Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 149: Deep sea journey


The third floor, the second aristocratic college.

The educational resources of the third layer are no worse than those seven hundred years ago, or in Bai Wu's previous life. This is because the education of children can determine the shaping of their character, which is beneficial to the rule of the upper echelons.

Therefore, even though the educational environment at the grassroots level is very poor, the overall education system established by humans over thousands of years has not been abandoned.

The moral content that the lower and upper classes learn is actually the same. They all know what kind of character is good and what kind of behavior is wrong when they are children.

But what is different is their life after they leave school.

Half of the nobles can maintain good character, but because of the cruel living environment of the lower class, the number of people who can maintain such character will be greatly reduced.

Apart from basic cultural knowledge and moral education, the advantage of aristocratic colleges over the lower two levels of colleges lies in the various "rich people's skills".

Painting, music, sculpture, and various subjects that are inaccessible to the lower classes.

As an art teacher, Mr. Xia has always been very famous, and his exhibitions always attract many nobles to visit. Most of these paintings have the style of many artists in the pre-tower era.

As one of the few art masters in the tower, Teacher Xia also has an extraordinary status in the Second Noble Academy.

If you want him to teach, you need to pay a high fee.

He has always been the pride of the Second Noble Academy, because Teacher Xia not only has outstanding artistic talent, but is also a life mentor to many children and adults.

He can always solve many complex thoughts about life in simple ways.

But these few days, Teacher Xia did not come to class.

For several days in a row, Teacher Xia seemed to have disappeared from the face of the earth, and there was no trace of him at all.

So the four students from the aristocratic academy set out together to visit the teacher.

They came to the villa area where the nobles lived, and rang the doorbell outside a brown and black villa.

This is exactly where Teacher Xia lives. As an artist recognized and even respected by most people in the third layer, he is not just obsessed with art.

In fact, Mr. Xia also has his own business and is on good terms with many managers.

Several children were surprised that Teacher Xia's house was more magnificent than their own. What they didn't know was that Teacher Xia had disappeared.

Completely reduced to smoke and dust.

So a few days ago, although people from the school came to visit the teacher and wanted to know what had happened to Teacher Xia, there was no response when they rang the doorbell.

Logically speaking, the four students should have returned empty-handed, but the door of the villa... was open.

Then the four students seemed to hear the sound of the lock on the inner courtyard door of the villa turning.

"My children, have you come to see the teacher? The teacher is so happy."

The sound was like rusty scrap metal being dragged on the ground, and the speaker's throat seemed to be melting bit by bit.

Although he was clearly expressing happiness, his voice was filled with pain.

A few students had not yet realized that something was wrong. They could tell that this was not the teacher's voice, but they still walked forward bravely.

Then they noticed that the villa... seemed to have turned into black and white.

"Come on, my children, if you have any problems, let the teacher help you solve them."

The voice was bewitching, and several students frowned. They saw a silhouette shrouded in shadow.

The silhouette was hunched over and looked very weak, but the eyes in the shadows were filled with amusement and desire.

Ground Floor East Plaza. 5pm.

When Bai Wu, Wujiu, Lin Wurou, Yin Shuang and others gathered together, he didn't know that a murder was happening on the third floor.

They were preparing to leave the tower at this moment.

In the past, leaving the tower was arranged by the team leader, and they would receive a notice two days in advance. But since Bai Wu gained Wu Jiu's trust, Lin Wu Rou and others felt that they could leave the tower at any time.

Lin Wu Rou was having a comfortable nap in the afternoon when she suddenly received a task and had to prepare to leave the tower immediately. This made her a little confused.

Is Bai Wu crazy? Didn't he just come back one day ago? He wants to leave the tower right away

Shang Xiaoyi and Wang Shi were very excited, but their excitement was completely different.

Yin Shuang noticed that this time Bai Wu did not call the two newcomers, but brought Xiao Yi and Wang Shi. In addition, the captain seemed to be in a much better mood than before.

These details seem to indicate that Bai Wu and the captain's last trip out of the tower alleviated the captain's grief over the loss of his best friend.

What on earth did he do? Why did he bring his group with him this time

"Speaking of which, the last time you went out together, you didn't bring Xiao Yi and me with you. What happened?"

Before leaving the tower, Wang Shi asked a question that he shouldn't have asked.

Lin Wurou's expression, Yin Shuang's expression, and Wujiu's expression changed immediately.

The last time they went out of the tower together, they went to a pretend manor.

Bai Wu said:

"We loved each other, ate a lot of delicious food, and then defeated the evil and came back. It was a very interesting experience. My relationship with Lin Daiyu has made great progress. He felt a strong... "

"Bai Wu! Don't think I won't hit you just because you're a newcomer!" Lin Wu Rou was angry.

The six people stood in front of the blue stone tablet. Bai Wu's hand touched the stone tablet first and said:

"That's a shame. Now you can't beat me. Not only am I your father mentally, I can soon be your father physically too."

The blue light engulfed the white mist. He did not use the traction wheel and headed for the area set up by Cain.

"Humph, arrogant guy, you are just a fourth-level brother. Although you are making rapid progress, compared to me..."

"He's at level six." Wujiu interrupted Lin Wurou.

Then Wujiu was also swallowed by the blue light and went out of the tower.

Lin Wurou was stunned, looked at Wang Shi, and said:

"What did the captain just say?"

Wang Shi was also shocked. It was Shang Xiaoyi who spoke:

"It seems that... the companion power of the white mist has reached the sixth level..."

Yin Shuang touched the stone tablet with an expressionless face. Instead of wondering here, he might as well go outside the tower and ask what was going on.

Women’s thinking is different after all. Yin Shuang doesn’t think there is anything wrong with being surpassed by newcomers. After all, she is just a supporting role.

But Wang Shi, Lin Wurou, and Shang Xiaoyi suddenly became dispirited.

They were the strongest members of the vanguard team seven, but now, they were surpassed by a newcomer who needed protection not long ago, and they felt a little upset.

“It seems like… it’s been less than two months since he first left the tower. That shouldn’t be the case no matter how you calculate it.” Wang Shi was puzzled.

Soon, the three of them were wrapped in blue light and went out of the tower.

After everyone left, the investigator shook his head:

"It's the blue zone again."

The blue light slowly dissipated, and Bai Wu raised his head and looked around.


They were riding a giant elevator, not going up, but down.

The view outside the elevator is the deep dark blue sea.

"This, this, this... Is this the sea we saw when we were children?" Shang Xiaoyi exclaimed.

There should be no light in the deep sea, but the lights outside the elevator illuminate this unknown sea area.

Through a thick layer of glass, Bai Wu and others can see the scene in the deep sea.

This elevator actually leads to the bottom of the sea.

There are many fish in the blue sea outside the glass. With Bai Wu's knowledge, you should be able to recognize quite a few of them.

But he couldn't recognize them, at least not with his eyes, he couldn't identify these fish just by appearance.

Shang Xiaoyi, Lin Wurou and others were also unable to recognize it. It was completely different from the underwater creatures of the pre-tower era that they had seen in books when they were young.

The changes outside the tower not only affect the land, but also the sea.

Mutation has nothing to do with the size of the organism. A huge blue whale, which may only have a mutation level of six, may be easily defeated by a level nine mutated sardine.

Large groups of coral reefs have mutated and become horrific death zones, where fish may be left with only their skeletons after passing through.

The shark is ferocious, with strength and speed countless times greater than before the mutation, but it may die in a swaying seaweed.

The combat power levels of all creatures in the entire ocean seem to have been randomly reset, and the food chain has been completely rewritten.

However, Bai Wu and the others don't need to care about these things. At least now, although they are heading to the depths of the sea, they are not heading to the deep sea, but to somewhere in the deep sea.

Shang Xiaoyi, Lin Wurou, Wang Shi, and even Yin Shuangwujiu were all shocked by the deep sea scene, so much so that only Bai Wu discovered that there were other people in the elevator.

These people seemed to be equally shocked by the sight of the deep sea.

The light was dim, and the elevator was huge, almost as big as the elevators in the tower, so Bai Wu couldn't see the faces of those people in the shadows.

Only vaguely... he seemed to see the uniforms of the Zhenyu Corps.

At this time, everyone had already descended two hundred meters in the elevator, and Lin Wurou and others suddenly took a step back.

Everyone in the elevator exclaimed in unison.

The water outside the elevator was becoming increasingly darker, which meant they were diving deeper and deeper into the sea.

There were no schools of fish to be seen in the distance, only a thick expanse of dark blue.

But suddenly, something strange happened in everyone's eyes.

A huge, bloodshot eye suddenly opened.

People who have never seen the sea naturally don't know whether they suffer from diseases such as thalassophobia and claustrophobia.

This eye, huge enough to block everyone's vision, instantly moved close to the elevator glass.

Everyone can only see this eye and cannot see the larger body outside the eye.

Deep-sea giants are a mass-produced type of evil. Before the end of the world, many people who drowned will be transformed into the things they fear most. They were drowned by the sea water, and they were afraid of the monsters in the deep sea, so they became deep-sea monsters that are not afraid of the sea water. It is worth mentioning that the size of deep-sea giants is not uniform, the lowest is 70 meters, and as for the tallest... maybe it can become a sea stabilizer

Level 7 mutation: Distortion term: Oxygen absorption. Perfect distortion term: Super gigantism.

Bai Wu took a look and after making sure that the deep-sea giant would not break through the elevator to get in, he began to observe his surroundings.

With the sixth-order companion power, even if he is not specialized in perception, Bai Wu can do many things now. What's more, he also has the Eye of Prell.

"Four humans and one evil one."

Bai Wu first looked at the four humans, whose remarks were very consistent.

Without talent sequence and companion power, this is your first time in such a place. Compared to them, your foundation is better than theirs. However, the four of them will not participate in the following interesting activities. They are guaranteed to pass the level.

What does "Guarded Clearance" mean? Bai Wu stared at the evil creature in the shadow. If it was an absolute shadow, then the Eye of Prell would only give some hints on the direction.

Fortunately, this evil creature revealed a partial outline.

Level nine mutant, distortion entry: poison gas spray, rare distortion entry: soft, perfect distortion entry: extremely soft, extremely hard.

It is a lucky bastard, because bastards always offend other evildoers. Because of luck, this is the third time it has been summoned into this elevator. Maybe you will meet it in a duel later.

Although he had no idea what extreme softness and extreme hardness meant, just based on the four words "Ninth Level Evil", Bai Wu knew that this person was a huge threat.

"It's impossible that the other party didn't sense us. Although there are ten people present, no one can be his opponent except the captain."

"The notes mentioned that he was summoned into this elevator. It seems that in addition to the travel ticket, there are indeed other ways for the evil to transfer to another area."

"Did the other party not take action because there was no need? And what does it mean that we will meet in a duel later?"

While Bai Wu was thinking, Shang Xiaoyi had also come back to his senses. The huge eye just now had made him very excited, but now he had calmed down.

"Captain, there is an evil being in this elevator. And it is very strong."

Shang Xiaoyi didn't know the concept of the ninth level evil yet, but seeing that Shang Xiaoyi sensed the evil but didn't show a fake frightened expression with drooling, the others knew that this evil was not simple.

"I won't move unless the enemy moves." Wujiu's hand has already grasped the knife.

In the dim elevator, murderous intent looms.

This kind of repression did not last long because everyone saw the light.

Right below everyone's feet, through the glass they saw a huge, glowing building.

Rather than being a single building, it is more like a huge palace consisting of many connected buildings.

Judging from the outlines of the light, these buildings looked like ancient palace buildings, but they were much more majestic than the palace buildings that the tower people had learned about in books.

It was not until this moment that Bai Wu knew where this expedition would begin.

Yohohohoho, do you want my treasure? If you want, I can give you all! Go find it, sequence, entry, strength, life, luck are all fine, I put all the treasures there - Ahaha, the above is not what I said, it was said by the little octopus who has been tinkering with trade for 700 years. Although this is not the Black Gold Island, here, as long as you are lucky enough, you may gain a lot of interesting things, or you will become penniless and be thrown out to feed the sea monster? Welcome to - Deep Sea Royal Casino!