Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 163: Revisiting the Wife's Manor


Ground floor of the tower, east square.

More than an hour has passed since Wujiu Baiwu and others entered the stone tablet.

Since Wujiu and Bai Wu had spent a long time exploring on previous occasions, the investigator in charge of recording did not think he could wait for the group to return before changing shifts.

His record-keeping work today was still boring, as most of the people coming and going were low-level miners who entered the mining area through the white stone tablet.

There are a few teams in the blue area, but in the eyes of this investigator, they are all average.

He thought today was another boring day with equality for all, until the red stone tablet suddenly glowed without any warning.

The investigator in charge of recording suddenly jumped up and became suddenly excited.

But what surprised him was that the six people who returned from the red stone tablet were completely different from the six people he thought.

The six people included four members of the town's imperial army, a miner and a noble.

The investigator looked confused.

The six people who came back from the casino were completely dumbfounded when they found out that they had come back from the red stone tablet...

Recalling the scene where the last humans fell like dominoes, they thought that it was some kind of powerful distortion term that was reaping everyone's souls. Being able to return to the tower was like a race against death and regaining their lives.

The reactions of these people were surprisingly consistent. They collapsed to the ground with their legs shaking unconsciously. They completely ignored the shocked expressions of the spectators around them and were completely immersed in the aftershocks of fear and terror.

The excitement in the East Square has not yet ended. A few minutes later, the red stone tablet lights up again!

The investigator fell into deep self-doubt. It was clearly six people who left the tower, so why did twelve people come back

The ones who came back from the stone tablet were Wujiu Baiwu and his group.

They were also surprised that they returned from the red teleportation stele this time, but their attitude was obviously different from the previous six people.

Lin Wu Rou was very puzzled.

Although the casino is a magical place, it is completely different from the areas we have explored before -

But in the final analysis, wasn't it just that Bai Wu used his ordinary wisdom to win the bets of a few noobs, had a fight with a noob evil, and ended the exploration of the ordinary blue area

Is this the red zone? That's it

Obviously, Lin Wu Rou chose to forget the powerful strength of the God of Wealth, and also chose to forget the way he was trembling with fear at the evil form of the white mist.

Without paying attention to the astonished looks of the crowd, Wujiu and Yin Shuang both realized that during this trip to the casino, they might have discovered the secret of how the Zhenyu Army could "mass produce" masters.

Before the great purge of the casino, they watched many humans die, and these casino service personnel, while they still had a lifespan, looked like old men who had served the casino for a long time.

Although Wujiu hated the casino itself, when he realized that these people might be forced to do so, he did not regard them as outliers.

They seem to be extremely devout to the casino, but when death comes, the fear on their faces is so real.

Compared to Bai Wu, Wujiu's reaction was more intense.

Some people gain sequence, lifespan, and power in this casino, while others are destined to lose sequence, lifespan, and power in this casino.

Who are the losers? Are they gamblers who came here, or are they “cargo” who have no right to choose at all

After all, the vanguard group had been following Wujiu for a while. Even with his silent back, everyone could feel that the captain was in a bad mood at the moment.

Lin Wurou thought about what she should say, but Wujiu was the first to speak:

"No one is allowed to tell anyone about what happened today."

Everyone was silent.

Bai Wu remembered the question he had asked the captain before. The captain's answer was very calm -

Don't think about these issues until you have the power to build a new system.

Although the captain said this, Bai Wu still caught the anger in his tone.

This not-so-tall man must have had the urge to run directly to the fourth floor and go to the square cone black tower where the commander of the Zhenyu Army was to question the commander of the Zhenyu Army.

But he couldn't do that.

Bai Wu guessed that the investigation report this time out of the tower would probably be like an elementary school student's composition, full of fabricated main themes.

But there is no doubt that what Cain had been trying to plant has begun to take root.

But Bai Wu didn't feel inferior. He had only been in this world for a short time, but he had already begun to hate the upper echelons.

The captain, who has lived in a high tower since childhood, must have seen more darkness.

In the next few hours, Wujiu and others began to do various finishing work for this investigation outside the tower.

First, the six people who escaped from the casino were detained in the interrogation room of the Investigation Corps.

Regardless, returning from the red zone is a big deal, and these six guys might reveal something that shouldn’t be revealed.

As for how to deal with these people, the ones who should have a real headache are Qin Zong and the commander of the Zhenyu Army.

In the next few hours, Wujiu and others began to do various finishing work for this investigation outside the tower.

Bai Wu did not participate in these tedious matters, and there would be no trouble with Yin Shuang around.

He left the group, without any rest, and directly applied for secondary authority to go to the third floor.

But this time, Bai Wu was not visiting Yan Jiu, he was looking for Ming Che.

While on the elevator, Bai Wu reviewed the investigation outside the tower.

The biggest gain is the improvement of the entire team.

The companion force is secondary. Before Bai Wu went to the second floor of the casino to talk to Jing Wu, he distributed the sequence obtained from the casino to everyone, including himself, according to their respective characteristics.

The circulation of the five elements, enhanced vision, iron armament, and double strength are considered a sequence of combat and perception attribute enhancement.

And a very advanced combat sequence, Talent Sequence 126: Counterattack without action.

When in defensive state, it is possible to cause true damage to the opponent equal to 100% of one's own strength.

Different from the principle of counter-injury, the damage of non-action counter-attack is linked to the player's own attributes. The most important thing is that this is the real damage of the weak point attack. And because there is no action, the opponent may be counter-attacked as long as he touches himself.

This sequence perfectly fits Bai Wu's current upgrade idea - strength and vitality.

Although Bai Wu himself didn't feel anything, but in the tower, in terms of strength in the following four levels, he was considered one of the top masters, and at this level, he was also outstanding.

Not only Bai Wu, Wu Jiu also obtained an extremely suitable sequence—Talent Sequence 400: Overload Form.

A talent that can temporarily enhance one of your abilities, but will reduce the other four attributes.

The effect of this talent is no worse than that of Extreme Shadow, but due to the huge side effects, it ranks lower.

But under the effect of ultimate balance, nothing is a problem and the side effects of this sequence no longer exist.

The purpose of the white mist is also very obvious, to make the short guy's thigh thicker.

Yin Shuang, Lin Wurou, Wang Shi, and Shang Xiaoyi also obtained the talent sequence.

Bai Wu did not keep most of the talent sequences for himself, because after comprehensive consideration, he found that these sequences did not bring much benefit to himself, but were more suitable for his teammates.

For example, Lilith's Calm Heart was available in the casino. Bai Wu gave it to Shang Xiaoyi, so that when Shang Xiaoyi saw Eduo, he would no longer act like a mad dog.

The main gain from this trip out of the tower is not just the sequence. The greatest treasure should be a bunch of distortion entries, but this is also what Bai Wu is most puzzled about.

After returning to the tower, all the powerful entries obtained in exchange for a large number of chips were gone.

He discovered a detail very early on. On the death flight, he became evil and possessed a rare distortion entry - Phantom Gaze.

But when he turned back into a human, he couldn't use this ability. In other words, as a human, he couldn't use the power of evil.

But as an evil being, he can use human powers.

Therefore, Bai Wu was not sure whether these disappeared distortion entries had completely disappeared like the Eye of Insight, or whether—

The next time I turn evil, I can use these powers again

The more he thought about it, the more Bai Wu looked forward to his next transformation.

The third floor was soon reached.

Bai Wu once heard a saying that a billionaire's nanny looks down on self-made millionaires.

The first few times he came to the third floor, taxi drivers were unwilling to stop for him. Even if they stopped a car, they had no desire to talk when they heard that it was going to the mental hospital.

But this time it was different. When Bai Wu said the three words Mingyu Zhuang, the driver instantly became an experienced driver.

The experienced driver smiled as an experienced driver should, held the steering wheel firmly, and chatted with Bai Wu about some topics related to the need to weld the car doors shut.

Mingyu Manor is a place that is very famous in the third-tier aristocratic circles. Even the people serving tea and water inside should not be underestimated, as they may be able to strike up a conversation at a critical moment.

The king's brother-in-law is the third highest official, and the prime minister's servant is the seventh highest official.

The white mist gave the driver the feeling that he was serving tea at Mingyu Manor. The driver was also very enthusiastic and wanted to have a chance to visit the Married Woman Manor, but Mingche did not entertain everyone.

Even if there were some prestigious nobles on the third floor, Ming Che might not bother to care about them if their wives were not pretty.

Of course, white fog is an exception.

He has neither noble status nor a wife, and during the mission to find Yan Jiu, Ming Che was very embarrassed to be told ntr in front of him by Wu Jiu. However, this noble young man of the Zhenyu Army obviously still misses Bai Wu very much.

This person's love for talents but inability to get them, as well as his love for other people's wives, is very similar to Cao.

After Bai Wu reported his name, a servant soon took Bai Wu to the study in the manor.

Mingyu Manor was not as good as the playhouse manor that Bai Wu had seen outside the tower, but it was also very unique. In terms of the entire third floor, it was luxurious enough.

Bai Wu speculated that even if Ming Che was not the ruler's descendant, the head of the Ming family must have a close relationship with a certain ruler.

In Mingche's study, when Bai Wu came in, Mingche smiled sincerely:

"I said something good would happen today, it turns out Brother Bai is here."

Bai Wu also laughed and said:

"It's been a while since I discussed the experience between men with Captain Ming. I'm free today, so I came to take a look."

"That's great. I just got a batch of good wine from Lilith Restaurant. Lilith Restaurant has been closed recently, so these wines are not available for purchase. Come, taste them with me. It is said that this wine is as delicious as the owner of Lilith Restaurant."

Ah this...

Mingche's words were obviously about the old pervert's interests, wine and women, but Baiwu wanted to laugh for some reason.

The reason why Lilith Restaurant was closed was because the restaurant owner was kidnapped by himself.

An old woman who has lived for seven hundred years, that doesn't mean she has endless aftertaste, that means she has too much aftertaste.

Bai Wu had no interest in Ming Che's wine. After chatting with Ming Che for a few words, he estimated that the atmosphere was about right and started to talk about the topic:

"Captain Ming, although you and I are in different camps, ever since I saw your henchmen last time, I knew that I would definitely make you my friend."

"Hahahaha, should I call someone over for you?"

"No hurry, no hurry. Let's talk about it tonight. Let's talk about it tonight. This time I came to see Captain Ming because I heard some news and wanted to confirm it with Captain Ming."

"what news?"

"To be honest, Captain Ming, my captain and I just came back from the red zone."

Mingche was shocked:

“You guys are back from the red zone again?”

"Well, this time we went to a place called Xuanhui City. After a fight, we encountered a humanoid evil being with intelligence. But what I am going to say next has nothing to do with this evil being, but with you, Captain Ming."

The red zone is very dangerous. What happened to the vanguard group of Team 7 when they returned from the red zone last time has always been a secret.

Now that he was able to learn some things about the red zone, Mingche was of course interested, especially since he had an inexplicable trust in Baiwu.

It was like two men who had developed a deep friendship by visiting a brothel. Of course, this was only the one-sided feeling of the High Tower Dawn.

"Interesting, you guys are investigating outside the tower in the red zone, how does it have anything to do with me?"

"Then I'll be frank. Before dying, the evil one revealed some information. He mentioned the Guide."

Bai Wu did not explain in detail, and when he mentioned the word "guide", he did not deliberately observe Mingche's reaction.

But he still felt Mingche's breathing become disordered at the first moment.

From this, he was convinced that what the man with a mustache in the casino said was true.

In Mingyu Manor, the guides will select some nobles and take them to places such as "The Kingdom of Women", "Gourmet Restaurant" and "Casino".

But is there any connection between Mingche and this guide

"I don't know what a guide is, but after asking, it told me that only by attending the gathering at Mingyu Manor can I find a guide. The guide can take people to a specific area."

I was originally wondering if it was a coincidence, but now I am sure that it is not a coincidence. The white fog is coming for the guide.

"What else did it say?" Mingche's face became serious.

This reaction was different from what Bai Wu expected.

"I thought Team Ming should know."

Mingche was not stupid, and he quickly realized that Baiwu must have misunderstood something. He said seriously:

"Brother Bai, to be honest, I am also looking for a guide."

Bai Wu remained unmoved and continued to look at Ming Che with a meaningful gaze. Ming Che also looked directly at Bai Wu and said:

"This is a legend in the aristocratic circle, an open secret. Among all the people who gather here, there will always be someone who receives an invitation from the Guide, some who disappear afterwards, and some who seem to have gone to paradise."

"Some of them even came to thank me and asked for the contact information of the guide. They wanted to go to some strange places again, but I didn't know who the guide was. I held a party every month, but I never found the guide at the party."

The white mist feels clear and doesn't seem to be lying:

"So the guide only screens targets at your party, but does not contact them directly? And the guide has never contacted you?"


It's interesting, things are getting suspenseful.

If Mingche is not the guide, then who is the guide? It is certain that the guide holds one of the seven traction wheels and can contact the merchant.

He is a "smuggler" active between the evil and humans.

But no matter what his identity was, Bai Wu was confident that it would not escape his eyes:

"I wonder when the next Ming team party will be?"

"In a week."

"I think Team Ming can invite me if Team Ming really wants to find a guide."