Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 173: Beautiful refuge


Bai Wu didn't put on his watch immediately, but a bell rang from a building in the distance, and all the children playing on the lawn cheered.

He looked at his hands. He was also playing a child this time. But he thought he was the most transparent one among the children.

Bai Wu wore the same style of clothes as all the other children. It seemed like a scene from a game. Although he wore a uniform very similar to the hospital gown he wore in his previous life, he did not have any disease.

At first glance, these children are the same, lively and healthy, and you can even feel that some of them are very smart.

Bai Wu noticed that the child leaning against the big tree reading a book was called "The Silence of the Lambs".

This is definitely not a book for children to read. The child under the big tree read it very seriously. The children around him heard the bell ringing and subconsciously thought of delicious food. They ran to the cafeteria happily, but he didn't.

He just slowly closed the book and then revealed a weird smile. Then the weird feeling gradually disappeared and his smile gradually became like that of other innocent children.

If the previous area was too far back, allowing you to see the tragedy of ninety years ago, then this one is too far the time when Food City was not yet called Food City. By the way, this dead kid is annoying.

Without knowing who this child was for the time being, Bai Wu soon noticed one thing: there was a mark on his wrist, the Seven of Hearts.

The seven of hearts in playing cards.

He looked at the children running past him, and suddenly reached out and grabbed the wrist of one of the children. The child was only eight or nine years old, and the child played by Bai Wu was about fourteen years old.

The child looked at the white mist in confusion, his eyes clear and without any malice at all.

He then realized that these children were well educated and had good relationships with each other.

The little boy also has a playing card symbol on his hand, the Six of Diamonds B. There is also a letter after the six.

Bai Wu loosened his hand, but a voice came from behind him.

"You're acting weird. You see this every day, but you act like you're seeing it for the first time. Could it be that someone has possessed you?"

The person who spoke was the child holding "The Silence of the Lambs" in his hand.

He looked to be around nine or ten years old, but he was unusually calm. Bai Wu didn't say anything, but just looked at the child calmly.

"It's time to go eat. Mom will be unhappy if you're late."

The child holding the book turned around and walked towards a certain building at a leisurely pace. Bai Wu looked in that direction and got another strange hint.

The dining area, with your mother's ability, she won't find you, you can go in and see if you can find more clues about this place. But this is a gamble, you'd better pray that your father doesn't show up, he is usually not in this farm, but wandering around other farms. But if he shows up, your process of leaving this area may be more painful.

Bai Wu touched his chin, thinking about the meaning of the conversation, and slowly walked towards the restaurant building where they would have dinner.

"Mom and Dad? That's very interesting. The mom and dad here should refer to two identities, not blood-related parents."

This place was indeed very strange. He looked around and saw only children, ranging from five or six years old to fourteen or fifteen years old, but not a single adult.

Soon, white mist entered the dining area.

This place is very similar to the European wooden attic building of the 19th century in the previous life. Many men would sit in such a house to drink, eat meat and watch women dancing. From a distance, one could even automatically imagine the singing of the dancers in one's mind.

But when Bai Wu looked, there were no dancers here, only a woman wearing a nurse's uniform, about twenty-five or twenty-six years old.

The woman is beautiful.

Although Bai Wu thought she was not as short as Yin Shuang and Yan Jiu, she was not much inferior. This woman had a sweet smile on her face, and her eyes and eyebrows revealed her love for children.

As a person who lost his mother at an early age and whose father is very kind to you, I suggest you try to hug this mother, act like a spoiled child, and take advantage of her. Don't worry, I won't tell the girls in the tower. You can treat her as your real mother. Before you are fifteen years old, she will treat you as her own child.

Why before the age of fifteen

"There are children all around, and the only adult I've seen so far is this mother wearing a nurse's uniform and smiling like Maria. So it can be understood that after the age of fifteen, except for the mother, everyone else will be sent somewhere else?"

There must be other adults running such a large farm, right

The food was quickly placed on the table.

Bai Wu looked at it.

Good man, we do need to be alert to the danger, but we must eat this food.

Although the food on the farm was not as comprehensive and luxurious as the manor they had explored before, in Bai Wu's opinion, these Western-style pastries, eggs, beef patties, pumpkin soup and other foods were ten thousand times better than nutritious meals.

He was about to eat when he noticed that everyone had their hands folded together as if they were praying.

"Thank you, Dad, for giving us life." The mother in nurse uniform also made the same gesture.

After she said this, the rest of the children followed suit - "Thank you, Dad, for giving us life."

"Thank you, Dad, for giving us food."

"Thank you, Dad, for giving us a shelter from the wind and rain."

"Thank you, Dad, for giving us wisdom and gentleness, tolerance and kindness."

"Thank you, Dad, for passing on this great power to us."

Fortunately, everyone closed their eyes and put their hands together, otherwise Bai Wu would probably have been watched by this group of children.

He didn't repeat these strange sentences.

For him, fatherly love is like a mountain - the whole body is sliding downhill, which is probably the best portrayal of the relationship between him and his father Bai.

The relationship between the father and son seems harmonious to outsiders. Xiaobai is good-looking, obedient, kind, sensible, and most importantly, smart.

As for Lao Bai, as a doctor in the small town, Lao Bai is knowledgeable and gentle. Although his wife died early, he never remarried. He is a handsome and affectionate uncle who perfectly satisfies many girls' longing for the word "uncle".

But it is precisely this father and son who have such creepy "parent-child activities".

So Bai Wu couldn't recite these disgusting sentences no matter what, unless he was told not to eat if he didn't recite them.

Everyone started to eat, and at this time the radio in the house began to broadcast the news.

First, there are some cheerful songs suitable for children.

The children listened to the music and ate their food happily. Bai Wu didn't feel anything. Whether it was the children around him, the rough men in the canteen of the Investigation Corps, or the beauties like Yan Jiu, Yin Shuang, and Ai Sao, they were just obstacles that affected his eating speed.

But what was broadcast on the radio interrupted Bai Wu's eating.

"Today is the graduation day of the Five of Hearts at Farm No. 7. Let us send him our best wishes. He will soon go to the world outside the wall and, like many of his older brothers and sisters, bring more supplies to the shelter."

"Let's send him off with applause."

At this moment, in all the dining rooms on the farm, the children's applause rang out. Bai Wu saw envy, longing, and reluctance in the eyes of these children.

He suddenly felt uncomfortable in his heart.

I always feel that something bad will happen to the Five of Hearts from Farm No. 7 if he goes outside the wall.

If the world outside the wall is the world we live in... then why would they envy it

The area that the telephone booth teleported itself to must be somewhere outside the tower, and should be related to the Food City.

Therefore, the world outside the wall is most likely the world outside the tower with chaotic rules.

"You look unhappy?"

The child reading under the tree looked at the white fog.

Bai Wu noticed that the opponent had the 10 of spades in his hand.

He didn't know that these numbers were not meaningless. The higher the number, the higher the qualification.

The one with the highest qualification is K.

However, there is no old K in the current batch of children. If children with the same qualifications have the same suit, they will be distinguished by letters abcd.

Although he didn't understand the meaning of the numbers, Bai Wu knew that Heart 5c probably represented Farm No. 7, and there were also Hearts 5a, 5b, and even 5d and 5f.

Just like the child we saw before, the number on his hand is Diamond Sixb, which means that there are two children with a certain trait corresponding to Diamond Six.

At present, there are no new replacements for his Seven of Hearts and the Ten of Spades of the child next to him.

"Not talking? That's right, you don't talk much normally, which makes me wonder if you're pretending to be stupid on purpose and lowering your number so that mom and dad won't pay too much attention to you. But you can't hide it from me, your behavior today is very abnormal."

Bai Wu ignored him and just smiled at the clever kid, because the kid revealed a piece of news that he wanted to know.

By deliberately pretending to be stupid, you can lower the number, which means that the number represents wisdom

"My name is Ten of Spades, but I don't like it."

The Ten of Spades is very smart. Bai Wu thought about it. Could it be that this little guy was suddenly talking to him and trying to trick him into telling something

"Oh, my name is the Seven of Hearts."

"Have you really been replaced? We just had this conversation nineteen days ago."

"I'm just teasing you."

"… "

"Are you pretending to be abnormal today?"

"I'm not abnormal. I just want to get your attention on purpose because you are the Ten of Spades and I'm just the Seven of Hearts. I want to be friends with you."

The Ten of Spades blushed, he felt like he was being teased by the Seven of Hearts.

At this moment, the radio was playing something that Bai Wu was more interested in:

"I hope that all the children in the nine farms can learn from Red Heart 5c, awaken the sequence early, and become the people needed outside the wall as soon as possible. Let us applaud again and send off Red Heart 5c!"

Awakening sequence

After hearing this, Bai Wu's expression changed slightly. And at this moment, something unexpected happened -

Nuclear energy ahead, a large boss is detected. Either you kill yourself and force yourself out, or you kill yourself and compete with him? Put on your watch quickly, otherwise with your current strength, you are not even qualified to detect him.

The remarks in his eyes disrupted Bai Wu's plan to go undercover in the farm and find out the truth bit by bit.

In fact, the situation at this moment is indeed very critical, because a man is approaching the building.

The man seemed to sense a different energy fluctuation. He was originally at Farm 7, giving a loving hug to 5c of Hearts, but he quickly pushed it away. Then he rushed over at an incredible speed.

Bai Wu frowned. Before, when his companion force was relatively low, he couldn't even use the Eye of Prell in the red area.

But after improving the companion power, even when facing monsters like the God of Wealth and the Heart of Well Four, the Eye of Prell has never failed.

Suddenly encountering a target that could not be observed with the naked eye unless it turned evil, Bai Wu decisively put on the watch.

"Is this a gift from your mother? Why is my gift a book, but you have a watch? Why is the hands of this watch constantly moving?"

Bai Wu looked at the Ten of Spades, guessing that he would not be able to fulfill a certain woman's obsession. He suddenly said:

"Ten of Spades, do you know what's outside the wall?"

"have what?"

"I don't know either, but I'm leaving here soon, so I suggest you take a look if you have the chance. Your aptitude is ten, and you are smarter than most people here, but you must hide your intelligence and not let people know your true level too early. Before you graduate and head outside the wall, you must go and see for yourself what is outside the wall!"

"what are you talking about?"

The music on the radio stopped playing and footsteps were heard on the wooden attic stairs.

A tall man appeared. The moment he came in, all the children ran towards him, calling "Dad" happily.

Only the Ten of Spades and the Seven of Hearts, played by Bai Wu, stood there in a daze.

One is because there is no need, and the other is to think about what the person next to you said.

"Dad" is a doctor.

Bai Wu thought that compared with his father, this doctor was just wearing doctor's clothes, just like these children who were not sick at all, but were wearing hospital gowns.

Mom was wearing a nurse's uniform and Dad was wearing a doctor's white coat.

But there were no patients, no nurses, and no doctors.

"Dad"'s gaze quickly fell on Bai Wu.

He frowned, and at the same time, Bai Wu also felt something was wrong.

I can't observe it! This guy is much stronger than you. I can tell you responsibly that you are done! Are you ready to return to the city by force? There is no return scroll, the kind that returns to the city with a black and white screen!

"Boring game."

The man in the white coat snapped his fingers. Bai Wu suddenly realized that everything around him began to distort.

The man in the white coat said:

"Do you think I can't do anything to you if you're mixed up in this group of kids? There's a limit to playing with cause and effect. The circle you built can't change anything."

The white fog couldn't move.

The strong aura from the white coat far outweighed the terrifying pressure from the red evil, making it difficult for him to even breathe.

At this moment, the watch had not even caused him to have a vicious reaction.

"I'm warning you one last time, little sister. You can only change the fate of a few small fry. Don't try to influence your brothers and sisters. Our karma is not controlled by anything. The fourth brother has gone mad, and your most powerful support is gone."

"Don't come here again! Get out!"

The black beam of light penetrated Bai Wu's body, and at that moment, Bai Wu's Tong Kong lost focus. His vitality was almost instantly reduced to zero.

At the same time, he heard a woman's voice in his mind:

"I'm sorry, this will be a bit painful, but you won't die. I know you have a lot of questions, and I'll answer some of them later."