Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 180: The world in the mirror


Bai Wu was in the fourth dormitory building. Looking out the window outside the laundry chute, he couldn't see the views of other dormitories. He only felt it was very dark.

And it's getting darker.

He did not choose to look at the outside through the crack in the door. Maybe he would see some abnormal colors through the crack in the door again.

In fact, the probability is very high. Since entering this room, Bai Wu has always had a feeling that he is being watched.

Instead of lying on the bed, he sat at the table, looking at some notes.

"Four of us have experienced some paranormal phenomena. Four... No, to be exact, five pieces of paper all have the same handwriting. Who left these notes? What is he guiding me to find?"

Bai Wu had suspected Cain, after all, this was the area where the traction wheel was pulled. But there were too many strange stories about this school.

"At present, it seems that these strange stories that occurred in the fourth male dormitory are most likely the work of a certain force, but before that, these missing boys may have experienced other strange stories. The strength of this school is too complicated. Bad teachers, good teachers, bad students, good students, and the source of the curse mentioned."

"There was a note that mentioned that if you leave school, something unexpected will happen. In other words, if you are infected by the curse in the school, there is no point in leaving school?"

"Also, I should go check out the source of the curse. But first I need to confirm if any supernatural events will happen in this dormitory tonight."

It got dark very early. After Bai Wu cleaned the bed, he lay down on the bed with a big heart and began to wait for time to pass.

After more than an hour, a lot of noises were heard outside.

He heard a knock at the door.

But no sound of the door opening was heard.

Bai Wu didn't know who was knocking on the door, but he vaguely felt that the other party was an old man, walking very slowly, and seemed to be holding a lamp.

Each time he knocked on the door, he knocked three times in a rhythmic manner.

The whole school was dead silent.

The white fog felt as if it was exiled, as if it had come to some silent and alien space.

Apart from the eerie sound of footsteps and the creaking of the old lantern, there was no other sound.

"This should be a patroller, and a very powerful one. All the other demons are pretending to be dead, perhaps because they are afraid of being discovered by this demon. Is he one of the disciples?"

The footsteps are getting closer.

Judging from the sound, the patrolling old man should have been standing at the door of 405.

But this time, he didn't knock on the door. Bai Wu knew that this was because no one was in 405. 405 and 403 were special dormitories where even the evil ones didn't dare to live.

So the patrolling old man didn't knock on the door of Room 405 at all.

But what happened next... made Bai Wu feel a little confused.

The patrolling old man walked to the door of Room 403 and began to knock. He knocked very slowly.

Dong Dong Dong.

Bai Wu did not respond. He waited for the patrolman to leave.

Dong Dong Dong.

To Bai Wu's surprise, the patrolman knocked on the door again. Unlike the three times before, this patrolman seemed to be extra patient with Room 403, or maybe he found something wrong in this room.

Dong Dong Dong.

The knocking will be repeated three times in a round. After knocking three times, the patrolman will pause for a moment and then continue knocking.

Just like the phone in the food city’s phone booth, once it rings, it won’t stop unless you answer it.

But Bai Wu did not choose to open the door. At this moment, many thoughts flashed through his mind -

"He noticed me? But why didn't he just come in... Was he afraid of something else in this room?"

"No, if you're scared, wouldn't knocking on the door just as likely to alert the ghosts in the house?"

Bai Wu couldn't think of the answer.

He intuitively pictured this scene in his mind.

An expressionless old man with wrinkles deep enough to kill a mosquito, holding a lamp, slowly knocked on the door.

"405 didn't knock on the door, but 403 did... The difference between 403 and 405 should be me... Or is there evil hidden in 403?"

Winter, winter, winter…

The person outside continued to knock on the door, at a steady pace that never changed.

"There is a contradiction here. There is no one in 405, so he didn't knock on the door. I am in 403, and the other dormitories are occupied by the evil ones, so he knocked on the door. This means that he can sense other creatures. But if that's the case, what is he knocking on the door to confirm?"

There were rounds of knocks on the door, and after a long time, the patrolman continued to move forward and began to walk towards the next room.

Bai Wu noticed that after reaching the next room, the patrolman's rhythm changed back to knocking only three times, and then moving on to the next room.

"really weird… "

He did not open the door to see if the patrolman was as he had imagined, a strange old man holding a lantern.

Just as the patrolman knocked on the door, the white fog also encountered its first negative attribute - evil soil.

This kind of negative attribute was the first time Bai Wu encountered it, but it didn't make him feel uncomfortable.

But if he fights against the evil, he will be at a great disadvantage.

Good fellow, are you the traitor who led the Huang army? The evil spirits near you will recover 2% of their maximum health per second, and 25% of the damage you cause to the evil spirits will be temporarily converted into their maximum health. Now you are really a nurse to the evil spirits.

This is really a traitor's skill...

If your teammates are fighting against the evil, and you rush up to him and deal a lot of damage, the situation that could have been won may become an unsolvable one.

"Fortunately, I didn't bring anyone with me this time. This negative attribute is really disgusting. I have to avoid fighting as much as possible."

Bai Wu continued to wait.

He calculated the time. He left the tower in the early morning, but arrived at the Baichuan University Affiliated Middle School in the evening.

He had been there for four hours, and it would be four in the morning before he had to go through one more negative attribute.

Time passed minute by minute, and a few hours later, the second negative attribute came. This time Bai Wu was lucky enough to get a free attribute - weak fire.

"Well... it's not a big problem, as long as you don't get close to the fire."

Bai Wu lay on the bed like a dead person, thinking about the strange things that happened today.

With only a few dozen seconds left until 4:04 in the morning, he finally noticed something unusual, but it caught him off guard.

The mirror made a shattering sound, as if cracks had appeared under high temperature, but Bai Wu did not hear the sound of the lens falling to the ground.

Then he caught a glimpse of many dark shadows out of the corner of his eye.

These shadows were no different from normal students, with human silhouettes, and they were moving very fast... It was as if the world around them was moving at single speed and they were living at 1.5 times the speed.

"The paper records that when Chang Yuan was in the bathroom, a dark shadow quickly climbed onto his bed. It was four in the morning, and it was dark. The person who recorded the information might have seen this kind of shadow. But why... were there so many?"

It's like someone eating a slice of pizza at home on a humid summer day, then suddenly gets a call to go on a business trip, and in a hurry puts the pizza in a box but forgets to throw it away.

A few days later, when I returned to the house, I accidentally touched the box... and a dense mass of cockroaches that gave me goosebumps crawled out.

This is what the white fog feels like now.

These shadows were of various shapes and sizes, tall and short, fat and thin, male and female. The only difference between them and the description on the paper was that they did not climb onto the bed.

And because they seem to be just phantoms and have no real shape, these phantoms can overlap.

Soon after the sound of the mirror shattering was heard, even with just the peripheral vision, Bai Wu could sense countless black shadows rushing out of the mirror like a tide.

He didn't speak.

These shadows did not climb onto the bed, and because they were moving at 1.5 times the speed, all their movements seemed extremely fast.

The corner of his eye caught the tracks of these shadows, and to Bai Wu they looked like nimble cockroaches crawling back and forth.

It is now 4:04 in the morning.

Bai Wu suddenly heard many voices.

He seemed to be in a busy city, hearing sounds such as crying, roaring, exclamations and laughter.

Just like these black shadows... the sounds also came one after another, splashing a picture of the wandering of all living beings in Bai Wu's mind in the form of hearing.

"What on earth is going on? Why are there so many dark shadows? Are they ghosts? This scene is like a hole in hell."

The Eye of Prell did not give any clues, and Bai Wu even suspected that this was because the black shadow came from the world in the mirror.

Suddenly, his hole expanded slightly.

It wasn't because Bai Wu was frightened or saw something incredible, but because he was adjusting himself.

At this moment, the white fog seemed to be unable to see the things around it.

"I have to calm down. If even I think that the events here are supernatural, then the mystery of this school will really be unsolvable. Calm down..."

For a few tenths of a second, Bai Wu also thought that these black shadows were ghosts, but he soon found that he had fallen into a rigid state of thinking.

Because I couldn't explain the phenomenon in front of me, I tried to leave the answer to the ghosts and gods.

So subconsciously, he began to change his mind.

"Based on the current clues, I can't infer what's going on with this speed. It's not the time to draw a conclusion yet."

The white fog was waiting for the next change to come, but there were more and more dark shadows, some of them were sitting, some were standing, and some were pacing back and forth.

Because the bodies can overlap, sometimes an area looks like a complete black mass.

Bai Wu originally thought that they would make a lot of noise for a long time, but when footsteps were heard outside the door, all the black shadows disappeared into the mirror.

The whole scene is as if all the cockroaches started to flee quickly the moment the owner of the house turned on the light.

The white mist did not move.

Continue to lie there like a dead person.

"Is the patrolman back again? No..."

The brisk footsteps made Bai Wu realize quickly that this person was different from the patrolman.

"Could it be from the security department?"

Bai Wu was inclined to this idea.

Unlike the person who had been knocking on the door countless times just now, the footsteps outside the door this time were very frequent.

The evil outside the door passed 405 without stopping, and did not stop when passing 403.

The significance of its existence seems to be that of a brush. The sound of footsteps can instantly make the night, which was originally as bustling as a city, quiet.

Only when the footsteps became fainter did Bai Wu slowly exhale.

"Maybe I should check out 405!"

Outside and inside the house, everything had become completely quiet. Bai Wu could no longer hear the sound of brisk footsteps, nor the sound of dull footsteps.

He suddenly felt a little regretful.

"I should have bought that 100% hit urinal. I'd brought Lin Wurou to this crappy school to experience it. Maybe he would never dare to get up at night again. Then I'd sell it to him at a high price. What a pity."

As if he had missed a billion miles of white fog, he got out of bed after realizing that there was no movement around him.

Previously in the area of Jingsi's Heart, he got a pair of shoes. In order not to alarm some strange and mysterious existence in this school, Bai Wu put on this pair of shoes.

His footsteps became silent.

She slowly opened the door of Room 403 and then slowly closed it. Bai Wu's movements were now more gentle than a mother's to her baby.

Then, taking advantage of the darkness of the early morning, he sneaked into dormitory 405.

The dormitory doors all have embedded door locks that Bai Wu can easily unlock. After he entered 405, his first reaction was to go to the bathroom to see if the two dormitories were symmetrical.

Is there a mirror facing the door

But after arriving at the bathroom, Bai Wu frowned.

With the help of enhanced vision, he could see everything inside 405 clearly.

No mirror...

So Bai Wu prepared to search the entire house, trying to find some other clues.

But when he turned his gaze elsewhere, he found that the notes that popped up on any object in his sight were the same.

Don't look for it anymore, same person but different fate, they are on the left side of 404, went to the world of 404, we are on the right side of 404, we are trapped in 404. Woo woo woo, it turns out that being targeted by ghosts can be good or bad, they are good, we are bad.

"They are on the left, and went to the world of 404... We are on the right, and were 404. Does this mean that both groups of people are missing, but not because of the same strange story?"

Bai Wu opened his eyes wide, and at this moment, he suddenly had an idea.

"Pen Fairy, Mirror, Black Cat... Could it be that they are protecting certain students and sending them to an unknown space in a strange way?"

"And the reason for protection is that if you don't do this, you will be killed by another ghost story like the people who disappeared outside the school mentioned in the paper and the people who disappeared in 405?"

There are two kinds of disappearance.

One is just missing, but still alive. The other has been wiped out from this world.

"According to the information given by the eyes, the people in dormitory 403 are hiding in the mirror? The people in dormitory 405 have been erased?"

The white fog returned to 403 again.

He was not afraid of mirrors at all, even though he had just seen some inexplicable strange phenomena.

The mirror was intact, although he did hear a shattering sound, but now looking at it, the mirror was flat and smooth.

Touching the mirror, Bai Wu felt a huge mystery.

"Baichuan City... The zoo where Lou Xiaoping is located belongs to Baichuan City, the Ninth Mental Hospital where Hong Yin is located belongs to Baichuan City, and the earliest information about the masked man also belongs to Baichuan City."

"It seems that the secrets in this city are just as many as those in Food City..."

It is now 4:30 in the morning. Bai Wu looked at himself in the mirror and said:

"One side is good, the other side is bad. If you live in the world behind the mirror, then whether you want to kill me or guide me, please give me a direction."

Of course, the mirror did not dramatically split into a crack to give the white mist direction.

But at this time, the moonlight slanted into the bathroom window, and a ray of light was refracted on the mirror.

Bai Wu looked in the direction of the light. He remembered that was the source of the curse, and it was the most dangerous place according to his eyes.

(This script will be a bit complicated in the early stage, I hope everyone will be more patient, because there are many forces involved, but the subsequent plot will definitely satisfy you. There will be a single chapter next, not a canvassing for votes, but just a monthly summary and a year-end summary.)