Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 174: Dialogue Well 6


The feeling of his life force rapidly disappearing did not stop Bai Wu from thinking. On the contrary, as his consciousness faded, he became more focused because of the pain.

Looking at the surrounding environment at this moment, Bai Wu was sure that this man had some unknown spatial ability.

His eyes became gradually empty, and he looked as lifeless as a dying man.

The information provided by the Eye of Prell is somewhat confusing.

. He can see you or not, to be exact, he can see me or not

Bai Wu didn't care, as the Eye of Prell had given him a hint in advance that this was a sixth-level opponent that he couldn't detect.

With the current state of the Eye of Prell, it is impossible to predict when the watch will maintain the maximum value.

So the situation is not too bad at the moment, at least we have received some news.

The process of death was so short that many memories in his mind began to collapse, but Bai Wu was still able to stay focused and think about what happened on the farm this time.

"They are not the children from the casino. The children here are smarter and better. The children from the casino should come from somewhere in the tower, and the timeline here is most likely before the end of the world."

"These children can awaken the sequence without suffering any negative attributes. I can't sense the breath of evil either, which means that this place does have the qualifications of a shelter. But the owner of the farm... may not be on the human side."

"I haven't found the owner of the obsession yet. Is it the nurse? It doesn't seem like it... She seems to fit in very well."

There are many puzzles, and Bai Wu can't think of more answers for the time being.

After death, the body begins to tilt, and during this process, the human brain can actually sense this tilt.

And what it manifests in consciousness is falling.

It was like a farm with beautiful environment, but suddenly cracks appeared under your feet.

White mist began to fall in from the cracks.

Falling into the chaotic starry sky.

From the starry sky to the earth, and then from the earth to the deep sea. This process was a bit lengthy, and then Bai Wu's body fell into an unknown plane.

He couldn't see everything around him clearly, as if he was looking through layers of frosted glass, everything was blurry and indistinguishable. Only when he looked back at the place he had passed by, Bai Wu saw a ceiling.

The huge, boundless ceiling seemed to be a roof built for a city.

The top of the road was full of potholes and tiny grooves, and he felt that these grooves looked familiar.

So much so that he raised a question - was this a real death process, or was someone hinting at something to him

Finally, the white mist fell to the bottom of the tower.

The cracks finally disappeared as white, blue, purple, red and black stone tablets appeared.

There were only two people in the empty eastern square on the bottom floor of the tower.

White fog, and a woman.

"In the world of the phone booth, if you fall into a coma, your consciousness will enter a sleeping state. If you die, you will be in a state of suspended animation for several days." The woman suddenly spoke.

She was not tall and looked very petite. She was one of the few women Bai Wu had met so far who was shorter than the captain.

She looked like an ordinary young human woman of about twenty years old, but her actual age was older than Lilith Cain.

Bai Wu did not ask about the other party's identity. He had already guessed it, especially from what he heard before, "Old Four is crazy." He was certain that this woman was Jing Liu.

"How many days is a few days?"

Jing Liu smiled:

"Depending on your physical condition, you may be in a coma for ten days or half a month, or you may wake up in a day or so. Based on your past, you have a high tolerance for pain, so it is most likely the latter."

It’s okay, it doesn’t delay me from going to the Married Women’s Manor to meet the married women.

Bai Wu nodded and said:

"You built all the telephone booths? Is your name really Jingliu?"

"You are very smart. Yes, I am Jing Liu. I built the telephone booth, but I prefer to call it the Cause and Effect House. As for the name Jing Liu, it is just a code name for me. If you don't like it, you can call me another name."

"Your family's naming skills are really hard to describe."

Seven of Hearts, Ten of Spades, Four of Wells, Six of Wells, should we say that they are concise and to the point, or that they are original and imaginative

"Will I stay here with you while I'm unconscious?"

"No, the time we can talk is very short. This is just a deep consciousness space. You can think of it as a dream within a dream within a dream. Since there is no way to make the time longer, we can only use this method to prolong the communication as much as possible."

Bai Wu understood that this old lady was playing Inception with him.

"Come on, what do you want to tell me?"

"You should tell me what you want to ask me."

Bai Wu said:

"Do you really see a future where a savior changes the world?"

Jing Liu smiled:

"It seems that my brother's heart has given you a sense of mission. This question is easy to answer. I can tell you one thing."

"What's up?"

"Not long after my brother and I came to Denglin City, for some reason, I never told anyone else about the future, including my brother."

Bai Wu frowned.

"Do you mean that you can't see the future, or that you say you can see it but can't tell it?"

"For the latter, I can see the future, but I can no longer reveal any predictions about the future. Perhaps I can force it to be revealed, but I don't know whether the cause and effect changes during the period are good or bad. And this will make me gradually disappear."

Jing Liu did something that Bai Wu didn't expect. She took off her top, revealing her naked body.

This matter has nothing to do with any lust. How this petite body develops is not the point. The point is that part of Jing Liu's body has become crystal clear, like the body of a jellyfish in the deep sea.

Judging from the texture, it seems that it is no longer human flesh and blood.

"Prophecy comes at a price. This is the price I paid. In order to prevent this change from spreading, I no longer tell anyone the results of the prophecy. All I can do now is observe the cause and effect."

Jing Liu's words left Bai Wu silent.

"So... the savior you told Jing Si about exists, is it false? No, it can't be said to be false, but it's not a prophecy at all? You haven't verified it yourself?"

"Yes. Probably the only predictions I make are very short-term ones, to convince scientists that I can predict what their distant relatives are doing. That doesn't hurt me very much.

All the predictions and predictions I make have a limit, and I am not brave enough to cross it. If I calculate the end of the world, I might die on the spot. It is very exhausting for me to calculate how the next era will evolve.

In the past few decades, I have been constantly using prophecy to predict changes in a few years or decades, but now I rarely do so. Especially after I foresaw you, your existence, although also part of the cause and effect, seems that this cause and effect is no longer stable. "

Decades ago, Jing Liu predicted a certain future in the casino, but the amount of information she revealed was very little. Now, she has reached the point where she can hardly reveal any information.

Bai Wu said:

"So what's up with these phone booths?"

"Good question. You've hit the nail on the head. I can't predict the future too much. My body is increasingly affected by cause and effect. But I've tried to see it before. At least in the ending that wasn't the ending, humans were at a disadvantage."

"In order to change this situation, I began to preach the savior theory and started to build the cause and effect road in Food City. The construction of this area almost consumed most of my life. But even so, I still couldn't control the cause and effect freely."

This sentence made Bai Wu feel that this woman was actually very ambitious.

If a person can absolutely control cause and effect, then she has completed the transformation from human to god.

Jing Liu, perhaps she also has some purposes of her own.

"I can't control it freely, but does that mean I can still control it?"

"To be precise, it's not control, but adding variables to all causes and effects. Of course, from the overall perspective, there is actually no change, but our eyes cannot see the whole, only the details. From a local perspective, our behavior is indeed changing the cause and effect."

A very difficult sentence to pronounce.

But Bai Wu understood vaguely, and he said in surprise:

"Are you trying to say that if the obsessions in these phone booths really change, history will also change?"

"That's what I mean."

Bai Wu was shocked.

If these telephone booths can change reality, then could it be that ninety years ago, I really had appeared in the red area like a time traveler and fought the monster under the blood-red sea of clouds

Did he really kill a powerful monster together with the deputy commander of the Survey Corps

He suddenly realized that this possibility existed.

After all, Gu Hailin and the others could not come back. No matter what happened outside the tower, whether he saved them or not, it had no effect on the tower.

At least there is no impact at the moment.

As for Wen Hao and Lin Rui, they were both small figures and could not make any impact. But one of the calls came from me...

If Yin Shuang had done something at that time, would the butterfly effect have completely changed her trajectory

He felt the terrifying power of Jing Liu in his heart, but at the same time he had a doubt.

"I know what you're thinking. You mean, since the phone in the phone booth can return to the past after the call is connected, why don't you answer a few more calls and go back to an earlier time?"

This kind of experience of being seen through by others is rare. Bai Wu did not deny it and said:

"I'm not sure about something yet, maybe you're lying to me."

"You'll understand it yourself in the near future."

"If that's the case, then why don't you let me receive more critical calls?"

If he could change the past, why on earth would Jing Liu want to let himself go back to some meaningless past

Whether it is Wen Hao, Lin Rui, or even Gu Hailin, it seems to be meaningless.

At least in Bai Wu's opinion, it has no effect on saving the world.

Jing Liu thought Bai Wu's idea was cute.

"You are very smart. At least most of the time, your views are correct. However, we have different views on the impact of time and changing the future. Or, you are still unable to understand the greatness of time. The changes of some small things seven hundred years ago may not have their significance immediately, but a snowball rolling for seven hundred years must be huge."

"Are you talking about the butterfly effect? I still can't be convinced. Because there are more intuitive and efficient methods than the butterfly effect."

"It is indeed the butterfly effect, but the biggest reason is that I can only initiate calls from three phone booths. The rest of the cause and effect are beyond my control."

Jing Liu's words were very complicated, and Bai Wu sorted them out.

"You mean, most of the calls in the phone booth are beyond your control?"

"Yes, these causal houses created by me are already existing causalities. Who they choose to change is not something I can control. I am not even their creator. The most correct way to put it is that when I witnessed these causalities and decided to open an initial entrance for them, I had already become a part of these causalities."

Bai Wu could accept this statement.

It’s not that Jing Liu doesn’t speak human language, but the logic and philosophy related to time are like this.

When Jing Liu tried to change the future, she was already tied to the future, so there was never any talk of changing the future.

What can be changed is not the future.

This also means…

Coming here and receiving these calls is actually an inevitable event and part of a closed loop.

Jing Liu didn't expect that the concept that he had originally expected to take a long time to explain was understood by Bai Wu in a short period of time.

Bai Wu said:

"So you can't control which calls I will receive. You can't tell me the future, and you can't arrange for me to receive some important calls. Rather than saying that you chose me, it's better to say that karma itself chose me."

"Yes, there are only three causes and effects that I can try to change. But perhaps failure itself is also part of the cause and effect. You went to one of them just now. According to what you can understand in the tower, that place is a black area."

Jing Liu's figure suddenly became vague, but soon returned to its original state.

Bai Wu continued:

"What a pity. I still have a lot to learn about the future, and the past as well, but it seems pointless to ask you. Do you feel lonely when you talk about it? You know so many secrets, but you carry them all by yourself and cannot share them."

Jing Liu had spied on this conversation long before it came. She smiled and said:

"You're supposed to be a monster, but you have a gentle heart."

"… "

Bai Wu wanted to refute, this is not called gentleness, this is called 100% favorability increase. And what do you mean I should be a monster? Have you ever seen such a handsome monster

"I am not alone. At least from today on, someone knows what I have done. My brother, I, and many other people are working hard."

"What's on the sixth floor of the tower?"

"This is a topic that I cannot tell you."

"Will it change some causes and effects?"

“I guess so.”


Before Bai Wu could finish, Jing Liu said:

"I can't tell you where the well is. The more you learn from me, the more my brothers and sisters will be able to feel your presence. Do you remember what that person said just now?"

Bai Wu nodded, knowing what Jing Liu meant by that sentence—our cause and effect are not controlled by anything.

"So I can't ask you certain questions. If I know too much, I'll be in trouble with some big demons at the well level?"

"That's it. You'll have to find the answers yourself, get them from me, and they'll mark you."

"You really are a bunch of incomprehensible creatures."

Bai Wu thought about it and decided to ask a question that he was currently concerned about and had nothing to do with the brothers and sisters of the Jing family:


"No, not that, it's just that I don't know. I won't pay attention to such boring things."

Bai Wu thought it was okay, but before she even asked the question, her family had guessed what she was going to ask.

"Then last question, who is the Ten of Spades?"