Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 176: Seven disciples came together


The world in my consciousness is still the Eastern Square on the bottom floor.

Bai Wu looked at the stone tablets and recalled some details of the Ten of Spades. This child had an extremely strong ability to imitate.

The first glance at the Ten of Spades is adjusting his smile.

Unlike Yan Jiu's neurotic and stiff imitation, the changes in Spade Ten's expression can be said to be very subtle.

At the same time, Bai Wu also noticed that the books that Spade Ten read were related to crime, and the books were based on high-IQ criminals with historical prototypes. In addition, this child had keen observation skills. When he grew up, he would not be very smart, but he would definitely not be stupid.

In summary, Ten of Spades is good at disguise, good at observation, and has sequence. If he is really influenced by some of his own words, climbs out of the wall, and sees something terrible, then Ten of Spades will know the information about the end of the world earlier than anyone else.

Among the people he already knew, whether they were from the Survey Corps, the Suppression Corps, or even those he met outside the tower, none of them matched this character's setting.

In Bai Wu's opinion, this person could only be Cain.

But there is one thing that Bai Wu cares about.

Jing Liu said that he had seen the Ten of Spades.

Although he had long been aware of Cain's existence and had fought with Cain several times, he had never actually seen Cain, not even a clone of Cain.

Could it be that Jing Liu was wrong? Could it be that what she meant was that she knew the Ten of Spades, rather than that she had seen the Ten of Spades

After thinking it over, Bai Wu felt that this was the only possibility, and only Cain fit the character setting.

But he forgot about someone who was very important to him.

Ground floor, Second Hospital, Ward 101.

People were coming and going outside the corridor. Although most of them had a one or two level companion force because of mining, this also led to a rise in the level of power. The various violent conflicts at the bottom would often be heavier and more brutal.

Therefore, throughout history, hospitals have never lacked business.

Bai Wu lay there for about two hours and then woke up.

This was much earlier than Jing Liu had estimated, which also meant that Bai Wu's tolerance for mental pain had reached a level so abnormal that even "God" could not estimate it.

But he didn't open his eyes.

It was time for his favorite part of pretending to be dead and eavesdropping.

The original plan was to decide the captain of the seventh team within the afternoon, but due to his coma, this plan was aborted.

After Yin Shuang briefly presented the investigation report verbally and the doctor confirmed that Bai Wu was not seriously injured and had just fallen into a sleeping state, Wujiu decided to have a chat with a few old team members in the hospital.

They were currently discussing the original intentions of several people joining the Survey Corps, and Bai Wu didn't want to interrupt at this time.

"I was born on the third floor, but I don't like staying there. My parents are retired from the Zhenyu Army and now have a small business on the third floor. It's boring and uninteresting. I came to the Investigation Corps just to go out of the tower and kill monsters. I'm not interested in being the captain. Besides, Wu Rou and I are not suitable to be the captain with our brains."

Wang Shi said cheerfully.

"If you don't have a brain, then you don't have a brain. Can you please not take me with you? By the way, I'm just interested in dissecting evil."

Lin Wurou rolled her eyes at Wang Shi and continued:

"I don't want to be the captain either, not because I'm stupid, I just want to be with everyone. Being the captain is too brain-consuming. Ugh, being the captain is too boring. Speaking of which, captain... if you become the deputy legion leader, can you still leave the tower with us?"

Wujiu said:

"There will definitely be more things to do than before, but I will make time to leave the tower regularly. I don't want to stop at my current level. The same goes for you. You should always think about improving yourself."

Bai Wu, lying on the hospital bed, almost couldn't help but say "Yeah!"

As the deputy commander of the corps, Wujiu is indeed busier than before.

However, after Ruan Qingyun was targeted by Cain, Guituimo Agency suspended some of its intelligence business, and Ruan Qingyun himself began to help Wujiu deal with some things.

She and Ye Weiming were both capable. In the past, Wujiu thought he could handle things by himself and refused to ask for help.

Now that he has become the deputy commander of the legion, he must learn to delegate certain things, otherwise he will be exhausted.

So it can be regarded as adding while subtracting. This can also be regarded as indirectly recruiting the Guituimo Office.

Wujiu is keen on going out of the tower to investigate, improve his strength, and explore history. Even after being promoted to captain, he often goes to the white area to carry out missions.

He doesn't care about other people's opinions at all. There was a similar deputy legion commander in history who was regarded as being keen on leaving the tower and not doing his job.

Wujiu looked at Shang Xiaoyi. Shang Xiaoyi scratched his head and said embarrassedly:

"Although I got the sequence that can suppress my madness when I see the evil due to the last exploration... But it still doesn't work. I'm not even as smart as Brother Wu Rou... I came last. No matter how I look at it, I'm not fit to be the captain. Let Sister Shuang come."

Lin Wurou really wanted to ask, what does it mean to be not as smart as Brother Wurou? What is wrong with this world? Can it ever get better

Yin Shuang decisively raised a question:

"Why can't it be white mist?"

Everyone was stunned for a few seconds.

"This kid... is pretty good. I admit that he is as good as me, but he has only been here for less than two months... If you remove the time it took to become a regular employee, it seems to be only forty days. The people below may not be convinced. Although I also think he is suitable. After all, he and I always have similar ideas." Lin Wurou responded.

Bai Wu was really shot while lying down this time. But taking over Wu Jiu's team was not a big bad thing.

Wujiu did not speak, and Yin Shuang continued:

"Bai Wu is fine. I support Bai Wu. This operation and previous operations all show that his insight is far beyond ours. Think about it carefully. If there is no Bai Wu, how long do you think it will take us to advance into the red zone? In the areas explored with Bai Wu, when did he not play the most important role?"

Bai Wu didn't expect that Yin Shuang, who was usually taciturn, would think so highly of his opinions.

Wujiu still didn't say anything. He looked at Wang Shi and Shang Xiaoyi.

Wang Shi said:

"I have no objection anyway. Being the captain is a job for you smart people. Wu Rou and I are free to do whatever we want."

"Fuck you! Who gives a shit about you? I won't!" Lin Wu Rou glared at Wang Shi.

Shang Xiaoyi said:

"But what Bai Wu said... will everyone really agree with him?"

Yin Shuang continued to support Bai Wu:

"Do you need the approval of a group of people who don't even dare to leave the tower? Think about Bai Wu's strength when he first joined the Survey Corps. Now he has surpassed you. Bai Wu has the same potential as the captain. He is even better than the captain in terms of analytical ability."

"I don't know about the other groups, but at least you guys in the Vanguard Group, you won't think Bai Wu can't beat you, right? As for the Interrogation Group, I think they will also accept Bai Wu. As for the other groups, it won't be a big problem. Whoever doesn't accept Bai Wu can just go and argue with him, whether it's a verbal or physical fight."

Yin Shuang's optimism about Bai Wu made Lin Wurou feel that something was wrong. Wu Jiu thought for a moment and said:

"Then let's wait until Bai Wu wakes up."

Bai Wu didn't expect that Yin Shuang's words would give him the job of captain. However, in terms of ability, he also realized that he was indeed more suitable than the other clingers.

Bai Wu was discharged from the hospital in the afternoon. After waking up, he used the communication device given by Wujiu to report to Wujiu that he was safe.

He did not do anything else that day. As for the matter of the captain of the seventh team, Bai Wu did not argue or push, and acted as if he would leave it to the short brother to make the decision.

At the end of the call, Bai Wu asked Aige to contact all interrogation teams and focus on the missing persons cases on the third and bottom floors, with an emphasis on the recent period.

After leaving the hospital, Bai Wu went to the leak-collecting port.

In addition to a large number of non-spiritual items and a small number of spiritual items, this place also allows you to buy some books that are no longer needed on the third floor.

No, the main reason is that the production is greater than the sales volume, and it cannot be sold, so it is circulated to the bottom level at a certain price.

Unlike daily necessities such as clothes, entertainment items will not increase in price at the bottom level, but will become cheaper.

Because besides mining, what people do most is sleeping and having children.

As for reading books to improve oneself, this is a very boring and time-wasting thing for miners who go out to mine every day.

But there are still people who buy books, either stories about exploring the tower written by some third-rate novelists, or books about upper-class etiquette, or books about certain industries, in order to kill time and understand the lifestyle of the upper class so that they can get close to them in the future.

Bai Wu bought history books.

There are both official and unofficial histories. One of the purposes is to expand one's knowledge. The time period is mainly ninety years ago.

He wanted to see if he could find any valuable information.

However, after buying a bunch of books and spending an entire night reading them, I found that I could not find any information about Gu Hailin and his group.

At least not in the official history.

There is a novel in other books that seems to have Gu Hailin as the prototype of the protagonist, titled "The Light of the Survey Corps", which describes him as as swift as light.

But unfortunately, this is a pure story. It tells the story of how Guang Gu Suifeng of the Survey Corps, relying on the Sequence 19 God of Destruction and Sequence 59 Shadow, uses the fastest speed and the strongest destructive power to develop from a low-level gangster to a manager step by step.

The story is very toxic. There is a sequence but it does not explore the doomsday ruins, but instead tells how to get promoted. The pattern is too small and totally inconsistent with the prototype character. As for why he became a manager instead of a ruler, it is because he was afraid of being 404.

In short, after reading a lot of stories, official history, unofficial history, and veteran investigation logs, Bai Wu was able to find some clues about Gu Hailin, but they were all insignificant.

The details of the coalition's annihilation operation that year could no longer be verified. Bai Wu had no choice but to give up the investigation.

Unless he could meet Gu Hailin and ask him personally.

But even if they really used the telephone booth to travel back to ninety years ago, Bai Wu didn't think that Gu Hailin and his remaining men could survive for long.

At five o'clock the next morning, Bai Wu woke up after sleeping for about six hours.

The huge top floor ceiling simulated the night sky, making the entire bottom floor of the tower dim and dark.

There were still many people entering and leaving the tower in the East Square, and Bai Wu also decided to leave the tower at this time.

This time he put on the mask again, changing into the masked caped man outfit he wore during the live broadcast.

Because Bai Wu decided to go to the area inside the traction wheel.

He was not sure how many areas Cain had left in the traction wheel, but in order to learn as much as possible about the secrets of the farm, Bai Wu decided to look for Cain.

From the information he had obtained previously, he deduced that Cain had died three times, and his real body should have returned to the tower.

That's why Bai Wu asked Aige to pay attention to the recent missing persons cases. Someone who has been missing for a while and then suddenly reappears may be Cain's clone.

Cain's strength is very powerful. In Bai Wu's opinion, the overall strength of this fraudster is definitely above that of the captain.

But Lilith mentioned that Cain climbed up to the sixth floor along the elevator pipe. This also caused Cain to experience a weak period of nearly 700 years.

Cain had been to the sixth floor, and the Ten of Spades had been to the farm.

Bai Wu hopes that they are the same person. In this way, finding Cain will be equivalent to solving some of the current mysteries.

The investigator on night watch at the Eastern Square was a stranger.

This investigator was not like his colleagues during the day who liked to make random comments. When Bai Wu was heading towards the blue stone tablet, this investigator kindly reminded Bai Wu that the blue area was very dangerous.

In the eyes of the investigator, Bai Wu at this moment looked like a mercenary who received a lucrative job late at night and only considered the price without considering the risks.

There will always be people who don’t watch previous live broadcasts, and characters that were popular for a while in the past will always be slowly forgotten.

The investigator did not recognize Constantine.

Bai Wu agreed that the blue area was very dangerous, but the stone tablets in the white area required queuing, and since he was using a traction wheel, he couldn't tell which area he would end up in.

After starting the traction wheel, Bai Wu frowned as he looked at the purple halo coming towards him.

This disciple... is hiding in the purple area

The investigator looked at the white fog in horror. He didn't know why the other party was enveloped in purple light after entering from the blue stone tablet.

When I came to my senses, the masked man in strange attire had been taken away by the stone tablet.

"Hey... I hope you can live on the third level in your next life."

Apparently the investigators considered it a suicide outside the tower.

Every time I enter the outside of the tower, my consciousness seems to enter a certain world, waiting for the fog of the corresponding color to dissipate.

The stone tablet emitted a purple light. Bai Wu originally thought that when he entered the consciousness space, he would see a vast expanse of purple.

But this time, there was an unprecedented scene of chaos.

White light, blue light, purple light, and red light flickered in this space.

Seeing this strange sight, Bai Wu had no time to think before all the lights in his consciousness began to slowly fade away.

I heard the sound of a basketball hitting the ground, and when I opened my eyes, my vision was dim and foggy.

"Storage room... basketball sounds, I'm in the gym?"

With enhanced vision, Bai Wu was able to see clearly things in the dark. He was indeed in a storage room. When looking at the door, Bai Wu saw the following information.

Baichuan University Affiliated Middle School is a very interesting school. It is full of scumbags, freaks, geniuses, villains, poor people, and all the abnormal people we can think of. Of course, there are also many students who really study, but now they have become evil. Who stipulates that evil people can't study and take exams? There are many campus legends here, so many that you may encounter different strange things every day, or they come alternately. The seven disciples of the little liar have become vulnerable groups here.

Baichuan University Affiliated Middle School

Bai Wu smiled bitterly. Isn't this... the red area mentioned by the traveler? An extremely dangerous school with a thousand evil people

"There are basketball sounds outside. I'd better not go out for now. Now it seems that this area should be a purple area. The reason why it is counted as a red disaster level in the traveler's list may be because... This school is actually divided into many areas?"

"But if that's the case, then the evil ones shouldn't be able to cross the area? Unless... this place has been purified by some of the Doomsday Fragments?"

In his consciousness, Bai Wu saw many colors, and he quickly deduced that different areas of this school might have different levels of disaster.

Maybe the teaching building is the red area, maybe the student dormitory is the blue area, and the playground is the white area.

It's just like being in the zoo before, the zoo is the blue zone, but outside the zoo there is a circus, an abandoned amusement park, and a haunted house.

Originally, there are boundaries between areas, but what if someone uses doomsday fragments to break these boundaries

At the same time, Bai Wu also thought of another thing:

"Seven disciples... Good fellow, although I know you like to deceive students like Bai Xiaoyu and Elijah Denderel, but finding seven disciples in the school at once can be regarded as misleading the students."

For some reason, Bai Wu felt like laughing.

The disciples are placed in a separate area, all of them are powerful creatures, including Dendelel, Elijah, Violet, and even Lilith in human form.

But the notes mentioned that these seven disciples became a disadvantaged group in this school. What kind of school is this

"That's interesting. Anyway... let's first figure out which areas are accessible and which areas are off-limits."

(There is only one chapter today. I couldn’t hold on and fell asleep at 11 o’clock… emmm. When I woke up, it was too late to write the second chapter. Plus, the plot of this section is quite complicated, so I have to sort it out. I’ll just take this as asking for leave.)