Doomsday Jigsaw Game

Chapter 47: Xchuan City Zoo


"Brother, our family is rich!"

Liu Chengzi was very happy to see Bai Wu. Although he couldn't get Ye Weiming for free, overall, today's income was much higher than usual.

Bai Wu nodded, making money is the main purpose of live streaming.

"Ah! I met Lord Constantine in person! I'm so happy!" Ye Weiming acted like a little fan.

The Ghost Mill Office is the organization that Wujiu worked for before joining the Survey Corps. They take on all kinds of odd jobs and their style of doing things is in line with the thinking of the lower class: down-to-earth and humble.

But this is all pretending. Since this child was sent here for me to cultivate, Bai Wu said:

"You are too happy too early. My name is Bai Wu, not Constantine. If I hear you call me Constantine again next time, I will fire you directly."

Ye Weiming was stunned...

Didn't Brother Guzi say that the new boss was elegant, easy-going and approachable? Why do I feel like I've been ripped off

Ye Weiming even felt a kind of oppressive aura.

Bai Wu came back to do serious business, and he went straight to the point:

"After returning to the tower, it will take twelve hours before you can go outside the tower again, so for the next twelve hours, you should be ready for the next live broadcast."

"What do you mean... You just returned to the tower and are going out again?" Liu Chengzi looked at Bai Wu in surprise.

Ye Weiming was also confused. It was the first time he saw someone in a hurry to leave the tower.

Bai Wu said:

"The main purpose of leaving the tower this time is not to explore, but to survive."

In short, increase the companion force to the second level.

People know that ghosts are scary, but ghosts know that people are evil. The evil outside the tower is a ghost. Ghosts may be cruel, but the higher-ups may encounter even scarier humans.

Bai Wu even wondered...whether he would run into someone from the casino.

"Shorty Brother should have greeted you, right? It's about the third floor."

Ye Weiming was stunned at first. Who is Shorty

Then I realized that the short brother was Gu Qingyu, also known as Guzi Ge.

He had a weird expression on his face. In the weird jungle, he didn't think Constantine was that powerful, but now he felt that this man was... very strong.

When Brother Guzi was working as a mechanic, even the boss's wife didn't dare to say to his face that he was short.

"What about the third floor? Do you know each other?"

Liu Chengzi noticed something was wrong.

"I guess so. When I return to the tower, he will follow me. Two days later, I will go to the third floor with him to handle a case."

Bai Wu thought Liu Chengzi might ask about eucalyptus, but the woman's thinking was completely different:

"You guys are going to the third floor? Great! Really? Really? Then help me buy something."

She wrote a shopping list at an incredible speed, which included clothes, bags, shoes, perfume, lipstick and scarf.

Then there are the gifts for men, a total of six, including a belt, briefcase, tie, action figures, etc.

From the different gifts, we can see that the Queen of the Sea has a clear idea of her preferences for the fish in the pond.

Bai Wu was very surprised and asked:

"Can't you buy things on the third floor on weekdays?"

"Of course you can't buy it. Even if you occasionally get a chance to be called by someone on the third floor to work as a worker, you are only given the right to pass certain routes, and you are not allowed to enter various shops and entertainment venues."

Bai Wu suddenly understood why there were no factories despite such a large population base at the bottom level, because the processing plants were all on the upper three floors.

They control all kinds of resources, and what the lower-level people use are basically what's left over from the top three levels.

Most people’s clothes cannot be sold on the upper three floors, so they are kept on the lower floors for trading.

And they can sell at a higher price at the bottom level. This is just an example. In fact, apart from the basic materials that the bottom level can provide for itself, I am afraid that any items that can improve the quality of life can only be left by the upper levels.

Even these things that they don't want are fought over like treasures at the bottom of society.

Bai Wu smiled silently and became more and more disgusted with the first group of people who entered the tower.

How great is the greed that would lead to the establishment of a social system comparable to that of the slave era

Bai Wu even speculated that perhaps the first group of people who entered the tower went directly to the highest level and mastered some power that was enough to allow them to rule the levels below

After all, only when one finds that he has enough power to be a dictator would he start such a backward social system.

"So those of us on the lower floor cannot go to many streets on the third floor. If we want to go to relevant places, we need a pass for the relevant places?"

"That's about it. In addition, you have to wear a positioning device."

Liu Chengzi and Ye Weiming had actually gotten used to it, but Bai Wu felt a little strange in his heart again.

But he couldn't describe it, and in the end, he could only sit there with a calm expression.

He can fake all kinds of expressions, but when it comes to revealing his truest attitude, he has very few expressions to use.

"Anything else? There aren't many opportunities to go to high-level places. I'll try to bring you as much as possible."

"Ah... it can't fit in there, right? Is it easy to carry?"

"It should be no more than 20.5kg."

"Oh, then I'll prepare some gifts for the dog."

Hai Hou felt that she was so thoughtful and happily started writing a shopping list.

After explaining some things to Ye Weiming and Liu Chengzi, Bai Wu returned to his residence and began to replenish his strength.

He now has to manage his time well and become a time management expert.

At four o'clock in the morning, Bai Wuyouyou woke up. He had slept for eleven hours.

After enduring the unpalatable taste and eating the nutritious meal, Bai Wu was full of energy. An extra hour of sleep was enough for him to survive for another hour outside the tower.

After changing into Constantine's clothes, Bai Wu went to the Eastern Square. He could only go outside the tower again after resting for twelve hours.

This also leads to the hierarchy of the tower. Although there is day and night under the simulation of the ceiling, many people have actually become accustomed to a certain rhythm of life.

Go out of the tower, come back four hours later, sleep, eat, go out of the tower twelve hours later, come back four hours later, sleep, eat... and repeat the cycle.

Therefore, even at this time, people from all departments of the Survey Corps were on duty.

Constantine has already gained some fame among the lower classes.

Looking at the cloak and the smiling mask, the auditor from the Survey Corps chatted with Bai Wu casually and then let Bai Wu pass.

Bai Wu was also observing the surroundings, and the feedback from the Eye of Prell showed that everything was normal.

The area we are heading to this time is the blue area. No traction wheel is used.

Bai Wu decided to avoid Cain for a while and upgrade silently.

He will go to the third floor in two days. He has to make the most of his time and it would be best if he could stay there for the full two days. The moment the number was generated, the white mist memorized it and the blue light engulfed it.

The next moment, he was back outside the tower again.

Although it was four o'clock in the morning, Liu Chengzi and Ye Weiming had already started preparing for the next live broadcast.

The moment the huge TV wall in the middle of the port lit up, people saw Constantine again.

However, the surrounding environment was no longer a twisted jungle, but the ruins of a zoo from seven hundred years ago.

Constantine's luck seemed to be not very good, because as soon as he appeared on the stage, he encountered three evil creatures that looked like ostriches.

The audience was excited because they could finally see cannibalism! Some of Constantine's fans were both worried and excited.

Outside the tower, Bai Wu watched the three ostriches approaching slowly, as if they were sniffing something, but seemed hesitant because they couldn't smell anything.

The three ostriches are extremely large compared to normal ostriches.

Level 2 Deformation, Deformation Term: Concentric. They can share vision. Although you can barely protect yourself with your strength, when facing three of them, you can think about how to write a suicide note in advance. If you don't have a pen and paper, then I suggest you retreat a little further.

Without negative emotions, monsters cannot sense them, and they will not attack immediately even at a close distance.

But it is possible that if they get too close, the evil will use its five senses to sense them. So the white mist slowly retreated away from the three ostriches.

This scene on the TV wall at the port puzzled countless people.

"Why didn't the evil one attack him?"

"Why attack him? Constantine is so brave, can't he just stay calm?"

"It's rare to see such a calm anchor. I always thought that only dead people could not panic at all when seeing the evil fall."

The people in the tower felt incredible.

Bai Wu looked around and soon saw a sign. He finally knew what kind of area he was in.

It was an old wooden sign hanging on a telephone pole beside the road.

One of the characters has been damaged, and only the words "Chuan City Zoo" can be seen. The sign in front of "Chuan" has long disappeared.

The reality of humans being treated as livestock and animals is not unique to the tower, there are such places outside the tower as well. This used to be a zoo, but now, we can call it... a human zoo. The current area exploration level is 0. There are 744 evils left, and the doomsday puzzle pieces in this area have not been obtained. My evaluation is: I have already made a conclusion in advance, you'd better hurry back to the city.

Tsk, the white area I went to is comparable to the blue area, but what about the blue area I came from

Looking at the content of the notes... I'm afraid this is comparable to the purple area? What kind of physique is this

100% difficulty +1

Bai Wu became interested, and there were 744 evil spirits left. This was the worst place to upgrade the machine.

But what’s the old saying… we’re already here.
