Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 179: Weird serial


(This book has one more leader, thanks to the book friend Gulu Gulu Pang for the reward. By the way, the six leaders can join the book friend group when they are free~)

Since he had to spend the night at Baichuan Middle School, the first thing Bai Wu did was to clean his bed.

The school has matching cleaning supplies. After several students in Room 403 mysteriously disappeared, rooms 403 and 405 were no longer occupied.

This is true for every layer.

Because the students living in 403 and 405 in other buildings were fed up at the time, they found all kinds of props to ward off evil spirits, but they could not resist the fear in their hearts.

Once people become afraid, they will become suspicious. There is a saying that ghosts and gods live in people's suspicion. The more you believe in something, the more you will encounter it.

Later, the rules of Baichuan Middle School became even more distorted. 403 and 405 were the first to be eroded by some strange force and became part of the scene.

Just like the scene Bai Wu had experienced before, the things inside seemed to have stopped undergoing normal time changes.

Soap, detergent, sponge brushes, all are the same as they were hundreds of years ago. This place is not like a manor, and there are no luxurious big soft beds. Bai Wu just wants to sleep more comfortably, or to be more precise, to lie down more comfortably.

The perception of telekinesis seemed to have been blocked, and Bai Wu could not feel how much evil there was in the entire dormitory area, but he could hear many footsteps.

His original plan was to lie on the bed after making bed number four and listen quietly to the evildoers' activities in the dormitory at night.

These evil creatures are semi-intelligent species and can communicate with humans, but their thinking is different from that of intelligent species such as Hong Yin, and their behavioral logic has great flaws.

Just a few minutes ago, an evil creature quickened its pace out of fear and walked quickly past 403 where the white fog was.

They became evil, but they were still students who could not graduate for seven hundred years.

In this school, they are afraid of teachers, and if they violate school rules, they will be beaten by teachers; but teachers are also afraid of the group of hot-blooded and evil people in the east who want to dominate Baichuan.

They need to complete the exam. If they fail the exam, they will be held back. Holding back a grade is terrible. A powerful level 6 villain who is held back may degenerate into a level 4 mutant. In this school, being a weak person is a sad thing.

They also need to go to the cafeteria to eat disgusting food, do homework, and participate in various weird sports activities.

The rules of this school were far more complicated than Bai Wu had imagined, but Bai Wu didn't understand it yet. He just held his breath and listened attentively to the movements outside the door.

There was a demon outside the door, Bai Wu could feel that the demon had put its ear against the door. He could hear a subtle sound, like nails scratching the door.

"The previous dozen or so evil ones all walked away quickly, but this evil one is... the security department and the dormitory manager, right?"

"Or is this evil waiting for something?"

Black mist seeped in through the crack in the door, and Bai Wu frowned because he hadn't finished cleaning it yet.

The most annoying thing about doing things like cleaning is being interrupted in the middle of the process.

The white mist did not open the door. The black mist was like some kind of hand, testing the environment in the house.

He skillfully avoided the black mist, as if he was playing hide-and-seek with the person controlling the mist outside the door.

Soon the white fog was forced into the corner of the bathroom. There was a full-length mirror in the bathroom. The white fog leaned against the mirror, thinking that it would be touched by the black fog, but in the end... the fog did not break into the bathroom.

After a long time, there was no sound of footsteps outside the door, but Eduo seemed to have left.

Bai Wu looked at the mirror and found nothing unusual. At least not like the mirror in the manor that Lin Wu Rou described later. The person reflected in the mirror did not match his own movements.

This life-size mirror looks very ordinary. Bai Wu looked at the mirror, thoughtful.

In all psychic stories, mirrors are doors that open to other worlds. This may be the case here as well, but you may have to wait.

"Is there something wrong with this mirror? But I can't see it. I guess smashing it with a punch won't help."

Bai Wu didn't linger in front of the mirror for long, he left quickly.

But soon after the white fog left, the picture in the mirror changed.

A vague outline was gently touching the mirror with his hand. There was no sound and the person's appearance could not be seen clearly.

It was like the image reflected in the mirror. There was nothing unusual, but from the slight distortion of the mirror outline, one could vaguely make out that there was a person hidden in the mirror.

For the next ten minutes or so, no one passed by, and Bai Wu continued to make the bed.

While dusting the bed frame, he discovered some information.

Bai Wu found a hole on the inside of the bed rail used to prevent students from falling.

In his previous life, when he was investigating a case of missing students, Bai Wu had visited some schools and discovered similar holes.

Because the beds and supporting frames in school are mostly made of steel pipes which are hollow inside, some students will try to make a hole in the pipe so that they can throw cigarette butts in when smoking.

Bai Wu didn't smell anything, he just found a note.

"This is a little different from the suicidal humans I imagined. Good habit."

The content written on the note was similar to what he saw on the first floor, but the project that the few people were committing suicide on was completely different.

Bai Wu began to read:

"There are more and more strange things happening in school. The guys on the fourth floor started to scatter rice grains, and some even pretended to draw talismans. The whole dormitory on the fourth floor seemed to be haunted, but we were the only ones who heard the noise at night."

"We wanted to apply for a change of dormitory, and the teachers agreed. Everyone was trying to find a way to get through this difficult time, but there were more and more supernatural incidents."

"Yesterday at 4 a.m., I was awake because of fear. I saw Chang Yuan get out of bed to go to the bathroom. After about 30 seconds, the footsteps stopped and he hurriedly climbed back to the bed. He was so fast that it was unbearable."

"I was also a little scared, so scared that I didn't dare to get out of bed to pee. I wanted to ask Chang Yuan what was wrong. I asked him a few questions in a low voice, but Chang Yuan seemed to be fast asleep and ignored me."

"Just as I was about to get out of bed, I heard the sound of flushing water in the toilet. Chang Yuan came out shivering, cursing and complaining about how cold the weather was."

"My mind went blank. Is this Chang Yuan? If he is Chang Yuan, then who was the person who ran to Chang Yuan's bed just now? I watched Chang Yuan lift the quilt, lie on the bed, and soon fell asleep. It was as if countless ants were crawling out of my pores. I gritted my teeth in fear and wanted to tell Chang Yuan, but I didn't dare to speak."

"I wasn't mistaken... There was indeed someone on Chang Yuan's bed. But when Chang Yuan lay down on it, that person disappeared. Was it Chang Yuan who disappeared? Or was it someone else... Was it him who was targeted by the ghost? Or was it me?"

There was no follow-up, and the handwriting on the note was very neat.

Bai Wu originally speculated that this should be the next day when the owner of the bed got up and recorded it, but now he is a little uncertain.

He could sense the fear in the child's words. Anyone in this situation would probably associate it with supernatural events.

But this also gave Bai Wu a clue.

"It seems that the bed opposite him is Chang Yuan's. Let me see what Chang Yuan left behind before he disappeared."

Without exception, everyone in dormitories 403 and 405 moved to 404.

It was as if there really was a dormitory 404 that opened at 4:04 in the morning and sucked in the students who lived nearby.

"This world is already full of evil and strange rules, so ghosts should not interfere."

Bai Wu began to search bed number three. He originally planned to wait on bed number four until the early morning, but since there might be clues hidden in this dormitory, he might as well investigate what kind of supernatural situations might happen.

He actually discovered something.

I found a note in the battery slot of the mouse on the computer desk under bed number three.

"In shoes, in the holes of bed frames, in the battery slots of mice. My goodness, the boys in your school are all masters at hiding their private money."

After opening the note, Bai Wu found two things wrong.

"Because I was close to the gangsters in Class 4, I was called to the Academic Affairs Office again. I thought they would scold me for fighting with the students in Class 1, but this time it was strange. Teacher Liu didn't ask me to call my parents or write a self-criticism. He just told me that I had an exam and asked me to focus on my studies."

"It was the first time I saw Teacher Liu so kind... He was totally unlike the devil Liu that other people talked about. He didn't mention my mistakes at all, but just chatted with me casually, telling me not to be nervous. He asked me what I wanted to do in the future and what was going on at home."

"I'm the type who only gives in to softness and not to hardness. Since I've had a fierce face since I was a child, everyone thinks I'm the type who loves fighting. It's like our appearance determines our personality. Damn it, if no one wanted to be friends with me, why would I go to the boss of Class 4?"

"I promised Teacher Liu that I would not fight again and took the initiative to admit my mistake, but Teacher Liu didn't care at all. He even took out a cigarette and asked me if I wanted to smoke. Teacher Liu is really strange. I remember that the last time I went into the Academic Affairs Office, I was slapped twice."

"After leaving the Academic Affairs Office, I secretly decided to become a better person and not hang out with those people in Class 4 anymore."

finish watching.

Bai Wu frowned. On the surface, there was no supernatural event in this letter. But Bai Wu's intuition told him that there was a big problem here.

"I found the second letter strange because the handwriting was neat, but because it lacked personal style, I couldn't tell the difference. Now it's easy to compare, the handwriting on all three letters is exactly the same."

"There doesn't seem to be much wrong with this letter, except that the personality of Mr. Liu mentioned in it has changed a lot."

Chang Yuan is undoubtedly a person who looks fierce, but actually wants to integrate into the group in his heart.

This kind of student naturally has a villain face, just like an old bald actor who has played countless villains. If this person looks kind, most people will think that he has bad intentions.

So Chang Yuan was slowly isolated by the crowd and had to go to Class Four, which was undoubtedly the worst and most evil class in the entire school. It was very likely that the group of barbaric and evil people in the East Campus who wanted to dominate Baichuan were originally from Class Four.

The most interesting part of decryption is when you don’t even know the question at the beginning.

Bai Wu is now faced with an incomplete question. How can he solve the puzzle if the question is incomplete

But now he has some clues.

"Class 4 and Teacher Liu's office, I have to keep an eye on them."

Bai Wu began searching for bed number two.

He had a hunch that a similar note could be found on bed number two, and the handwriting would be the same as the previous three.

Sure enough, Bai Wu found the note in the gap between the bed frame and the bed board.

"Did someone leave clues here intentionally?"

The traces of being arranged by someone were too obvious, but strangely, Bai Wu felt that what was written on it was true.

"The person who left the clues may not have malicious intentions, but how did he know about these people's experiences?"

Bai Wu opened the note.

"I followed a cat to the West Campus today. Damn it! I really feel like I'm possessed! Something weird happened yesterday, and something weird happened again today. I didn't do well on the midterm test a few days ago, and I was scolded by my homeroom teacher!"

"Did I offend something unclean? Otherwise, why am I so unlucky? When I was taking a shower last night and looked in the mirror, I found that I was not in the mirror. So I called Xiao Jiang over. Xiao Jiang looked at the mirror and said that I was clearly in the mirror."

"He thought I was trying to scare him, and I thought he was trying to scare me. We almost got into a fight."

"Today is even more ridiculous. The black cat's tail feels like it's smoking... black smoke. I'm usually not very courageous, and I'm not curious about some things, but today I was like possessed by a ghost and ran to the West District, to that old house... But that's the source of the curse, why did I just follow the cat in a fit of anger!"

The note disappeared here.

Bai Wu quickly went to bed number one and found the note from "Xiao Jiang". This time the note was in the pen cap. The Eye of Prell would give some help. Every time it scanned a place where information was hidden, the eye would pop out a golden exclamation mark.

It gives Bai Wu a sense of being playing a Ubisoft game.

This note matches the previous one.

"I knew this school was spooky, but I didn't know it was this spooky. I used to think that the haunting of 403 and 405 was just a rumor spread by cowards. I live in 403, and seeing how cautious they are, aren't they just scaring themselves?"

"But at night, I really encountered something wrong. The boss said that he was not in the mirror, and I ran to the bathroom to take a look. He was clearly there... He looked terrified. I thought he was deliberately making fun of me, so I had an argument with him."

"It was only when I was squatting in the toilet at night that I realized I had misunderstood Mr. Dong."

"The mirror was facing the bathroom door. I was the only one in the bathroom and the door was closed, but I saw Lao Dong in the mirror. He looked at me in surprise, and I looked at him in surprise too."

"I didn't tell anyone about this. I'm starting to believe that this school is really haunted, but I can't leave this school. Because if the rumors of haunted places are true, then the rumors of people mysteriously disappearing after leaving the school... must also be true."

Read all four slips.

Bai Wu saw three supernatural phenomena - the cat with smoking tail was related to a campus ghost story in the West Campus, which was called the source of the curse in these notes.

As well as the weird mirror, the Eye of Prell also mentioned that the mirror is problematic.

Finally, a strange shadow suddenly ran out of the toilet.

But except for the cat with black smoke coming out of its tail, perhaps all other supernatural phenomena are the same.

Bai Wu came to the mirror and waved at it. The man in the mirror also waved back with a smile on his face.

"I hope you won't come tonight."