Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 166: The world on the phone


The darkness around her made Yin Shuang unable to sense where she was.

The voice of the person on the other end of the phone was different from Bai Wu's. He sounded younger, or even more youthful.

After hearing the words "Hello, my name is Bai Wu", Yin Shuang suddenly fell into doubt. It was this doubt that dragged her into this dark illusion, and then she felt great pain.

It was as if countless needles were piercing the nerve endings.

"If you answer incorrectly, don't let the pain cloud your judgment. You shouldn't get such a simple question wrong."

The middle-aged man's voice made Yin Shuang feel very gentle, but what she felt next was not gentleness, but worsening pain.

She wanted to open her eyes, but even moving her eyelids was painful.

What was going on? Why was he here? Why did a child say his name was Bai Wu

Where is the white fog

Many questions appeared in Yin Shuang's mind. She subconsciously used the Tree Calming Wind Breath, but it didn't work.

The pain she endured here had exceeded her tolerance limit, and the stillness of the trees and the wind only made her feel the pain more clearly.

"Minor pain can make people's thinking quicker. In order to relieve pain, the body will secrete various gain-type hormones, such as adrenaline. But let's think about the problem from a different angle."

The man's voice was still gentle and charming.

If it were another time, Yin Shuang would think that the owner of this voice was an academic researcher wearing glasses and with a gentle temperament.

She tried hard to open her eyes, and the face she saw was exactly what she had imagined.

"This uncle... looks like Bai Wu, but he seems more calm, composed, and approachable than Bai Wu."

She hadn't figured out the situation yet and didn't know who the pain she was feeling came from.

But this situation did not last long, and Yin Shuang's consciousness was once again scattered by the severe pain.

This was not the "minor pain" that the man mentioned. Even for a veteran of the Survey Corps like Yin Shuang, it was completely unbearable.

“Instead of thinking that when we are in pain, the body secretes various hormones in order to relieve the pain, why not think that the body desires to feel pain and is constantly secreting hormones to encourage us?”

“So in a sense, pain is your partner.”

"You have to adapt and feel it. The expression on your face is too ugly. You have to be happier at this time. Even if you are not happy, you have to pretend to be calm."

The needles were inserted into certain acupuncture points on Yin Shuang's face. The intense pain made her collapse at one point before she completely lost consciousness.

This time Yin Shuang finally saw that this kind-looking and elegant middle-aged man... was torturing himself.

Finally, she listened to the middle-aged man say:

"Bai Wu, you are such a failure. You disappoint me so much."

Yin Shuang fainted.

It is manifested in the fourth minute after answering the phone.

The fragmented consciousness in her mind formed a painful dream, in which she could not feel the intense pain that was like a thorn in her soul.

But the fear of pain remains.

She kept thinking back to the words "My name is Bai Wu"...

White mist...

"White mist..."

Bai Wu, who was originally preparing to go to another phone booth to answer a call, suddenly heard Yin Shuang's mumbling.

He turned around and made sure that Yin Shuang was still in a coma.

"Strange, she was calling my name because the scene in the dream was too dangerous? No... She never asked me for help before."

Speaking of which, Bai Wu felt that there seemed to be something wrong with Yin Shuang's behavior.

Should the phone have some special ability to allow people to enter some kind of spiritual fantasy

But Yin Shuang seemed to fall too fast...

Bai Wu didn’t know what Yin Shuang had experienced, otherwise he wouldn’t have had such thoughts.

This cannot be blamed on Yin Shuang. The pain she endured was unbearable even for Lilith, who was in a calm state.

The telephone booth on the left continued to make noises.

The white fog did not pass through the telephone booth. He waited for a while deliberately, and finally found that it seemed not to work. The person on the other end of the phone was very patient.

It’s like if you don’t answer the phone, you can keep calling until the end of time.

After waiting for two minutes, Bai Wu answered the phone.

"Hello, my name is Molly."

Judging from the voice, there was a woman on the other end of the phone. Her voice was shrill, as if she was singing some kind of folk opera that could make people shudder in the middle of the night.

There was no trace of human life on the streets at that time. A normal person would be somewhat scared when hearing such a ghostly sound.

Especially since this phone is a super-sensory phone, it can really make people feel a chill and fear.

But as we all know, not being afraid is the standard of the Survey Corps, at least that's what Bai Wu thinks:

"Where are you? Is that Molly the Molly of Moriah or the Jasmine of Jasmine? I can hear your voice sounding tearful. Did you encounter something sad? By the way, can you tell me the phone number? Which number did you call? What day is it there? How's the weather today? Is it night or day? Can you tell me the year, month and day?"

"My name is Molly..."

The voice on the other end of the phone became even more shrill, and Bai Wu frowned:

"My name is Bai Wu. Bai means white, and Wu means fog. I haven't encountered any sad things yet, but I have encountered some bad things. I am currently at the starting point of a certain street, using a telephone booth in the east direction. According to the Tower calendar, today is Wednesday, during the day. Okay, I have said everything I need to say. It's your turn now."

"My name is Molly..."

The voice became even more distorted, as if it was crying and laughing at the same time. Bai Wu was puzzled:

"Hello Molly, how can I help you?"

"Can we talk about something else? Anything is fine. Are you in the phone booth now?"

"At least tell me how to trigger the mission! Are you calling me just to hear you introduce yourself?"

"Hey, Xiaoli, are you still listening? Are you still here? It's okay, just say whatever you want, you don't have to answer my questions? Or are you a robot? A program? Is this area also a mechanical area?"

"… "

A busy tone sounded and the phone was hung up. It wasn't Bai Wu who hung up, but the person on the other end.

Bai Wu was very confused. What was going on? The note mentioned that he could only move forward after answering a super-sensory call.

Has this counted as the end of my phone calls? This question soon had an answer. Bai Wu discovered that a countdown timer appeared on the glass doors of all the phone booths - 6:59.

He quickly guessed the truth:

"Six minutes and fifty-nine seconds... This should be the time I can freely pass through the phone booth next time, but Yin Shuang did not get any time after making the call. It should be that the immunity was used to offset the negative status. What will happen if I take Yin Shuang forward?"

Bai Wu had no intention of letting Yin Shuang go back too early.

But now he was even more puzzled. Was Yin Shuang so weak? He didn't seem to feel anything when answering the phone.

Or is it that different calls actually have different levels of difficulty

Up to now, Bai Wu has not felt the so-called difficulty. He just thinks it is a bit rude for the other party to hang up the phone.

"It seems that we can only wait until she wakes up and ask her what happened."

He carried Yin Shuang on his back and walked past the phone booths. At this time, Bai Wu noticed that the time in all the phone booths was passing faster.

It used to be minus one per second, but now it has become minus two per second.

"I see. If two people cross the line, it means that the time deduction rate will double. This means that I actually only have more than three minutes to move forward."

The sound was still coming from the phone booth. Now Bai Wu could move freely for more than three minutes, which meant he had the right to choose.

Ahead was a row of telephone booths so densely packed that it seemed as if there was no end to them. Although not all of them made a sound, the ringing sound basically covered the entire street.

After thinking about it, Bai Wu came up with two feasible plans to pass the level:

"In three minutes, I can choose to keep moving forward, so that I can pass this street in a very short time and see what is at the end. But this is equivalent to speed running, which is just a show of skill and has no nutritional value."

"I also have the option of answering most of the calls and piecing together what exactly happened in the area through the phone."

After thinking about it, Bai Wu finally chose the nearest telephone booth and prepared to answer the calls one by one.

Picking up the receiver again, Bai Wu decided to ask fewer questions this time:

"My name is Pang Yu."

This time the caller was a man. His age was hard to tell, he could be anywhere from 18 to 30.

There was this strange tone again. If there really were ghosts in this world, then Pang Yu and Mo Li would probably be like those vengeful ghosts who died tragically, speaking weakly but with a long drawn-out tone.

"Oh, Lao Pang, I miss you so much!"

It should be okay to just get closer, right

"My name is Pang Yu!


It was like enduring some kind of intense torture. All the anger and unwillingness were contained in this roar. If it were someone else, they would be able to feel a creepy atmosphere at this moment.

But the white fog really can't be felt.

It was also obvious that because Bai Wu's answer seemed to lack some necessary emotions, he was unable to enter the scene on the phone.

Bai Wu thought about it seriously. Pao Xiao Ti? Could it be a netizen from 2011? I understand, and I started to respond.

"My name is Bai Wu!


"… "


The phone was hung up.

This time, Bai Wu found that he had more time. There were twelve minutes left on the countdown.

"Well, that's six minutes, but is it so difficult to communicate with me? I'm already trying very hard to answer the phone."

Seeing that Yin Shuang had not woken up yet, Bai Wu decided to take another call.

Arriving at the telephone booth, Bai Wu picked up the receiver for the third time.

"Big me...I'm so cold...My name is Wenhao."

If the other person spoke faster and with a more urgent tone, Bai Wu would think that he was asking for help, but now Bai Wu felt that he was a sleepwalking child, shouting weakly.

Thinking of the abnormal tone of the other party in the previous two phone calls, Bai Wu suddenly thought of something.

These people...are they all in some kind of pain, waiting for help

The notes mentioned calls that came across time and space. To me now, these people may have been dead for a long, long time.

Does this mean that the call I’m receiving right now is really a ghost call

Could it be that the reason these people speak with strange voices is simply because they have experienced a certain cycle countless times

"How can I save you?"

Perhaps because he finally felt a little sympathy for the child, Bai Wu soon discovered that the scene outside the telephone booth began to disappear like a puzzle, and then new pieces of the puzzle began to reconstruct the world.

This scene seemed to last for a long time, but it also seemed like only a moment.

When Bai Wu came to his senses, he found himself in an unfamiliar environment.

The whistle sounded, and he seemed to have come to the end of a street. At this moment, Bai Wu saw a huge cruise ship outside a magnificent port, which looked like a city on the sea.

Even in his previous life, Bai Wu had never seen such a huge marine mobile device.

The cruise ship is nearly seven hundred meters away from the port and is connected to it by a cross-sea bridge built along the port.

What is certain is that if the cruise ship starts moving, this 700-meter-long sea bridge will inevitably collapse.

At the entrance of the bridge, there are many soldiers armed with guns stationed there. The entrance is equivalent to a ticket gate and a ticket is required to take the boat.

There was a long queue outside the port, and Bai Wu was in the queue at this time. In front of her was a family of three who were having their tickets checked.

It would soon be his turn to board the ship.

"Everyone must have a ticket! No one is allowed to pass without a ticket! You are a family, but there are only two tickets, so one person is left."

The person in charge of checking the tickets was very indifferent. Everything on the Ark Cruise has been carefully calculated. It is a cycle of the human marine ecosystem.

Therefore, the initial population size must also be precisely controlled.

The people arguing with the ticket inspector in front of Bai Wu were Wen Hao and his family of three.

They were only seven hundred meters away from the giant cruise ship that seemed to represent hope and the future, but now the family was faced with a choice.

Two tickets, three people. Only two people can walk on this cross-sea bridge, and the remaining person has to stay in this city where resources may be running out.

Wenhao's parents begged the ticket inspector to allow their twelve-year-old child to enter.

Their cries were very mournful, but there was a long queue behind them, and countless people were waiting to get on board.

These shouts at the top of their lungs seemed so insignificant.

This scene was perfectly normal for the ticket checking officer, and he was already indifferent to it.

"Two tickets, only two people can enter. The people before us got here this way, so you better hurry up, we have to finish loading Area A before tonight. Don't keep everyone waiting here because of your family of three!"

"I'll only give you twenty seconds! Otherwise, get out of here!"

This may seem inhumane, but it is also the most efficient thing to do at a time when order is most needed. Although the ticket inspector's actions caused dissatisfaction among many people, it also made the entire boarding process much smoother.

At this moment, the joys and sorrows of all human beings are actually more or less the same, because many people in the queue at the back only have one or two tickets.

They brought their families with them, hoping that they would not be abandoned until the last moment.

But if the so-called utopia only has that much space, all the warmth that has gone before will end up in a cruel scene.

Wen Hao's fate was clearly known. When Bai Wu looked at him, the following comment popped up in his eyes:

Title: Lonely Harbor. Content: The sea breeze in the harbor is cold, my tears are icy, I long for lightning and thunder at night, so that I won't hear the terrible biting sound, the night is beautiful, my parents have gone far away, no one is waiting for me on the endless sea - Author: Handsome Eyes. You also saw that his obsession is floating in this city, but unfortunately you have some problems with empathy and can't feel it~ You can try to help it, or kill it directly, or take it to a safe place? Or give it a future that has never been realized

Bai Wu probably understood.

The voice coming from the phone can pull people's consciousness into a certain scene, feeling the experience of the person on the other end of the phone.

It seems that Yin Shuang must have experienced someone's pain and fell into a coma.

But why through a telephone booth

Without thinking too much, Bai Wu looked at the cruise ship in the distance and found that the notes given by the Eye of Prell were similar to those on both sides of the street before, but there was also an additional hint:

It's just a useless set piece. You can't really get into the ship through this scene. Friendly reminder - whatever you lose here will be restored after you hang up the phone.

Bai Wu already had an idea, and the hint from the Eye of Prell made the answer clear.

The props consumed here will not be truly consumed as long as you return to the world outside the phone booth.

And it was in this manor that Bai Wu once got a boat ticket.