Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 158: The ultimate in red territory


The war is coming.

Feeling the power surging in his body, Bai Wu had no doubt that he had far surpassed the evil self he had become on the flight.

Not only is there a companion force of level nine and above, there are also numerous talent sequences in the body.

If I was a bicycle before, I am now a supercar loaded with all kinds of black technology.

Talent Sequence 256: Extreme Shadow, a talent sequence that can increase the speed attribute to the extreme. The sequence has been advanced.

Talent sequence 614: If you are the first to rush into a battle, you will receive a bonus to your overall attributes.

Talent sequence 572: Restless blood, reduces rationality towards evil, and increases damage to evil.

Talent Sequence 633: Clear Frost and Turn It into Rain, slightly increase life recovery speed, and improve resistance to disease and toxins.

Talent sequence 92: Refraction Shield, can invalidate the first twelve attacks, but has a chance to fail when encountering a fatal attack. Activation interval, 75 seconds. Duration 45 seconds.

Talent Sequence 285: Five Elements Circulation, 10% chance to convert 20% of the damage taken into random companion power attributes. Lasts for 10 seconds.

Iron Armor, Enhanced Vision, Phantom Gravity... Many of the sequences he had seen before were also included.

Among dozens of sequences, it is hard to say whether the sequences after the hundredth place can play a decisive role, but at present, Bai Wu already possesses the strength that exceeds the cognition of the vanguard group members.

The evil creature Black Bone, who entered the Deep Sea Casino with Bai Wu and others, was the strongest ninth-level evil creature in the first-level casino. He could even feel the instinctive fear in his body.

To the extent that Hei Gu began to doubt Bai Wu's identity as a "human".

Deep Sea Casino, Arena.

After many years, the pirates once again came to this area specially prepared for battle, and once again saw the "true form" of the God of Wealth.

When he proposed the second bet to Bai Wu, the God of Wealth's body began to mutate explosively, with muscles all over his body swelling rapidly, but the change was far from over.

During the twenty minutes that Bai Wu was gathering strength, the God of Wealth also used this time to complete his final transformation.

As an eighth-level evil creature, the pirate thought he was about to reach the top of the food chain.

It was not until decades ago, when it witnessed the duel between the God of Wealth and the mysterious woman, that it learned that there was a realm of God in this world, an unknown realm that ordinary evil people could never reach in their entire lives.

The body of the God of Wealth became extremely distorted—

Muscles that swelled to the point of bursting, many worm-like parasites that inexplicably grew on the body, many eyes that grew on the forehead, a winding skeleton that pierced the body from the back, and giant feet...

Under the influence of many entries, "cat" has changed beyond recognition.

Twenty minutes passed quickly and Bai Wu finally arrived at the largest venue in the casino.

The so-called arena is the largest building among the many buildings in the entire deep-sea palace.

At the top of the arena, there is a ceiling designed like a tower, with densely packed spherical lights arranged on the ceiling.

But the lights were not on, making the arena look dim.

This does not affect Bai Wu, who has enhanced vision, from observing the severely mutated God of Wealth.

At this moment, the God of Wealth brought Bai Wu a sense of disharmony that was no less than that brought by Hong Yin's consciousness and true body.

"You have become much stronger, human."

Not only the appearance, but also the voice is completely different from the original God of Wealth.

In Bai Wu's view, the God of Wealth was an unlucky human being in his lifetime, and after he became evil, he was just a tool.

"You've also become... well, it's hard to describe. Speaking of which, don't you feel pathetic? You seem to be high and mighty in this casino, but everything you have is actually lent to you by your boss. You are no different from these errand boys in the casino. You also have nothing, you also cannot leave here, and you are also accustomed to a life of paying off debts."

"Strange last words. The time has come for me to take back the casino's wealth."

"Yes, that was just my instinct as a concerned citizen. There is no point in saying more."

Bai Wu also knew that this battle obviously could not be influenced by talk.

Countless tiny lights on the ceiling lit up, shining like a galaxy. The entire arena was instantly brightened.

At the moment when light suddenly appears, the second life-and-death gamble begins!

Bai Wu, in his strongest state so far, faced the strongest evil he had ever encountered.

Under the influence of Extreme Shadow and Extreme Balance, Bai Wu's speed and strength instantly reached the peak!


The Eye of Prell suddenly gave a short word in an unusual style. Bai Wu had no time to analyze the reason and did not choose to retreat.

He held the Sword of Evil Must Die in his hand and slashed a red arc along the twisted spiral waist of the God of Wealth.

Red light and sparks intertwined.

As he moved rapidly, Bai Wu felt a little confused.

The evil that had been strengthened twice must die. Even with the ninth-order companion power and the extremely balanced mode, he was unable to cut through the body of the God of Wealth.

Something even stranger happened.

Those strange worm-like creatures growing on the body of the God of Wealth instantly turned into tentacle-like things, as if aliens broke out of their shells and entangled Bai Wu's weapons.

They spread along the white mist's blade at an incredible speed, and in an instant, these horrifying tentacles were about to touch the white mist.

Perfect distortion entry: Annihilation Parasite.

Abandon the knife and step back.

At this moment, Bai Wu still didn't know the properties of the annihilation parasite, but he suddenly understood one thing from the powerful body of the God of Wealth -

The notes given by the Eye of Prell are made as brief as possible.

These eyes, which used to be talkative, would not even tell themselves what the other party would do, but directly entered the most efficient mode - telling themselves how they should respond.

This saves time and allows you to process more information at the same time.

This means that this is not an evenly matched duel... The gap in combat power between the two sides may be extremely large.

The figure in the white mist quickly retreated.

A storm suddenly broke out in the arena. The strength he displayed at this time was no less than that of Nie Chongshan who had overwhelmed the entire coalition army in the martial arts performance area.

He had no sense of fear to begin with, and this feeling of being filled with power also made him more calm before the battle.

But when he saw the overwhelming annihilation parasites sweeping towards him like a tidal wave of insects, he suddenly realized... Even if he became the most powerful human, he still couldn't compete with the God of Wealth.

The God of Wealth's terrifying claws swung out irresistible arc blades in the void.

Even the arc blades of these energy carriers were covered with annihilation parasites, which, combined with the swarm of insects gushing out of the God of Wealth's body, forced the white mist into a disadvantageous situation in an instant.

Move fourteen steps to the left.

The Iron Arms are launched.

Refractive Shield activated.

He crouched and stepped back four steps.

Launch the Qingshuanghuayu to stop the bleeding in the abdomen and waist.

Sheep attacks, but dodges to the right when advancing to the seventh step range.

Retreat quickly!

In the huge arena, violent force was constantly crashing against the edge of the area.

At the moment of fighting with the God of Wealth, Bai Wu was also processing dozens of battle information from the Eye of Prell.

His speed was not slower than that of the God of Wealth. In terms of basic combat attributes alone, he was already stronger than the basic values of the ninth-level evil. But the God of Wealth had too many attack methods.

After dodging the first round of attacks from the God of Wealth, Bai Wu had no time to counterattack and had to face the second round of attacks from the God of Wealth.

Suddenly, spikes appeared on the ground. The power of these spikes was enough to easily penetrate Bai Wu's ninth-level body. If it were not for the refractive shield and keen sense of crisis, the battle process would be greatly shortened.

It's not just a thrust, the God of Wealth seems to be waving his claws gently, and each of these black arc blades has a power that is no less than Wujiu's strongest sword.

The cat's eyes emitting red light stared at Bai Wu, ready to launch a mental attack on Bai Wu at any time. The Siren's song never stopped for a moment. Even if it had no effect on Bai Wu, it could hinder his reaction to some extent.

In addition, there were various elemental turbulences blocking the white fog's path. While the white fog was dodging, the God of Wealth also launched a summoning spell.

Perfect distortion entry: evil invasion.

An indescribable group of monsters that looked like mud began to rush madly towards the white fog.

No matter what means of attack are used, those horrific annihilation parasites will attach themselves to them.

The situation of the battle was very different from what Bai Wu had expected... Under the wave after wave of attacks from the God of Wealth, he couldn't even find an opportunity to fight back.

This is the strength of the red zone ceiling.

In just the first round of the fight between the two, the God of Wealth demonstrated many means that were enough to destroy his opponent.

Relying on the Eye of Prell, all of the attacks from the God of Wealth were avoided by Bai Wu at an extremely close distance, but the situation of the battle also turned into a unilateral attack by the God of Wealth.

Bai Wu could only dodge continuously and couldn't even defend himself.

This was the first time that the Eye of Prell entered this fully functional state. It was completely different from its previous style and would only tell him what to do in the simplest way.

Even so, due to the huge difference in attributes and various powerful and strange means, Bai Wu's waist and abdomen were still touched by the worm-like annihilation parasite.

This scene corresponds to the fifth hint given by the Eye of Prell.

It's like a sea snake that has bitten its prey and won't let go.

Bai Wu felt the wounded part of his body quickly crumbling like dust, as if a place in his flesh and blood suddenly began to turn into gravel.

This collapse is still spreading. The annihilation parasite, just as its name suggests, has the effect of killing with one blow and annihilating everything!

Although the refraction shield was activated in advance, Bai Wu's luck was very bad. The power of annihilation was still fatal to him at this moment. Attacks of this effect would make the refraction ineffective.

He resisted the physical impact of the arc blade, but could not stop the parasite from destroying his body.

As a last resort, he had to remove the entire wound before it spread.

Evil Must Die has been thrown into the corner by the God of Wealth, and what Bai Wu is holding in his hand now is Lin Wurou's dagger.

The huge gap between humans and top-level evil left Bai Wu no room to breathe.

Three evil summons blocked his retreat.

At a speed that would even amaze the God of Wealth, the white fog could still be avoided, but the area available for movement was becoming smaller and smaller.

Bai Wu began to follow the instructions of the Eye of Prell and use Yin Shuang's sequence. He dodged and started to heal himself to stop the blood loss from his waist and abdomen.

When he made this move, the Eye of Prell had already provided all the responses for a long time to come.

Under the extremely balanced effect of the ninth-order companion force, Bai Wu's body already has a domineering life recovery ability.

Coupled with the healing sequence of Qingshuang Huayu, his injuries recovered instantly.

But the situation did not improve, and the God of Wealth's offensive methods became more and more powerful and deadly.

Perfect distortion entry, Chaos Devouring.

Suddenly, many vortex-shaped adsorbents like black holes appeared in the huge arena.

Even though the speed of the white mist was as fast as thunder, under the effect of this adsorbent, its speed was greatly reduced.

Those evil summoned creatures that were chasing the white fog were directly sucked into the vortex, and even their wailing sounds were absorbed by the vortex.

Without the pincer attack of summoned creatures, there are still attacks from various elemental turbulences.

Rare distortion entry: Red Heart Fire.

Rare distortion entry: Spear of Arctic Cold.

Perfect distortion entry: Waves of the Dark Sea.

Fire, ice, torrents, the entire arena was filled with all kinds of powerful forces at this moment.

Those vortex-shaped adsorbed objects also began to slowly move towards the white mist. The closer they were to them, the more exaggerated the adsorption force became.

Not only was the body being pulled by a force, but the life recovery ability and the upper limit of life force... were also decreasing little by little.

Following the actions of the Eye of Prell, the white mist began to continuously choose the optimal solution among the increasingly scarce retreat routes.

Time and again, he avoided the attacks of the God of Wealth either cleverly or narrowly.

But the intensity of the God of Wealth's attack is still increasing, and what Bai Wu sees in the future through his eyes is that he will become more and more passive.

According to the tips given by the Eye of Prell, abilities such as Clear Frost and Turn Rain into Rain and Refractive Shield are being used more and more frequently.

The battle had only lasted five minutes at this point.

Sixth minute.

The white fog was forced into a corner. The powerful force of chaos seemed to have changed the direction of gravity in the arena.

Faced with this exaggerated suction force, even the most basic task of maintaining body balance is difficult to achieve, and Bai Wu's dodging routes are constantly being reduced.

Seventh minute.

The terrifying polar cold spear came from the other side of the arena, piercing through the white fog like a fierce dragon crossing the river. The refractive shield had just failed ten seconds ago, and it would take dozens of seconds to activate again.

The only thing to be thankful for was that the frost spear was too fast and the God of Wealth did not have time to plant the parasite.

Relying on the amazing life recovery ability, Bai Wu's abdomen was healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The pain he endured was increasing, so much so that sometimes painful memories of the past would pop up in his mind.

Only this time, these memories couldn't save Bai Wu.

Ninth minute.

The annihilation parasites once again bit through the refractive shield. Bai Wu seemed to be seeing an illusion. Countless parasites surrounded him and bit his body into pits and holes.

He must remove the entire wound at the moment the insect touches him, when the wound is smallest.

Once again relying on his amazing life recovery ability, Bai Wu's body healed itself instantly after the wound was removed.

Even if there is no talent sequence for flesh and blood healing, when the companion force becomes strong enough to a certain extent, it will have an effect that is no less than that of the sequence.

It’s just that the speed of healing is about to fail to keep up with the speed at which new wounds appear.

He had seen a fragment of the future, in which he was retreating with his body riddled with wounds.

Finally it was submerged by the collapsed arena.

So far, the only people watching this showdown are the mysterious man and the businessman from Black Gold Island.

Looking at the humans in the arena struggling to hold on, the businessman exclaimed:

"Yohohohoho, what an amazing human being! I take back what I said before. I never thought that one day, human beings would become so powerful. In the past ninety years, a genius has appeared in the tower. If he is alive, perhaps in the near future, human beings can really step into the red realm."

Octopus showed a teasing look on his face and continued:

"But how could I let this happen? Yo-ho-ho-ho."

With the support of countless entries, although the God of Wealth cannot enter the "black" field, he is already considered the most outstanding existence in the "red" field.

Apart from the monsters in the black area, the God of Wealth can be regarded as the strongest among the evil ones.

In the eyes of the merchants, this little guy might be very strong and had already crossed a threshold that no human had crossed in the past seven hundred years, but he still could not compete with the God of Wealth.

"He can only hold on for two minutes at most. No... maybe only one minute. This is such a sad story. You are about to lose this bet."

The man in the shadows had a look of surprise in his eyes. He seemed to have discovered something interesting:

"Maybe he's about to lose, but don't you think the way this little guy copes with it is unique?"

(The anti-theft word count is 4220, the actual word count is 4665.)