Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 185: Fusion disease


Although the truth has not been confirmed yet, Jiang Yimi was filled with grief and anger when she learned that the people she thought she had killed were alive as monsters. Her half-evil body made it easy for her to fall into some kind of "problem".

She began to force herself to think about other questions:

"What does it mean before time runs out?"

"This is a disease. You also have this constitution. Maybe you will get sick in the future, or you may already be sick."

"I do not understand."

"Let's talk while we walk. Let's go to the second building and take a look."

The masked man took Jiang Yimi to the second building. When passing the eleventh floor, the masked man suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?"

"I sensed that there was a little girl with potential similar to yours... no, even higher. I'm not sure whether I should take her with me."

Jiang Yimi only felt that the masked man was becoming more and more unfathomable.

Bai Wu knew that the little girl that the masked monster was talking about should be Hong Yin, and Hong Yin was on the eleventh floor at this time.

"If he saves Hong Yin... will my memories change? Will the causal line change?"

This thought suddenly popped up in Bai Wu's mind. But he soon realized -

This is not a telephone booth. I am in Jiang Yimi's memory. This is the result that has already happened and will not suddenly become the cause.

"Forget it. I'll come and rescue her after I finish dealing with your matter."

The masked monster and Jiang Yimi did not meet Hong Yin. At this time, Hong Yin was still locked in a dog cage with a spirit, receiving various injections every day.

Although he had not yet completely transformed into a monster surrounded by dark resentment, Hong Yin already possessed powerful mental power. It was this mental power fluctuation that made the masked monster feel that something was wrong.

Bai Wu actually really wants the masked monster to change this cause and effect line, but this is just a thought.

On the way to the 19th floor, the masked man began to talk to Jiang Yimi about the "disease".

"What do you mean by illness?"

"Whether you are a fallen being who can use sequences, a human being who can use terms, or a half-fallen being like you, as long as you use both powers, there is a chance that you will get sick. Let's call this disease 'fusion reaction' for now."

Jiang Yimi still didn't understand, so she just asked:

“Will this disease be terrible?”

"Not necessarily. The probability of getting the disease depends mainly on the similarity between the sequence and the entry. And different entries will show different fusion reactions."

Seeing Jiang Yimi confused, the masked man explained:

"The two sequences you possess can take away the luck of others, and your current half-evil form has awakened you to the Disaster Catastrophe and Disaster Strike, which are also abilities that can dissipate the luck of others. These abilities are too similar and will merge under your special physique. This will lead to a lot of instability. It may make you lose control when devouring the luck of others."

"To put it simply, you can master the sequence to an advanced level of proficiency, and the same goes for the terms, which can be used to their full effectiveness. As you continue to use your power, your control over it will become stronger and stronger. But the fusion reaction is that no matter how proficient you are in controlling these two powers, you will not be able to control them when they occur."

Jiang Yimi was still thinking about the meaning of these words, but Bai Wu understood them.

"I see. Let's assume that the sequence and the entry correspond to each other. If you master a sequence and an entry with similar abilities, they will fuse together. New abilities may appear in the fusion state, but they may also become uncontrollable... This uncontrollable state may occur periodically or asymmetrically."

Bai Wu looked at the masked man.

"That is to say, this guy in the mask, like Jiang Yimi, can possess two powers. Currently, those who are known to be able to use two powers include my evil form, Cain who deceives others, Jiang Yimi in his half-evil form, and the masked weirdo. Maybe the guy with the last name Jing can do it, but I'm not sure yet."

"If the symptom of Jiang Yimi's fusion disease is that she can't control the extent to which she devours other people's luck, then the masked man's fusion disease should be related to time? He mentioned that he would kill the principal before time ran out. Perhaps he mastered a sequence related to time and a term related to time. The fusion of the two... led to the emergence of some new uncontrollable ability?"

"Speaking of which... my evil form will generate many nightmare eyes. Are these eyes similar to the Eye of Prell? It seems not... they should not trigger a fusion reaction."

The masked monster did not continue to explain in depth to Jiang Yimi. Jiang Yimi had no idea about such basic things as term sequences, so it was naturally difficult for her to understand the "fusion disease" mentioned by the masked monster.

So much so that Jiang Yimi had been unable to figure out something that Bai Wu understood as soon as he heard it for seven hundred years.

She just followed the masked man and felt that he was indescribably powerful and unfathomable.

As they headed toward the second building, they encountered six security guards.

Bai Wu still remembers that these six security guards were killed instantly by Shorty.

Shorty was as swift as thunder and he could kill his opponent with a sword as fast as lightning. In a sense, Shorty was the strongest close combatant Bai Wu had ever seen.

The masked man's handling method looked even more impressive. He snapped his fingers, and all six security guards froze. It was as if they were suddenly abandoned by time.

In terms of expressiveness, physical warriors are ultimately not as handsome as mages.

"Where are we going now?"

"monitoring room."

When Bai Wu explored seven hundred years later, there was no monitoring room. All the surveillance cameras had been dismantled by Hong Yin.

But seven hundred years ago, in Jiang Yimi's memory, there was still a monitoring room in Baichuan City.

The masked man quickly found the monitoring room and encountered several enemies. With a snap of his fingers, he made these people seem to be in another barrier where the movements were abnormally slow.

The monitoring room is on the nineteenth floor of the second building. Further down, there is the underground first floor, the underground second floor, the underground third floor... all the way to the underground eighteenth floor.

The design symbolizing hell existed seven hundred years ago.

The masked man called up the daytime surveillance footage, and Jiang Yimi saw on the screen a group of monsters crawling out of a heavy cabin door and then starting a brutal fight.

Bai Wu noticed that either Elijah had not appeared yet, or he had already gone to a lower level.

The layers below were severely damaged and could not be monitored at all.

But Elijah was not seen on the negative first floor to the negative fifth floor.

The lower the level, the more exaggerated the degree of human mutation, and no one knows what these evil people are fighting for.

As soon as the hatch opened, they began to fight desperately like slaves in the Colosseum trying to win glory for their master.

Jiang Yimi, watching this scene, asked in a trembling voice:

"Are they... all human?"

"Yes, I just found out recently. Although Baichuan City looks normal, it has already begun to rot inside. The Security Department, the consortium, and the hospital have all begun to use any means to deal with the evil. With the impending doomsday, it is indeed necessary for people to master some knowledge of the evil, but their purpose is not for humanity, but to gain greater power. Although it is all in vain, there have indeed been many futile projects in human history that have mobilized a large number of troops."

"Now, they have extended their hands to the school. In their opinion, these young and fresh lives are the best material for studying evil. But to do all this, to make the city continue to have people disappearing without attracting too much attention, there must be a cover."

The masked man suddenly laughed:

"You are the front of the school. With you, any disappearances, accidents, deaths, and other incidents that happen in the school can be blamed on you. That's why I started paying attention to you."

Jiang Yimi couldn't believe all this, because from the words of the masked man, it seemed that the city had been completely corrupted.

"They obviously... have such a vast world, why would they do such a thing?"

Jiang Yimi envied those who could move freely among the crowd. She couldn't be so willful and could only confine herself in a small building.

In everyone's eyes, the restricted area where she was was the most twisted and evil place in the entire school, but compared with many places outside the school, the restricted area was actually the most normal place.

The evil creatures on the screen continued to fight, with blood, flesh and broken limbs flying everywhere. Watching the evil creatures fighting, Jiang Yimi asked:

"Teacher and Jiang Huan, will this happen too..."

"Well, under the manipulation of the Doctor, they will all build a foundation in their hearts. This foundation is to fight and devour other evils and become the strongest among them. Only in this way can they gain happiness. You should understand this better than others. The desire to pursue happiness is very strong."

The evil is divided into three levels. The three levels actually have nothing to do with combat power. The first level is the evil that is devoured by desire and will do anything to satisfy desire.

This kind of depravity is common, feeding on fear and despair, like the beasts outside the tower.

The second kind of evil is Hong Yin, Traveler, Beauty Mole and other sane people. They still have human wisdom, but some people's personalities have been distorted, while some people still maintain goodness in their hearts.

The third type is the most perfect form, which is almost immune to the troubles and attraction of negative emotions, and has a semi-evil physique that can use the human sequence and evil entries.

Between Hong Yin and Jiang Yimi, it is not a question of who has greater potential, but the fact that one can live in human form while the other must live in the form of a monster already shows the gap between the two states.

However, this does not mean that Jiang Yimi does not desire something. The side effect of her half-evil form is that her emotions become more sensitive.

She also craves certain emotions more, and her desire for friends and care becomes stronger.

The white mist gradually became able to understand the meaning in the eyes.

This girl is indeed between an angel and a devil. If she turns completely evil, it would only take a moment for her to become a ferocious beast that brings disaster.

But if she can resist the urge, she is like an angel, able to completely close herself off for others.

The appearance of the masked man was indeed redeeming her, alleviating her inner self-blame and making her realize the real mastermind behind the scenes.

This gave Jiang Yimi a new life goal - revenge.

"I... although I don't quite understand some of the words in your words, does this mean... that everyone's disappearance and accidents were not caused by me, and I am actually... not a scourge?"

"Of course you are not a scourge. You have a disease that can bring bad luck to people. There is no cure for this disease. There are many similar examples in human history. Some people will isolate themselves and not cause trouble to the world, while others will run around the world, hoping to infect the whole world. The latter are the scourge."

The masked man turned his head, looked at Jiang Yimi and continued:

"In the face of overwhelming accusations and abuse, you did not fall into depravity nor resent the world. Just for this reason, you have surpassed most people."

Jiang Yimi opened her eyes wide, with tears in her eyes that she did not hide. She was really afraid that if she blinked, the person in front of her would suddenly disappear.

Then I realized that everything was just a dream, just a dream caused by my inner guilt.

She is still the monster that scourges the world and is hated by everyone.

The Masked Man said:

"Your teachers, seniors, and friends can no longer be saved. Let them stay here. Taking them away now will not help, and will only alert the enemy. We have an important mission next."

"What mission?"

"Sneak into the principal's office and find out his plan."

The masked man continued to explain:

"The doctor and the principal are two characters that must be eliminated. One of them serves a powerful force, which is the force that marked me. If I can get rid of him, it will be more useful than getting rid of the principal. In order to lure him out, I also put in a lot of effort and captured a lot of evil people and sent them to the hospital for him to study."

Bai Wu remembered.

In the files of the Ninth Hospital, it was indeed mentioned that there was a strange man wearing a mask who sent Evil Dead to this hospital.

What surprised him most was that Dr.

In that file, there was a doctor who was always conducting various experiments on patients in the tone of a researcher, and he arranged the surnames of all the patients in order of A, B, C, and D, with numbers as their names.

Looking back now, this doctor's naming style is so similar to Jingyi to Jingliu.

"Doctor, businessman, traveler... It seems that this doctor also serves the Well power. At that time, Hong Yin was not that powerful and was absorbing the pain of other evildoers bit by bit. But the doctor may have run away because of the appearance of the masked monster."

Bai Wu quickly deduced the timeline in his mind, and everything actually connected.

Jiang Yimi said:

"What about the principal?"

"This person is a bewitched person. He was bewitched by a disciple of my old enemy. This disciple has a bad personality and likes to deceive others. He believes that school is a good place for evil to grow, especially since students' values have not been truly established. It is easy for students to change their temperament drastically due to a little setback, and they are most suitable for becoming evil."

"He bewitched the principal and made him see the power of the evil. At the same time, the principal himself became evil, and he could also obtain all the entries that he obtained. In short, he acted as a mastermind behind the scenes this time, and the principal was a villain on the stage."

So that's what it meant. The masked man's previous words made Bai Wu think that the disciple and the principal were the same person, but now it seems that the principal is just Cain's disciple.

Bai Wu then had a new problem.

"If Cain is the disciple of the old enemy... who is the old enemy?"

(I won’t be able to resume posting twice a week until the day after tomorrow. I’ve only started writing in the early hours of the past two days. I really don’t have the time. All the social tasks that a nerd writer has accumulated over the past year must be completed at the beginning of the new year. I’m also helpless.)