Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 159: I am no longer a human being


The merchant was not good at this kind of hand-to-hand combat and did not see anything special about it.

But the mysterious man discovered that if he greatly weakened his own power, to the same level as the humans in the casino—

I may not be able to hold on longer than this human.

He simulated a battle with the God of Wealth in his mind. With his strength, there were many ways to win. However, if his strength was compressed to the level of this human, he would not be able to last more than nine minutes.

The huge gap in strength will make the battle extremely boring.

Accurate predictions allowed humans to avoid the attacks of the God of Wealth time and time again, as if they knew in advance how the God of Wealth would attack.

What interested the mysterious man the most was that this human's expression did not change at all when he made these reactions.

It was as if they had rehearsed the upcoming battle countless times and found the most accurate solution.

This reminded him of Jing Liu.

Jing Liu can also predict the future, but he cannot integrate this information as perfectly as this human and then respond.

There is no way to maintain this calm.

It seemed that humans were responding to the attacks of the God of Wealth, but the mysterious man felt that this human was just following a set process.

"He seems to be able to predict the future. And he can process future information and give the best solution."

After hearing this, the businessman took it a little more seriously.

The four words "predict the future" reminded it of bad things in the past. Back then, it almost lost its casino because of someone with this ability.

But after some thought, it shook its head and said:

"I admit that his foresight is indeed powerful, but this does not seem to change the situation of defeat. The absolute power gap cannot be made up by calculation. A sheep on a pasture encounters a lion in the wilderness. It will foresee its own death, but what can it change?"

The merchant's words were undoubtedly correct. There was an insurmountable gap between Bai Wu and the God of Wealth.

"If he could really predict the future like that guy, then the best thing to do would be to admit defeat in the first bet. Give up those chips and avoid the second bet. At least he could live instead of dying. But he chose to fight, which is a very interesting choice."

The man in the shadow narrowed his eyes and said with a smile:

"We might see an interesting show soon."

Deep Sea Casino.

Under the residual power of the duel between the two powerful men, one side of the arena began to collapse, and the entire deep-sea casino was shaking in the deep sea under the powerful blow of the God of Wealth.

Perfect grade distortion entry: Spiral Bone Spur.

Bai Wu was exhausted from dealing with wave after wave of terrifying tactics. In the end, seemingly due to stress and fatigue, he was hit by the powerful spiral thrust of the God of Wealth.

This was a means of melee attack, the entry could mutate the bones in the body, like a spiral spear, easily penetrating the opponent's defense.

Before this, the God of Wealth had been relying on various powerful long-range suppression methods, and the dense attacks made Bai Wu unable to breathe.

It was only just now that the God of Wealth actually made a move for the first time, and with that move he dealt a fatal blow to Bai Wu.

The parasites in the abdomen caused Bai Wu's vitality to drop sharply.

In the brief ten-minute fight, the God of Wealth finally became convinced that this hateful human had been pushed to his limit.

"It's time to end the battle. As a human, you have a physique that is so strong that even I am surprised. But a weak sheep cannot defeat a fierce tiger no matter how hard it tries."

One side of the arena actually collapsed and the lights on the ceiling flickered.

Bai Wu's body was pressed into the corner of the arena and could not move.

Just forty-four seconds before being hit by the spiral thrust, Bai Wu had foreseen this scene.

Show weakness and stop resisting.

Being hit by the God of Wealth is the best strategy among many ways to survive.

But in fact... Bai Wu is not just showing weakness.

He had no room to show weakness. In order to minimize the damage he suffered, Bai Wu had already tried his best and it was impossible for him to do better.

After suffering fatal injuries continuously and recovering from them continuously, Bai Wu's physical strength began to decline drastically.

The Siren Song and other mental attacks had not stopped until this moment. His vision was already a little blurry.

This is the strength of the defender of the red zone.

For the long seven hundred years, mankind has been fighting against various injustices, just like the gambles that Bai Wu experienced.

The collapsed boulders covered Bai Wu's body. This was a chance for him to catch his breath, but at the same time this place would become his grave.

The God of Wealth has already figured out Bai Wu's strength in this duel, so he has become particularly calm at this moment.

The opponent's energy has locked onto you, but you must find a way to hold on for another 220 seconds.

How far into the future can the Eye of Prell in its bound state see? Bai Wu was not sure, and had no time to test it.

He only knew that his vitality was gradually decreasing. Even if his life recovery speed allowed him to heal himself continuously, he would surely die if the God of Wealth took action.

This is a desperate situation.

But in such a desperate situation, another characteristic of the white mist was also activated -

The more desperate the situation, the more painful it was, the more excited he became and the quicker his thinking became.

Bai Wu has already figured out why the Eye of Prell wanted him to delay time.

His brain was working rapidly, thinking about how to delay time, while also preparing for a counterattack in 220 seconds.

The footsteps of the God of Wealth were very obvious, as if he was deliberately creating a sense of terror.

In the first few minutes, the God of Wealth kept testing and didn't even get too close to the white fog.

Instead, it analyzed Bai Wu's strength through repeated fatal blows. It did not underestimate the enemy, and the various entries brought about fatal blows one after another. Bai Wu's response amazed it, but it also made it believe that this human's strength was far inferior to its own.

This is a duel without any suspense, a simple game of cat and mouse.

What he represents is the most powerful force in the red zone. For seven hundred years, humans have not even had the courage to touch this force. Even if one or two dazzling new stars are born occasionally in the long river of history, they can only return to dust in the face of this force.

"I feel like I'm dying."

Bai Wu's tone was calm, and he did not deliberately pretend to be panic or unwilling.

Combined with the first dramatic gambling game and Bai Wu’s overly realistic acting, if Bai Wu had used a sad and painful tone, the God of Wealth would not have believed it.

On the contrary, it was this calmness that made the God of Wealth subconsciously believe that this human had given up struggling.

"In fact, I had a feeling that the casino was full of dangers long before I entered it. I have participated in many gambling games and know that if a person wins too much, he will eventually be killed. The most important thing to pay attention to in a casino is to know when to win."

Bai Wu's voice came from the ruins, sounding a little weak.

This weakness is not pure pretense.

Parasites, chaos devouring, various elemental attacks, and finally the bone spiral that directly pierced through Bai Wu's abdomen. Even in the extremely balanced mode, it would take Bai Wu's life force quite a while to heal itself.

The God of Wealth aimed the bone spurs on his body and the annihilation parasites attached to his limbs at the ruins. He did not mind trampling on Bai Wu's faith before dying.

But it's not stupid enough to be defenseless.

The God of Wealth's energy is locked onto Bai Wu. As long as there is any energy flowing in Bai Wu's body, it will immediately eliminate Bai Wu.

"It seems that you chose to participate in the gambling game on the second level because of other things?"

"That's right. The reason why I choose to keep winning is not just because of the power brought by the chips, but because I want to find out which floor of the tower these people working in the casino are from?"

"Hohohoho, you think you can win the battle with me and then get the truth out of me?"

The white mist in the ruins coughed:

"Ahem... Ahem, there are a lot of lessons learned in the tower. These lessons have given us inertia in our thinking. At least when my partner and I came here, although everyone was on guard, it was obvious... we still underestimated the danger of this area."

When the God of Wealth was not integrated into various entries, the danger level of the area had already approached the upper limit of the blue zone.

But once the God of Wealth integrates all the casino's assets into himself, this area becomes a red zone.

In a sense, this is the first head-on confrontation between humans and red zone guardian-level beings.

The God of Wealth laughed mockingly.

It recalled an incident: the last time the well was opened, the area was misplaced and travelers had come to dig the corners of the casino.

I want to follow it and be loyal to another adult.

The god who claimed to come from the well was the one the traveler was loyal to. It mentioned a statement, or more precisely, a prophecy.

Mankind will find his way to the well.

This was ridiculous to the God of Wealth. If the old monsters on the fifth floor of the tower were not counted, the human in front of him should be the strongest being in the tower in the past 700 years.

But even such an existence is not capable of fighting against a guardian at the red zone level.

"I can't leave here anymore. Before you kill me, can you tell me where these casino waiters come from..."

"Who would remember such things? Would you remember where the animals were?"

Of course, the God of Wealth knows where these people come from.

Somewhere in the tower, there is a place called "Hatchery".

This place hides an extremely evil secret, but there are countless equally evil secrets hidden in the square cone-shaped black towers.

"Even if you know, what can you do? Do you think I will let you die with the answer? Hahahahaha..."

Bai Wu's voice was filled with helplessness:

“Even if fairness and justice cannot be practiced, don’t I have the right to know?”

As if it had suddenly said something very funny, the God of Wealth's twisted body began to tremble slightly. It laughed unscrupulously, not even imitating its boss:

“Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha… Fairness? Justice? What era do you think this is? You are nothing but animals trapped in a pasture.”

“Do animals know their fate of death? Maybe your strength allows you to get closer to the fence and see some of the truth, but that also means that you will become the next item to be slaughtered.”

Mocking laughter echoed throughout the arena.

Bai Wu carefully pondered the meaning of the God of Wealth's words. It was obviously a mockery, but it should also be mixed with some kind of metaphor.

If humans are livestock kept in pastures, then who is the owner of the pasture

Is it the fifth floor? Or the sixth floor

People at the bottom do live like animals, but people in the second and third layers are not necessarily fundamentally different from those at the bottom.

The real boss of the casino is the businessman.

Merchants are like travelers. Although it cannot travel to many areas, its business and business are spread across many places, even... its business is in the high tower.

This is a very ironic thing.

Bai Wu suddenly realized that perhaps he and other investigators such as the captain, as human beings, knew far less information than an evil being.

There is a large flock of sheep on the ranch. Although these sheep are divided into different classes, the fact that they are sheep will not change.

Wolves covet the sheep, and even the ranch owners covet them.

If the wolves come from the well and the ranch represents the tower, then what is the relationship between the tower and the well, and between the wolves and the ranch owner

Bai Wu didn't know the answer to this question. He sighed:

"It seems that I can't get more information from you."

Although the God of Wealth regretted that he could not sense Bai Wu's panic and despair, he more or less knew that this human had potential far beyond other humans.

Over a long period of time, even in a flock of sheep, one or two outliers will occasionally be born.

But the aliens are still sheep after all and cannot compete with tigers and wolves.

"Is this your last words?"

"Of course not. Living in this era and this world, my last words must be to ask the cook to add more dishes. If there are cooks in this world."

The style of the conversation seemed to change suddenly.

The God of Wealth was slightly surprised, and the faint sense of dejection in Bai Wu's tone seemed to have disappeared.

It has not yet realized what is about to happen, because at this moment, there is no energy fluctuation in the white mist's body - it is as if it is ready to be captured.

Bai Wu did not do anything, or rather, as a human being, he had already given up. He realized one thing:

The time when humans can face off against evil has not yet arrived. He, the captain, and the other residents of the tower still need to make a lot of efforts.

The sheep are far from being able to fight against the shepherd and the tigers and wolves.

A certain atmosphere in the arena seemed to have suddenly changed. It was a very mysterious change that only top predators could sense.

The God of Wealth sensed that there was a force surging in Bai Wu's body that he had never felt before. He reacted quickly and in that instant, he used all his killing moves!

"You are resisting stubbornly, you are just a foolish human being!"

The chaotic vortex appeared again, and on the huge ceiling, dozens of extremely cold spears blocked all areas where the white fog might escape.

The terrifying bone spurs and annihilation parasites rushed towards the white fog in an instant!

A series of horrific attacks was enough to destroy the arena. The God of Wealth's strength had apparently exceeded the limits of the "rules" and could cause damage to the scene.

But it didn't know that the white fog had foreseen this scene long before it happened.

Under such a terrifying attack, Bai Wu had absolutely no chance of survival. In a sense, he was already dead at that moment.

Or maybe he didn't die, but survived in another way by relying on some object.

Soul watch.

This item, which can turn the wearer into evil, has become Bai Wu's last trump card.

Of course he could have worn the watch from the beginning, but unfortunately, his luck was not as good as last time. The value of the watch fluctuated randomly, and only when the value remained at 300 for a period of time would the white mist change into evil.

If he put on the watch too early, his opponent would just rush to kill him. He had to find a corner that could hide his opponent's sight and wait for the right opportunity.

And in the future foreseen by the Eye of Prell, only at this moment will the hands of the watch continuously hit the maximum value.

Bai Wu didn't know what kind of realm he would enter after becoming evil this time.

At first, his companion force was only at the second level, but after he turned into Evil Fall, he directly jumped to the seventh level of mutation.

Now he has a companion power beyond the ninth level, and the level of mutation after the evil fall is completely unknown. The most important thing is that all the entries that Bai Wu could not use before can now be used.

Vortex suction, elemental bombardment, countless parasites and bone spurs are constantly causing devastating damage to the area where the white fog is located.

But inexplicably, these attacks did not make the God of Wealth feel at ease. He was surprised at his own heart and even felt a little scared.

An unprecedentedly powerful aura enveloped the entire arena... and even the entire casino.

The flickering ceiling suddenly emitted an extremely dazzling light, as if countless stars had exploded, erupting with unimaginable power, shattering and twisting the space—

The huge and broken bone wings spread out, and a strange voice came from the ruins:

"Foolish human? When did you develop the illusion that I was just a human?"

(The anti-theft word count is 4220, the actual word count is 4721.)