Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 188: The masked monster comes again


The night sky, which was already dark, began to be covered by even thicker darkness.

It was like a painting of a night scene that was suddenly splashed with the thickest layer of ink.

The scene in Bai Wu's eyes was like the explosion of a nuclear bomb called "Disaster". The entire school was instantly covered and swallowed by black matter.

The huge evil child in sight also disappeared under the invasion of misfortune.

The entire scene in my memory was just absolute darkness.

"She also suffered from the fusion disease?"

"If the doom engulfs the entire campus... doesn't that mean everyone will die? No, not necessarily death."

Bai Wu also didn't know what effect the fusion of the perfect-level distortion entry - Doom and Catastrophe, and the talent sequence Satan's Kiss Roulette of Joy and Sorrow would have.

Even with enhanced vision, he couldn't see through the thick black. Looking around, it seemed as if the whole world had suddenly fallen into chaos.

Now even he couldn't imagine what the scene would be like at Baichuan Middle School when the chaos dissipated.

He simply began to infer some details.

"This power has already surpassed Jiang Yimi's limit. Now it seems that the fusion disease will cause some kind of power to run wild... If so, will the masked man suddenly possess a more powerful power of time and space than usual?"

"Could it be that because of the power running wild within him... he has changed some kind of rules of space and time?"

These bold inferences and hypotheses cannot be verified, and no one can give Bai Wu an explanation, not even the owner of this memory.

The only thing Bai Wu knew was that the mask was blown to a corner of Baichuan City, picked up by a member of the Investigation Corps in the future, and then thrown to Jingchu's weapons department for unknown purposes.

Finally, he was picked up by himself, and then somehow, he inherited the will of the masked monster.

As for where the will of the first generation masked monster went, it has become a mystery.

The memory ends here, and until the end, everything in Bai Wu's sight is still chaos.

There was no other content at the back of the diary. This special diary only recorded one sentence:

"An unknown, masked hero, died by the principal, died by getting close to me."

Bai Wu couldn't feel the disappointment, but he felt a little regretful, as if he had completed 90% of a task, but suddenly due to an accident, the completion rate was reduced to zero.

Died from being close to me. These few words are enough to show that the girl still thinks of herself as an ominous person.

She thought the masked man was dead, killed by the principal, but the reason why he was killed by the principal was her own fault.

The masked man helped her get out of the knot between He Shuhong, Lin Yiping and Jiang Huan. Originally, after some time, this girl who had been cursed, blamed and isolated by the world could regain the vitality that a young girl should have.

Perhaps there is such a parallel universe, where a masked monster takes a half-evil girl and wanders around various areas after the arrival of the Tower Age, dispelling the obsessions of the evil ones, saving others, or eradicating the evil ones.

Bad luck is no longer a burden to her, but a weapon she uses to uphold justice. Just as the masked monster said, the greater the pain, the greater the happiness. She is no longer a monster that people fear, but a reliable teammate beside the masked monster.

But the masked man suddenly left, making everything come to nothing and putting Jiang Yimi in a bigger dilemma.

Even though they had been together for a short time, the masked man did many things that no one had ever done to Jiang Yimi.

Giving her food, revealing the truth to her, and introducing her to a truly desperate world that was about to come, gave her some mission, and something more sacred and noble.

Bai Wu put down the diary and was originally prepared to look for other written records to continue searching for clues, but he suddenly stopped as a strange chill hit him.

He instantly understood what was going on and immediately explained from the bottom of his heart:

"Don't be nervous, I mean no harm."

He finally felt Jiang Yimi's breath. Although he did not feel fear, he still subconsciously calculated whether the other party posed a threat.

This is a monster that can easily destroy the entire Baichuan campus.

In my memory, Jiang Yimi was very kind, but seven hundred years have passed and no one knows what changes have taken place.

Especially as your eyes have reminded you, don't approach here rashly before finding the correct option.

"Who are you?" There was no emotion in Jiang Yimi's voice.

Bai Wu slowly turned around and the two looked at each other.

Bai Wu has a very beautiful face, and so does Jiang Yimi. Seven hundred years have passed, and although she no longer has the innocence of her youth, she still looks the same as before.

From the moment the white fog immersed herself in her memories, Jiang Yimi sensed a familiar aura.

As a half-devil, her basic combat system follows that of the fallen, not the companion power of humans. Her sequence also stopped awakening after becoming half-devil, but she can use the sequence, and may be able to obtain more sequences in other ways in the future. As for her experience, you probably know it, so I won't introduce it in detail.

Level 9 mutant, distortion entry: Mental Power*9, rare distortion entry, Resentment Transformation, Disaster Strike. Perfect level distortion entry: Doom and Sinner. Talent sequence 666—Satan's Kiss, Talent sequence 777—Wheel of Sorrow and Joy.

By the way, the reason why the Half-Evil form is called the perfect form is because the Half-Evil will not be missing anything.

The moment the note appeared, Bai Wu understood one thing—the girl in front of him was not someone he could beat, and he had to reason with her.

This half-evil with the lifespan of an evil creature but the body of a human girl is no less than the top predator he has ever seen.

Perhaps only people of Hong Yin and Beauty Mole's level can suppress her.

As for the last sentence of the note, Bai Wu selectively ignored this shameless message.

"You are not from this school." Still, there was no emotion in the voice.

The black substance that had not attacked the white mist previously transformed into the appearance of a ferocious beast at this moment.

Over the past seven hundred years, Jiang Yimi has become extremely skilled in controlling misfortune.

Bai Wu was sure that he had already been poisoned by non-Energy, although he felt that as long as he returned to the tower, he could isolate these power entries.

But the problem is, what if the return wheel suddenly breaks down? What if the return wheel sends spirits? He didn't dare to think too much, fearing that his luck would be devoured too much and his thoughts would become prophecies.

"I don't know Jiang Yimi's attitude towards me, but I can tell lies to people and tell lies to ghosts."

Bai Wu's mind began to quickly reorganize various information. Soon he had an idea - a bold operation began.

"I'm sorry, I didn't expect that the fusion disease would cause me to travel to a time and space seven hundred years later."

Bai Wu's tone was sincere.

Originally, Jiang Yimi planned to inquire about Bai Wu's identity and also planned to expel Bai Wu from Baichuan Middle School.

This place doesn't need any new residents, and humans shouldn't go near such an ominous place.

But Bai Wu's words made her feel confused at first, and then she seemed to recall something. The coldness in her eyes melted a little, but also brought a little doubt and anger.

"What...what are you talking about?"

There's hope.

Bai Wu's thoughts are very clear now—

If this is the strongest monster in the school, as long as Jiang Yimi is defeated, then this exploration, even if all the puzzles are not solved, will be invincible.

His expression became calm, and there was guilt in his tone and eyes.

"I came back here again, but I didn't expect that everything had changed beyond all recognition. The school that used to be full of people has become lifeless. In the dormitory building, there are no lively faces, only creepy eyes."

"I was confused at first, why there were suddenly so many strange things happening in the school. There were many strange stories in the gymnasium and playground, in the teaching building, in the East Campus, in the dormitory building... but after reading these memories, I realized that something happened on that day... something that was beyond my control."

"So this is how a prophecy comes true. I'm really sorry. I clearly realized that you might have the same disease, but I always focused on the doctor. I should have cared more about you."

If the first sentence was just a coincidence, then the following sentences were very obvious. Jiang Yimi's expression became angry:

"You, you shut up! You are not allowed to pretend to be him!"

Bai Wu noticed that when the girl was nervous, she would stutter. The same was true in her memories.

Now is a critical period. He did not rush to take out the mask to prove himself, but continued:

"I just came from the Ninth Mental Hospital. I learned some things from the files there. The doctor left Baichuan City and the entire hospital has lost control. There are almost no living things in several buildings. Seven hundred years ago, they experienced a major purge."

"Do you remember the eleventh floor that I went to with you? Although it all seems so lightless to me, I'm not sure if you still remember it. After all, seven hundred years have passed."

Bai Wu looked at Jiang Yimi. Jiang Yimi didn't say anything. There was still an angry expression on her face. Her reason told her that this person was lying, but subconsciously, she still had some expectation in her heart.

An actor like Bai Wu can see through it at a glance.

Originally, Bai Wu was not sure whether Jiang Yimi's character had changed drastically in the past seven hundred years, but now thinking back, those shadow-like souls in the mirror are still there.

Those who were once rescued by her and the masked man are still being protected by her.

Coupled with Jiang Yimi's unfounded anger, he was sure that there was no change in this girl's inner self.

"There is also a little girl like you on the eleventh floor of the Ninth Mental Hospital. You can rest assured that Jiang Huan, He Shuhong, and Lin Yiping all went to heaven in the end. That little girl endured the pain that they should have endured. At least your mentor and friends left this world without too much resentment and pain."

"Then I went to look for my mask again. I wasn't really sure whether you would still be here after seven hundred years. Too much time had passed. The fusion disease broke out, causing the space-time power in my body to run wild. I didn't expect to travel to such a long time ago."

Without retreating, Bai Wu took a step forward and was very close to Jiang Yimi.

He was as calm as a real masked monster, facing the girl who was full of guilt back then.

"I didn't expect that seven hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye. I know you must have had a hard time during these seven hundred years, but it's really great to see you again."

At this time Bai Wu finally took out the mask and put it on.

The moment she saw the familiar smiling face on the mask, the murderous aura that Jiang Yimi had originally exuded disappeared in an instant.

She stared with eyes wide open in shock.

It was clear that there was no "equality of all beings" in Bai Wu, but the black matter instantly shrank a lot.

For seven hundred years, Jiang Yimi has actually been living in guilt and self-blame. She has also been practicing to control this power, even though everything has long lost its meaning.

The school became a real ghost school and the city became a dead city.

She could actually leave here. Everything has become a cycle. For seven hundred years, all living things, whether it is the soul in the mirror or the evil outside the mirror, have been living in the same unchanging life.

Nothing would have changed even if she left, but she never left.

When the little black cat saw the mask, he moved closer to Bai Wu's shoes and rubbed Bai Wu with his cheeks. Bai Wu was really worried that the black flame would burn his pair of Master Assassin shoes.

"You, you are not him, you can't be his, why are you pretending to be him..."

All this happened too suddenly. Jiang Yimi didn't really believe Bai Wu. Seven hundred years had passed, and she had imagined countless times the scene where the hero would come again.

But he never came, and the school has changed beyond recognition.

Under the influence of the huge force of disaster, everyone turned into evil.

The entire campus was also devoured by its good fortune, which formed a special backlash rule - a prophecy came true.

All unlucky words will come true, and all bad things spoken will happen.

The evil people here, whether they were former teachers or students, all live in fear of Jiang Yimi and the terror they themselves created.

After becoming evil, they made many curses about the future.

All these curses began to come true one by one due to the power of disaster, so that many strange rules appeared throughout the school.

The more they hate something, the more this school forces them to face it.

After being distorted by the power of doom, although the pre-tower era had not yet ended, Baichuan Middle School had already undergone severe distortion like the high-tower era.

Everyone wanted to stay away from that school. All the ties within the school were swallowed up by the disaster that swept away everything.

This area was divided into many blocks, and all the strange stories that the students once talked about became real.

Good students, bad students, school teachers or other staff, all entered their own nightmares and began to cycle. The life they once complained about became their permanent fate.

Everything is irreversible, and Jiang Yimi knows that she has caused irreversible damage to the school.

She looked at the white fog, and anger grew in her heart. The misfortune that followed her like a shadow also became restless again:

"You are not him... If he is still alive, why didn't he come to find me for seven hundred years?! You are not him at all, you just saw this memory and pretended to be him! I saw him die with my own eyes... I saw him die with my own eyes, he is dead!"

Facing Jiang Yimi's anger, Bai Wu remained calm.

He could probably imagine Jiang Yimi's despair when all her hopes for the future were shattered after she discovered the masked man was dead.

The extreme pain caused the fusion disease to break out. The power of the fusion disease was beyond imagination. Everything in the school was swallowed up by this disaster and changed beyond recognition.

She was in great pain, but no one would come into her life like a hero again.

She can only live with the black cat in guilt and self-blame almost forever.

Perhaps it doesn’t matter whether the principal is dead or not.

Because there were no living people in this school, the principal and Cain's other disciples had become insignificant characters.

At least in Jiang Yimi's opinion, everything is like this. She is the biggest sinner of this school, and there is no way to save this school.

After sorting out her state of mind, Bai Wu's tone became gentle:

"Remember what I said, heroes never die. It's true that it took a long time for us to meet again. I'm not as strong as I was back then, and this world is no longer the same as it was back then, but you haven't changed."

"Jiang Yimi, you may have done something wrong, but think about it carefully. At least you saved these people and kept them in the school forever. If you hadn't stopped the principal at that time, maybe they would have lived on as humans, but maybe... their fate would have been even more tragic."

Pretending to be a masked weirdo, his first motive was to capture Jiang Yimi, but now, Bai Wu also hopes to truly solve Jiang Yimi's problem.

Jiang Yimi might still not believe that the man in front of her was the masked monster, but the pain and struggle on her face showed that she at least heard what Bai Wu said.

"Because of the power of time and space, I know a lot of things that will inevitably happen in the future. Do you think Baichuan Middle School is the most miserable? In a certain deep-sea casino, there are countless people who don't even have lifespans and memories. Although they will not live in an evil posture, they live worse than evil."

"In a certain huge cruise ship, countless people went looking for refuge with hope, but what awaited them was lies and betrayal. Without exception, they all became evil and fallen. Aren't they worse off than the people in the school?"

"Perhaps the teachers and students in these schools all have resentment towards you, but it is undeniable that at least they will not experience greater despair. You have never left this school, and you don't know that when the end of the world comes, there will be countless more tragic things in this world."

"I've said before that we should look at all living things from a macro perspective. Degeneration is not a bad thing, and degeneration itself is not evil. The evil thing has always been the human heart."

"I'm not going to tell you that what you did was right, but instead of continuing to blame yourself here, maybe we can think about how to get this world back on track."

Bai Wu's words were powerful.

There was more and more mist in Jiang Yimi's eyes. She wanted to continue to refute Bai Wu, but she just couldn't say anything.

She wanted so much to believe that the masked man was still alive that she did not choose to leave here because she still had such hope in her heart.

Bai Wu saw through her true inner thoughts. He found paper and pen on the table. The skills he had learned from Yan Jiu finally came in handy.

He picked up paper and pen, and with the same amazing speed as Yan Jiu, he completed a painting in just a dozen minutes.

Although there was no color and the lines were a bit rough, Jiang Yimi could no longer hold back her tears the moment she saw the painting.

On the drawing paper, a masked man was squatting on the windowsill of a low-rise building, rubbing the head of a little black cat with one hand, and in the other hand, holding a food bag with the word "Freshness" written on it.

The person in the painting appeared suddenly like this seven hundred years ago.

Seven hundred years later, life seemed to be just like the first time they met. He returned suddenly and without any warning.