Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 186: The mysterious secret of Baichuan Middle School


With seven hundred years between them, the masked man certainly couldn't hear the question raised by his successor.

He can answer all of Bai Wu's questions, such as who Cain is, who the Ten of Spades is, and what the six Tic-Tac-toe-level beings are all about.

But this is not a telephone booth, this is Jiang Yimi's memory. Jiang Yimi has no idea about these people, so she can't ask these questions.

The exploration of the Ninth Mental Hospital soon ended.

After learning part of the truth, Jiang Yimi said on the way back to campus:

“Will many more people be targeted?”

"Yes, but you don't have to feel too sad. Thousands of years of human civilization are about to be compressed into a tower. Most of us are abandoned outside the tower. It's only a matter of time before we become monsters. The most important thing is not to lose our original heart."

"I... I want to save them."

"Can you save them? You are not a savior, but maybe you will meet a savior in the future. You have to learn to get used to it. Compared with the long new era, even if they don't become monsters, they will die in various turmoil."

"Every bit that can be saved counts. You must have a way." Jiang Yimi was very stubborn.

"This is achievable. At least in this school, we can save a considerable number of students."

When he arrived at the school gate, the masked man suddenly stopped, as if he remembered something.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, this phone call is for you."

The masked man handed a cell phone to Jiang Yimi:

"We will slowly investigate the truth of the school in the next few days, but I may not be able to see you at any time. I still have to deal with some monsters and continue to capture them to the Ninth Mental Hospital. Also, some investigations are not suitable for you to go. I can go alone, but I will give you some progress clues over the phone."

Jiang Yimi nodded as if she understood. The masked man was like a hero who suddenly appeared, and had the feeling of a strong brother. Naturally, she would do whatever her brother said.

The night was long, and the two soon arrived at the teaching building area.

The locks on the principal's office door had been changed not long ago, and anti-theft devices had been added to the windows. If you want to force your way in, you'll definitely make quite a noise.

But this did not stump the masked man. He took out a strange key and opened the door easily.

"How do you have the key to the principal's office?"

“Isn’t it amazing?”

"awesome… "

"There will be many strange objects in this world in the future. These objects will have parasitic reactions. Do you know what parasitic reactions are? That is, these dead objects that are close to people will suddenly have some strange characteristics."

Jiang Yimi shook her head.

When the masked man gave Jiang Yimi the rules outside the Kopta, Bai Wu noticed the key.

He had seen the key.

In Jing Si's mind, he had bought the key from the little octopus created by Jing Si. It was that key that allowed him to open the door of the archive room and learn about the past of Professor Tao and Professor Xie.

"Jing Si should have seen the items in that game. Including the Original Sin series weapons and the imitation Original Sin weapons, they should all have real prototypes, so... the key is the same. This masked man has seen several people with the surname Jing."

Bai Wu really wanted to suddenly change the cause and effect and walk up to the masked monster and lift up his mask, although if he really did so, there was a high probability that he would be frozen in place by a snap of the other party's fingers.

The masked man and Jiang Yimi quickly began to explore the principal's office.

This process did not last long. The masked man, like Bai Wu, obviously had a special talent for finding things. Soon, he found the secret compartment behind the bookcase.

But what deserves attention is not the files in the secret compartment, but some meridians emerging on the wall behind the bookcase.

Things like black veins appeared on the wall, rooted in the wall as if they were some kind of living thing.

"What is this?" Jiang Yimi looked at the slowly expanding and contracting blood vessels in surprise.


The masked man made a shushing gesture and said softly:

"This is the result of a high degree of distortion. There must be another world behind this wall. Following these meridians, we may be able to find the principal."

"Is the principal no longer...human?"

"Whether in body or mind, it is no longer human. Its true appearance is probably more exaggerated than you can imagine."

"Doesn't he need to meet other people... He is the principal after all."

"I'm afraid that the teachers in the school are also in fear. There are also many strange phenomena in the teacher's dormitory. Moreover, the principal cannot plan so many supernatural events alone. He must have helpers."

After opening the secret compartment, the masked man flipped through the files. Jiang Yimi moved closer, and Bai Wu also moved closer.

Three people from different time and space are together at this moment.

What Bai Wu didn't know was that outside of her memory, Jiang Yimi, wearing white pajamas, had come behind her and was looking at her with a puzzled look.

The same goes for black cats.

Behind Jiang Yimi was a black substance that looked like huge waves. Jiang Yimi was barefoot and wearing creepy white clothes. She looked like a ghost.

But she never hurt Bai Wu. The reason she was confused was that there was a familiar aura about Bai Wu.

And if Bai Wu looked back at this moment, perhaps he would be able to understand the true meaning of the information that his eyes gave at the beginning.

The contents of the file recorded the principal's many arrangements. Most of them were lists of students who had disappeared, those who were about to disappear, and various plans to make them disappear unexpectedly.

There are also some transactions between Cain and the principal, including the doctor's.

But it is worth mentioning that there is no connection between Cain and the doctor. Bai Wu speculated that, at least in this scene, Cain and the doctor should not appear together.

Jiang Yimi looked at what the principal had done and her shoulders trembled slightly.

The Masked Man said:

"It seems that this principal is not stupid. He dare not provoke you because your power is too overbearing. No one wants to experience the experience of having their luck devoured."

Jiang Yimi didn't understand.

The masked man explained:

"In a sense, you are indeed a monster, because you have gained a terrifying power. The principal was bewitched, but the person who bewitched him underestimated the principal's desire for power. The bewitcher didn't know that the principal had established a collaboration with the doctor."

"What does a doctor... do?"

"The doctor comes from a terrifying force. It can transform and suture entries. Entries are different from sequences. The number of sequences is fixed, but entries can potentially suture out unprecedented abilities. Of course, this requires a large number of sacrifices. I'm afraid that all the students in the school are sacrifices."

Entry transformation.

Jiang Yimi couldn't understand this concept. She was just shocked that all the students in the school were sacrifices.

Bai Wu understood the horror of this ability.

"Travelers can freely go to any area and can bring several servants with them. Merchants can trade anything, including lifespan, memory, and power. And the ability of the doctor is not simple either. He can strengthen items in a targeted manner, or even sew items together?"

At this time, Bai Wu's thoughts were synchronized with the masked man—

"This is beyond my expectations. Their collusion means that the principal may be a little more difficult to deal with than I thought."

Jiang Yimi secretly wrote down the contents of the file:

"There are still many unimplemented plans here. Can we save them?"

"Of course, this is the purpose of our trip. We can use the trick to make these children who are supposed to be missing in supernatural events really disappear."

"What's the meaning?"

"Look here, the school plans to let these four children die in the Pen Fairy game. They will definitely be induced to do similar behaviors in the near future. Before the school takes certain actions, we can take them to a safe place first."

"safe place?"

"An alternate space, a space where these students can be hidden. Aren't they creating supernatural cases? We can do the same. This school doesn't have Room 404. It is said that it is unlucky. We can create a story about Room 404 and make all the students who should have been abducted by the school go to Room 404. They will come out after I kill the principal."

When hearing this, Bai Wu combined the previous exploration and roughly guessed the continuation of the story.

"So this is what Room 404 looks like... Was the world in the mirror created by the masked man? How many abilities does this guy have?"

"But Room 404 still exists. In the early hours of the morning, a large number of shadows would come out of that room. This means that he has not yet killed the principal. Combined with this sentence in the diary, the masked man died at the hands of the principal and died because of being close to Jiang Yimi. This means that the duel with the principal... was lost?"

It is very likely that the masked monster lost to the principal, or that the principal and Cain teamed up.

This made Bai Wu feel a little unreal, because the strength displayed by the masked man at this time was like that of a demigod in Bai Wu's eyes.

The memories for a long time afterwards almost provide answers to all the previous puzzles.

Jiang Yimi and the masked man never saw the principal, so they started making up strange stories about Room 404.

In a short period of time, as the masked man spread the news, almost everyone in the school knew about the strange story of the "disappearing room 404".

This is not surprising at all in Baichuan Middle School. It is not wrong to say that the current Baichuan Middle School is a ghost school.

The entire Baichuan City is also shrouded in a weird atmosphere. The masked man hunts all kinds of evil during the day, and at night he and Jiang Yimi carry out secret investigations and rescues.

They are always one step ahead of school.

When the school planned to make some students disappear or appear to have died in an accident, the two would take these students to Room 404 in advance.

With the explanation of the masked man, Bai Wu learned the secret of the room.

Talent sequence 27: Mirror Prison.

In the talent sequence list, the description of Mirror Prison was very philosophical, imprisoning people in a false face. Bai Wu was unable to guess the specific effect of Mirror Prison at that time.

But through the explanation of the masked man, he realized that this thing was probably similar to an entry in the mirror that he had seen before - soul imprisonment.

In the Traveler's Gathering, the ninth-level mutant Mirror Evil once used a similar ability.

A person is imprisoned in a mirror world, and the mirror can also see the memories of the person's life.

The effect of Mirror Solid is similar. The masked monster did not explain the specific conditions for its use. He only mentioned that if the caster does not actively remove it, the creature trapped in the Mirror Solid can only come to the real world in the form of a shadow, and it must be a very dark moment.

And the time in the mirror is almost stagnant.

Bai Wu now realized that the group of black shadows running out of the mirror were all students in this school who should have been deprived of their lives by the principal or the doctor.

They were all rescued by Jiang Yimi and the masked man, and through the many videos provided by the masked man, they learned the true cause and effect.

I also realized what a dangerous place they were in.

For example, Mr. Liu, who suddenly changed his personality, decided that Chang Yuan was a bad student after he came into contact with the students in Class 4. Especially since Chang Yuan looked ferocious, he must not be a good person.

The reason why Teacher Liu was gentle with Chang Yuan was because they had already made up their minds to make Chang Yuan disappear forever after an accident. As long as all the bad students disappeared, only good students would be left in the school, which would also be considered purifying the school.

The so-called leniency is just the temporary mercy of the jailer to the death row inmates.

After Chang Yuan learned this information from the masked monster, his face turned pale and he was filled with fear.

On the contrary, the students who were frightened by the paranormal events in the mirror suddenly felt lucky.

Including the student who was led to the forbidden area of the campus by the black cat. The real reason was that he had been targeted by the school, and going to the forbidden area actually saved his life.

They are being protected by an unknown hero. The masked man has an innate strong affinity and quickly gains the trust of the students.

In fact, as more and more people go missing in the school, many students have already discovered the problem -

Why did the school bring the cursed girl into the school? Why did the principal never come out to explain? Why did the principal insist on keeping the cursed girl after so many accidents happened

Although they also criticized the curse woman on their keyboards, they also thought about what the truth was.

After learning the truth, these students were also afraid of becoming monsters, especially some of the medical records in the Ninth Hospital, which made them feel creepy.

So it was easy for the masked man to convince them to hide in the mirror world.

As for those notes, they were hidden by the masked man.

After the search in the school yielded no results, the school itself did not take it too seriously. All they wanted to do was to attribute the disappearance of these missing students to supernatural events as much as possible.

In addition, the entire Baichuan City was filled with a spooky atmosphere, so no one really felt that anything was wrong. At a time when everyone was in danger, who had the time to care about others

In the Mirror Prison world, the masked man was able to communicate with those students. He wrote down the students' oral experiences before they disappeared. These experiences were not all true, and some parts were deliberately processed to be horrifying.

The original purpose of the masked man was to deal with school searches.

Bai Wu could imagine that if the school really began to conduct a detailed investigation into these missing students, they would discover that the supernatural events that the school had originally used to cover up the truth had turned from fake to real.

It's like someone who often pretends to be a ghost to scare people has encountered a real ghost. This may serve as a warning that "if you walk on the road at night for a long time, you will see ghosts."

But what the masked man and others did not expect was that these people were too accepting of supernatural phenomena, or they were too dismissive of the lives of their students.

They didn't search seriously at all, so seven hundred years later, these so-called clues were still found by Bai Wu.

Some puzzles are gradually solved.

But there are still a few key points that confuse Bai Wu -

How did the seven disciples become a vulnerable group if they included the principal? Where were they? What went wrong in the confrontation between the masked man and the principal

What happened in the school to make it so corrupt

Judging from the current information, it seems that Jiang Yimi and the masked monster are trying to find a way to save the school.

Although the masked man's attitude was that these people would die sooner or later, and would become evil sooner or later, and that some things could only be done by a savior, and that there was no need to pay too much attention to them, at Jiang Yimi's request, the masked man did save a lot of students.

The following memories are almost all about constantly letting students enter the world in the mirror. At first, the school didn't care, but as the rumors about Room 404 spread, more and more people were swallowed up.

The principal and some teachers in the school finally realized one thing: there were other forces in the school coveting these students.

They were unable to find the secret of Room 404, but they became aware of the existence of the masked man.

At the end of the memory, the showdown between the masked monster and the principal finally arrived.