Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 193: Clearance Q&A area


Here and now.

This answer is actually different from the answer required by the question. The union of the twelve evil ones is not really purely misleading.

To be precise, this is a question they don't know the answer to either.

The darkness grew thicker.

Bai Wu found that he could hear very faint whispers, but could no longer see their outlines.

These evil creatures seemed to be discussing something.

Bai Wu was stunned. Could this be another reading comprehension question without a standard answer

He waited patiently, pondering the capabilities of his eyes.

"At first, the Eye of Prell only gave hints when you stared at an object. Is it auditory feedback now? Come to think of it, there have been similar situations before, such as in the telephone booth area of Food City. Could this be a sign of some kind of advancement?"

Bai Wu guessed that this might be related to advancement, but he didn't know how the sequence advanced.

Wujiu and Jiang Yimi both advanced inexplicably, but neither of them could give an answer.

While Bai Wu was thinking about the sequence advancement and why the twelve evil ones knew these secrets, a reply came from the darkness—

"We can't count you as correct or wrong for this question. You will have the opportunity to continue to participate in the following questions and we will re-determine your answer based on your subsequent answers."

Bai Wu must use some sophistry:

"Everything has cause and effect. If you consider traveling back to a certain day during the seven days of the destruction of Baichuan City as the cause, and the result of that day as the result, then my answer takes precedence over the cause, because cause and effect are also relative. I give the cause, and traveling back is the result. Only when this cause and effect is established, your cause and effect will be established. Philosophically speaking, my answer cannot be wrong. Even if you have a time machine and can freely control time, any decision is made in the present."

The evil ones in the darkness once again began to discuss in low voices. But this time, they quickly came to a conclusion:

"Your sophistry will only cause the cause and effect to be traced back and refuted."

This was something Bai Wu had not expected.

The previous statement is indeed sophistry. If we follow that logic, this cause and effect can be traced back to the origin of the world.

But he didn't expect that these evildoers who had been trapped in the school for seven hundred years could be so organized.

"The next question is geography."

Geography question

Bai Wu frowned, afraid that this geography question was not something he could answer. After all, for seven hundred years, people had not drawn a systematic map of the world outside the tower.

Because we don’t know where the tower is, we can’t find the location of the base point.

"Please listen to the question. The road leading to the well is full of difficulties. Countless chaotic areas are arranged in it like a Rubik's Cube. The positions between them are not always fixed. Please list the names of at least four places leading to the well. The time limit is one minute."

My goodness, no matter who asks this question, it is impossible for anyone to answer it.

The area leading to the well is currently completely inaccessible to humans.

But Bai Wu remembered it after being prompted.

During the carnival in the mines, there was a guy with terrible singing who gave a lot of information. You only need to answer a few of them.

"There are some places I don't know the names of. Can I use simple descriptions instead?"

"Okay." The voice in front quickly responded.

When the traveler was describing his new home to a large group of evildoers, he never dreamed that there would be someone who could remember these places and build a map in his mind according to the descriptions of various locations.

This map is incomplete, and Bai Wu didn't know at first that the area given by the traveler was scattered around the periphery of the well, but the information in it was enough for Bai Wu to deal with this problem.

He quickly gave the answer.

It was built in an old mountain village near a lake with many strange traditions. The first thing destroyed when the apocalypse came was the city, but those mountain villages far away from the city with backward technology were also affected by many strange rules.

That place is most likely Hong Yin's new home. Bai Wu then reported a gender-swap village, a town where time flows backwards, and a mechanical city driven by an unknown energy source.

These were all areas that travelers had mentioned when bragging about their experiences, and Bai Wu had memorized them all.

After he gave the answer, several voices from the twelve evildoers responded simultaneously:

"Have you been to these areas?"

"Will this question add points? If not, I refuse to answer."

The evil ones were stunned. Why are humans so hypocritical

The darkness obscured their stunned expressions. After a long while, one of the evil ones said:

"correct answer."

Although Bai Wu did not answer their questions, their tone became much more polite, as if it was showing some kind of respect.

When they heard Bai Wu mention the Mechanical City, they felt even more incredible, because the next question was related to the Mechanical City.

The white fog became more and more puzzled. How did they know these questions

Although the areas within the campus are connected together by the doomsday fragments, these evil creatures cannot leave the campus, so how can they know the areas outside the campus

Before he had time to think about it, the next question came.

"The next question is biology."


After getting used to it, Bai Wu was no longer surprised. After all, it wouldn't be a serious biology question.

"We all know that evil and humans cannot reproduce. Humans can be transformed into evil, but evil cannot be transformed into humans. Therefore, the number of evil is bound to decrease if there is no human supplement. But there is an existence that has changed all this. It can 'give birth' to many offspring. It occupies huge cities, and the entire city is under its control. Do you think those offspring are considered life?"

Who is it? What kind of life form is it

Bai Wu really wanted to complain. This question was not asked clearly. It would be impossible to know the answer without cheating.

So, feeling at ease, Bai Wu accepted the answer provided by the Eye of Prell -

Maybe in the near or distant future, you may enter this area and meet this "breeder". His name is Zero. We all know that the fallen have no organs and cannot reproduce, but completely mechanized things in this world can have souls. And Zero can give souls to mechanical bodies.

He was the first human to have a mechanical evil degeneration reaction, which attracted the attention of the whole world and he also experienced a cruel dissection experience. But he was a machine after all, so how could dissecting a machine be considered inhumane? After a long time, the end of the world came, and he mechanized the entire city. There were no living people in that place, and all living things... were created by him.

There is actually no unified standard as to whether the mechanical bodies he created are life or machines, but to convince these old guys, you'd better show your human side.

Bai Wu probably understood.

Although the description of the Eye of Prell was not detailed, he instantly thought of a certain scene.

Perhaps before the end of the world, a very small number of humans sensed some kind of power and began to awaken or degenerate.

Unfortunately, Zero... had a mechanical reaction.

Human beings' rejection of those who are different from them can sometimes be extreme.

Suppose a half-mechanical cyborg with electronic eyes and mechanical arms suddenly appears in the crowd... his fate will definitely not be very good.

An entire city was turned into machines. One can imagine Zero's fear and disgust towards humans. One can also imagine... the inhuman torture he suffered.

Bai Wu said:

"The answer is that his offspring are living beings. As long as they have their own thoughts and souls, they are living beings."

"But what if they have no love for humans? What if they just hate humans?"

"This has nothing to do with whether or not it's a living being. In addition, forcing the victim to love the abuser is a disgusting act. Next question."

It reads as a biology question, but it is actually an ethics question.

Bai Wu had no interest in thinking about this kind of question. After all, he didn't know everything inside the Mechanical City.

Although he will firmly stand on the side of humanity, and problems like the trolley problem will not bother him, he can fully understand if Hong Yin, Professor Tao, Jiang Yimi, Bai Xiaoyu and others have hatred and resentment towards this world.

Zero's experience was probably more painful than theirs.

The twelve figures in the darkness fell silent again. About half a minute later, a slightly old voice said:

"So far, your answers are basically correct. Congratulations, you are the best student. If you answer two more questions correctly, you can leave here. Also, please remember the answers I gave you. The next question is about politics."

"Will there be a reward for answering all the questions correctly?"


"Okay, go ahead."

Bai Wu is very reluctant to touch the sensitive political field, but he is also very curious about what the political issues in the end times will be like.

"Suppose there is a different area outside the tower, in which humans can survive, and you are the leader of this area. As the population continues to grow, you begin to expand your territory. At this time, you are faced with internal troubles among the tribes who are fighting for resources to establish classes, and external troubles caused by evil people blocking the expansion of territory. What will you choose? Please give a plan of 1,000 words."

After he finished speaking, Bai Wu found that there was a table in front of him, with pens and papers on it.

This is actually a composition topic

He found it interesting and started writing his own answer.

Bai Wu always felt that this was not an exam for students, but a test for some kind of pioneers outside the tower.

The most important thing to pay attention to in the end times is resource allocation, making reasonable use of everyone's abilities, giving everyone corresponding status and resources, and appropriately catering to their interests. This requires great observation and organizational skills.

But this does not pose a problem for Bai Wu.

When faced with foreign threats, there is no doubt that we should resist together or find ways to establish common interests and win over the other side.

It is not difficult to build a short-term stable shelter. After all, in this world, some people are as weak as ants, while others are as powerful as gods.

The huge power gap and the almost impossible-to-eliminate external troubles will make the rule of the shelter very stable for a long time. If internal troubles do arise, they will be easily resolved.

Of course, the most important thing is that the leader must have virtues that everyone can believe in.

These are some very idealistic things.

But Bai Wu had long discovered that the twelve people who set the questions actually had very idealistic views on justice and morality.

Or to put it another way, these former teachers of Baichuan Middle School had extremely noble character.

Therefore, Bai Wu's answers and the various solutions he proposed were quickly recognized. It was nothing more than replacing verbal persuasion with written persuasion. He was very familiar with this job.

"You passed this test. There is one last question left. This is a comprehensive interpretation question."


The last question finally arrived. I have to say, if I didn’t have the Eye of Prell and some previous experience, I would not have been able to pass even the first level.

Bai Wu suddenly felt a little excited.

These questions appear to be questions, but in fact they are telling us some information in the name of questions.

"Please listen to the question. Suppose one day, the tower suddenly no longer has the conditions for stable survival. At the same time, you have found a way to make humans stably change into intelligent evil. You are faced with the important task of leading humans to survive. You must make a choice: to fight outside the tower as an evil, or to seek a way out in the tower as a human. If it is the former, what will you do? If it is the latter, what will you do?"

"Unlike the previous questions, even if your answer to this question is wrong, you can leave safely, but you will not receive our blessing, nor will you be able to record today's conversation."

Bai Wu is now certain that these twelve evil teachers must have seen something or received some guidance.

“This is definitely some kind of leadership test.”

It was like a movie I had seen in my previous life, where an applicant came for an interview, but he never expected that the position he was being interviewed for would be the company’s CEO.

Who can predict the future? The past cannot be changed, but in the present, every choice we make can determine the future. I think I already know what these pessimistic old guys have, but since this is the last question, you might as well wait patiently for the answer. I have no advice for you on this question. You can follow your heart, and you already have the answer.

This kind of open-ended question... Generally speaking, as long as the number of words is large and the paper is neat, the examiner will always give some points, especially since you are the first person to hand in a paper in 700 years~

The Riddler's problem has occurred again...

But Bai Wu did have an answer.

"This question is truly misleading. If it were as simple as turning humans into intelligent, evil species, how could the world ever end? According to some people's absurd evolutionary theory, isn't evil evolution? In that case, why would humans need to hide in towers? So this answer is wrong. I can accept that some heroes protect humans by becoming evil, but I refuse to let everyone become evil."

"I don't know what kind of future you have seen, but humans will definitely not stay in the tower in the future. The idea of surviving in the tower is also wrong. Humans have been studying and exploring ways to get out of the tower since seven hundred years ago, and they are doing it in a human way, not in a corrupted way. If you want an answer about how to hide in the tower, I can say responsibly that I will not give any answer."

"So my answer is, if one day the tower is really no longer suitable for human habitation, I believe that before that, the outside world must have found a refuge."

This time the twelve evil ones did not discuss for too long, and the whispering in the darkness soon ended:

"Your answer was excellent, and from now on, you will have our blessing. May you remember every choice you make today, and may your actions be consistent with your words."

This blessing can’t be just empty words like “Taishang Laojun, I praise you”, right

As Bai Wu was thinking this, the darkness around him began to fade away, and the true bodies of the twelve evil beings slowly appeared.