones we know so far are Pang, Zhong, Yan, Xie, and Qin.

"These seventy-two people... have all drunk from the Fountain of Eternal Life?"

"Yes. But the one third who survived, these one third of people, first existed as 'councillors', and everyone discussed together how to govern the tower. In the end, only twelve of the twenty-four were left, and the councilors began to form their own forces, and some political enemies were purged."

"You are one of the purged."

Lilith didn't say anything, which was considered as her agreement.

Bai Wu found it very interesting:

"It seems that in the end, this ruler game of seventy-two people has stabilized on eight people. Are the eight forces jointly controlling this tower?"

"It's obvious. They have controlled the tower for seven hundred years, and these eight forces have always been stable."

"It was Cain who saved you?"

"To be exact, he was the one who brought me to the fifth floor. If he hadn't gone to the sixth floor and disappeared for that period of time, I wouldn't have been purged."

"If you are not smart enough, don't blame others. There may be someone more powerful than Cain in the fifth floor. If he gets in the way of others, he will be eliminated as well."

Lilith didn't dare to refute Bai Wu.

If Bai Wu wanted to ask anything, he had already asked almost everything. There were seventy-two immortals on the fifth floor.

After all the fighting, only eight of these immortals were left.

But it is not ruled out that some people escaped from the fifth level like Cain and Lilith.

Maybe he is lurking in the tower as a sweeping monk, or maybe he has gone outside the tower and turned into some super evil person.

What exactly the Fountain of Eternal Life is, and whether it was provided by the people on the sixth floor, is still unclear.

Lilith knew too little.

"Did Cain already possess various sequence abilities before entering the tower?"

"Yes, earlier than I thought. I once asked him how he got his abilities, but I asked him several times, probably more than a decade apart, and each time he gave a different answer. I can't guarantee that the questions you asked me about him are 100% true, either. He lives between illusion and reality. As for the source of his abilities, I think the most credible one is that he once came into contact with some beings who had predicted the coming of the Tower before it arrived."

Bai Wu accepted this answer. Cain was indeed a liar and lying had become his norm.

"How long have you known Cain?"

"I can't remember. I really can't remember... It's been so long. You can't imagine how long seven hundred years is."

"It's really hard to imagine. Speaking of which, does Cain have any enemies outside the tower? Is there anyone he is afraid of? Does he have any special hobbies?"

Lilith heard Bai Wu's obsession with Cain. She didn't think Bai Wu could deal with Cain, but she still answered truthfully:

"Weaknesses... Preferences, I don't know. Maybe his preference is to deceive others. As for his nemesis, he once had one. In Food City, Baichuan, and Shudu, he once fought a masked guy for a long time."

At this point, Lily opened her eyes wide and looked at Bai Wu:

"That mask... you have it too."

When Bai Wu rescued Ruan Qingyun, Lilith saw the mask, and at that moment it was as if she had returned to a dream of seven hundred years ago.

Many bad past events came to my mind.

Bai Wu took out the mask and said:



"Any clues about this masked man?"

"In Cain's eyes, this was a man who, like him, had great talent for changing the world. Cain tried to seduce him every time he faced him, but failed every time... and in the end, the masked man disappeared. He was not defeated by Cain, but just... disappeared. The duel between them ended in nothing."

Lilith continued:

"Not long ago, Cain was very excited when he saw the mask appear outside the tower again. It was as if a duel that was interrupted seven hundred years ago had resumed."

Bai Wu shrugged:

"You and he should both know that I am not the owner of the mask."

"That's not what Cain cares about. He believes that this world should have an opponent, or an enemy, who can make him give his all. This person will have completely different values and worldviews from him. Only in this way can he find the game interesting."

He is indeed a madman.

"I've already told you everything you wanted to ask... What are you going to do to me in the end?"

"It's obviously impossible to let you go. Madam is a living historical record after all. After seven hundred years, there are still many interesting stories in the tower. After I purify a certain area, I will take Madam outside the tower. At the true sunset, we will talk about those beautiful past events together."

Lilith just felt that Bai Wu was even more perverted than Cain.

Bai Wu said:

"Thank you very much for the information this time, ma'am, but I forgot one thing just now."

Bai Wu put an ordinary emotion watch on Lilith.

"Science requires data verification. I need to record the specific horror values you feel, ma'am."

Bai Wu once again performed the "stabbing punishment".

Because of fear, Lilith's watch value reached over 240 and had already entered the red area of the dial.

It was only with the help of a calm mind that I was able to suppress the fear of needle pricks.

"I have endured pain since I was a teenager. You are a 700-year-old aunt. You should try to be more indifferent."

Bai Wu recorded the terrifying value and said:

"I don't know when the next conversation will be, but I will do my best to keep Madam in fear. If it is lower than this, as a rigorous scientific researcher, I think I must increase the pain level of the stabbing."

Lilith's fear was not a disguise. During the conversation, she felt that Bai Wu was not as abnormal as before. But now she found out that she was wrong.

It's so wrong.


A tube of anesthetic was injected into Lilith's body, and soon the woman fell into a dream.

During the deep sleep, the value on the watch dropped a lot, but it never fell below seventy-five.

Obviously this dream is also a nightmare.

Bai Wu left the interrogation team's cell and prepared to find Wujiu to discuss leaving the tower.

When Yun Shu and Xue Ci saw the white fog on the way, they looked a little strange.

The reactions of the two made Bai Wu feel that their bodies were in a certain special state of excitement.

In fact, the two were a little afraid of Bai Wu, but Bai Wu misunderstood.

"Could it be that the triangle cycle of Xue Ci liking Yun Shu, Yun Shu liking Jing Chu, and Jing Chu liking Xue Ci has been discovered? Why do these two feel so weird?"

"Are they so excited that they are about to accept this great and solid triangle?"

Bai Wu's gaze towards the two of them also became strange.

So the three of them looked at each other strangely for half a minute, and finally walked away.

After Bai Wu came to Wujiu's office, he told Wujiu about the subsequent events of the military exercise between the two armies.

He believed that Wujiu needed to stabilize the commander of the Investigation Corps as soon as possible, and then let the commander stabilize the commander of the Zhenyu Army, so that the conflict in this matter could be stopped in time.

Because all the faults lie with Cain, and continuing to allow the incident to ferment will only provoke conflicts between the Fifth Layer and the two military legions.

"What we should do now is to keep going out of the tower to explore and improve ourselves. If we attract the attention of the fifth floor, it may not be a good thing."

At present, Bai Wu already knows that among the rulers of the fifth layer, there are eight monsters at the old demon level, and their strength may not be inferior to Cain.

Maybe they all have extremely advanced sequences. At the moment, Bai Wu felt that the fifth floor was actually much more dangerous than the sixth floor.

Judging from Lilith's words, although the people on the sixth floor will take away beings with the top 100 sequences, they don't seem to be very enthusiastic.

For seven hundred years, the Sixth Floor has almost never interfered with the affairs of the Five Floors below. They would only open the elevator after reporting to the people on the Fifth Floor.

So in a sense, the people on the fifth level are the ones who truly decide the life and death of the rare sequence owner.

The managers of the two legions had reached an agreement in the past to avoid exposing rare sequencers as much as possible.

But if the martial arts performance continues to escalate and the ruler surnamed Pang becomes ruthless, perhaps both legions will suffer in the end.

Wujiu is the most suitable person to resolve this incident. After all, he is Liu Mu's best friend. As long as he can convince the team leader, the matter will be over.

After learning the pros and cons, Wujiu agreed to Bai Wu's request.

"I can take care of this today. Is there anything else?"

"Leave the tower." Bai Wu said with a smile.

"The tower is really not fun for you."

"There are many benefits to leaving the tower. I am just seeking profit."

"Where are the members leaving the tower?"

"A member of the vanguard group."

Wujiu was puzzled: "Aren't you going to take Bai Xiaoyu and Qin Lin with you?"

"The vanguard team has known the captain for a longer time. I trust the captain, but I don't trust them very much. Lin Wurou, Xiao Yi, Yin Shuang, and Wang Shi are all very good people. I hope that after this investigation outside the tower, I can have a better relationship with them."

Wujiu understood.

Bai Wu hopes to be able to tell more core members certain secrets.

"When are you planning to leave the tower?"

"After the captain has dealt with it."

"Five p.m. then. Meet at the East Plaza on the ground floor."