Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 182: The source of the curse


"At this time, all the evil ones are fast asleep. The two negative attributes I have now will not affect my actions. I must go investigate quickly."

Although he hasn't done enough multiple-choice questions, Bai Wu already has a general idea.

He gently pushed open the door of 403.

The early morning is the darkest time. The moment he pushed open the door, Bai Wu could hear footsteps coming from the corridor on the fifth floor.

The "Security Department" was walking towards the staircase to the fourth floor. On the other side, at the staircase to the third floor, the Security Department on the third floor also began to walk towards the fourth floor.

This was a coincidence. The white fog happened to appear shortly after four o'clock, which should have been a time in the underworld, but it was also the time when the security guards, who also worked and rested in the underworld, were patrolling.

He was about to be attacked by two level eight evildoers from the security department.

Looking towards the direction of the footsteps, Bai Wu actually saw the clue.

Level 8 mutants, when they were still human, they received a job with a much higher salary than normal - to prevent students from escaping in the middle of the night. Everyone has a conscience, and they have more or less noticed some special business of the school, but the problem is that the school gives too much. In addition, it is best not to fight them in the dormitory area. Although they do not have entries, they have an abnormally exaggerated combat power bonus in this area. However, you are not invincible. There are also props in the school to "defeat the teacher." All teachers and students are afraid of one thing.

From a distance, the white fog did not capture the light source. The old man holding the lamp seemed to be gone.

Being attacked from both sides at this moment, Bai Wu jumped down from the fence on the fourth floor without thinking much.

Thanks to his shoes, he landed silently.

After a few ups and downs, the white fog was like an assassin roaming in the night, and left the dormitory area without alerting the monsters in the security department.

The whole campus was filled with a spooky atmosphere in the early morning. Bai Wu noticed that he could see this side of himself on the windows of the student dormitories. There was a face pasted on every window.

Every face had wide, dark eyes, staring at him.

These students did not make any sound. They seemed to have become one with the dormitory, as if the dormitory was a living thing that was looking at him with many eyes.

Anyone who sees this scene will feel a tingling fear.

The white mist had no fear, just pure curiosity.

"So Evils don't sleep? Or do they sleep with their eyes open? They kept sticking to the window and looking at me or something else?"

"I am also the center of attention."

Bai Wu calmly left the dormitory area and started running towards the west campus.

Along the way, he looked far into the center of the school and found that the twenty-two people on the playground were still kicking people's heads, and the lights in the gymnasium were still on. From time to time, a few rooms in the teaching building would suddenly light up, and then go out after a short time.

Bai Wu took note of the houses with flashing lights and continued walking towards the west campus.

When approaching the West Campus, Bai Wu saw a yellow horn tree with many mummies hanging on its branches.

In an abandoned three-story building on the West Campus, there lives a source of curse. Before the end of the world, the source of the curse has attracted great attention, and the place where it is located is also called a "forbidden zone". Many people hope to kill the source of the curse. She is the incarnation of the devil, the messenger of hell, and the collection of all the misfortunes in the world. But there is also a secret organization that wants to study the source of the mysterious curse on her.

For this, they gave the school an irresistible huge sum of money, and all the misfortunes of the entire school began from then on. The person who hanged herself was under the instruction of the school, approaching the source of the curse, and as a result, her whole family was killed cleanly and neatly, so she didn't want to live either. In order to uphold justice, she chose to hang herself in the restricted area of the campus, thinking that her death would allow public opinion to avenge her family. Phew~ This is really an interesting topic. The tiger is in a cage, and the person insists on running into the cage. Then, if the person is eaten, is it the tiger's responsibility or the person's responsibility

This is a strange school. Any tree you see on the road can have such a story.

"The story mentioned in the notes should be about the death of only one person. If one person died, the school should have found a way to take the whole person down from the tree. Why did they let her hang herself on the southeast branch?"

There are quite a lot of mummies hanging on this yellow horn tree. They are hanging on the branches, and because there is no moisture, their bodies become very light.

When the wind blew, the corpses swayed together.

Bai Wu suddenly thought of a conclusion - the tree had been next to the curse for many years, causing it to be infested with spirits, and these mummies were fruits that grew from the tree. The yellow horn tree became a hanging corpse tree.

When you think about it this way, this tree is pretty amazing.

Bai Wu's figure passed the yellow horn tree and he had arrived outside the cordon of the campus restricted area.

Not far in front of him was an old-fashioned low building that was completely different from other teaching buildings. This building had only three floors, with three classrooms on each floor. The outside of the building was surrounded by red cordons, warning students not to approach.

The black fog cannot be seen in the early morning hours, but the white fog has enhanced vision, allowing one to clearly see even darker things in the darkness.

He saw a strange energy distributed in a hemispherical shape, covering the entire restricted area.

Looking at that energy, notes popped up in Bai Wu's eyes again.

The so-called source of the curse was nothing more than the effect of two sequences. Under the effect of the talent sequence 666 Satan's Kiss and the talent sequence 777 Wheel of Joy and Sorrow, she became an existence that could absorb the luck of others. But the source of this curse was not simple, her sequence was advanced.

The bonded state plus the advancement made her a black hole of luck that she couldn't control. In extreme despair and self-blame, she turned into a half-evil form, which was an extremely special state that only a very few people could achieve. Her sequence did not disappear, and she even had an extremely terrifying entry at the same time - doom and disaster.

The white fog stopped.

Looking at the notes in his eyes, he thought of Qin Lin. Qin Lin had been used in this way before, absorbing other people's luck, causing many mine collapses in the white area.

If Satan's Kiss and the Wheel of Joy and Sorrow trigger the bond, they are actually an invisible weapon of mass destruction.

But what Bai Wu really cared about was the form of the source of the curse—half-evil.

What kind of form is this? Is it a perfect state that can use both sequence and distortion terms at the same time

Then there is the issue of sequence advancement, which is also something Bai Wu is very interested in.

He has not yet mastered the key to sequence advancement. After returning from the casino investigation, Bai Wu also asked the captain about the secret of sequence advancement.

But Wujiu didn't know that, and he advanced to Jiying without knowing it.

After hesitating for some time, Bai Wu finally decided to take the risk and go to the low building to take a look.

"From the information given by her eyes, it seems that no one in this school dares to provoke her. She is the beginning of all the misfortunes. This sentence should be hinting to me that all the supernatural phenomena in the school are actually related to this person."

“Although getting close to the source of this curse may lead to bloodshed, since no one dares to provoke her, perhaps this strange black energy can serve as a deterrent to some evildoers.”

When Bai Wu made up his mind and took a step forward, suddenly a tiny black shadow emerged from the grass inside the seal line.

With enhanced vision, Bai Wu could see the little thing clearly - a black cat.

This cat is very strange. Its jet-black fur looks like it is burning all over, like a flowing black flame.

The black cat looked at Bai Wu warily, but did not raise its tail as if it saw an enemy. Bai Wu squatted down and said:

"Don't you want me to come in?"

Of course the cat couldn't answer this question. But Bai Wu assumed that the cat could understand what he was saying and continued:

"My name is White Mist. Since you can't speak and you're all black, I'll call you Black Mist."

The black cat thought the white fog was strange, and it also didn't like the name.

Bai Wu was not in a hurry either. He looked at the black cat and there was information in his eyes.

Level 4 mutation, rare aberration entries: Burning Body, Doom Drain, Smell of Evil.

As the only friend of the "source of the curse", when people could not get rid of her, they transferred their anger to her pet. Humans have an interesting behavior, which seems to bring happiness to others by causing pain. When the black cat smelled burnt and wailed in the fire, it became evil under all kinds of desperate emotions. So it also left a campus ghost story - the black cat that can't be burned to death.

Bai Wu seemed to have seen that cruel scene:

"Don't be nervous Black Mist, I have no ill intentions, I just want to meet your master. If it's inconvenient for her, just let me see the environment she is in."

The black cat tilted its head. It couldn't understand the human's thoughts. It had a sense of evil and could smell the evil thoughts and desires of humans.

This human being has no evil thoughts and is cleaner than most people seven hundred years ago.

This surprised the black cat. After all, it had not seen a pure human in this city for a long time.

Bai Wu's first impression of the cat was not bad.

Before this cat turned evil, it guarded a girl who brought bad luck, and it still did so after it turned evil.

This reminded him of Xiaojing.

"You can choose to speak human language and tell me not to go in, or I will take it as your consent."

Of course, the cat couldn't talk like a human, and a question mark floated above its little head. Bai Wu was just looking for a reason to go in.

The black cat didn't stop him in the end. This human was stronger than many monsters in the school, and it couldn't stop him.

Most importantly, it smells of no malice.

Even after crossing the seal, the black cat began to lead the way.

It ran in front of Bai Wu, looking back at Bai Wu from time to time. If cats had human expressions, it would probably be proudly showing off its and its mistress's little nest.

After being enveloped by the black energy, Bai Wu felt that some power derived from some strange rules was constantly penetrating into his body.

There is no doubt that these black energies can bring unimaginable misfortune.

But Bai Wu thought about it carefully and felt that there was no need to worry too much, because the tower could even block legendary entries. As long as he returned to the tower, the black substance would definitely dissipate.

As long as one absorbs enough black matter, the scale of the misfortune that will come will definitely be very high.

Minor problems like falling while walking, getting water stuck in teeth while drinking, choking while eating, rolling on the ground while sleeping, stepping on a banana peel, and a pistol exploding while masturbating will not be triggered.

If you just get a little closer, your whole family will die... If you take the initiative to get closer and try hard to accept it, it will be like a meteorite destroying the earth. It's unacceptable.

Once returning to the tower, all these doomsday substances will be cleared out, so Bai Wu no longer cares about the doom.

The principle is like the difference between owing the bank one thousand dollars and owing the bank one hundred billion dollars.

There are only three empty classrooms on the first floor of the low building, and the bathroom is at the end of the corridor.

On the second floor, one of the classrooms was converted into a library, which was filled with many worn-out books. Next to the library was an empty room with only a table and three small benches.

This is the dining area. Two of the stools are relatively clean. Although the other stool is dust-free, it is somewhat not as bright as the other two stools.

Not everyone is afraid of the curse. There are a few people who feel sorry for the cursed girl. They occasionally see this girl looking at the sky from the window, as lonely as a cat looking at the world from the balcony. They want to relieve her loneliness and become her friends. It is a touching story because most of them died in an untimely way and made the source of the curse hate itself even more.

Bai Wu could imagine the pain that the hostess of this low building had experienced.

Chang Yuan in the note has a ferocious face and is rejected by many people. But as he grows up, enters society, and as the people around him become more mature, this phenomenon of judging people by their appearance will gradually fade and eventually disappear.

But cursed women are different.

She couldn't get close to others and could never have a conversation with anyone.

Anyone who gets close to her will die, or even suffer something more terrible than death.

For such a person, it takes a lot of courage even to live, because the whole world hates her.

So much so that Bai Wu suddenly became somewhat interested in the source of the curse.

He came to the third floor.

Of the three classrooms on the third floor, one was converted into a bedroom, one was used for writing and drawing, and the other had not been changed much and was just an ordinary classroom.

Bai Wu walked into the second room, where the cursed woman usually wrote and drew. There were usually a lot of clues left here. His footsteps were lighter than that of the cat, and he soon came to the place where the cursed woman usually wrote.

On the table were palm-sized sticky notes and some extremely abstract drawings that were so abstract that you couldn't tell what they were about at first glance.

The drawing is almost pure lines, messy, with no discernible trajectory and entanglement.

Bai Wu looked at these paintings, unable to make sense of them, so he picked up a random note from a pile of randomly placed notes and started flipping through them.

At the same time, a certain being lying in the next room suddenly opened his eyes.

She suddenly sat up straight, her waist-length hair covering half of her face. Her white clothes and pale face made her look like a corpse in a morgue.

Obviously, she was very beautiful in terms of facial features, but for the past seven hundred years, everyone had the impression that she was like a cursed ghost in a Japanese horror story.

At this moment, all the black matter covering the low building seemed to have suddenly gained souls and transformed into terrifying beasts.

The black monster has a ferocious expression and fierce eyes. Anyone who sees this scene will be very scared.

The white fog remained unmoved, and with the help of enhanced vision, he saw this scene.

But he pretended he didn't see it and chose to continue flipping through the notes.

All the memories are hidden in it, just like the poor little folder you have seen, the unlucky little sticky note has a similar effect. In the immersive memories, can you find the biggest scam of this school