Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 164: Yin Shuang's invitation to leave the tower alone


When Mingche heard Baiwu was interested, he agreed immediately.

Bai Wu is smart, and this is what he values most about Bai Wu.

"No problem. Are you really not going to join our Zhenyu Army? Don't worry about the Survey Corps. I'll help you solve it. Although I won't take over the position of deputy leader like Wujiu in the future, to be honest, the fourth floor is boring. The happiest place in the entire tower is still the third floor. On the third floor, I have a lot of face."

Bai Wu said:

"Captain Ming, if we have similar interests, wouldn't it be better if I were in the Investigation Corps and you were in the Defense Corps?"

Mingche thought about this and it seemed to be true, but he also felt something was wrong.

This sentence is like saying, dear, as long as we truly love each other, it doesn’t matter if we don’t get a marriage certificate.

Pure friends naturally don't need any relationship as a guarantee. But Mingche and Baiwu are obviously not that close.

But Bai Wu didn't care, he was thick-skinned.

"The guide is hidden among the guests I invited. In fact, I can give you the list, and you can also investigate him privately."

"No, investigating the guide is only one aspect. I also want to see how many pretty girls there are at the party organized by Team Ming."

Mingche laughed loudly and gave Baiwu a look that said it all.

Next, Bai Wu chatted with Ming Che for a while, mainly because Ming Che wanted to know how dangerous the red area was.

Bai Wu was also talking nonsense, saying that any monster inside was a level nine mutant, and everyone was in danger of death again and again, all thanks to the captain holding a dagger and killing his way from East Street to West Street, and from the first floor to the twenty-fourth floor.

Mingche couldn't help but sigh after hearing this. Since ancient times, the strong have won the hearts of the people. His personal charm was ultimately no match for the dwarf's strength.

Bai Wu made up these stories not because he was bored, but also because he didn't want to leave too early. When it came to the topic of women, Bai Wu soon mentioned the case of missing girls from the lower class.

This is not a secret that must be kept hidden. Bai Wu really wants to see if he can get some information from Mingche.

But Mingche obviously couldn't provide much help in this case:

"To be honest, although we have a similar organization to you and we also have a security team responsible for investigating various cases, we only investigate cases involving nobles. We rarely pay attention to cases at the lower levels. We want to pay attention to them, but we can't. Brother Bai, you should know more about the lower levels than us. It's too chaotic down there."

Bai Wu did not deny it.

The public security in the grassroots is too poor and there are too many crimes every day. If it weren't for the fact that Shorty was plotted against by Cain and what happened to Liu Chengzi and her sister back then, he really wouldn't have noticed this case.

"Is this case special?" Ming Che was not stupid and knew the main point of every conversation with Bai Wu.

"There happened to be two friends inside, um... very beautiful friends."

The hint in the second half of the sentence was very obvious. Mingche thought to himself that it was okay. This kid was a very secretive person and he could answer two questions at a time.

"Okay, I'll keep an eye out for you. I'll ask around at other noble social events. There are some nobles who do 'shady business', some of whom I know. I'll see if I can find out anything."

In fact, Bai Wu knew that the real mastermind behind the scenes was most likely from the fifth floor.

On the day after defeating Lilith, Ai Sao changed into Lilith's clothes. The two had similar figures and left the Hongyuan production base.

On the way, she revealed Lilith's plan. If the rescue failed, she would be sent to a manor on the fifth floor.

But Bai Wu doesn't know any more clues yet. Who knows how many manors there are on the fifth floor

The information he learned from Mingche was very limited, so Baiwu didn't delay any longer. In his eyes, the noble young man was just a tool from the beginning to the end.

Of course, this tool man is not the initiator of any conspiracy, and does not have deep collusion with the black forces outside the tower. This is something that makes Bai Wu happy.

Perhaps he and Mingche could be friends, provided that he did not have too deep connections with higher-level rulers.

A week later, Bai Wu will be invited to join some kind of "large-scale old pervert" exchange club. He is quite looking forward to it.

But this week is enough for me to leave the tower again.

But before leaving the tower, I still have to meet some people I need to meet.


Bai Wu discovered that although this place was a world of madmen, he felt a special order every time he came here.

The two old men were always playing chess. Dr. Zheng was always being lectured by the nurses.

The fool with drool at the corners of his mouth always smiles at him. After reaching the sixth floor, the traverser is still trying to contact the Space-Time Association.

Bai Wu didn't knock on the door directly because there was a guest in Yan Jiu's room.

Since Liu Chengzi met Yan Jiu, she often came to Yan Jiu's place. It was not because Yan Jiu, as the daughter of a ruler, could give her a lot of gifts.

But a girl with a lot of thoughts and a girl with a simple mind are actually very compatible.

Especially teaching Yan Jiu how to seduce a man made Liu Chengzi feel very accomplished. She used to be self-admiring and always felt that she had amazing skills, but she suffered from the lack of recognition from the audience.

Now we have it.

Yan Jiu is simply her apprentice, but the styles of this apprentice and her master are completely different.

"If Bai Wu tells you now that he is leaving, you can't just ask him when he will come next time. Xiao Jiu, remember, you can't let yourself live like a resentful woman in the boudoir."

"But I want to know when he will come next time."

"You stupid little fool! You must always take the initiative in your own hands. It's not okay to wait for others to tell you when to come. First of all, you must learn to create opportunities, but the opportunities you create are also opportunities for the other party. Let me, your sister, teach you what you should do."

Liu Chengzi scored twice, and once again, unaware of the white fog's arrival, he began to teach Yan Jiu.

She treated Yan Jiu as a man, and then hugged Yan Jiu from behind. Yan Jiu opened his eyes wide, and although he realized that this was Cheng Zi's teaching, he still felt a little uncomfortable. After all, since he was a child, he rarely had such intimacy with others.

"Well, you should be careful outside and don't worry about me. I can be fine on my own. Ah... there's a couple discount for tickets to the amusement park the day after tomorrow, so I can only go alone at the full price. If I encounter something fun, I'll record it and tell you about it."

There was a hint of reluctance in Liu Chengzi's eyes, but it was more of a habit of loneliness. She said it to the man with a smile, without deliberate sadness or self-pity, but it made people feel distressed.

On the surface, this sentence does not seem to retain the man, but it reveals the plan to take the man out to play the day after tomorrow. It hints at the inner thoughts, but it also gives the man a chance, a chance to give the girl a surprise.

Of course, the essence of this operation lies in expression rather than words. Most men cannot resist using their understanding and kindness to cover up loneliness.

Yan Jiu was unable to comprehend this, she just felt that Sister Chengzi was so pitiful, and then she believed it and said:

"I'll go with you!"

"Bah! What do you mean by accompany me? I was just giving you an example! Next time Bai Wu leaves, you should tell him the same thing. Remember my facial expressions, gestures and eyes!"

Liu Chengzi is not pitiful at all. What she lacks the least is the company of a man.

Yan Jiu knew from the beginning that this was a lesson for her, but she still said:

"Sister Orange, if you don't have anyone to accompany you, just come find me. I can play with you anytime."

Yan Jiu said this very seriously. Seeing Yan Jiu's calm face, Liu Chengzi suddenly realized something -

This little girl couldn't laugh. Her smile was stiff and awkward. This technique of flirting with men was of no help to her at all.

Liu Chengzi suddenly thought of his two missing friends.

She knows too many men, and many of them will say to her, I will protect you like your best friend, but she knows the reality very well, and a kiss can test the truth of this statement.

Liu Chengzi hadn't felt such pure concern from a friend for a long time. She suddenly became proud and clapped her hands:

"Okay, stinky men are unreliable. Sister will come to see you often in the future."

Just at this moment, Bai Wu knocked on the door.

Liu Chengzi immediately had a bad feeling and his smile froze.

Sure enough, Bai Wu's finishing reply came from outside the door:

"Yan Jiu can't leave the asylum. You can change the couple discount at the amusement park to an art exhibition at the asylum. Also, as a member of the Survey Corps, I carry a secondary label, so I can't enjoy any discounts. Besides, we are friends, not lovers."

Hearing Bai Wu's voice, Yan Jiu opened the door and said like a little wife:

"You're back so soon."

"Well, this time the investigation outside the tower didn't take much time."

Although there are many secrets hidden in the casino, Bai Wu did not delay too long in those gambling games.

Yan Jiu didn't know what to say for a moment, she just looked at Bai Wu with wide eyes. Because of Bai Wu's previous request, she didn't deliberately put on a smile.

Liu Chengzi looked at the little girl staring at Bai Wu and suddenly felt that she was a little redundant. At the same time, she felt anxious for this girl who couldn't find a topic to talk about.

Fortunately, Bai Wu came prepared this time.

“I came to learn how to paint.”

"You? Drawing?" Liu Chengzi opened his eyes wide.

Bai Wu said:

"The camera can only be used so rarely that I cannot capture many of the views outside the tower. If I could paint as well as Yan Jiu, I might be able to bring you many more views outside the tower in the future."

Bringing back the scenery was one thing, but the main thing was that Bai Wu needed something like a portrait to record it.

The electronic equipment in the tower cannot be used outside the tower. Only spirit-hosting items can be used. But after thinking about his own faults, he realized that he already had a full talent sequence, but there were still so few spirit-hosting items. He didn't expect this to happen.

So he could only learn painting from Yan Jiu.

He was convinced that some of the paintings of scenes outside the tower, and even scenes inside the tower, would play some unexpected role in the future.

Because unlike photos, paintings can add many personal subjective elements.

People are always the most charming and confident when they are doing what they are best at, but facing Bai Wu's request, Yan Jiu was still a little nervous:

"Can I...can I teach you well?"

Bai Wu thought about this question seriously, and then answered humbly:

"So far, you are the best painter I have ever seen. If you have many students in the future, there is a 99% chance that those students will not be smarter than me. So the possibility that you can't teach me well is very low."

"Ohhh, okay."

"Then I want to learn it too! But I'll wait until Bai Wu is not around." Liu Chengzi suddenly spoke.

"Why?" Yan Jiu didn't quite understand.

Being able to do what you like with the person you like is probably the happiest time in your life. After removing the time spent eating, sleeping, daydreaming, working, and all kinds of meaningless or unhappy time, you will find that such opportunities are actually very rare.

But when a person is sad and desperate, only those rare memories will shine like the warm sun.

Liu Chengzi was tactful enough not to act as a light bulb. The light she gave to Yan Jiu was just a firefly, which could not be compared with the white mist.

The next three days were the happiest three days for Yan Jiu.

Creating is fun, but learning to create is a boring thing.

The more boring the task is, the more Bai Wu wants to finish it in one go, cleanly and neatly, without dragging it out for a long time.

For three consecutive days, he showed great momentum, which made Liu Chengzi and Yan Jiu have the illusion that he must really like learning painting.

So Yan Jiu also felt happy, although in her emotions, happiness meant not sadness.

In three days, Bai Wu had roughly completed the level from beginner to proficient. He was not yet a master, and there was still a considerable gap between him and Yan Jiu's level.

But because the learning time was too short, Yan Jiu felt Bai Wu's amazing talent.

This man is a genius, a genius who can learn anything very quickly. She was very surprised that Bai Wu's learning ability should not be unknown even if he is at the bottom.

People at the lower level will also be arranged to study. If someone shows great talent in studying, they will be noticed by the higher-ups and arranged to do some special jobs. This can be regarded as an alternative way of changing one's destiny through knowledge.

This requires extremely high talent, but Bai Wu is undoubtedly qualified. Yan Jiu remembered that Liu Chengzi said that Bai Wu was a beggar before.

This puzzled Yan Jiu, and he was also very curious about Bai Wu's childhood. How did he spend his childhood

Yan Jiu hadn't asked these questions, and Bai Wu never talked about his past when chatting with others.

After Liu Chengzi heard that Bai Wu had graduated from painting in just three days, she felt that this thing seemed very different from what she had imagined.

Although it looked complicated, maybe it wasn't that difficult? So she also started learning painting from Yan Jiu.

In the same three days, Liu Chengzi finally went from knowing nothing to understanding everything.

The difference between her and Bai Wu in painting skills is like one is an integrated graphics card and the other is an rtx3090, or one is simple lines and the other is extreme colors.

This made Liu Chengzi begin to doubt himself. It turns out that people really cannot be generalized.

During the three days that Bai Wu was learning painting, a big event happened in the Survey Corps—Wujiu was about to succeed as deputy commander of the Survey Corps.

Before there is the power to change the system, there are some things that you should not consider. Wujiu has always believed this. He is well aware of the chaos at the bottom and the corruption at the top, and he has always made changing these his life goal.

It's just that this time he succeeded the deputy commander of the Survey Corps, it wasn't because he suddenly made up his mind, or because he was stimulated by something during the last investigation.

It was Wujiu himself, and even Qin Zong, who felt that the time was ripe and appropriate. Although Wujiu was young, he was now suitable for contact with the management level.

This is naturally a happy event for the Survey Corps.

Bai Wu also felt that perhaps in the near future, he would be able to learn more about the fourth level through the captain.

Even touching the fifth level.

Everyone in the Survey Corps is busy, especially Team 7, where Wujiu once served. They now have to select a new captain.

Everyone was discussing what arrangements would be made by the higher-ups.

This is a very boring thing for Bai Wu.

Wujiu's promotion is a good thing for him, but he doesn't want it to affect his exploration outside the tower with the captain.

After learning to paint, with a few days left before Mingche's gathering, Bai Wu decided to go out of the tower to explore.

The captain was too busy and Qin Lin was still in seclusion during the misfortune. The only one who could accompany Qin Lin during the misfortune was the "Rebirth Man" Bai Xiaoyu.

So Bai Wu had no choice but to give up on them.

He originally thought that the four members of the vanguard group were also very busy these days and would have no time to leave the tower, so he could only leave the tower alone.

But what surprised Bai Wu was that Yin Shuang suddenly found him.

This usually taciturn ice beauty took the initiative to invite others out of the tower.

(Anti-theft word count 4240, main text 4557 words)