Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 197: Conference of Rulers


The principal is dead.

Like a perfect coincidence, when Jiang Yimi felt the principal's death and recovered the bad luck, the bell for the end of get out of class rang.

The resentment of seven hundred years was gradually resolved with the persistent ringing of the bell.

The darkness dissipated, and countless blood vessels cut by bone spurs were gurgling with smelly black blood. The blood vessels covering the doors of all the rooms in the entire office building began to shrink little by little. A huge body composed of several eyes was their destination. At the same time, they also began to shrivel, rot, and dissipate like that body. The eyes of Leviathan hatched on the blood vessels became dull and finally fell into deathly silence.

Finally, Bai Wu's gaze fell on the principal's body, which had already crawled to the open space outside the office building.

Its body is composed of an extremely huge eye, which is even bigger than the fallen body of the White Mist Evil, and six relatively small eyes.

They were connected together like a disgusting tumor.

The eyes began to slowly fall off the connector, and vaguely, the white mist could still see the outline of a human skeleton behind the eyes.

Under the transformation of the "Doctor", the seven apostles, by means of stitching entries, became a legendary monster - Leviathan.

But now they are dead.

Michelle, Morgan, Flo, Arthur, Corina, Quinn, Boyens. Seven hundred years ago, as participants in the plan to destroy the old world, they were originally subordinate to the rulers of the fifth floor. Of course, at that time, all humans had not yet entered the tower, and there was no such thing as a ruler.

But little liars always have some tricks, just like you snatched Dandeler's White Moonlight, he also snatched these seven destroyers. The school is just a hatchery. If they hadn't been unlucky enough to meet Little Unlucky, the changes in this place over the past seven hundred years would definitely not be limited to the red area.

We might as well call this story the story of Little Misfortune and the Seven Big Eyes.

Now that the story is over, go unpack the box!

Bai Wu was not surprised. The reason why he did not dig into the details was because this time was different from the one in Dandelair.

The kind soul he met was not in the other party's hands.

Of course, Bai Wu had to admit that this area was very dangerous. There were many things that could not be confirmed in advance.

Jiang Yimi's personality has changed a little over the past seven hundred years. Maybe she was killed when she sneaked into the forbidden area.

As for why he killed the principal so cleanly, it was because he knew that Cain's focus had changed since the beginning of the manor area.

It was no longer a test of his own character, but rather a beginning to disgust his heart towards the ruler of the fifth level.

So Bai Wu knew without guessing that the experience of the disciples this time must be related to the ruler.

The eyes gave the confirmation.

Jiang Yimi looked at the principal's body which was gradually rotting and disappearing, and the expression on her face slowly returned to calm.

After a few minutes, she said:

"I, I... Can we now make everything go back to the way it was? Will everything in the school... be restored?"

"Most of it is OK, although there is still a piece missing that can turn the evil back into a human."

Bai Wu had seen that in the part of the principal's body that had dissipated, a fragment in the shape of a flying bird appeared. With this fragment, the barriers between regions, whether it was the right of passage or the limits of the fragment's ability, had disappeared.

He picked up the fragment.

Flowers, birds, insects and fish, now only fish are left. This fragment was originally very important, but after the other three fragments were collected, it seemed less important.

"Now we only have the dormitory area left. Although the Lantern Man is likely to be more difficult to deal with than the principal, it is not a big problem. We can already use the power of the Doomsday Fragment."

The lantern man comes from the good thoughts separated when Jiang Yimi's fusion disease broke out. He is considered the strongest in the dormitory area. His existence is evil and also a product of some rules.

Although the opponent is strong, after defeating the principal and obtaining a piece of fragment, Bai Wu is now in an invincible position.

All the twisted rules in the school can be purified, and all teachers and students feel close to him.

This feeling of purifying the entire area at once made Bai Wu see some possibility.

In the blood-red sea of clouds, he lied to Gu Hailin.

The shelter was fake, and humans did not escape from the tower. Gu Qingyu did not lead humans to fight outside the tower.

But maybe, I can build a shelter myself.

Tower, fifth floor.

The 94th Square Cone Spire has always been a holy place in the hearts of many managers. They dream of one day being favored by the rulers and having the opportunity to get an access card in the 94th Square Cone Spire.

This square pyramid spire is 300 meters high and is the tallest of all the spires on the entire fifth and fourth floors.

On the ninety-sixth floor of the pyramidal spire, there is a meeting room that only those with the highest authority can enter.

There was nothing else in this conference room except a huge round table made of unknown metal.

And eight seats.

The eight people haven't come here for a meeting for a long time. For them, coming out of the forbidden area of their own manor means that there has been some change in this tower, or in their own power.

And if one of them initiated the Black Tower Conference, it would mean that the fate of all mankind was under some kind of threat.

After many years, the eight people on the fifth floor of the tower finally gathered in one room.

Yan, Wang, Qin, Zhong, Pang, Liu, Zheng, Xie. The name tags on the table did not have their names written on them, only their surnames.

They are the real rulers of these eight families.

In the elimination hundreds of years ago, they used all means to become immortals and the controllers of the eight forces for their family.

He survived the power struggle among seventy-two people and occupied the position of ruler for hundreds of years.

Some among them are arrogant, extravagant, corrupt and evil, but they also have qualities that ordinary people cannot achieve.

Especially the absolute power.

"This damn immortality prevents me from seeing you grow old. What a pity." The person who spoke was a fat man with a bloated head and a bloated belly behind the name tag named Zhong.

"Why do you still like to show off at your age, especially in front of us, what are you showing off?" In terms of appearance, the ruler of the Yan family is much taller.

Seven hundred years ago, many women were crazy about him, and some were even willing to be his experimental subjects for love.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time. Now that we are here, let's not waste time. I still have a lot of research to do."

The ruler of the Xie family has not been very sociable for seven hundred years. He controls more than 90% of the weapons resources and technologies of the entire tower. Although these technologies cannot be used outside the tower, and humans have also awakened powerful companion powers and sequences. However, these weapons and equipment still pose a huge threat to the tower.

The ruler of the Qin family is a middle-aged man in his forties. Of course, his real age is over seven hundred years old. He has a dignified look and looks more like a soldier than the others:

"The last time we gathered together was ninety years ago. We thought that the incident ninety years ago allowed the people in the tower to develop in peace. But now it seems that we still underestimated the desire for exploration rooted deep in people's hearts."

The ruler of the Pang family said:

"The human desire to explore? The realization of all desires requires power. I heard that something happened not long ago that almost caused a recurrence of what happened ninety years ago. The cause... maybe you know it, it was done by that madman."

Referring to a certain madman, the ruler of the Wang family, a woman in her twenties said:

"Is it the madman who climbed to the sixth floor? What did he do?"

The Qin ruler said:

"The military exercise between the two armies should be his work, but his purpose seems to be to stir up conflicts between the people of the Tower and our descendants. But this is not important. The purge ninety years ago made us understand one thing. As long as human power does not cross the line, it will be a good thing for everyone. We can rule for a long time, and humans will rely more on the Tower."

"You initiated this meeting. What exactly do you want to express?" the ruler of the Xie family suddenly asked.

The ruler of the Wang family looked at the ruler of the Xie family and was a little surprised. After all, the Xie family has always been very low-key, and this man almost never spoke in any previous meetings.

The Qin ruler said:

"Over the past ninety years, the development of the humans in the Tower has exceeded our expectations. We should... launch another purge."

As soon as these words were spoken, the rulers of the other seven families all frowned.

"What's the reason? The last purge was very painful, especially two years later, there was another one. There must be a reason for this purge, right? You know, the military exercise between the two armies not long ago almost repeated the scene of ninety years ago. They are probably on guard now. If you say you want to carry out a purge at this time, it will be quite troublesome." said the ruler of the Yan family.

The other rulers were also waiting for the Qin ruler to give a reasonable explanation.

"Of course, if something serious hadn't happened, I wouldn't have said this. Our goal is to prevent our people from touching things they shouldn't touch. It was the reason ninety years ago, and it's the same reason today."

The Qin family ruler tapped his fingers on the table and continued:

"And I got information from my descendants not long ago that part of our common industry with the forces outside the tower has been targeted. To be precise, it was not just targeted, but destroyed, and the experimental plan was terminated. This means that the people below have once again crossed the fence."

The ruler of the Zhong family had fat on his face and his eyes were shining:

"Is it the casino? I heard that we will no longer be able to get free high-level combat test subjects. If we have to choose from the existing combat forces of the Zhenyu Army and the Survey Army, the risk is too great. This is indeed bad news. I hope my beauty and food will not be destroyed."

The female ruler of the royal family said:

"So you agree to the cleansing?"


"I agree too." The ruler of the Wang family expressed his opinion and glanced at the ruler of the Xie family.

But the Xie family did not express their opinion and kept the same expression, as if they were not interested in the content of the meeting.

It’s not surprising. The Xie family has always been a fence-sitter, so as long as one more family agrees, they will start discussing the details of the cleansing plan.

The ruler of the Pang family suddenly asked:

"Old Qin, from what I heard, your descendant is the commander of the investigation corps. He has some ideals and ambitions. I heard that the security of the lower layers has been getting better and better in recent years, and the results of exploration outside the tower are increasing. Haha, it's not a good thing for him to have an ancestor like you."

"In my eyes, there is only absolute order. Offspring? I can have as many of them as I want."

"Hahahahahahaha... You're right. You can have as many offspring as you want. I agree. I mean the purge plan." When the ruler of the Pang family said these words, he glanced at the ruler of the Yan family vaguely.

Due to some special reasons, the Yan family only has one boy and one girl in each generation. Although the ruler of the Yan family doesn't care, the Yan family is still smaller than other families.

However, the ruler of the Pang family was very sure that the ruler of the Yan family would definitely agree. The area that the ruler of the Yan family was good at was the biological field, and they had the closest trade with the forces outside the tower. It was also the Yan family that needed the most experimental subjects.

After a cold snort, the ruler of the Yan family also expressed his opinion.

After half of the rulers agreed, the ruler of the Xie family also agreed. He has always been the minority that obeys the majority.

"Business is the most important thing. Now that we have all decided to keep the business, we should start discussing the details. The quantity and proportion of cleanup, the planned start time, and the method of cleanup."

The meeting officially begins, and the eight most powerful humans in the tower are brewing a change that could change the landscape.

At the same time, in a certain area outside the tower, another major event that was enough to change the situation took place.

Outside the tower is the Affiliated Middle School of Baichuan University.

To wait for the lantern man to appear and take away the last piece of the doomsday puzzle, Bai Wu and Jiang Yimi need to wait until night.

So the two of them came to dormitory 403 and waited patiently.

It was already night time, and logically speaking, the white fog should have gained three more negative attributes.

But after the fourth negative attribute descended, Bai Wu used the Fragment of Doom.

The insect fragments symbolizing devouring seemed to come alive in an instant. At the same moment, Bai Wu felt that all the negative attributes on his body disappeared.

Baichuan University has many rules, and Bai Wu only eliminated one of them. The use of Doomsday fragments should have been a very complicated matter.

But after holding it in your hand, it feels like holding a weapon that you have used for a long time, and you feel very familiar with it.

No tutorial or guidance is needed, just a thought and some kind of spiritual connection with the fragments, and then everything will happen naturally.

It's as if this is a usage memory engraved in the genes.

When he came to his senses again, Bai Wu felt like a great creator. He sensed that something was unreasonable in the world, so he easily removed it.

In the entire Baichuan area, the special rule that imposes negative attributes on humans every four hours removes them.

But at the same time, as the price of dispelling the "black", the "white" will also disappear.

Although there was no test, Bai Wu could sense that in this purified land, the companion power of human beings could hardly be enhanced.

After doing all this, he and Jiang Yimi began to wait patiently for the arrival of the lantern man.