Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 170: Remove original sin


In the hazy blood mist, the huge monster continued to use various destructive means.

These distorted entries are all perfect-level entries. They may not carry some kind of eternal or original power like the legendary entries, but they have absolute destructive power.

Countless coalition forces launched charges, but all they received in return were tragic deaths.

The blinding lightning was like a sweeping battle axe, and broken limbs and body parts were scattered all over the road leading to the giant monster.

Just like in the monster movies in the previous life, the huge monsters in the movies are not afraid of any means of attack from humans.

The only ones who can punish monsters are superheroes or... other monsters.

It seems that the meaning of human existence is just to highlight how powerful this monster is.

Although this was just a world of obsession, Bai Wu still couldn't stand this suicidal charge. He wanted to say something, but suddenly heard another person say:

"Captain Gu... stop charging... we are no match for them. Maybe we... have another way out?"

This person is the captain of the fourth squad of the Zhenyu Corps, and his companion power is at the second stage of the fifth level.

The captain of the fourth squad clenched his fists tightly, his eyes were red, and he watched his team members charge suicidally. The fluctuations on his emotional watch were approaching the red value.

There was no fear, just pure grief.

Bai Wu thought about it and decided that he had to first figure out what Gu Hailin’s obsession was.

At present, it seems that the monster was killed and the team was rescued... But there is a big contradiction here -

He was sending his men to their deaths.

This is not difficult to analyze, but what is unimaginable is that none of the coalition soldiers who launched the charge looked back.

They were also eager to die. Whether they were the Suppression Army or the Investigation Army, it seemed that there was only one thing they could do at this moment... Kill the monster, or be killed by it.

Although I was not on the front line, the white fog gave me a strong sense of déjà vu.

The soldiers of the coalition forces are like facing a fortress that must be captured. It has great strategic significance. As long as this fortress is captured, mankind will have a bright and beautiful future, which allows them to charge forward without hesitation.

Gu Hailin didn't turn his head:

"Don't you understand our situation? We have no way out. Captains, get ready. The guys below are already waiting in Huangquan. We will be the next one."

At the front line, in the ruins of the city, the elite troops of the coalition forces continued to die tragically. Hundreds of them were brutally killed by Hydra almost every few seconds.

The gigantic monster was not using its full strength at all and was merely playing with its weak prey.

Bai Wu was also certain that the strength of the Survey Corps and the Guardian Army ninety years ago was not much higher than it is now.

What they are facing is the monster in the red zone, and it is very likely that a single monster is so powerful that it can support the red zone.

This battle was simply a one-sided massacre.

"Seventh Brother! Prepare the horses!"

Prepare the horse? Fresh words, Bai Wu looked at the Seventh Old Man mentioned by Gu Hailin.

Captain of the Seventh Division of the Survey Corps, the dwarf's former ...

Bai Wu remembered the description of this sequence on the sequence list, which was that it was able to summon companions who were good at charging into battle. The more fearless they were, the faster and more powerful their charge would be.

Only at this moment did Bai Wu truly experience the specific effects.

There were a total of twenty-four sturdy war horses formed of black energy, and they looked like they were burning with black flames.

The captains of the two allied armies rode on their black war horses, which neighed and raised their front hooves, eager to fight.

The final charge was about to begin. The captain of the Seventh Squad of the Investigation Corps was right next to Gu Hailin, and they were running side by side.

Gu Hailin turned his head, and Bai Wu saw his sharp eyes and resolute face. This legion commander had the iron-blooded temperament of a true soldier, but perhaps because he was too rogue in his daily life, Gu Hailin gave people the feeling of being majestic but not overly frightening.

Bai Wu guessed that he should be playing the role of one of the warriors going to the red zone, but probably an assistant.

Although it was Gu Hailin who called, just like the previous two times, he did not directly identify himself as the caller like Yin Shuang did.

There were three waves of charge. Half of the team members launched the first charge to distract the monsters. The second charge was launched by the Iron Cavalry formed by the captain. With the help of Ikki Tousen, they killed the Hydra at the fastest speed. Finally, the healers and assistants who were not good at frontal combat launched the third charge.

They are all the most powerful humans in the tower, but no one can be truly calm in the face of death.

It was just the grief and anger in their hearts that made this group of people determined to die.

Gu Hailin said loudly:

"Let's write off all the past grudges! Two days ago, although we had the same mission, belonged to the tower and were divided into two camps, now we are no longer the Guardian Army, no longer the Survey Army, our lives belong only to ourselves!"

"Okay! Let's let bygones be bygones!"

The squad leaders of the coalition forces responded one after another.

Gu Hailin raised his right hand.

Bai Wu noticed what he was holding in his hand, which was the return roulette.

"After today's battle, we are destined to be buried in history, but this battle represents our stubbornness and dignity as human beings! We cannot escape, and there is no way to escape. The world is vast. Who stipulates that human beings can only curl up in a high tower?"

"Fuck the tower! I wish there really is a netherworld in this world. We will wait for those bastards to come down in hell, and we will also see the vast territory that belongs to humans in hell!"

"Brothers, follow me and charge! Use the life of that monster to vent our anger!"

The determined shout echoed throughout the world shrouded in red fog.

Bai Wu saw the astonishing move. The captains of the coalition forces, like Gu Hailin, picked up the return wheel in their hands.

Smash it down hard!

It's like a gangster drinking the beheading wine before his death, or like a soldier fighting a desperate battle!

At this moment, the return roulette wheels were all smashed to the ground beside the horse's hooves, and no one looked back.

At this time, even without the need for the Eye of Prell to pop up a note, Bai Wu understood what was going on.

The empty feeling welled up inside again, and his index finger curled unconsciously.

The truth behind that disastrous defeat ninety years ago... turns out to be this.

No wonder the entire army was wiped out. No wonder there was not even anyone to tip off the enemy, because they couldn’t come back at all!

The two armies joined forces, hundreds of nearly a thousand elite fighters from the tower, and 90% of the entire tower's strength went all out to the red area in an attempt to bring humanity's exploration of the outside of the tower into a new era.

But the return wheel they were equipped with was a fake.

At this moment, perhaps because of a very slight feeling of empathy and a slight regret, Bai Wu seemed to have witnessed the tragedy of the previous two days.

This group of passionate elites, under the instruction of the top leaders of the tower and driven by their inner desire for achievements and freedom, came to the red zone.

But the biggest enemy they faced came from inside the tower. All the return wheels were unusable.

This might be an incredible thing, but Bai Wu had no doubt that in the darker and more desperate environment ninety years ago, the managers and even the rulers would really carry out a major purge of the tower's combat power for some reason.

The probability of this happening is very high. The conspiracies in the story are often full of intrigue, just like what people think of as business war novels, walking on the edge of the law without getting involved; but the real business war content is hiring people to grab the official seal, the chairman climbing over the wall to take pictures, and the CEO being poisoned by the water dispenser.

Reality is totally illogical. No one knows why the rulers wanted to kill all the elite forces of the tower.

In two days, the allied soldiers were first crushed by the giant monster Hydra.

As the strongest force in the tower, they felt for the first time the almost insurmountable power between humans and evil.

Some people were so frightened that they wanted to quit, while others were heartbroken after seeing their close friends die. But they had no way out.

The road leading to the tower has been blocked, and the coalition forces have only two choices - escape from the area and wander in the world outside the tower.

Or fight a desperate battle with this monster.

The latter was naturally seeking death, and killing the monsters in the red area was the intention of the tower. They probably hated the tower so much at the time that they should have chosen the former no matter how they looked at it.

In order to save the lives of his soldiers, Gu Hailin did choose the former, but Bai Wu had already foreseen it.

Not everyone is as lucky as Brother Short. During his 24 days of survival, he encountered some non-fatal negative attributes.

In less than two days, many soldiers in the coalition died due to various negative attributes.

After being betrayed by the top leaders of the tower, everyone was depressed. They were no longer the heroes that people expected to return, but were just like those criminals who were exiled from the tower for capital crimes... abandoned pawns.

The more terrible effect of the negative attributes of being abandoned, frustration and anger is that these warriors who sacrificed their lives and shed their blood will have their mentality broken and become evil.

In two days, some people died due to negative attributes, and some people became evil because of negative emotions.

The tower was slow to send help... and they finally realized one thing - there was no choice.

Because all choices have only one result - death.

In the past two days, their understanding of the tower and the world has undergone a huge change. It is precisely this change that made Gu Hailin make an important decision at such a desperate moment -

Kill the Hydra.

He gave a passionate speech, asking people to choose to die in mediocrity as sinners, or to choose to die in a battle with monsters for the light of mankind.

The reason for the fight was no longer the same as before. Fighting against the giant Hydra again was just to prove to future humans that the Red Zone was not invincible.

From this moment on, this group of warriors finally found a reason to hold on. Not for the tower, but for the human race to be able to walk out of the tower one day!

"We may die... and no one may even know about our death. But rather than becoming evil or dying in mediocrity, we might as well pick up our guns and mount our horses and kill our way out! In the future, our bones will prove to the world that we have fought, we have resisted, and we have never surrendered!"

Most of the coalition forces were young men, and the passion in their bones might have been dampened by the cruel life at the bottom, but between life and death, after witnessing the tragic death and degeneration of their companions, no one chose to avoid fighting.

They were the first group of brave men who represented the Tower to march into the red zone, but at this moment, this group of people became warriors fighting for humanity to get out of the Tower.

This is how the scene that Bai Wu sees now happened.

All the soldiers were meeting death heroically... During the entire process, no one even looked back, because in the past two days, all the fantasies of being able to go back had been shattered.

The warhorse neighed again.



The twenty-four squad leaders roared and issued orders. The war horses like black flames stamped their hooves and rushed forward at an incredibly fast speed, carrying the twenty-four strongest people in the tower ninety years ago!

The captain of the Survey Corps' Seventh Squad, who was the most timid, was leading the way, and his position was second only to Gu Hailin.

Gu Hailin raised the steel spear in his hand, like an ancient knight roaring to defend his honor!

Under the effect of Ikidushou, each squad leader was incredibly fast. They were like arrows, rushing into the attack range of the Hydra in an instant.

The suicidal charge of the coalition elite finally gave the captains a chance to hit the monster!

The Hydra was surprised at the speed of the human's attack, and also felt a little threatened.

The human being at the front suddenly disappeared.

Even with dynamic vision that humans cannot achieve, it did not see the man's movements at all.

Talent sequence 59, Shadow.

This was Gu Hailin's surprise attack! With the help of Yiqidoutian, he rushed to the front and entered the teleportation range. His figure appeared directly on the forehead of one of the Hydra's heads.

The steel spear stabbed hard at the center of the Hydra's eyes. The entire action was done in one go, from launching the charge to assassinating, as if it only took a blink of an eye!

“So strong.”

This was the strength of the fastest man in the tower ninety years ago. Bai Wu looked at this scene and unconsciously compared this man with the captain.

But in the next scene, something surprising happened to him.

Gu Hailin's steel spear was unable to penetrate the hard skin of the Hydra. His action seemed to have angered the playful monster.

Horrifying thunderbolts descended from the sky, and meridian-like lava paths began to appear on the earth.

Thunders of destruction fell one after another, and the time for the human coalition to die was shortened at this moment.

Gu Hailin turned around subconsciously and saw the captain of the Seventh Squadron of the Survey Corps... being hit head-on by the golden lightning punishment.

Then the captain who was leading the charge fell to the ground like lava, and his body quickly burned...

The captain of the Survey Corps' 7th Division was killed.

Soon after, many once prominent figures died in the charge.

The captain of the Survey Corps' 12th Division was killed.

The captain of the Survey Corps' 4th Squad was killed.

The captain of the first squad of the Zhenyu Corps was killed.

The furious Hydra displayed a strength that made everyone despair. Even so, these captains... continued to face death one after another.

Just like the dead soldiers before.

Gu Hailin's eyes were red and he was cursing. This resolute man shed hot tears as he continuously stabbed the already curled spear at the Hydra.

Even if they won, there would be no one to witness it. The original purpose of all this was to make them die, and they even knew that there was no chance of winning.

But this group of people still chose to die. They completed a transformation from seeking answers from top leaders to seeking answers for themselves.

Can humans really walk out of the tower? The price of getting the answer is too high.

Watching countless soldiers die, Gu Hailin let out a desperate wail.

What the spear was piercing was no longer the head of the Hydra, but the wall that imprisoned freedom that people had wanted to cross in their hearts but dared not to cross for more than 600 years.

The wall was too thick. In the last moment of his life, Gu Hailin used all his strength to stab the wall, but he was unable to leave any mark on it.

The mournful cries of killing on the battlefield finally made Bai Wu understand what Gu Hailin's obsession was.

"It can't be the Evil Fall. To defeat this monster, I must be a human. I can't come to rescue them on behalf of the Tower. They don't crave rescue from the Tower... but from another camp."

The third round of charge was launched.

All medical staff and auxiliary personnel also began to rush to the death zone. Bai Wu was at the end of the crowd.

He did not feel any sadness, anger or despair, he just walked towards the Hydra calmly.

The final round of charge will be the end of this brutal battle. Because of the telephone booth, Bai Wu becomes the only witness.

Unlike other support and treatment personnel who charge, he does not have any support and treatment methods—

He only had a knife.

Even when fighting against the God of Wealth in the casino, he was reluctant to use this knife, even though it was just a replica.

But even if this scene was not an illusion, and even if the knife could not be obtained outside the phone booth after using it, Bai Wu pulled out the knife without hesitation - original sin.