Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 192: White Mist, the Omniscient One


About thirty minutes later, Bai Wu finished the red examination room, which was the examination paper for the university course.

He once again advanced with a perfect score.

You have gained an extra bonus attribute. It is worth affirming that this attribute is permanent, because strictly speaking, item spirits are not considered bonus attributes. Now you must be wondering which item has the spirit. Let's use the process of elimination and eliminate one option first - pot.

Also, don't consider repeating a level to obtain item spirits. After all... once you repeat a level in the red zone, the negative attributes will be retained, but all gains will be reset to zero.

The buff given is actually item spirit transfer...

If it weren't for the final warning from the eyes, Bai Wu would really like to repeat the test again and again and put the blame on the spirit host.

He quickly sensed what object was possessing the spirit.

The watch that refused to remain silent once again added drama to itself—

A little thing like this that loves to steal the spotlight will eventually have a second development. Now its properties have changed a little. Instead of calling it a spirit watch, it is better to call it a demonic transformation device. Realizing that the pointer will only attract your attention in the red area, this crazy little thing has upgraded itself. Now your watch's emotion value will not be lower than 280. Wear it for five seconds and you can become a demon.

Bai Wu doesn't think this is a free attribute, but the problem is that there are only three uses left in the temporary archiver, and the use of the watch is still greatly limited.

"Speaking of which... If we can find Jing Si, who created the archiver, we might be able to solve the side effects of using the watch. But he has gone crazy... I guess even if it is feasible, it will be extremely dangerous."

The scene starts to change.

Everything around suddenly became dark. The tables, chairs and scenery in the examination room all disappeared. After a few seconds, Bai Wu saw a white light focused in the center of the room, but the surroundings were still unclear.

"Welcome to the final question-and-answer session. You are the most outstanding student we have met in the past seven hundred years."

In the black examination room, there was only one chair, surrounded by darkness. Several mixed welcomes came from the surrounding darkness.

This pitch-black darkness seemed to be an effect that could not be dispelled. Even though Bai Wu had enhanced vision, he had no way of seeing the figures on the other side of the darkness.

Everything in sight was blurry. In the dimness, Bai Wu saw about twelve teachers forming a semicircle.

The white fog was at the center of the semicircle, looking like it was being interrogated.

He couldn't see what the teachers looked like clearly.

"I guess the questions you want to ask me... probably aren't ordinary questions. After all, if they are academic questions, then we can just use the test paper. You don't need to come in person. I guess these questions will be more special?"

Bai Wu was somewhat lucky to pass the exam in the red area.

After all, the college-level exam tests general courses. If it involves knowledge of some unpopular majors, he can only cheat to pass it.

Although his tone was calm, Bai Wu was somewhat surprised when he saw the dark outline at the edge of the examination room:

With your current strength, you can easily observe even a ninth-level mutant, but this time is different. The twelve old guys have become a whole. Although they are also suffering from the pain of not getting what they want, they have also transcended the pain and become another level of existence. This layer of darkness that you cannot see through is an isolation barrier. As I said, you must see something before you can analyze it. But you can rest assured that the omniscient and omnipotent Ah Yan will lead you to victory and light.

The twelve evil ones have become one whole...

Bai Wu hadn't thought of this. Could Evil Fall and Evil Fall merge? If so, they could indeed become the strongest fighting force in the school after Jiang Yimi.

Even in terms of pure combat power, they are stronger than Jiang Yimi.

Bai Wu quickly let it go. If he wanted to know the true situation of these teachers, he just had to answer the questions correctly.

"Next, we'll tell you the rules."


Bai Wu even sat up straight and was almost about to say hello, teacher.

"The world has been destroyed. If you want to leave this school, you must master enough knowledge. You have passed the first test. Next, we will give you the second test. You will have one minute to answer each question. If you answer a question incorrectly, you will be directly returned to the blue examination room."

"Can I apply for off-site help? Or can I select a teacher on the spot to be my support think tank?"

This unconventional response caused the twelve teachers to remain silent for a few seconds, and then a voice came from the left side of the white mist:


"Then can I apply for guest privileges to eliminate a wrong answer?"

"… "

After a few seconds of silence, a voice came from the front of the white fog:

"also can not."


Although Bai Wu knew that this was not a variety show like "Millionaire at Ghost School" or "Unlucky 52", based on the principle of carefulness and resistance to cheating, he still had to ask more questions, just in case there was a shortcut so he wouldn't have to cheat.

"Do you have any other questions?" A different voice came from the darkness.

"Yes, can I answer a question with a question?"

“Only the correct answer can be considered as answering the question.”

"Will anything I say count as an answer?"

"Until you say the word 'the answer is', we will not count your words as an answer."

"Okay, I have no more questions."

Twelve pairs of eyes were staring at the white mist, as if they felt that the student in front of them had very clear and unique ideas.

"The first question is a math problem."

I am familiar with mathematics, Bai Wu suddenly became excited.

"Please listen to the question. Assume that the height of the tower is 6,300 meters, and the area of the bottom floor of the tower is about 645 times that of Baichuan University. Then how many rulers are there on the fifth floor of the tower?"

As soon as Bai Wu heard the word "tower", he felt something was wrong. When he heard that the question had nothing to do with the conditions, he was suddenly stunned.

The tower is 6,300 meters high and its area is 645 times that of Baichuan University. How can we determine how many rulers there are on the fifth floor based on these two conditions

This question is just as ridiculous as asking how old Xiao Ming's mother is when he ate an apple in the morning, four buns at noon, and five beef patties in the evening.

"You will have sixty seconds to answer. The timer begins."

Sixty seconds is a short time.

Many thoughts flashed through Bai Wu's mind at this moment.

Why is the tower 6,300 meters high

"I've been to the fourth floor once, and the intervals between the first to fifth floors of the tower, at least for now, are all 900 meters. So, even if there is a top on the sixth floor, the height of the tower should only be 5,400 meters... But why is it listed as 6,300 meters in the question?"

"Are you hinting to me that... the tower actually has more than six floors?"

Influenced by this question, Bai Wu's thoughts diverged to a very far place. After spending more than ten seconds, he suddenly realized that he had to solve this problem first.

A note popped up in my eyes at this moment.

Maybe we need to re-evaluate these twelve old guys. Of course, I'll tell you the answer to the question first, and I'm sure you know it, eight.

Yes, Lilith's answer is eight, and Bai Wu also asked this question. There are currently eight rulers of the tower.

The known families are Pang, Yan, Qin, Zhong, and Xie. The other three families are still unknown.

Bai Wu did not give an answer immediately.

He has to maximize his time.

"The Eye mentioned re-evaluating these twelve old guys. What does that mean? Speaking of which... who made the rules for this area? If what they want is for all students to graduate on time, then why did they add such a perverted question?"

"For these students, if we don't teach them the questions in the red and purple areas in a systematic way, it would be impossible for them to learn them even after seven thousand years, let alone seven hundred years, as they are evil and have all kinds of negative attributes..."

"Or... these twelve evil ones don't want to test these students at all?"

There were still thirty-five seconds left, and Bai Wu suddenly said:

"Can I ask a question that's not related to the topic?"

"Yes, but we have the right not to answer."

“Has anyone ever been to the Q&A session before me?”

"There is only one person." The voice came from the upper right side of the white fog.

These voices seemed to be the voices of many people mixed together, and it was impossible to tell their ages. Bai Wu didn't care, thinking that this must be some natural state of the fusion of evil.

He was now very curious about who the last person was who passed all the exams and came to the question and answer area.

"who's that person?"

"You have ten seconds." A voice from a different direction warned.

"The answer is eight. There are eight rulers of the tower." Bai Wu said loudly.

"correct answer."

"Tell me, who is that man? Did he pass the test?"

"Questions and answers are meaningless to him. We don't know who he is. Please listen to the second question."

"The second question is a physics question."

Bai Wu will not be excited this time, as he always feels that this physics problem is also very strange.

"It is known that the rules of time and space will flow backwards without limit under the interference of the legendary term reincarnation, and Sequence 12 - Time Return, can allow oneself to experience a brief period of time reversal. So, in the state of reincarnation, can Time Return suppress Reincarnation, or can Reincarnation suppress Time Return?"

Bai Wu really wants to curse now.

The difficulty of the white area is junior high school, and it has been gradually escalating to the difficulty of high school and university. I thought the black area would progress step by step, but suddenly, the problem changed from science to theology.

However, when the talent sequence twelfth came back, it gave Bai Wu an inspiration.

"Because there was no description, I didn't know what Time Rewind was used for. Now it seems... Isn't Time Rewind just a permanent temporary archive? If I can get Time Rewind... maybe I can solve a lot of problems."

Bai Wu's attention returned to the problem at hand.

If a person who has time travel enters the reincarnation area, is it his time travel that allows him to escape from reincarnation, or is it reincarnation that allows him to reverse his time travel

These twelve old guys actually call this kind of problem a physics problem

If you don't have eyes, you can only guess about the white fog.

This is a really good question. I suggest you ask him the same question. When the head was chopped off, did the head feel that the body had fallen off, or did the body feel that the head had fallen off? Of course, let's talk about the answer to the question first. Although Shihui's sequence number is ahead of mine, it is still a waste that is not as good as Samsara. But I am different. I have defeated Samsara with you! The Eye of Prell should be ranked in sequence one. Who agrees and who disagrees

Bai Wu was too tired to complain.

But I was even more confused in my heart. These twelve evil beings were just ordinary human beings before they became evil. Could it be that the middle school teachers in Baichuan University had such rich knowledge

How can you know a sequence that doesn't even have an introduction on the periodic table

"Who told you these questions? Did you come up with them on your own?"

“When you respond to a problem with a problem, at least solve our problem first.”

The voice in the darkness was as solemn as a judge.

Bai Wu did not wait this time and said:

"The answer is that reincarnation suppresses time."

"correct answer."

"So who told you these questions?"

"No one told us that these problems come from ourselves."

Unexpectedly, the twelve figures in the darkness actually answered Bai Wu's question, although Bai Wu felt that the credibility was not high.

He wanted to ask something else, but soon the third question came.

"The third question is a history question."

Now Bai Wu felt even more confused. He didn't know much about the history of this world, especially since the questions asked by this group of evil people were definitely not serious historical questions.

"Please listen to the question. Baichuan City is a city with a long history. It took a total of 75 years to transform from a poor mountain city to a first-tier city. But it took only seven days for Baichuan City to go from a prosperous first-tier city to destruction. If you had a chance to travel through time and space, which day and which area would you go back to?"

no idea.

It only took seven days to destroy Baichuan City

As far as Bai Wu knows, Baichuan City, Denglin City, Xuanhui City, and Food City are all big cities. These cities have experienced a long time in the doomsday...

Just like Denglin City, even in 2128, the year when the tower was closed, there were still many people cooperating with Professor Tao and others to save the city.

But why did it take only seven days to destroy Baichuan City

Is this destruction related to the time and space of Jiang Yimi and the masked man? Or is it related to the doctor who never showed up

Bai Wu really wished he could answer questions with questions, as more and more questions appeared in his mind.

This is a slightly heavy topic. Destruction is much easier than creation. In those seven days in Baichuan City, we experienced hope, despair, and finally everything became dead silent. I can tell you responsibly that there is no way to save the city by going back to the past. This question is somewhat inductive, but unfortunately... If going back to the past can change all the causal conditions, it may only accelerate the destruction of mankind.

The tone of his eyes became serious for once, as if he was warning himself about something.

This passage was somewhat obscure, but Bai Wu suddenly thought of the sentence he heard on the farm—

“Cause and effect do not work for us.”

The person who destroys Baichuan is far more powerful than the person who guards Baichuan. If the people who guard Baichuan can go back in time and space and change the past, then in theory, shouldn't the priority of this time travel be in the hands of the destroyer

Bai Wu did not ask any questions this time. After he had calmed down his thoughts, he said calmly:

“The chance to save the world does not lie in any moment in the past. The answer is here, right now, and at this moment.”