Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 172: The emergency telephone number of the shelter


Gu Hailin, the remnants of his coalition forces, and the entire world began to disintegrate into pieces.

Bai Wu looked at the sky light that was becoming brighter and brighter in his consciousness and closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he glanced at Yin Shuang, and Yin Shuang was also looking at him.

"It seems that you have also solved the obsession in this phone booth."

"Yes, golden customer service is not something you say casually."

Phone booths are disappearing.

Bai Wu checked his backpack first.

Well, the mask, the ticket and the knife, all are there and intact.

As mentioned before, in the telephone booth scene, the use of various props will not cause real damage, and after returning to the world outside the telephone booth, everything will be restored.

So this is why Bai Wu feels that the conclusion of the eyes is very mysterious, although it looks like he has changed something.

But since his props didn't disappear, how could he really change history

Thinking about it this way, Bai Wu felt that the remarks were a bit mysterious.

He would have more concerns, and would always find the logic behind certain things to draw conclusions. But the world outside the tower... was not a logical world.

The surrounding telephone booths fell silent again.

Bai Wu looked at the time and found that there was still enough time for him and Yin Shuang to walk a long distance.

In the following time, the two of them just walked and talked, walking very fast and talking very slowly.

Unconsciously, the white fog had walked from the first telephone booth to the end of his sight.

But even with enhanced vision, he still couldn't see the end of the road. Bai Wu just found that the road was no longer absolutely straight, and the road full of telephone booths had a certain curvature.

So subconsciously, a huge circle appeared in Bai Wu's mind, as if this road would eventually connect end to end, forming a closed loop.

Finally, there was a faint sound of a telephone in the distance.

Yin Shuang said:

"Why do I feel like this road has no end? We have been walking for so long, but we can't see the end at all. Compared to the casino, hospital and manor we explored before, this area seems to be much larger."

"Not really. In fact, from the perspective of layout and construction, this telephone booth road will make you subconsciously ignore the scenery on both sides. So strictly speaking, this area is a line. The line is indeed very long, but if it is paved into a surface, this area is not very large."

Yin Shuang took a look and found that it was true.

The buildings on both sides look like a long-abandoned city, while the telephone booths and roads have a completely different style from an abandoned city.

"You said these phone booths were transformed by those obsessed people?"

"It's hard to say. Perhaps it was some extremely powerful creature that did it. Although it just allows us to go back to the past to dispel our obsession, it is not easy to know what happened in the past. This at least involves the distortion of some rules of time and space."

Bai Wu was also wondering who built the telephone booth.

This answer could not be discussed with Yin Shuang, and could only be found through answering the phone and reaching the end of the road. He actually had some ideas, but they needed to be verified.

Deep down, Bai Wu was not inclined to believe that these telephone booths were the result of the obsession of Lin Rui, Wen Hao, and Gu Hailin.

The telephone symbolizes a connection, and the telephone booth is just a gateway.

All this should be a metaphor.

The area is a food city, and the time span is very large, which means that the person who built the phone booth had a long life and was a witness.

Perhaps the obsessions collected by this witness are far from limited to Food City, but due to certain restrictions, the calls he received within the territory of Food City can only be the obsessions of certain people in Food City.

Bai Wu recalled what happened in the previous three scenes and was sure that except for the situation where Wen Hao's family was denied boarding, which had many onlookers, there were no other onlookers in the other two situations.

The only people who knew that Lin Rui was eaten by a lizard and that all the coalition forces died heroically were the participants in the story.

So Bai Wu guessed that the owner of the telephone booth had some powerful ability to know the past and the future.

It must be able to live for a long time, have great power, and know almost everything.

After preliminary deduction, Bai Wu had a candidate in mind, but he didn't know if he could see her in this area.

"I can't sense the evil breath. To be honest, when you answered the phone, I couldn't even sense your breath." Yin Shuang said.

“That’s an interesting discovery.”

"Come to think of it, it feels like a lot of time has passed. During the first phone call, I felt like time was very long, but in reality, it seems like we haven't been in this place for very long."

Although it was just one phone call, Yin Shuang did feel like a long time had passed.

Bai Wu nodded and smiled:

"I looked at the time. In fact, less than an hour has passed. It feels like I'm training in a spiritual time chamber. I should have called the captain earlier. He must think it's worthwhile to work overtime here."

"What is the Spirit Time Room?"

"This room has a special time-space rule where one year is inside and one day is outside. It's very suitable for cartoonists who work overtime or love playing mahjong."

Yin Shuang didn't quite understand what he said, but Bai Wu seemed to be in a good mood.

"Is there any story worth telling about the phone call you just received?"

"Yes, but it's not the time to tell you yet."

"Historical secrets?"

Bai Wu did not answer. At the moment, his thinking was the same as the captain's. Before there was the power to develop a new system, some things should not be made known to others too early.

Seeing that Bai Wu did not respond, Yin Shuang tactfully changed the question:

"If those events in the phone booth had really happened, would you expect someone to call you?"

“That’s a good question.”

It hasn't been long since Bai Wu traveled to the body of the little beggar in the tower, but he already felt that he had experienced a lot of things.

If you could choose someone to call to dispel your obsession, who would you choose

The phone call was far away, and he had plenty of time to walk to the next phone booth. He thought about this question seriously:

"If I don't consider whether I can do it or not, I think I will receive a lot of calls. Although this place cannot change the past history, at least I can comfort myself that in another world, they have a different ending."

Yin Shuang didn't say anything and listened carefully.

Although Bai Wu's tone at this moment was the same as usual, there was a gentleness in it that perhaps even he himself was not aware of.

"I want to receive a call from a professor named Tao, telling him that the savior exists, and that his only friend, Lao Xie, has just gone to the tower to find a way to explore the origin of the apocalypse from another angle."

Yin Shuang had no idea who Professor Tao was, who Old Xie was, or what happened between them. She just felt that there was a rare regret in Bai Wu's tone.

"It would be best if I could receive a call from a woman before she is hurt by a scumbag, so that she can live on in a human body and choose the dog who may not be well-educated but has a sincere heart. Although in this way, I will have one less friend in the reality of a certain world. But maybe that friend will not be as emotionally incomplete as me."

Yin Shuang still couldn't understand. She was very curious. How much had Bai Wu experienced when he left the tower? Obviously, this person... had only left the tower for the first time two months ago.

"Well, these things have no priority. I also want to receive a call from a fool named Lou. I will ask him to take his dog and stay away from the zoo. It's okay for one person and one dog to pick up scraps in the apocalypse. People are evil, and dogs are their best friends. By the way, his taste in choosing a girlfriend is the worst I have ever seen. It can be compared with the woman above in choosing a man."

"Also, it would be nice if I could let a little girl meet her grandmother and comb her hair. But if I really go back to the past, I would definitely have to do more than that. But if I do that, in that parallel universe, I will no longer have a big leg in the mine."

Thinking about the tragedies of many good people he had experienced, Bai Wu said to himself:

“There are many regrets in life, and we ourselves cannot even handle them. The regrets of others can only be treated as stories.”

Yin Shuang was more or less clear about Bai Wu's social life in the tower. Because the captain paid special attention to Bai Wu, it could be said that he basically turned all the unknown people around Bai Wu into his own people.

Liu Chengzi became an investigator of the Investigation Corps, and even Ye Weiming was assigned to the interrogation team.

Then there were Bai Xiaoyu and Qin Lin, who Bai Wu had previously favored. As long as the captain felt that anyone was close to Bai Wu, he would allow them to join the Investigation Corps.

So she was sure that the people Bai Wu had just mentioned were not from the tower.

Thinking of this, she realized the huge gap between herself and Bai Wu in analytical ability.

At most, I can give some suggestions, but Bai Wu seems to be different. His script seems to be more detailed than anyone else's. It is so detailed that every time he leaves the tower, he seems to be able to investigate the causes and consequences of all events in the area.

She still doesn't know how Bai Wu and the captain walked out of the manor gate, and why the other families are still trapped in the manor.

Perhaps each investigation was just an investigation for everyone else, but for Bai Wu, it was a complete story that happened seven hundred years ago

Bai Wu looked at Yin Shuang who was lost in thought and said:

"If you have any trouble, you can tell me. We have exchanged some secrets."

Yin Shuang shook her head slowly:

"You are someone I can trust."

He could be trusted, but he chose not to say it out loud. Bai Wu understood what Yin Shuang meant, so he nodded and said no more.

The two of them were walking and talking, and soon they arrived at the telephone booth where the ringing sound came from.

"I always feel like the more calls I answer, the longer it takes to get the next one. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing."

Yin Shuang did not comment. She looked around and entered the perception state again. Bai Wu did not think much about it. In the large area around, only this telephone booth was ringing.

He picked up the receiver.

A little different from before, the sound this time was a bit messy, as if some signal band was interfered with.

Bai Wu frowned and was the first to speak:


There was a buzzing sound coming from the receiver, and the sound of electricity had a certain impact on Bai Wu's hearing.

"Hey, is anyone listening?"

"Hello… "

Bai Wu vaguely heard a voice, a woman's voice. The voice was vague and made Bai Wu feel like the other person was crying.

Bai Wu was also very patient. After the first two failed experiences, he decided that he should not speak easily. These "obsessions" were very fragile and he would hang up the phone if he disagreed with something.

"Well, no matter what the other party calls me, I will definitely not be wrong if I think about my pot in advance."

Bai Wu has begun to look for his own negative emotions, but the problem is that the woman on the phone just said hello.

He was wondering why this call was interfered with so strongly.

As your personal secretary, I have to give you a warning. I feel something very uncomfortable. You'd better make a decision now. Either hang up the phone or put on that broken watch as soon as you enter the scene. Although it has snatched my MVP twice, your life is more important!

The Eye of Prell will only continue to give hints about the future when it is in a bound state.

Normally, the eyes seem to be able to predict the future, but they cannot tell the host.

Suddenly this note popped up, and Bai Wu guessed that the area they were heading to this time was extremely dangerous.

He was determined to go in and take a look, but he also decided to follow the notes and put on the watch directly after entering the area.

"welcome… "

“Come… here.”


"mine… "




The voices of a man and a woman were heard. The woman's voice was extremely shrill, while the man's voice seemed quite gentle.

Bai Wu opened his eyes wide. Although the words sounded intermittent, he could still tell that something was wrong. His mind instantly combined the sounds he had just heard.

"Hello, welcome to the shelter."

“Save my child.”

Before this call, most of the calls Bai Wu received were for help. They were somewhere in the food city, waiting for others to save them.

But this phone call... there was another voice.

Several thoughts flashed through his mind.

"Two obsessions? No..."

"Women have a certain obsession, but this man... it's like he heard my voice and invited me."

The world around him began to dissolve like a puzzle, and Bai Wu decided to go into the phone booth again to take a look.

At the same time, Yin Shuang discovered something wrong.

"Bai Wu, hang up the phone. This call seems different from the previous ones."

Seeing that Bai Wu did not respond, Yin Shuang thought about pulling Bai Wu out by force, but once the door of the telephone booth was closed, she found that it was like a scene, and even with her sixth-level companion power, she could not open it at all.

Bai Wu did not hear Yin Shuang's voice, but he also knew that this area should not be underestimated.

What really made Yin Shuang feel uneasy was that after Bai Wu answered the phone, black mist appeared in the receiver.

Like the scenes in many horror movies, there seemed to be some evil hidden in the phone.

However, what Bai Wu saw was completely opposite to what Yin Shuang saw.

When the world was constructed, the world that Bai Wu saw had nothing to do with horror.

The bright sunshine shone on the garden, several kites were flying in the sky, and the laughter of children could be heard.

In the distance, church bells could be heard. Children wearing similar hospital gowns were leaning against a tree, reading books, and other children in similar clothes were running and chasing each other on the lawn.

The buildings in the distance were all in Western Vatican style. For a moment, Bai Wu thought he had arrived in the suburbs of the capital of the country that surrendered the fastest.

It was like a farm in a western country in his previous life, with a large lawn and sparsely distributed buildings. But there was a tall wall in the distance, and the scenery outside the wall was invisible due to the white fog. He sent out his perception, but there was no dangerous aura.

At first glance, Bai Wu felt that this place was like a paradise.

This farm can probably accommodate hundreds of people, and it has places for study, churches for pilgrimage, places for eating, and places for rest.

There are water sources, orchards, vegetable gardens and livestock farms.

"This is strange. Whether it's the abnormal voice on the phone or the warning in the eyes, it means that this place is extremely dangerous."

The more peaceful this place looked, the more alert Bai Wu became. He already had the soul-sending watch in his backpack in his hand.