Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 4: Survey Corps outside the Tower


On the second floor of the tower, outside the tower is the Survey Corps’ base branch and the Seventh Squadron’s camp.

"Name: Bai Wu, age unknown, probably 18 or 19, gender: male."

About three seconds later, the interrogation team leader, who was reporting to the squad leader, said awkwardly:

“No… no more.”


Wujiu frowned, and Liu Mu beside him chuckled.

"Wujiu, your team seven's interrogation skills are not good. After interrogating for a long time, you only asked for a name and gender. Oh, no, you don't even need to ask for the gender, so you only asked for a name? Hahahahahaha..."

The head of the interrogation team lowered his head, not daring to say a word, and whispered in his heart. The name was given by the other party out of politeness...

Liu Mu is two meters tall and has a sturdy build.

Wujiu is very thin, but his thinness is not due to comparison. Wujiu is 1.6 meters tall, which means he is 1.59 meters tall without his shoes. He originally had a nice name, Gu Qingyu.

But since Liu Mu started calling him Wujiu, other team leaders also started calling him Wujiu.

Although he is only 1.59 meters tall, he is the most capable ace in the entire Out-of-Tower Investigation Corps.

Wujiu rolled his eyes at Liu Mu and ignored him, saying:

"Give me an explanation."

The head of the interrogation team showed an even more embarrassed expression:

"Captain... All the interrogation methods are useless to him. Instead, he keeps leading us astray."

Being led by the other party... Failed to interrogate, but was instead tricked into revealing information

Liu Mu showed a look of surprise. Although he was joking, he would not really question the professional ability of the interrogation team.

The Seventh Team is the elite of the Investigation Corps outside the Tower. From interrogation, clerical work, combat, to intelligence, they are the best in the entire corps.

"Who did you catch?" Liu Mu was very curious.

Wujiu's face was as gloomy as water, and he looked at the head of the interrogation team with his phoenix eyes:

"Tell me the details."

The head of the interrogation team probably encountered such a tough problem for the first time, and said aggrievedly:

"Four members of my team went there, and all four of them were in the interrogation process. As the interrogation progressed, they ended up being the ones being questioned."

"Soft persuasion, coercion and inducement have no effect on him. Instead, he often points out the shortcomings of their interrogation methods. He also tells them how to conduct interrogations correctly..."

"You may not believe this, but at the end of the interrogation, it was as if they were the students and the boy was the teacher."

"I didn't fall for any of the traps I set. Instead, I got to know the personalities of my team members and indirectly understood my current situation..."

After hearing this, Wujiu's expression didn't look so bad anymore.

"What did he ask?"

"That's what's even weirder. The questions he asks us are either too simple for us to answer or too simple for us to know how to answer them."

"For example, how many floors does the tower have? Who knows? We only know that there are six floors, but no one has been to the sixth floor. We don't know if there is a seventh floor."

"Then he asked about the Companion Power and Talent Sequence. Even children would know these questions, but he didn't know them. He even asked about several details repeatedly."

"Then he asked about the evil fall. It seemed that he really wanted to know the questions, rather than asking simple questions on purpose. Oh, and he also asked me for a talent sequence periodic table."

Wujiu and Liu Mu looked at each other, and Liu Mu said tentatively:

"Although I don't know where you got this person from, but my interrogation team of Team 13 is short of people. How about you give this person to me?"

Wujiu said unhappily:

"Call him for interrogation? You are really using a sledgehammer to crack a nut."

"What's going on?" Liu Mu became more interested.

Wujiu did not hide it:

"Five months ago, we received a report of a low-income group of people disappearing for no apparent reason. The missing people were all hooligans and orphans, the kind that no one would care if they died. The reason we received the report was that one of the missing people owed a loan shark, and the debt collector reported the case."

Liu Mu was puzzled:

"Why should we care about what happens in the tower? Shouldn't the High Tower Guarding Corps be responsible for it?"

"Those noble soldiers? Don't you know what kind of people they are? They don't care about the poor. I had a feeling that something was wrong with these people's disappearance, so I followed up on the case. In the end, I found out about a gambling game."

Liu Mu was no stranger to the absurdity of the upper class, and said:

"It seems that the nobles are unwilling to be lonely and are playing the Hunger Games again?"

"It's pretty much the same thing, but the dealer's position is not simple, and the location of the weekly gambling game is unknown. We only know that it is on the fourth floor. As you know, the fourth floor is not very friendly to our Survey Corps."

Liu Mu nodded.

The Tower Defense Corps and the Out-of-Tower Investigation Corps, both corps were established by the fifth-level ruling class.

But because the survival rate of going out of the tower to investigate is not high, the Investigation Corps is also called the Refugee Corps.

Children from wealthy families rarely consider joining the Survey Corps, and instead join the Tower Defense Corps.

This joining mechanism also determines the serious corruption and bureaucracy within the Zhenyu Corps.

At the same time, it also determines the current situation of the Survey Corps being inferior to others. In such a hierarchical tower, everything has its level.

"It will be very troublesome to investigate further. The dealer is very powerful and the gamblers are all well-known figures. It is difficult to find a breakthrough. But this week, I received an anonymous call."

"Anonymous call?"

“You never know how things will turn out.”

"Fuck, don't keep me in suspense, just tell me."

Wujiu said calmly:

"The so-called gambling game is actually a group of people watching how the lower-class untouchables die. The content of their gambling game is to capture people outside the tower and see how long they can survive."

Liu Mu had heard of this, and he also knew that most of the nobles on the third and fourth levels did not regard the people on the lower two levels as human beings.

"This time it's even more exaggerated. They chose to exile people to the blue zone."

"A bunch of lunatics."

Liu Mu clenched his fists.

Many people from the Survey Corps die outside the tower every year, but there are fewer deaths in the blue area because it is too dangerous and not many people go there.

"Of course, gamblers want to see more exciting scenes. The scale of this gambling game is unprecedented. Compared with the struggle for survival of the lower-class people in the white area, they want to see how the highly distorted evil devours humanity."

Wujiu's expression was a little strange:

"But this time, they miscalculated. The survivor who should have died soon did not die. In fact, he survived safely in the extreme temperature zone for nearly two hours in an area densely populated by evil spirits. He did not attract a single evil spirit."

Liu Mu was stunned.

An ordinary low-level thug probably wouldn’t be able to survive for even five minutes in the blue zone.

Surviving for two hours was unimaginable, and not attracting any evil, didn't this prove...

The other party is in the blue area, not panicking at all, and even feels like laughing

"So someone thinks the bet is rigged? Is this a report call?"

"No... Unfortunately, we didn't catch the dealer. The caller didn't question the bet. Her main purpose was to get us one step ahead of the dealer and save Bai Wu.

Because in addition to surviving for two hours, Bai Wu also used the evil to kill the assassin sent by the banker. "

What story did Liu Muxin say he hadn't heard before? But he had never heard of the development of this matter.

It turns out that the survivor is this white mist...

The poor people at the bottom of the tower can survive in the high-risk area for two hours without attracting any evil spirits. When the killer comes, they can use the evil spirits to kill the killer...

"So now you know, right? If he has not been outside the tower, then that means one thing." Wujiu looked at Liu Mu.

Liu Mu nodded slowly and said in astonishment:

"He is a natural investigator outside the tower, with a strong ability to control emotions! But I am very curious, who is the whistleblower?"

"A woman. She sounds very young."

"How could an ordinary woman know your contact information? And since this is a gambling game involving nobles, why don't you ask the Tower Guards for help?"

“That’s something I don’t understand.”

The conversation fell into silence. After about half a minute, Liu Mu and Wu Jiu were both confused. Wu Jiu said:

"You're not very good at interrogation? Why don't you, the captain of Team 13, go and ask them yourself?"

Liu Mu smiled. Of course he was very interested:

"Okay, let me go and meet him for a while. I want to see what kind of deity he is."