Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 175: The honest and kind Ten of Spades


Without asking Jingliu whether there was a spirit in the pot, Bai Wu had to shift the topic to Spade Ten.

He was impressed with the kid.

Although there must be better children than Spade Ten in other farms, Bai Wu felt that the Spade Ten he met had great potential.

Jing Liu did not answer this question. She just shook her head and said:

"He's an interesting kid, but not as good as you. Although you don't live on a farm, you're more suited to the world outside the tower than they are. If you were on a farm, you'd probably be K-level."

"You still haven't answered my question."

"I can only tell you that you have already seen the Ten of Spades."

"… "

Bai Wu is a little depressed:

"You know what I used to wonder, why are all those fortune tellers blind?"

"You can't beat me."

Jing Liu, the chat terminator.

Bai Wu suddenly felt that chatting like this was boring. He wanted to say that most fortune tellers are blind because they love to make riddles, leave things unsaid, and be mysterious, and then they were blinded.

Jing Liu's figure became erratic again, and this time he did not return to normal as quickly as before.

"I have to go now."

"still have a question."

"No, the world you live in is a world that we envy."

Jing Liu disappeared.

Jing Liu gave a straightforward answer to the last question, but this answer also left Bai Wu with more doubts.

He originally wanted to ask whether the world before he traveled through time was the world seven hundred years ago.

But what was unexpected was that Jing Liu’s answer was negative.

Although he himself felt that the two worlds were not related.

The reason why he actually asked this question was... very special.

Long after Jing Liu disappeared, Bai Wu was still standing alone in his own world of consciousness.

This last question was inconsequential and had nothing to do with saving the world, but it left him feeling empty inside.

After coming into this world, Bai Wu always felt that some of the abuse he had suffered from his father in the past unexpectedly made him feel like some kind of targeted training.

He also wondered why his father was a good man in front of everyone else, but a devil in front of him

Could it be that what happened back then was paving the way for today

But now, Jing Liu's answer denied this idea. Bai Wu smiled:

"After all, he was just torturing me."

Bai Wu fell into a coma.

This scene frightened Yin Shuang. At the moment when Bai Wu fainted, the door of the telephone booth finally opened.

She didn't know what Bai Wu had experienced. As a healer, she found that Bai Wu was not injured and his pulse and heartbeat were normal.

"It looks like he's fallen into some kind of coma."

The phone rang again in the telephone booth in the distance, but Yin Shuang thought about it and realized that she was not Bai Wu, and there was a huge gap in ability between her and Bai Wu.

She activated the return wheel.

This exploration was originally intended to avoid the captain election meeting in the afternoon, but Yin Shuang suddenly thought of a new solution.

A minute later, the two disappeared.

After it disappeared, the telephone booth continued to make noises.

Just as Jing Liu said, the series of causes and effects here are actually not under her control.

There were only three places she could really choose from.

But for Bai Wu, it is too early for these three places.

Unknown farm, unknown time.

Ten of Spades found a copy of Crime and Punishment in the library. He started reading this book after finishing The Silence of the Lambs.

He became gentler.

This made his mother very happy. In the past, Ten of Spades always sat alone under a big tree reading books, and was out of tune with the other children around him.

This is Farm No. 7. In the absence of J, Q, and K, Spade Ten is the smartest kid on the farm. Of course, there are several Ks in the farm next door, which makes Spade Ten feel uncomfortable. If the Ks don't escape, how can he escape

Letters and numbers represent absolute talent... This seems to be an unchangeable setting.

Mom was always worried that Ten of Spades was planning something.

A memory cleansing not long ago seemed to have changed Ten of Spades' personality, which made her mother very happy.

A few days ago, in the dining house on the farm, Dad did something "a seven of hearts that shouldn't exist", which was erased by Dad using his power. This incident was quickly erased from everyone's memory with Dad's ability.

Everything has returned to normal. In the nine farms, children will soon turn fifteen, and the harvest season is about to arrive.

"Dad" was very satisfied. Although he encountered some troubles, he knew that this should be the last time.

The younger sister's plan failed again, and she had no way to change cause and effect for a long, long time. Although he could not see the future, "Dad" was sure that everything was changing as it should.

The child sent by his younger sister, the Seven of Hearts, was killed instantly by him and no information was obtained.

He did think so, Jingliu's action was fruitless and would only exacerbate her demise. But he overlooked one thing - the power of words.

A week later, the Ten of Spades, the Three of Diamonds, and the Four of Clubs became good friends. He told the two children stories and the beautiful scenery outside the wall.

The two innocent children believed it.

They have been taught since childhood to listen to their mothers, to love each other and to think of others. The education of truth, goodness and beauty has perfectly penetrated into the souls of these children in the absence of a shortage of material resources, the influence of neighbors of varying qualities and an unstable surrounding environment.

It is no exaggeration to say that each of them is a little angel, but each of them... has the fanaticism of regarding their father as a god.

Very few children do not.

They have wisdom different from others and can discover what is wrong around them through observation.

Spade Ten had thought more than once, what was outside the wall? Why did those brothers and sisters never come back after they left

Are they really contributing to the world inside the wall? Is the world outside the wall really the same as what mom and dad said... the world of adults

What exactly does it mean to be an adult

These issues have plagued Ten of Spades before.

But recently, Ten of Spades always had dreams, and he always felt like he had forgotten something.

Forgotten things cannot be recalled unless there is some hint somewhere else.

The clue for the Ten of Spades comes from a dream.

In a deep sleep, he dreamed of a watch with its hands moving unsteadily. A few days ago, he felt very strange, and he could not remember where he had seen the watch.

He wanted to ask someone else, but was stopped by his subconscious uneasiness.

It seems that asking about this matter will have bad consequences.

He continued to read every day as usual. During the day, he read Crime and Punishment, which he had just read, under a tree. Occasionally, he would play games with the Three of Diamonds and the Four of Clubs.

The name of the game is Who is Lying. Everyone says a sentence and asks the other party to judge whether the sentence is true or false. If the other party guesses it, he wins, otherwise the speaker wins.

The Ten of Spades doesn't seem to have any talent, and the Three of Diamonds and the Four of Clubs always win easily.

In the eyes of the other two children, although Ten of Spades is very smart most of the time, he really can't lie. When he tells lies, the traces are too obvious and can always be easily exposed.

Most of the time, the Ten of Spades was sincere and smiling, as if he would not lie unless he was playing this game.

Many days passed, and in Spade Ten's dream, he still dreamed of the watch. Another person was about to leave the wall, and he wanted to follow him, but his mom and dad wouldn't allow him to.

He always felt that something was buried in his heart, and that thing was sprouting and breaking out of the ground.

Two weeks later, the dream changed.

Perhaps it was because he thought about it day and night, or perhaps he was naturally suspicious and had a strong desire to explore the world outside the wall - the watch in his dream spoke.

"Do you know what's outside the wall? I suggest you take a look if you have the chance. Your aptitude is ten, and you are smarter than most people here, but you must hide your intelligence and not let others know your true level too early. Before you graduate and head outside the wall, you must go and see for yourself what's outside the wall!"

These words kept repeating in my mind like a demon.

Ten of Spades has a stronger desire to explore outside the wall.

He knew that there were nine farms, arranged in a grid shaped like the character #. Fortunately, he was on Farm No. 7. If he was on Farm No. 5, he would have to take a special passage.

But Farm No. 7 only requires climbing over the wall.

In the following days, the ideas buried in Spade Ten's mind began to take root, sprout, break through the ground, and continue to grow.

He and Diamond Three A and Club Four C have a better and better relationship. They are both fourteen years old.

There were only a few months left before we could leave the farm and head outside the wall.

Ten of Spades wanted to know what was out there. In The Silence of the Lambs, he had seen how powerful it was to deceive people.

In the lying game, he realized that he seemed to be able to influence other people's thinking. As long as he made a slight change in a statement at the right time, in the right place, and in line with the other person's thinking pattern, he could make the other person mistakenly believe something.

At first, it was just a skill for the Ten of Spades. But later... this skill evolved into a talent. According to the later statement, it is called sequence.

The lies of the Ten of Spades became increasingly difficult to discern. In everyone's eyes, he seemed to be a person who could not lie.

He discovered that, just like in The Silence of the Lambs, the biggest lies often need to be paved with the truth in advance.

In order to get Diamond Three A and Club Four C to go outside the wall in advance, he started to make friends with them a long time ago.

And he established himself as someone who would not lie.

The A of Diamonds Three and the C of Clubs Four had no idea that every time they played the game of Who's Lying, the Ten of Spades was actually deliberately letting them see it.

All this is just to make the subsequent lies more effective.

After more than a month of preparation, the fanning of the Ten of Spades began.

Under the instigation of the Ten of Spades, the Three of Diamonds, the Four of Clubs, believe that as long as they climb over the wall, they can see their brothers and sisters who have left, and see them working with their father.

"After climbing over this wall, we can become adults. In fact, I found out a secret, which was told to me by my mother accidentally. In fact, my father encourages us to climb over the wall. If we climb over the wall in advance, we will be praised by my father. Imagine that your brothers and sisters did what they did when they were fifteen years old, but you did it before you were fifteen years old with your own efforts! When your father sees you, he must be very surprised!"

The lie had many logical loopholes, but because the person who said it was called Spade Ten, who never lied, the lie worked.

With the props provided by the Ten of Spades, the Three of Diamonds A and the Four of Clubs C really started the wall-climbing operation three months in advance.

Originally, Spade Ten thought that he would notice something wrong in his parents' eyes during this action.

I originally thought that the Three of Diamonds A and the Four of Clubs C would eventually be sent back, and the farm might react in some way.

But to the Ten of Spades' disappointment... there was nothing.

The A of Diamonds Three and the C of Clubs Four disappeared from the memory of the Ten of Spades.

To be more precise, it disappeared from everyone's memory.

But there were two more things in the dream of Ten of Spades.

Two playing cards.

In addition to the talking watch, there are now two talking playing cards.

A new cycle begins again.

The Ten of Spades continued to deceive, and more and more children climbed over the wall early, and more and more children... disappeared from everyone's memory forever.

There are more and more playing cards in the dream of Ten of Spades.

Not just the cards, but also the power within.

Ten of Spades discovered that he had some strange abilities in his body that did not belong to any sequence.

He didn't know where these abilities came from, he only knew... these abilities could help him climb over the wall better.

There was even a day when Ten of Spades felt that his power had surpassed his mother's.

He began to be afraid of his father.

The stronger the ability, the more you can feel the terror from your father.

Before Spade Ten had any abilities, he couldn't sense this. So every time his father was coming, he would try to stay as far away as possible.

The world outside the wall... is not the adult world at all, he became more and more convinced.

As more and more children escaped from Farm No. 7, it seemed that the mother was negligent in her duties, so she was replaced.

The so-called replacement means permanently erasing it from the memory, just like the three of diamonds a and the four of clubs c.

So in the dream of the Ten of Spades, there was an additional black and white joker card.

As more and more children left, Dad patrolled Farm No. 7 more and more frequently. But the real reason was not because of the children he deceived. Spade Ten knew very well that the children he deceived were all dead.

What really caught the farmer's attention was that someone actually escaped from the farm next door.

He knew he would be discovered soon.

So one night... Ten of Spades began his escape plan.

He didn't know what was outside the wall.

He couldn't remember what the playing cards in his dream represented, he just felt scared instinctively.

But this fear does not come from outside the wall, but from inside the wall, this beautiful refuge as paradise.

Under the cover of night, and with the help of many strange abilities, Ten of Spades climbed over the huge wall.

High tower, bottom floor, hospital.

Bai Wu was lying on the hospital bed. Originally, Wujiu and others had planned to elect the captain of the seventh team in the afternoon.

But when he heard that Bai Wu and Yin Shuang had left the tower, and that Bai Wu had returned to the tower in a coma, Wujiu canceled the meeting on the spot and rushed to the hospital.

At this moment, everyone was worried about Bai Wu, but Bai Wu... was thinking about various issues deep in his consciousness.

He came to a conclusion that surprised him—the Ten of Spades might be Cain.